| 1 | I.-1 | Elimination - Department of Police Services - Board of Education | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0260 - George Floyd Resolution to Eliminate the Oakland Schools Police Department, with friendly amendments, as stated, incorporated herein. | Adopted as Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | K.-1 | Student Board Member's Report - June 24, 2020 | Student Directors' Report | Student Board Members' Report - June 24, 2020. | Presentation/Acknowledgment Made | |
Action details
| 1 | L.-1 | President's Report - June 24, 2020 | President's Report | President's Report - June 24, 2020. | No Report | |
Action details
| 1 | M.-1 | Superintendent's Report - June 24, 2020 | Superintendent's Report | Superintendent's Report - June 24, 2020. | Presentation/Acknowledgment Made | |
Action details
| 1 | O.-1 | Public Comments on All Items (Non-voting) A-N - June 24, 2020 | Board, Public Comments (Summary) | Public Comments on All Items (Non-voting) A-N - June 24, 2020. | Presentation/Acknowledgment Made | |
Action details
| 1 | P.-1 | Worker's Compensation Coverage and Excess Property and Liability Coverage - Premium Payment - Fiscal Year 2020-2021 - Risk Management Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of payment of membership contributions (premium), Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for Excess Workers’ Compensation Coverage, procured from CSAC Excess Insurance Authority, a Joint Powers Authority (JPA”), through Alliant Insurance Services, Inc., Newport Beach, CA (Broker), in the amount of $605,000.00 and for Excess Property and Liability Coverage through Northern California ReLiEF JPA, managed by Keenan & Associates, Torrance, CA (Broker), in the amount of $2,995,719.00, respectively. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-2 | Catastrophic Accident Insurance for Students – Premium Payment - Fiscal Year 2020-2021 - Risk Management Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of payment of premium, Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for Catastrophic Accident Insurance for Students, underwritten by ACE American Insurance Company (a CHUBB Company), to Meyers-Stevens & Toohey & Company, Inc., Mission Viejo, CA (Broker), as follows for:
CLASS I COVERAGE - Interscholastic Athletics
Class I covers all interscholastic and noncompeting participants
COST: 2536 participants x $3.91 = $9,915.76; and
CLASS II COVERAGE - Student Activities
Class II covers all students enrolled in school//District.
COST: 35,938 participants x $1.20 = $43,125.60. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-3 | Blanket Student Accident Insurance - Premium Payment - Fiscal Year 2020-2021 - Risk Management Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of payment of premium, Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for Blanket Student Accident Insurance, Policy No. SDA N04206563, underwritten by ACE American Insurance Company, to Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Company, Inc., Mission Viejo, CA, (Broker) as follows for:
SCHOOL-TIME ACCIDENT-ONLY COVERAGE covers all enrolled students for injuries caused by covered
Accidents occurring:
• On School premises during the hours and on days when the School's regular classes are in session,
including one hour immediately before and one hour immediately after regular classes, while
continuously on the School premises;
• While participating in or attending School-sponsored and directly supervised School Activities
including interscholastic athletic activities;
• While traveling directly and without interruption to or from residence and School for regular
attendance; or School and off campus site to participate in School-sponsored and directly
supervised School Activities, provided such travel is arranged by and is at the direction of the
School; and while traveling in School Vehicles at any time.
• All enrolled students within the district obtain access to the following Voluntary plans:
Student Accident and Sickness Plan, Full-Time 24/7 Accident Plan, Dental Accident Plan, and the
Pharmacy SmartCard,
not to exceed a cumulative cost of $76,613.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-4 | California Student Data Privacy Agreement - TalkingPoint's, Inc. - Technology Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a California Student Data Privacy Agreement by and between the TalkingPoints, Inc., (“Provider”) and the District (“LEA”), via it Health Services Department, describing the mutual duties and responsibilities to protect student data transmitted to Provider from LEA pursuant to the Service Agreement, including compliance with all applicable statutes, including the FERPA, PPRA, COPPA, SOPIPA, AB 1584, and other applicable California State laws, all as may be amended from time to time, for the term of the duration of the Service Agreement or so long as the Provider maintains any Student Data. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-5 | Master License Agreement - Common Networks, Inc. - Technology Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Master License Agreement between District (“Licensor”) and Common Networks Inc. (“Licensee”), San Francisco, CA, pursuant to the terms and conditions stated herein, for the latter to utilized the rooftops of District (school) sites to host its radio equipment, to provide wireless internet service to adjacent neighborhoods, subject to execution of individual Site License Agreement (the latter hereby delegated to the Chief Technology Officer), for the initial period of June 25, 2020 to June 24, 2023, with a one year automatic renewal option, not to exceed a cumulative term of ten years, with estimated initial annual revenue to the District of between $80,000.00 to $110,000.00, and zero cost to the District. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | P.-6 | District "Piggybacking" - Exhibit "E" - California Student Data Privacy Agreement - By and Between Pleasanton Unified School District and Zoom, Inc. - Technology Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of District’s “Piggybacking” onto Exhibit “E” of the California Student Data Privacy Agreement by and between Pleasanton Unified School District (“LEA”) and Zoom, Inc., (“Provider”), via OUSD District’s Technology Services Department, describing the mutual duties and responsibilities to protect student data transmitted to Provider from LEA pursuant to the Service Agreement, including compliance with all applicable statutes, including the FERPA, PPRA, COPPA, SOPIPA, AB 1584, and other applicable California State laws, all as may be amended from time to time, for the term of the duration of the Service Agreement or so long as the Provider maintains any Student Data. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-7 | District Financial Accounts - Change of Signatories - Chief Business Officer | Resolution | Adoption by Board of Education of Resolution Nos. 1920-0247 through 1920-0256 - Providing for Authorized Signatories, named, on District Financial Accounts as stated therein:
Legistar File No. Resolution No. Title of OUSD Account
20-1206 1920-0247 Verified Signatories for Funds Deposited With or in the Custody or Care of Alameda County Superintendent of Schools
20-1206 1920-0248 Cafeteria Account
20-1206 1920-0249 Oakland Fresh Produce Market
20-1206 1920-0250 Children’s Center Clearing Account
20-1206 1920-0251 Revolving Fund Account
20-1206 1920-0252 Payroll Direct Deposit Account
20-1206 1920-0253 Payroll Tax and Deposit Account
20-1206 1920-0254 Workers’ Compensation Account
20-1206 1920-0255 Local Agency Investment funds
20-1206 1920-0256 Business Investment Account | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-8 | Request for Allowance of Attendance Due to Emergency Conditions - District - School Year 2019-2020 | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Resolution No. 1920-0243 - Submission of a “Request for Allowance of Attendance Due to Emergency Conditions” California Department of Education Form J-13A and Affidavit of Governing Board Members to Regain Student Average Daily Attendance Due to Schools Closure and Material Decrease In Attendance, for reasons specified. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-9 | Utilization of Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE)/CalSAVE Bid No. 530067 Technology Catalog Bid 2019 awarded to CDW-Government LLC - Procurement Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board finding that it is in the best interest of the District to utilize the Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE)/CalSAVE Bid No. 530067 Technology Catalog Bid 2019 awarded to CDW-Government LLC, with an expiration of December 31, 2022, for Computer Supplies.
