Meeting Name: Board of Education Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/11/2021 4:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA; Internet Streamed (Via Zoom and Granicus Live Manager) and Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-1768 1C1.-1Public Comment On Closed Session ItemsBoard, Public Comment - Closed Session ItemsPublic Comment on Closed Session Items - August 11, 2021.   Action details Video Video
21-1769 1K.-1Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - August 11, 2021Board, Public Comments (Summary)Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - August 11, 2021.Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  Action details Video Video
21-1770 1L.-1Public Comment on All Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - August 11, 2021Board, Public Comments (Summary)Public Comment on All Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - August 11, 2021.Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  Action details Video Video
21-1868 1M.-1Employment Agreement - Kyla Johnson-Trammell - Superintendent of Schools - Board of EducationAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a new Employment Agreement by and between District and Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Ed.D, for the latter to serve as Superintendent of Schools, for the term July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2025, with a base salary of $294,000 per year plus additional pay of $13,299.96, District-Paid Benefits of $97,942.20, and other fringe benefits of $47,340.00 for 2021-22, some of which increase annually.* __ *Disclosure of salary and fringe benefits, for term, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(c)(3).AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-1891 1M.-2Honoring and Giving Thanks - Frontline Workers - Board of Education and Superintendent of SchoolsResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0005 - Honoring and Giving Thanks to OUSD’s Frontline Workers for their Dedication to Oakland Families and the Oakland Unified School District.Postponed to a Date Certain  Action details Not available
21-1771 1N.-1Student Board Members' Report - August 11, 2021Student Directors' ReportStudent Board Members’ Report - August 11, 2021.Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  Action details Video Video
21-1772 1O.-1President's Report - August 11, 2021President's ReportPresident’s Report - August 11, 2021.No Report  Action details Video Video
21-1773 1P.-1Superintendent's Report - August 11, 2021Superintendent's ReportSuperintendent’s Report - August 11, 2021: Opening Days of School Summer In Person Learning ? Summer School Update ? Summer Student Internships ? Fall Restorative Start ? Covid Safety ? Professional Learning Highlights (Leadership, New Teacher, Literacy, Network Retreats) ? Independent Study UpdatePresentation/Acknowledgment Made  Action details Video Video
21-1774 1Q.-1Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - August 11, 2021Discussion ItemComments by Collective Bargaining Units - August 11, 2021.Discussed  Action details Video Video
21-1464 2R.-1February 2021 School Facility Fee Justification Report / Adoption of Increase In Statutory School Facility Fees (Level 1) for New Residential, Commercial & Industrial Development Projects - Deputy Chief, Facilities Planning and ManagementResolutionPublic Hearing* and Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0253 - Adopting the [February 2021] School Facility Fee Justification Report and Approving An Increase In Statutory School Facility Fees (Level I) Imposed on New Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Development Projects Pursuant To Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code Section 65995. __ 8:00 P.M.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-0446A 1R.-2Reconsideration - Decision Hearing - Oakland Youth Services Charter School - Revised Petition and Proposed Charter School - Grades TK-3 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026Charter School PetitionReconsideration - Decision Hearing* and Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0212A - Denial of Oakland Youth Services Revised Petition and Charter** (Grades TK-3 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Term), pursuant to Education Code Section 47605. __ *8:15 P.M. **See Attachment 1AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-1668 1T.-1Report - Oakland Public Education Fund - 2020-2021 School YearDiscussion ItemPresentation to the Board of Education by the Oakland Public Education Fund of its 2020-2021 Report, detailing the work of the Fund and how it serves District’s students, families and educators.Postponed to a Date Certain  Action details Not available
21-1906 1T.-2District's General Obligation Bonds and Financing Thereof - Update - Chief Business OfficerReportPresentation by the Superintendent of Schools, or Chief Business Officer, or designee, of an Update on the District’s General Obligation Bonds including the current and/or future refinancing and/or financing thereof.Presentation Made; Discussed  Action details Video Video
21-1706 1T.-3Application for Provisional Internship Permit – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Named Employees for School Year 2021-2022ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0288 - Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2021-2022: 1. Daniel Mollet, 3rd Grade Bilingual, Melrose Leadership Academy; 2. Elias Hernandez, K - 8th Grade Bilingual Art, Melrose Leadership Academy; 3. Kathleen Kirkeby, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate, Bella Vista Elementary; 4. Kathleen Ferrari, 6th - 8th Grade Art, Edna Brewer Academy; 5. Sussan Young, 6th - 8th Grade Social Studies, Bret Harte; and 6. Robert Lu, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate, Joaquin Miller Elementary.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-1711 1T.-4Application for Variable Term Program Waiver CBEST, BCLAD and Program – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Named Employees for School Year 2021-2022ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0289 - Application for Variable Term Program Waiver - CBEST, BCLAD and Program - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2021-2022: 1. Helah Jones, 6th - 8th Grade Mild/Moderate, Elmhurst Middle School; 2. Hector Lugo, STIP Sub, Manzanita Seed; 3. Samantha Lamont, 2nd Grade Bilingual, Bridges; 4. Jessica Papalia, K - 5th Grade TSA, Bridges; and 5. Kimberly Avalos, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate, Melrose Leadership Academy.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-1856 1V.