Meeting Name: Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/10/2018 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: KDOL TV Studio, B-237, Met West High School Entrance, 314 East 10th Street, Oakland, CA 94606-2291
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-2580 1 Minutes - Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - October 8, 2018Minutes, CommitteeAdoption by the Measures A, B, & J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee of its October 8, 2018 Meeting Minutes.   Action details Video Video
18-2571 1 Report - Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - 2017-2018 Measures B & J Performance Audit - Chief Business OfficerReportA Report to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee by the Chief Business Officer, or designee, regarding status of the 2017-2018 Measures B & J Performance Audit.Discussed  Action details Video Video
18-2572 1 Report - Measures B & J Bond Funds - Contracts and Deferred Maintenance Projects - General CounselReportA report to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee by the General Counsel regarding Measures B & J Bond Program contracts and the use of Bond Funds for deferred maintenance projects.Discussed  Action details Video Video
18-2573 1 Report - 1025 2nd Avenue and 1000 Broadway Expenditures - Facilities DepartmentReportA report to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee by the Deputy Chief, Facilities Planning and Management, or designee, of expenditures to date for the 1025 2nd Avenue Administration Building relocation project and 1000 Broadway temporary housing of Central Office staff.   Action details Video Video
18-2574 1 Report - Measures A, B, and J Bond Interest and Use - Facility DepartmentReportA report to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee by Facilities Staff of Measures A, B, and J Bond interest and use.Discussed  Action details Video Video
18-2575 1 Report - Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee – Budget to Actual Expenditures, Cash Flow Projections Through October 31, 2018ReportA presentation to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee of the Measures B & J Budget to Actual Expenditures, and Cash Flow Projections through October 31, 2018.   Action details Video Video
18-2577 1 Deputy Chief of Facilities Planning and Management Report - December 10, 2018ReportPresentation to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee of the Deputy Chief of Facilities, Planning and Management Report - December 10, 2018: -District's Capital (Facilities) Program - Revised Spending Plan - August 2018Discussed  Action details Video Video
18-2578 1 Report - Bond Advisor - Request for Proposals - Chief Business OfficerReportA Report to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee by the Chief Business Officer, or designee, regarding the status of the District’s Bond Advisor Request For Proposals.Discussed  Action details Video Video