Board approval of the CalSAVE Stretch Agreement between Oakland Unified School District and CDW-Government LLC to utilize the Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE)/CalSA VE Bid No. 530067 Technology Catalog Bid 2019 for Computer Supplies, effective June 24, 2019 through December 31, 2022. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-10 | Master Software as Service Agreement - SchoolMint, Inc. - School Finder Software - Student Enrollment Office | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Master Software as a Service Agreement between District and SchoolMint, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide hosting, maintenance, upgrades and associated support for the School Finder District Choice (Apply and Lottery) and Registration products including a two-way data exchange between Aeries and SchoolMint, for the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $198,500.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-11 | Amendment No.1, Donation Agreement for Development, Implementation and Maintenance of A Campus Greening Project - Rose Foundation - Coliseum College Preparatory Academy - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Donation Agreement between the District and Rose Foundation, Oakland, CA, granting an extension of term - from February 1, 2018 through May 1, 2020 to May 1, 2022, for the latter to provide continued gardening services, for the Coliseum College Preparatory Academy Project, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Amendment for same with said Consultant. All other terms and conditions of the Donation Agreement remain in full force and effect | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-12 | Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Competitively Bid – Bay Construction Company – Oakland Technical High School Grandstand Renovation Project – Division of Facilities Planning & Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Competitively Bid - by and between District and Bay Construction Company (“Contractor”), Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide installation services of replacement wooden planking with aluminum planking and aluminum mid-aside handrails on both of the football grandstands required by Code, for the Oakland Technical High School Grandstand Renovation Project, in the amount of $350,000.00, with a contingency of $10,000.00, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and rejecting all other bids if any, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said bidder with work scheduled to commence on June 25, 2020, and scheduled to last for One Hundred Twenty (120) Calendar days, concluding October 23, 2020, pursuant to the Agreement. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-13 | Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Competitively Bid – Bay Construction Company – Skyline High School Grandstand Renovation Project – Division of Facilities Planning & Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Competitively Bid - by and between District and Bay Construction Company (“Contractor”), Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide installation services of replacing wooden planking with aluminum planking and aluminum mid-aside handrails on both of the football grandstands required by code, for the Skyline High School Grandstand Renovation Project, in the amount of $279,000.00, with a contingency of $10,000.00, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and rejecting all other bids if any, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said bidder with work scheduled to commence on June 25, 2020, and scheduled to last for One Hundred Twenty (120) Calendar days, concluding October 23, 2020, pursuant to the Agreement. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-14 | Amendment No. 1, Agreement for General Services – FM3 Research – Facilities Planning & Management Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.1, Agreement for General Services between the District and FM3 Research, (Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz and Associates), Oakland, CA, for the latter to continue to provide consulting services for survey research, general obligation bond, public opinion analysis to help policy-makers make sound decisions, communication strategy consulting services, for the Facilities Planning & Management Project, in an additional amount of $33,000.00, increasing Agreement not to exceed amount from $33,000.00 to $66,000.00, and extending term of Agreement from August 29, 2019 through June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021, pursuant to the Amendment. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-15 | General Services Agreement - Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. - Buildings and Grounds Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of General Services Agreement between District and Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc., for solid waste handling, recycling, and composting services, at the rates indicated for multi-bin collection of solid waste, organics and recycling roll off services and other services as more specifically described in Exhibit B, including as applicable, and up to a maximum amount not to exceed Three Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($3,250,000.00) annually, with two one year options to extend the Agreement upon written agreement of the Parties. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-16 | Personnel Report No. 1920-0011 - Talent / Human Resources Department | Personnel Report | Approval by the Board of Education of Personnel Report No. 1920-0011. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-17 | Professional Services Contract - Jennifer Bloom - Talent/Human Resource Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Jennifer Bloom, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide support to the District’s New Teacher Support & Development Team to ensure all early career teachers have strong mentorship from a more veteran teacher at their school site, in particular, supporting the development of a cohort of lead mentors, who will support and monitor the quality of new teacher mentoring at school sites; provide consultation and support as District’s Induction Program undergoes Accreditation Review from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, with a focus on the creation of an advisory committee, enhanced school leader engagement, and an improved process for mentor application, selection, and quality; and serve as a thought partner as the District considers the implications for new teacher support and mentoring in the context of distance/virtual learning, via Talent /Human Resources Department, for the period of March 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $46,200.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-18 | Creation/Revision of Job Description – Job Description – Nutrition Services, Buildings and Grounds, Linked Learning, Academic Instructional Innovation, Transportation and Warehouse, Tech Services,
Office of Equity, Early Childhood Education Department, A | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-2037 - Approval of Creation/Revision of Job Description - Nutrition Services, Buildings and Grounds, Linked Learning, Academic Instructional Innovation, Transportation and Warehouse, Tech Services, Office of Equity, Early Childhood Education Departments; Community School and Student Services Police Services/Operations and Talent/Human Resources Department, As Specified:
Specialist, Nutrition Services Good Food Purchasing and Inventory; Plumbers Helper; Specialist, Career Transitions; Coordinator, Outdoors Environmental; Senior Manager, Supply Chain and Logistics; Coordinator, Education at the Center; Coordinator, Physical Education; Program Manager, School Gardens and Living Schoolyards; Culture and Climate Ambassador; Equipment Mechanic; Production Assistant; Production Cook; Sanitation/Utility Technician, Lead; Student Information Systems Specialist I; Student Information Systems Specialist II; Student Information Systems Specialist III; Student Information Systems Specialist IV; Specialist, District Family Engagement; Specialist, Target Student Group Intervention; Specialist, Student Engagement; Early Literacy Reading Tutor; and Coordinator, Health Services; Partner, Schools; Partner, Central; and Specialist, Employee Support | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-19 | Amendment of Layoffs/Additions/Net of Classified Positions for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-2026B - Amendment of Layoffs/Additions/Net of Classified Positions for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 (“Resolution”), which provides for the reduction or layoff of classified positions, and reinstatement, increase, or creation of authorized classified positions based on lack of funds and/or program need as reflected through the Budget Development process for 2020-2021. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-20 | Non-Public, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services Master Contract(s) – Orion Academy - 2020-2021 School Year - Special Education Program | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Special Education Services Non-Public, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services Master Contract between the District and Orion Academy, Moraga, CA, for the latter to provide services to pupils as specified in Section 1 of Contract, for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-21 | Agreement and COVID Amendment - Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) - High School Network Office | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of AVID College Readiness System Services and Products Agreement and COVID Amendment by and between District and AVID Center, San Diego, CA, for payment to the latter of AVID membership fees for McClymonds High School, Montera Middle School, Oakland High School, United for Success Academy, and Westlake Middle School, via the High School Network Office, for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, in the amount of $2629.00, for each school, not to exceed a cumulative amount of $13,145.00 | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-22 | Professional Services Contract and COVID Amendment - East Bay Consortium - Castlemont High School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract and COVID Amendment between the District and East Bay Consortium, Oakland, CA, for the latter to a establish a College and Career Information Center to provide information and college advising services related to college admission, financial aid and other topics associated with pursuing and accessing higher education, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Castlemont High School, for the period of September 1, 2019 through May 29, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $27,500.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-23 | Amendment No. 2, Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Frick Impact Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, altering with the latter the Scope of Work, to provide services in a manner consistent with local shelter-in-place orders as outlined in attached COVID Amendment, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the After School Program at Frick Impact Academy, for the period of August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020, at a cost not to exceed $122,894.00 (no increased cost). All other terms and conditions of the MOU remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-24 | Amendment No. 2, Memorandum of Understanding - Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corp. - After School Program - New Highland Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation, Oakland, CA, altering with the latter the Scope of Work, to provide services in a manner consistent with local shelter-in-place orders as outlined in attached COVID Amendment, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the After School Program at New Highland Academy, for the period of August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020, at a cost not to exceed $111,382.00 (no increased cost). All other terms and conditions of the MOU remain in full force and effect.
. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-25 | Amendment No. 2, Memorandum of Understanding - YMCA of the East Bay - After School Program - West Oakland Middle School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and YMCA of the East Bay, Oakland, CA, altering with the latter the Scope of Work, to provide services in a manner consistent with local shelter-in-place orders as outlined in attached COVID Amendment, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the After School Program at West Oakland Middle School, for the period of August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020, at a cost not to exceed $91,759.00 (no increased cost). All other terms and conditions of the MOU remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-26 | Professional Services Contract - Springboard Collaborative - After School Reading and Summer Learning Programs - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Professional Services Contract between the District and Springboard Collaborative, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide intervention services in a virtual/distance learning format to include 4-week summer programs and afterschool reading programs that combines targeted reading instruction, family workshops, teacher coaching, and incentives to achieve lasting results in literacy, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the term May 15, 2020 through May 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $369,750.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-27 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Ralph J. Bunche Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Ralph J. Bunche Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $95,488.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-28 | Memorandum of Understanding - Safe Passages - After School Program - Coliseum College Preparatory Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Coliseum College Preparatory Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $223,659.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-29 | Memorandum of Understanding - Safe Passages - After School Program - Coliseum College Preparatory Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Coliseum College Preparatory Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $158,920.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-30 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Community United Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Community United Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-31 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Elmhurst United Middle School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Elmhurst United Middle School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $185,442.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-32 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Emerson Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Emerson Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-33 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Esperanza Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Esperanza Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $103,853.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-34 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Fremont High School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Fremont High School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $177,840.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-35 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Futures Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Futures Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $120,792.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-36 | Agreement - East Bay Municipal Utility District - Exploring College, Career, and Community Options (ECCCO) - Summer Internship Programs - High School Linked Learning Office | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement between the District and East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland, CA, for the latter to host an Exploring College, Career and Community Options (ECCCO) Summer Internship Program for up to ten (10) high school students participating (virtually) in internship opportunities at various facilities, offices and maintenance yards of EBMUD, via the High School Linked Learning Office, for the period of June 1, 2020 through September 15, 2020, at no cost to the District. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-37 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Glenview Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Glenview Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $106,289.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-38 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Global Family Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Global Family Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $120,792.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-39 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Grass Valley Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Grass Valley Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-40 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Greenleaf Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Greenleaf Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $104,072.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-41 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Hoover Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Hoover Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $152,008.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-42 | Memorandum of Understanding (No Cost) and COVID Amendment - Leading Educators - Academics and Instructional Innovation Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding (No Cost) and COVID Amendment between the District and Leading Educators, New Orleans, LA, for the latter to provide support for District to develop it’s 3-year English Language Arts curriculum strategy and implementation Plan including curriculum selection process; professional learning design; 3-year budget; funder outreach and engagement; change management and stakeholder engagement; central office alignment plan; and self-assessment of District and school conditions that support implementation, via the Academics and Instructional Innovation Department, for the period of March 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020, at no cost to the Distriict. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-43 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Fred T. Korematsu Discovery Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Fred T. Korematsu Discovery Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $104,997.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-44 | After School Template for High School - Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - Life Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Life Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $215,643.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-45 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Bella Vista Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Bella Vista Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-46 | Grant Agreement - City of Oakland - Violence Prevention - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of the Grant Agreement between City of Oakland and the District, with latter accepting $100,000.00 in City of Oakland Measure Z (Public Safety and Services Violence Prevention Act), to manage and oversee the implementation of Oakland Unite Program, support for justice involved youth, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein as though fully set forth, for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, subject to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-47 | Grant Application - District’s Learning Communities for School Success Program 2020-23 Cohort 4 Grant Application - California Department of Education - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Application | Approval by the Board of Education of District’s Learning Communities for School Success Program 2020-23 Cohort 4 Grant Application to the California Department of Education seeking funding in the amount of $$1,996,300.48, for implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support structures, strengthening Attendance & Discipline Support Services, and expanding Whole School Restorative Justice at District middle schools and high schools, for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023, and if granted, in whole or in part, authorization of acceptance of same, pursuant to terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-48 | Memorandum of Understanding - Oakland Leaf Foundation - After School Program - Bret Harte Middle School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Oakland Leaf Foundation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Bret Harte Middle School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $180,734.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-49 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Cleveland Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Cleveland Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-50 | Memorandum of Understanding - Youth Together - After School Program - Skyline High School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Youth Together, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Skyline High School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $213,361.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-51 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Agency for Children - After School Program - Rise Community School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Agency for Children, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Rise Community School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $117,232.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-52 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Edna Brewer Middle School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Edna Brewer Middle School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $146,897.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-53 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Franklin Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Franklin Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $157,937.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-54 | Amendment No. 1, Professional Services Contract - Ashley Flores - High School Linked Learning Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Professional Services Contract between the District and Ashley Flores, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide additional of service to manage a larger caseload at Oakland International and Oakland High School; train the Alternative Education staff person who supports students with attendance and graduation, for the period of April 20, 2020 through June 30, 2020, in the additional amount of $10,000.00, increasing the Contract not to exceed amount from $10,000.00 to to $20,000.