-1Graydon Exception to Public Bidding and Nutrition Services Food Contract - Sysco San Francisco, Inc. - Chief Systems and Services OfficerAgreement or ContractAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0001 - Authorizing Use of Graydon Exception to Public Bidding for Nutrition Services Food Contract With Sysco San Francisco, Inc and Approving Nutrition Services Food Contract With Sysco San Francisco, Inc, Fremont, CA, for the latter to provide supplemental food products and supplies to supplement items, including meat, poultry, high protein foods and fresh produce for the District’s student meal program, for the term August 12, 2021 through December 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1681 1V.-2Education Protection Act - Proposition 30 Funds - Fiscal Year 2021-2022ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0255 - Education Protection Account Expenditure (EPA) Summary for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1682 1V.-3Temporary Borrowing Between District Funds - Fiscal Year 2021-2022ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0256 - Temporary Borrowing Between [District] Funds for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 as needed, for cash-flow purposes, and authorizing the repayment of temporary borrowed funds, pursuant to Education Code Section 42603.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1655 1V.-4Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) - Application for Funding - Fiscal Year 2021-2022 - Chief Business OfficerApplicationApproval by the Board of Education of the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) 2021-2022 Application for Funding and authorizing the Superintendent of Schools, or designee, to submit said Application to the California Department of Education (CDE).Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1910 1V.-5District General Obligation Bonds Sale - Fiscal Year 2021-2022 - Request to Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda To Establish Tax RateResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0032 - Requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County Of Alameda To Establish Tax Rate For Bonds of the Oakland Unified School District Expected To Be Sold During Fiscal Year 2021-22 and Authorizing Necessary Actions In Connection Therewith.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1623 1V.-6Agreement for Materials Testing Services – Consolidated Engineering Laboratories – Lincoln Elementary School Water Intrusion Repairs ProjectAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Agreement for Materials Testing Services by and between the District and Consolidated Engineering Laboratories, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide materials testing and construction inspection services for the Lincoln Elementary School Water Intrusion Repairs Project, in the amount of $26,367.00 for basic services, with the District adding a 10% contingency fee of $10,000 for additional services, if needed, for a total not to exceed amount of $36,367.00, with work scheduled to commence on June 16, 2021, and scheduled to last until August 23, 2021, but may not be completed until later if delays in design or construction arise.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1703 1V.-7Memorandum of Understanding and Interagency Agreement - District and Brandman University - Intern Partnership and Practica Programs - K-12 Teaching - Talent/Human Resources DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding Interagency Agreement (MOUIA) by and between the District and Brandman University (University or BU), a California nonprofit, private university, applying to K-12 Teaching, including Education Specialist, School Counselor, Clinical School Psychologist, and Administrative Services, and other Pupil Personnel Services credentials and certifications, as may be specified, for the term July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the MOUIA.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1698 1V.-8Data Sharing Agreement - The Oakland Public Education Fund, The Oakland REACH, CARES for Learning, and The New Teacher Project (TNTP) - Research, Assessment, and Data (RAD) DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Data Sharing Agreement 2020-2021 by and between District and The Oakland Public Education Fund, The Oakland REACH, CARES for Learning, and The New Teacher Project (TNTP), authorizing District to share data with the latter recipients, in order for recipients to use student-level data in order to understand students prior reading performance, monitor and support individual students literacy growth and overall school engagement, accurately communicate with families about student progress, and support families as needed in all aspects of their child’s school experience, as set forth in Exhibit A, for the period of April 21, 2021 through June 30, 2022, at no cost to the District.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1712 1V.-9Grant Agreement - Project Lead The Way - Oakland High School - High School Linked Learning OfficeAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and between District and Project Lead the Way, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, accepting Grant Award from latter in the amount of $5,000.00, to offset the costs associated with the Project Lead the Way Engineering Program at Oakland High School, for the period of February 25, 2021 through May 31, 2022, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1713 1V.-10Grant Agreement - Project Lead The Way - McClymonds High School - High School Linked Learning OfficeAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and between District and Project Lead the Way, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, accepting Grant Award from latter in the amount of $5,000.00, to offset the costs associated with the Project Lead the Way Engineering Program at McClymonds High School, for the period of February 25, 2021 through May 31, 2022, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1714 1V.-11Grant Agreement - Project Lead The Way - Madison Park Academy 6-12 - High School Linked Learning OfficeAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and between District and Project Lead the Way, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, accepting Grant Award from latter in the amount of $5,000.00, to offset the costs associated with the Project Lead the Way Engineering Program at Madison Park Academy 6-12, for the period of February 25, 2021 through May 31, 2022, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1715 1V.-12Grant Agreement - Project Lead The Way - West Oakland Middle School - High School Linked Learning OfficeAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and between District and Project Lead the Way, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, accepting Grant Award from latter in the amount of $5,000.00, to offset the costs associated with the Project Lead the Way Gateway Program at West Oakland Middle School, for the period of February 25, 2021 through May 31, 2022, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1716 1V.