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-55 | Memorandum of Understanding - Safe Passages - After School Program - Laurel Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Laurel Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-56 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Oakland High School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Oakland High School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $191,784.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-57 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Agency for Children - After School Program - Peralta Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Agency for Children, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Peralta Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $114,382.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-58 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Oakland International High School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Oakland International High School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $166,863.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-59 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Prescott Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Prescott Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $110,282.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-60 | Memorandum of Understanding - Oakland Leaf Foundation - After School Program - EnCompass Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Oakland Leaf Foundation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for EnCompass Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $104,998.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-61 | Memorandum of Understanding - Citizen Schools - After School Program - Greenleaf Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Citizen Schools, Redwood City, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Greenleaf Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $106,169.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-62 | Memorandum of Understanding - Love, Learn, Success - After School Program - Melrose Leadership Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Love, Learn, Success, Vallejo, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Melrose Leadership Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $108,121.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-63 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Agency for Children - After School Program - Sequoia Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Agency for Children, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Sequoia Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,892.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-64 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - MetWest High School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for MetWest High School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $190,680.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-65 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Howard Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Howard Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-66 | Memorandum of Understanding - Safe Passages - After School Program - United for Success Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for United for Success Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $192,343.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-67 | Memorandum of Understanding - Oakland Leaf Foundation - After School Program - International Community School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Oakland Leaf Foundation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for International Community School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $104,997.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-68 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Frick Impact Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Frick Impact Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $125,985.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-69 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Madison Park Academy, Upper Campus | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Madison Park Academy Upper Campus’ comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $207,795.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-70 | Memorandum of Understanding - Ujimaa Foundation - After School Program - Burckhalter Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Ujimaa Foundation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Burckhalter Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $99,765.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-71 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Madison Park Academy Primary Campus | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Madison Park Academy Primary Campus’ comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-72 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay AsianYouth Center - After School Program - Manzanita SEED Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Manzanita SEED Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-73 | Memorandum of Understanding - Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation - East Oakland Pride Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for East Oakland Pride Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-74 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Garfield Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Garfield Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $225,423.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-75 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Urban Promise Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Urban Promise Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $135,306.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-76 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Manzanita Community School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Manzanita Community School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-77 | Professional Services Contract - Camp Phoenix - Summer Learning Program - Greenleaf Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of Professional Services Contract between the District and Camp Phoenix, Newark, CA, for the latter to provide daily summer academic support and enrichment to OUSD students who are in need of summer services; collaborate with the summer school site to provide virtual enrichment opportunities to include: physical activity, and support services, 3nabling students to participate in a distance learning summer program; program activities based on youth development quality standards; work collaboratively with the District Summer and After School Programs Offices; conduct outreach for summer student ·recruitment and communicate regularly with families regularly over the summer; fulfill District grant reporting requirements, including submission of summer attendance records; and will maintain communication with the District Summer and After Schools Programs offices to review progress on summer program goals for the Summer Learning Program at Greenleaf Elementary School Hub, for the period of July 1, 2020 through August 9, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $11,700.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-78 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Asian Youth Center - After School Program - Roosevelt Middle School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Roosevelt Middle School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $399,538.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-79 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Brookfield Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Brookfield Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $100,723.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-80 | Memorandum of Understanding - YMCA of the East Bay - After School Program - Reach Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and YMCA of the East Bay, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Reach Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $98,725.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-81 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Life Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Life Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $244,786.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-82 | Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Markham Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Markham Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $103,871.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-83 | Memorandum of Understanding - Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation - After School Program - Parker Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Parker Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $148,400.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-84 | Memorandum of Understanding - Ujimaa Foundation - After School Program - Carl Munck Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Ujimaa Foundation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Carl Munck Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $47,209.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-85 | Professional Services Contract - Truce Media LCA - High School Network Office | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Truce Media LCA, Denver, CO, for the latter to create and live stream a virtual graduation ceremony for 14 High schools for the High School Network, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via High School Network Office, for the period of May 8, 2020 through June 30, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $47,420.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-86 | Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Agency for Children - After School Program - New Highland Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and East Bay Agency for Children, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for New Highland Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-87 | COVID Amendment – NonPublic, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services Master Contract – Resolution No. 1920-0151 – Named Contractor - Special Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Adoption by the Board of Education of COVID Amendment by and between District and
§ La Cheim School, Inc., El Sobrante, CA; and
§ Star Academy, San Rafael, CA
amending Non-Public School/Agency Master Contract Resolution No. 1920-0151, (Legislative File Id No. 19-1716, Enactment No 19-1376, adopted September 11, 2019), in part, pertaining only to the Contract with named vendor, necessary in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the shelter-in-place order issued by the Alameda County Public Health Officer, and/or other authorities within and without California, modifying, among other provisions, the Scope of Work, enabling the vendor to provide the services described in the original Contract - Scope of Work - by any means that are consistent with COVID-19-related local, state, and federal orders (including providing the services virtually), as long as the District agrees in writing and adding a requirement for more information to be provided in an Invoice, and authoring no additional costs for said services. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-88 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - Career Technical Education Incentive Grant - High Schools Linked Learning Department | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a Career Technical Education (CTE) Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the District to support CTE Programming through Linked Learning Pathways across high schools (AO-400), CDE Grant Number: 19-25437-61259-00, in the amount of $1,320,845.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-89 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland High School Public Health and Policy Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Oakland High School Public Health and Policy Academy (11032), CDE Grant Number: 19-25220-61259-02, in the amount of $81,000.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-90 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland High School Law and Public Service Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Oakland High School Law and Public Service Academy (8021), CDE Grant Number: 19-25220-61259-01, in the amount of $81,000.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-91 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland International High School Multimedia Communications Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Oakland International High School Multimedia Communications Academy (9062), CDE Grant Number: 19-25220-61259-03, in the amount of $81,000.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-92 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland Technical High School Fashion Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Oakland Technical High School Fashion Academy (9061), CDE Grant Number: 19-25220-61259-04, in the amount of $81,000.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-93 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Skyline High School Computer Science and Technology Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Skyline High School Computer Science and Technology Academy (8033), CDE Grant Number: 19-25220-61259-05, in the amount of $81,000.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-94 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Fremont High School College Preparatory and Architecture Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Fremont High School College Preparatory and Architecture Academy (0065), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-01, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-95 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland Technical High School Computer Communication and Repair Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Oakland Technical High School Computer Communication and Repair Academy (0138), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-06, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-96 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland High School Environmental Science Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Oakland High School Environmental Science Academy (0137), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-04, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-97 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Life Academy Health and Bioscience Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Life Academy Health and Bioscience Academy (0067), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-03, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-98 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland Technical High School Health and Bioscience Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Oakland Technical High School Health and Biotechnology Academy (0139), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-07, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-99 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Skyline High School Skyline Education Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the support Skyline High School Skyline Education Academy (0456), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-08, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-100 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Fremont High School The Media Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for the Fremont High School The Media Academy (0066), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-02, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-101 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program - Oakland High School Visual Arts Academy - High School Linked Learning Office | Application | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies (CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for Oakland High School Visual Arts Academy (0136), CDE Grant Number: 18-23181-61259-05, in the amount of $75,600.00, for purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-102 | 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) - Greenleaf Elementary School | School Plan for Student Achievement | Approval by the Board of Education of the 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Greenleaf Elementary School. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | P.-103 | 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) - Glenview Elementary School | School Plan for Student Achievement | Approval by the Board of Education of the 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement for Glenview Elementary School. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-104 | 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) - Joaquin Miller Elementary School | School Plan for Student Achievement | Approval by the Board of Education of the 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Joaquin Miller Elementary School. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-105 | 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) - Sequoia Elementary School | School Plan for Student Achievement | Approval by the Board of Education of the 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Sequoia Elementary School. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-106 | 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) - Acorn Woodland Elementary School | School Plan for Student Achievement | Approval by the Board of Education of the 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Acorn Woodland Elementary School. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-107 | 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) - Kaiser Elementary School | School Plan for Student Achievement | Approval by the Board of Education of the 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Kaiser Elementary School. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-108 | Services Agreement - New Leaders, Inc. - 3-Year Strategy - Oakland Unified School District | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement between the District and New Leaders, Oakland, CA, for the latter to strengthening the skills and capacity of school leaders to advance student achievement, as described in the Scope of Work - Exhibit A - Leadership Networks: An Innovative, Three-Year Strategy for Driving and Sustaining Gains in Oakland Unified School District (SY 2019-20 to SY2021-22) dated August 21, 2019, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period of August 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022; with an amount not to exceed $90,000.00 payable for School Year 2019-2020. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-109 | Amendment No. 1, Professional Services Contract - Oakland Public Education Fund - High School Linked Learning Office | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Professional Services Contract between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to issue additional stipends, drawn from these contract dollars, for District student interns enrolled in the pathway-based summer career preparation program, “ECCCO” (Exploring College, Career, and Community Options, via Linked Learning Department, in the additional amount of $75,970.00, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Contract from $200,000.00 to $275,970.00 and extending the term of June 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 to August 7, 2020. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-110 | Non-Public, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services Master Contract(s) – Raskob Day School - 2020-2021 School Year - Special Education Program | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Special Education Services Non-Public, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services Master Contract between the District and Raskob Day School, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide services to pupils as specified in Section 1 of Contract, for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-111 | 2019-20 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) - Community Day School | Agreement or Contract | Approval of the 2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Community Day School. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-112 | Grant Application - District's SELPA - Workability 1 2020-21 Renewal Application - California Department of Education - Programs for Exceptional Children | Application | Approval by the Board of Education of District’s SELPA 2020-21 Workability 1 Renewal Application to the California Department of Education seeking funding in the amount of $318,420.00 to provide resources and personnel support to integrate work-readiness skills in the curriculum, conduct career/vocational assessments, offer pre-vocational training workshops and develop employment opportunities for students enrolled in Programs for Exceptional Children, for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 and if granted, in whole or in part, authorization of acceptance of same, pursuant to terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-113 | SELPA Local Plan Update - IDEA Part C to Part B Transition - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0231 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding Serving Eligible Students from Birth to Age Three and Supporting Their Transition to Preschool. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-114 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Students with Disabilities Attending Private School - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0232 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding Reserving Federal Special Education Funds to Serve Oakland Residents Attending Private Schools. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-115 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Transition and Agency Agreements - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0233 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding Interagency Coordination to Ensure Students with Disabilities Have Access to Transition and Related Services. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-116 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Instructional Materials for Students with Visual Impairments - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0234 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding the Provision of Instructional Materials For Students With Visual Impairments. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-117 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Individualized Education Program (IEP) Placements Into Nonpublic School - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0235 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding Accountability for Monitoring the Progress of Students Placed at Nonpublic Schools. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-118 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Participation of Students with Disabilities in State and District Assessments - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0236 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding Participation in State and District-wide Assessments. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-119 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Local Education Agency (LEA) Supports for Implementation of the SELPA Local Plan - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0237 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding Governance Bodies and Administrative Support to Implement the Local Plan. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-120 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Use of Federal Funds for Students with Disabilities - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0238 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policy Regarding the Use of Federal Funds for Students with Disabilities. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-121 | SELPA Local Plan Update - Disproportionality In Special Education - Special Education Department | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0239 - Adopting and Complying With Requirements for Specific Resolutions that are Necessary for the Special Education Local Plan Area’s (“SELPA”) Policies Designed to Prevent the Inappropriate Over-identification or Disproportionality of Students with Disabilities. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-122 | Class Action Settlement Award - State of California ex rel. OnTheGo Wireless, LLC v. Cellco Partnership dlbla Verizon Wireless, et al., Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 34-2012-00 127517 | Agreement or Contract | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a Class Action Settlement Award for the District in the amount $2,505.97, an increase of $276.54, from the preliminary accepted award of $2,229.43 (Legislative File No. 20-0136, Enactment No. 20-0221, February 12, 2020), in the matter of State California ex rel. OnlheGo Wireless, LLC v. Cellco Partnership dlbla Verizon Wireless, et al., Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 34-2012-00 127517, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-123 | Amendment No. 1, Memorandum of Understanding and Engagement Policy - Lozano Smith, Attorneys at Law - General Counsel | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Memorandum of Understanding and Engagement Policy (MOUEP) between District and Lozano Smith, Walnut Creek, CA, for the latter to provide additional legal services to the District on an as needed basis, in an additional amount of $150,000.00, not to exceed $450,000.00 for the 2019-20 Fiscal Year. All other terms and conditions of the MOUEP remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-124 | K-12 Academic (School Year) Calendar - 2020-2021 (Revised) | Motion | Approval by the Board of Education of the District’s K-12 Academic (School Year) Calendar for 2020-2021 (Revised) to include Oakland Educator Wellness Day ( May 10, 2021), a non-duty day for 10 month school site employees, and marking period dates. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-125 | Proposition 39 Facilities Use Agreement - LPS Oakland R&D - Office of Charter Schools | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of the Proposition 39 Facilities Use Agreement between the District and LPS Oakland R&D, a Charter School, for use of classrooms at Castlemont Campus, 8601 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 94621, for the 2020-2021 school year with annual revenue to the district of $206,645.14. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-126 | In-Lieu of Proposition 39 Facilities Use Agreement - East Bay Innovation Academy - Office of Charter Schools | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39 Facilities Use Agreement between the District and East Bay Innovation Academy, a Charter School, at the Marshall Campus, specified in the Agreement, at 3400 Malcolm Ave, Oakland, CA 94605, for a one-year term, for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, with anticipated revenue of $135,494.32. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-127 | Data Sharing Agreement - Regents of the University of California - California Policy Labs at UC Berkeley and UCLA Campuses - Research, Assessment & Data Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Data Sharing Agreement By and Between the Regents of the University of California, acting on Behalf of The California Policy Lab at Its UCLA and UC Berkeley Campuses and the Oakland Unified School District, to conduct a series of analyses intended to support the Enrollment Workgroup that convened in March 2020 as a result of District’s Citywide Plan, for a period of ten years from the effective date of the Agreement, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, at no cost to the District. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-128 | In Lieu of Proposition 39 Facilities Use Agreement - Francophone Charter School - Office of Charter Schools | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of the Proposition 39 Facilities Use Agreement between the District and Francophone, a Charter School, for use of classrooms at Toler Heights Campus, 9736 Lawlor Street, Oakland, CA 94605, for the 2020-2021 School Year, with annual revenue to the District of $43,260.00 | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-129 | Proposition 39 Facilities Use Agreement - Urban Montessori Charter School - Charter School Office | Agreement or Contract | Approval of a Facilities Use Agreement (“FUA”)for Urban Montessori at the Tilden/John Swett Campus, 4551 Steele St, Oakland, CA 94619 and is conditional on the termination of the existing FUA with Roses in Concrete Charter School for the school site by July 1. If the existing FUA with Roses in Concrete is not terminated by July 1, this FUA is for Urban Montessori at the Santa Fe Campus. This agreement is for one year, from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 with an estimated annual income of $146,708.00 to the District. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-130 | Reappointment (In Part) - Members, Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - Board of Education | Appointment | Ratification by the Board of Education of President of Board’s reappointment of statutorily and Board Bylaw 9131 eligible individuals named herein to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee: Renee Swayne (3rd Term), Andrew Nelsen (2nd Term), Andre Spearman (2nd Term), Tina Longfield (2nd Term), and Saleem Shakir-Gilmore (3rd Term), each, for term ending June 10, 2022. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-131 | Oakland Unified School District - Board of Education - 2020-2021 Governance Handbook | Motion | Adoption by the Board of Education of its 2020-2021 Governance Handbook. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-132 | 2020 California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly Runoff Election - Subregion 7-B (Alameda County) | Resolution | Adoption by Board of Resolution No. 1920-0209A - Determining and Instructing the Secretary of the Governing Board To Cast Ballot As Instructed for Up one Candidate in the California School Board Association (CSBA) 2020 Delegate Assembly Sub-Region 7-B (Alameda County) Runoff Election and Timely Return Ballot To CSBA electronically or by U.S. Mail on or before August 11, 2020. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | P.-133 | Asset Management and Real Property Services Firms - Facilities Department | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of its Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 1920-0259 - Designating Five Firms as Qualified for Specific Asset Management and Real Property Services: DCG Strategies, Inc., Schimmel Project Management; Dominic Dutra, 3D Strategies, Inc.; Heafey Commercial; and Devine and Gong, Inc., as a qualified pool of providers to ensure appropriate disposition of District sites identified during the 2019-2020 7-11 Committee process that may not be needed for educational and support purposes. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | P.-134 | Temporary Transfer of Funds - $30 million with the County of Alameda Treasury - FY 2020-21 | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee, of Resolution No. 1920-0258 - Requesting Temporary Transfer of Funds In An Amount Not To Exceed $30 Million Dollars From The Alameda County Treasury Due To Fluctuation In District Revenue And Receipts For Fiscal Year 2020-2021. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P.-135 | Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School Improvement Act Oversight Commission - Recommendations - 2020-2021 District Middle Schools and Charter Middle Schools Grant Applications and Education Spending Plans (Awards) | Appropriation | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0261 - Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School Improvement Act Oversight Commission - Recommendations - 2020-2021 District Middle Schools and Charter Middle Schools Grant Applications and Education Spending Plans (Awards) in the cumulative amount of $3,916,012.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | P.-136 | Measure N - College and Career Readiness Commission - Education Plans and Budgets for District and Charter Schools - 2020-2021 School Year | Motion | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0240 - Measure N - College and Career Readiness Commission - Education Plans and Budgets for District and Charter Schools - 2020-2021 School Year in the cumulative amount of $10,484,139.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-1 | Amendment No. 1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services - Lowe Consulting Group, Inc. – Facilities Planning & Management Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services between the District and Lowe Consulting Group, Inc., Oakland CA, for the latter to continue to provide project labor agreement services focusing on hiring of local residents and ensures union representation, assist the District in monitoring prevailing wages, collaboration with local pre-apprentice programs and District contractors, describing the amended services as a part of attached Exhibit A, for the Facilities Planning & Management Project, in an additional amount of $180,000.00 increasing Agreement not to exceed amount from $180,000.00 to $360,000.00, extending the term of the Agreement from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Amendment for same with said Consultant. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-2 | Amendment No. 1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services - L. Luster & Associates, Inc. – Facilities Planning & Management Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services between the District and L. Luster & Associates, Inc., Oakland CA, for the latter to continue to provide Contract and Labor Compliance services, provide direct services to the projects in monitoring the team’s activities and progress, provide community outreach, stakeholder coordination and meeting facilitation, as described in scope of services dated May 1, 2019, attached as a part of Exhibit A, for the Facilities Planning & Management Project, in an additional amount of $349,437.00, increasing Agreement not to exceed amount from $349,437.00 to $698,874.00, extending the term from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021 and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Amendment for same with said Consultant. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-3 | Amendment No. 1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services –Layas Partnership – Facilities Planning & Management Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services between the District and Layas Partnership, Oakland CA, for the latter to