-13Grant Agreement - Project Lead The Way - International Community School - High School Linked Learning OfficeAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and between District and Project Lead the Way, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, accepting Grant Award from latter in the amount of $10,000.00, to offset the costs associated with the Project Lead the Way Launch Program at International Community [High] School, for the period of February 25, 2021 through May 31, 2023, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1717 1V.-14Grant Agreement - Project Lead The Way - Hoover Elementary School - High School Linked Learning OfficeAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and between District and Project Lead the Way, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, accepting Grant Award from latter in the amount of $5,000.00, to offset the costs associated with the Project Lead the Way Launch Program at Hoover Elementary School, for the period of February 25, 2021 through May 31, 2022, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1892 1V.-15Amendment, Board Policy - Instruction - BP 6158 - Independent Study - Chief Academic OfficerResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0006 - Amendment, Board Policy - Instruction - BP 6158 - Independent Study aligning Policy with AB 130, enacted July 9, 2021.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-1757 1V.-16Amendment No.1, Professional Services Agreement 2020-2021 - Be The Change Consulting - Chief of StaffAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Professional Services Agreement between the District and Be The Change Consulting, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide facilitation of process design team meetings [for the George Floyd Safety Plan], as specified in “Section 2 - Services” of Agreement, incorporated herein as though fully set forth, in the additional amount of $18,500.00, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement from $30,000.00 to $48,500.00, for the period of April 1, 2021, through June 30, 2021. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1550 1V1.-1General Services Agreement – School Facility Consultants – Facilities Planning & Management Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of General Services Agreement by and between the District and School Facility Consultants (SFC), Sacramento, CA, for the latter to provide the following services, among others, to assist the District on an ongoing basis to determine and acquire State funding eligibility for new school construction, the modernization of existing school facilities and joint-use projects under the School Facility Program; assist the District with the preparation and submittal of California Department of Education and State Allocation Board applications required for eligible new construction and modernization projects; assist the District with accessing new funding programs as applicable; assist the District with accessing additional eligibility that may be generated through AB 1014; and to perform other services specified in the SFC proposal of May 14, 2021, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the Facilities Planning & Management Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $190,000.00, for the term July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1601 1V1.-2Amendment No. 8, Architectural Services Agreement – Dialog Design, LP, aka Byrens Kim Design Works - Madison Park Academy Expansion Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 8, Architectural Services Agreement by and between the District and Dialog Design, LP aka Byrens Kim Design Works, Oakland, CA, extending time of the Agreement for performance of services by 365 days, from March 12, 2014 through December 31, 2020 to December 30, 2021, for the Madison Park Academy Expansion Project. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effectAdopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1606 1V1.-3Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Competitively Bid – Data Media Services, Inc. – Various Video Surveillance Project – Division of Facilities Planning & ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Agreement By and Between District [Owner] and Data Media Services, Inc., Stockton, CA [Contractor] [Competitively Bid], for the latter to provide installation of 25 exterior cameras, programming of the servers and software for the Video Surveillance Project at various District sites, including Oakland Technical High School, Melrose Leadership Academy TK-2 (5328 Brann - Sherman Campus), and Melrose Leadership Academy 3-8 (4730 Fleming - Maxwell Park Campus), in the amount of $62,000.00, which includes a contingency of $6,000.00, as the lowest responsive bidder, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said bidder, with the work anticipated to commence on August 12, 2021, and scheduled to last for ninety (90) days, with an anticipated ending date of November 10, 2021.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1644 1V1.-4General Services Agreement – Xebec Data Corporation – Prop 39 Energy Operations Facilities Planning & Management Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of General Services Agreement by and between the District and Xebec Data Corporation, Lafayette, Colorado, for the latter to provide mapping and test documents with Subscriber’s Partner (PG&E) to ensure that the services are configured to communicate them correctly. Upon completion of successful testing, Xebec shall provide subscribe with usernames, ID(s) and password(s) required to access the ECLynx Web-EDI system for the purpose of sending and receiving data transmissions. The ECLynx Web-EDI system will be connecting to a mailbox setup exclusively for the Subscriber on the nuBridges Added Value Network, for the Prop 39 Energy Operations Facilities Planning & Management Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $4,000.00, as the selected consultant, with work scheduled to commence on July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.Adopted on the General Consent ReportPass Action details Not available
21-1889 1W.-1COVID - 19 Testing - All School Sites - Director Mike HutchinsonResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0003 - Requiring COVID-19 Testing at All School Sites (As Amended)Introduced As New Matter  Action details Video Video
21-1890 1W.-2Sojourner Truth Independent Study Program Enrolled Student - Transfer Back To In-Person Schools - Director Mike HutchinsonResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0004 - Permitting Sojourner Truth Students to Transfer Back to Their In-Person Schools.Introduced As New Matter  Action details Video Video
21-1775 1X.-1Regular Board Member's Report - August 11, 2021Regular Board Members ReportBoard Member’s Report - August 11, 2021.   Action details Video Video
21-1776 1Z.-1Additional Public Comment On Agenda Items (W-Y)Board, Public Comments (Summary)Additional Public Comment On Agenda Items (W-Y) - August 11, 2021.   Action details Video Video