continue to provide project management services consistent with the District’s procedures and policies, to provide construction management services primarily for those projects still active and initiated under the current contract; include any additional scope of work requested by the District, including a proposal letter describing the amended services is attached as a part of Exhibit A, for the Facilities Planning & Management Project, in an additional amount of $207,480.00, increasing Agreement not to exceed amount from $208,320.00 to $415,800.00, extending the term of the Agreement from June 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021 and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Amendment for same with said Consultant. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-4 | Amendment No. 1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services – Well Put Together – Facilities Planning & Management - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services between the District with Well Put Together, Oakland CA, for the latter to continue to provide Project Management Services, including coordinating activities of goals or objectives for the District projects, as described in proposal dated April 1,2020 attached to this Amendment, as a part of Exhibit A, for the Facilities Planning & Management Project, in an additional amount of $187,200.00, increasing Agreement not to exceed amount from $302,400.00 to $489,600.00, extending the term of the agreement of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021, authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Amendment for same with said Consultant. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-5 | Amendment No. 1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services –KDI Consultants, Inc.– Fremont New Construction Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.1, Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services between the District and KDI Consultants, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to
provide additional monitoring work, preparing reports on a daily basis to Document Control, attend weekly job meetings, special meetings with CM, AOR & EOR, as described in the Proposal dated April 29, 2020 attached to this amendment, as part of Exhibit A, for the Fremont High School New Construction Project, in an additional amount of $368,500.00, with a contingency of $33,500.00, increasing Agreement not to exceed amount from $1,000,000.00 to $1,368,500.00, extending the term from February 20, 2018 through August 20, 2020 to February 28, 2021, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Amendment for same with said Consultant. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-6 | General Services Agreement - Competitively Bid – Cole Administration Move Relocation Project – Nor-Cal Moving Services- Facilities Planning & Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of General Services Agreement - Competitively Bid - between District and Nor-Cal Moving Services (“Consultant”), Hayward, Ca, for the latter to provide moving services to relocate Special Education Department on the Cole Campus to new location, for the Cole Administration Move Relocation Project, in the amount of $27,800.00, which includes a contingency of $8,000.00, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and rejecting all other bids if any, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said bidder, with a term of 60 days, from June 25, 2020, through August 24, 2020. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-7 | Change Order No. 1, Construction Contract – Digital Design Communications – Video Surveillance Maintenance (30) Sites Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No 1, Between Owner and Contractor, i.e., District and Digital Design Communications, Oakland, CA, for the latter to replace the existing switches with new jumper switches for installed surveillance cameras, as described in said Change Order, known as the Video Surveillance Maintenance (30) Sites Project, in the additional amount of $35,526.00, increasing the Contract not to exceed amount from $860,218.00 to $903,744.00, and extending the term of May 9, 2019 through September 9, 2019, by an additional 479 calendar days, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Change Order for same with said contractor. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-8 | Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Competitively Bid – Rook Electric – Madison Park Academy Video Surveillance Project – Division of Facilities Planning & Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Competitively Bid - i.e., District and Rook Electric (“Contractor”), Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide installation of (22) new cameras and program the (20) existing cameras into the Milestone software, for the Madison Park Academy Video Surveillance Project, in the amount of $75,800.00, which includes a $10,000.00 contingency, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and rejecting all other bids if any, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said bidder with work scheduled to commence on June 25, 2020, and scheduled to be completed by August 14, 2020, a term of Sixty (60) Calendar Days. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-9 | General Services Agreement - Competitively Bid – Fremont High School Incfements 3 & 4 Furniture Project – Metro Contract Group- Facilities Planning & Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement - Competitively Bid - between District and Metro Contract Group (“Consultant”), Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide delivery and furnish furniture for the new Fremont High School Building B and Gymnasium including Fitness Room, a total of 35 classrooms which includes the gym and flex space, science classrooms, skilled trade’s fab lab, digital media, video control, audio control and recording studio, as fully described in the Notice to Bidders and the Fremont High School Building B Furniture Specification Package Addendum #2, dated May 28, 2020, which are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A, aka as the Fremont High School Increments 3 & 4 Furniture Project, in the amount of $623,807.00, which includes a contingency of $20,000.00, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and rejecting all other bids if any, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said bidder with the Agreement commencing on June 25, 2020, and terminating upon completion of the services but no later than October 23, 2020, a term of up to One Hundred Twenty (120) days. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P1.-10 | General Services Agreement - Facilities Planning & Management Project - MKThink - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of General Services Agreement between District and MKThink, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide continued support to District’s 2019 Facilities Master Plan (FMP); which includes ongoing support and close out the Facilities master plan under an extended timeline, support the District in the project prioritization and asset management planning process, as well as the additional work required to collect, reconcile and manage additional data sources, including cost, condition, lifecycle, and seismic data, including all work described in the June 3, 2020, proposal attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A, for the Facilities Planning & Management Project, in the amount of $194,488.00, which includes a contingency of $16,912.00, as the selected consultant, with work scheduled to commence on June 25, 2020, and conclude December 31, 2020, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said consultant. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P2.-1 | Memorandum of Understanding - Girls Inc. of Alameda County - After School Program - Acorn Woodland Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Girls Inc. of Alameda County, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Acorn Woodland Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $104,997.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P2.-2 | Memorandum of Understanding - Girls Inc. of Alameda County - After School Program - Allendale Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Girls Inc. of Alameda County, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Allendale Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $108,537.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P2.-3 | Memorandum of Understanding - Girls Inc. of Alameda County - After School Program - Bridges Academy | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Girls Inc. of Alameda County, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Bridges Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $98,725.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P2.-4 | Memorandum of Understanding - Girls Inc. of Alameda County - After School Program - LaEscuelita Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Girls Inc. of Alameda County, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for LaEscuelita Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $146,897.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | P2.-5 | Memorandum of Understanding - Girls Inc. of Alameda County - After School Program - Horace Mann Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Girls Inc. of Alameda County, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency for program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the MOU, for Horace Mann Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $111,269.00. | Adopted on the General Consent Report | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | Q.-1 | Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - June 24, 2020 | Board, Public Comments (Summary) | Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - June 24, 2020. | Presentation/Acknowledgment Made | |
Action details
| 2 | R.-1 | District's 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Budget - Adoption - Chief Business Officer | Appropriation | Public Hearing* and adoption by the Board of Education of the District’s 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Budget** - All Funds - in the amount of $711,881,481.00. *
*The Public Hearing is Noticed for 6:00 P.M., June 24, 2020.
**This proposed budget is only available for Public Inspection, due to the COVID-19 Shelter In Place Order by the Alameda County Public Health Officer, as an Attachment(s) to this Agenda Item. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | R.-2 | District's Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Governance and Administration, Annual Service Plan and Budget Plan - Fiscal Year 2020-2021 | Application | Public Hearing* and Adoption by the Board of Education of the District's Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Governance and Administration, Annual Budget Plan and Annual Service Plan For 2020-2021 School Year and further authorizing submission of same to the California Department of Education.
* The Public Hearing is noticed for 6:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, June 24, 2020. | Adopted as Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | S.-1 | Amendment, Board Bylaw - BB 9131 - Advisory and Oversight Committees, Commissions (Second Reading) | Board By-Law | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment(s), Board Bylaw 9131 - Advisory and Oversight Committees, Commissions, further expanding the substantive role of the … Citizens Bond Oversight Committee. | Adopted as Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | T.-1 | Report - COVID-19 Operations Written Report - OUSD | Motion | Adoption by the Board of Education of the Oakland Unified School District’s COVID-19 Operations Written Report, a report required by Executive Order N-56-20: Empowering Schools to Focus on COVID-19 Response and Transparency as a condition of extending the deadline for adoption of the 2020-2021 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to December 15, 2020. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | T.-2 | Budget and Finance Committee - Proposed Resolution to Board - District - Budget Prioritization/Reductions - Fiscal Years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0263 - Confirming the Oakland Unified School District’s Commitment to Fiscal Solvency for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, pursuant to recommendation of its Budget and Finance Committee. | Adopted as Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | T.-3 | Oakland Unified School District - Call of Election - School Facilities General Obligation (GOB) Bond - November 3, 2020 General Election | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0001 - Ordering A School Bond Election, and Authorizing Necessary Actions In Connection Therewith (November 3, 2020). | Discussed | |
Action details
| 1 | T.-4 | Collective Bargaining Agreement - Teamsters Local 70 and 851 - Collective Bargaining Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding - Regarding Vacation Accrual and Usage and COVID-19 School Closures | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of the Tentative Agreement as Collective Bargaining Agreement between the District and Teamsters, Locals 70 and 851, representing truck drivers and warehouse stock clerks, for the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022, including a five-percent (5%) on-going salary increase and bonuses and a Memorandum of Understanding . Tentative Agreement Regarding Vacation Accrual and Usage and COVID-19 School Closures. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | T.-5 | Board of Education - Delegation of Authority - Superintendent of Schools - COVID-19 (Second Delegation) | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0262 - Providing Authorization to the Superintendent In Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | T.-6 | Application for Provisional Internship Permit – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2020-2021 | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-2033 - Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2020-2021:
1. Maurina Kirkland, 4th Grade, Garfield Elementary;
2. Luis Oceguera, 9th - 12th Grade, Mild/Moderate RSP Teacher, Fremont High School;
3. Maya Porter, Resource Specialist, Garfield Elementary;
4. Eloisa Madrigal, 9th - 12th Grade, Social Science Teacher, Fremont High School;
5. Sun Wa Kim, 9th - 12th Grade, Math Teacher, Oakland High School;
6. Jeniel Collins, 3rd Grade, Allendale Elementary;
7. Emily Mason, K - 5th Grade, Mild/Moderate Teacher, La Escuelita Elementary;
8. Dynasty Ouk, 2nd Grade Teacher, Lincoln Elementary;
9. Christina Canepa, K - 5th Grade Teacher, Parker Elementary;
10. Amirah Rhone, Pre-k Moderate/Severe Teacher, Community United Elementary (ECE);
11. Ryan Gilley, Kindergarten Teacher, Glenview Elementary;
12. James Ginn, K - 5th Grade, Mild/Moderate Teacher, Franklin Elementary;
13. Yeris Majail, K - 5th Grade, SDC Mild/Moderate Teacher, Franklin Elementary;
14. Sparkle Phelps, K - 5th Grade, Multiple Subjects, Horace Mann;
15. Carmela Liao, 6th - 8th Grade, Mild/Moderate Teacher, Montera Middle School;
16. Alyssa Costa, 9th - 12th Grade, Mild/Moderate, Skyline High School;
17. Rosalva Gaeta-Argueta, 9th - 12th Grade, Mild/Moderate, Castlemont High School;
18. Shaylah Ellis, 9th - 12th Grade, Mild/Moderate, Skyline High School;
19. Samuel Weiss, 9th - 12th Grade, Social Science, Madison Park Academy;
20. Brittney Curry, 9th - 12th Grade, Social Science, Ralph Bunche;
21. Jennifer Rosen, K - 5th Grade, Mild/Moderate Teacher, Fruitvale Elementary;
22. Brenda Penda, 9th - 12th Grade, Mild/Moderate, Coliseum College Prep Academy; and
23. Colleen George, 6th - 8th Grade, Single Subject Social Science, Bret Harte Middle School. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | T.-7 | Application for Variable Term Program Waiver CBEST, BCLAD and Program – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Named Employees for School Year 2020-2021 | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-2034 - Application for Variable Term Program Waiver CBEST, BCLAD and Program - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2020-2021:
1. Bilienayni, Resource Specialist, Allendale Elementary;
2. Brenda Franklin, K - 5th Grade, Moderate/Severe, Garfield Elementary;
3. Angela Jones, K - 5th Grade, Moderate/Severe SDC Teacher, Garfield Elementary;
4. Donna Nicole McClinto, EEIP Teacher, Reading Intervention, Futures Elementary;
5. Natalya Narine, 1st Grade, Laurel Elementary;
6. Quiana Canada, 3rd Grade, Markham Elementary;
7. Alesia Bland, Resource Specialist, Parker Elementary;
8. Sandra Johnson - Zehaye, K - 5th Grade, Moderate/Severe SDC Teacher, Parker Elementary;
9. Ajman Adil, K - 5th Grade, Mild/Moderate SDC Teacher, Piedmont;
10. Gregorio Guitierrez, 6th - 8th Grade Social Science Teacher, West Oakland Middle School:
11. Brenda Volasgis, K - 5th Grade Moderate/Severe Teacher, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary;
12. Jazlynn Lee, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Teacher, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary;
13. Aresha Dinkins, 1st Grade Teacher, Multiple Subject, Fruitvale Elementary;
14. Daisy Arroyo Licea, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Teacher, Brookfield Elementary;
15. Youssuf Sharifi, K - 5th Grade Moderate/Severe Teacher, Brookfield Elementary;
16. Lisa Woodruff, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Teacher, East Oakland Pride Elementary;
17. Zenobia Ritter, 5th Grade Teacher, Encompass Elementary;
18. Jesus Guerrero, K - 5th Grade Moderate/Severe Teacher, Brookfield Elementary;
19. Mariana Ponce, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Burckhalter Elementary;
20. Claudia Leon, K - 5th Grade Moderate/Severe Teacher, Howard Elementary;
21. Jennifer Pope, K - 5th Grade Resource Specialist, Burckhalter Elementary;
22. Amanda Keown, K - 5th Grade, Multiple Subject Teacher, Hoover Elementary;
23. Lisa Aquilina, K - 5th Grade, Multiple Subject Teacher, Encompass Elementary;
24. Stephanie Davis, K - 5th Grade, Multiple Subject Teacher, Rise Elementary;
25. Abdul Rehaman Bassa, English and Social Science Teacher, New Highland Academy;
26. Claudia Tatiana Gomez, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Acorn Woodland Elementary;
27. Frederick Highbaugh, 6th - 8th Grade Social Science, Edna Brewer Middle School;
28. Peno Din, 6th - 8th Grade Mild/Moderate Teacher, Edna Brewer Middle School;
29. Alejandra Martinez, 6th - 8th Grade English Teacher, Montera Middle School;
30. Luis Guilin, 6th - 9th Grade English Teacher, Bret Harte Middle School;
31. Martin Price, 6th - 8th Grade Social Science Teacher, Montera Middle School;
32. Kevin Hurtt, 6th - 8th Grade Science teacher, Bret Harte Middle School;
33. Talia Krebs-Oppenheimer, 6th - 8th Grade Mild/Moderate Teacher, Bret Harte Middle School;
34. Whitney Ligon, 6th - 8th Grade Mid/Moderate Teacher, Montera Middle School;
35. Israel Martinez Alfaro, K - 5th Grade Bilingual Teacher, Greenleaf Elementary;
36. Angel Munoz Cuevas, K - 5th Grade Bilingual Teacher, Greenleaf Elementary;
37. Tammara Nalls, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subjects Teacher, Sankofa United;
38. Megan Ebell, Pre-K Mild/Moderate Teacher, Reach Academy (ECE);
39. Rhonda Hart, 12th Grade English, Castlemont High School;
40. Hector Cocula de Alba, 6th - 8th Grade, Single Subject Social Science, Life Academy;
41. Russell Sams, 12th Grade English, Castlemont High School;
42. Tanisha Garrett, 12th Grade English Castlemont High School;
43. Ariel Dale, 6th - 8th Grade Business, Madison Park Academy;
44. Oddessy Tapia, 9th 12th Grade Physical Education, Oakland High School;
45. Jessica Alvarez; 9th - 12th Grade Moderate/Severe, Coliseum College Prep Academy;
46. Rufus Wallo, 9th - 12th Grade Moderate/Severe, Castlemont High School;
47. Timothy Delaney, 6th - 8th Grade Physical Education, Madison park Academy;
48. Manuel Flores, 9th - 12th Grade Social Science, Rudsdale;
49. Jerome Tatum, 9th - 12th Grade Social Science, Castlemont High School;
50. Daisy Coleman, 9th - 12th Grade Social Science, Castlemont High School;
51. Kenta Maniwa, 9th - 12th Grade Mild/Moderate, Oakland High School;
52. Jessica Cervano, 9th - 12th Grade Mild/Moderate, Coliseum College Prep Academy;
53. Norell Filipek, 9th - 12th Grade Mild/Moderate, Coliseum College Prep Academy;
54. Eliseo, 9th - 12th Grade Biology, Castlemont High School;
55. Robert Martinez, 9th - 12th Grade Math, Skyline High School;
56. Judie Davis, 9th - 12th Grade Business Madison Park Academy;
57. Ace Crow, 9th - 12th Grade Mild/Moderate, Castlemont High School;
58. Noelle Wilder, Birth to Pre-K Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH), Burbank Early Childhood Education;
59. Thomas Williams, Certificate Administrator, Early Childhood Education Department; and
60. Leyder Chapman, 6th - 8th Grade Physical Education, Frick/SOL Middle School. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | U.-1 | Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - June 24, 2020 | Board, Public Comments (Summary) | Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - June 24, 2020. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | X.-1 | Establishment - Ethnic Studies Adoption Committee - K-8 Grade Curriculum | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0264 - Establishing Ethnic Studies Adoption Committee for K-8 Grade Curriculum. | Postponed to a Date Certain | |
Action details
Not available