Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Committee of the Whole (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/21/2015 5:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: KDOL TV Studio, B-237, Met West High School Entrance, 314 East 10th Street, Oakland, CA 94606-2291
(Board Community Engagement Meeting)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-1550 1 Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District – Up to 30 Minutes – September 24, 2015Board, Public Comments (Summary)Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - Up to 30 Minutes - September 24, 2015.   Not available Not available
15-1547 1 Student Directors' Report - September 24, 2015Student Directors' ReportPresentation of the Student Directors’ Report - September 24, 2015.   Not available Not available
15-1656 1 President's/Chair's Report - September 24, 2015President's ReportPresentation of the Report of the President/Chair of the Board - September 24, 2015.   Not available Not available
15-1549 1 Superintendent's Report - September 24, 2015Superintendent's ReportPresentation of the Report of the Superintendent of Schools - September 24, 2015: · Schools Twenty Day Enrollment Count Update on School Staffing · Balanced Scorecard Update on School Performance (SBAC/LCAP) · Family Engagement Update on Family Engagement Strategy   Not available Not available
15-1840 2 Lighthouse Charter Schools - Lodestar Charter School - Grades K-12Charter School PetitionApproval by the Board of Education on the Lighthouse Charter Schools - Lodestar Charter School Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-12.   Not available Video Video
15-1636 3 Decision - Vincent Academy - Petition and Proposed Charter - Material Revision (Grades TK-5)Charter School Petition AmendmentApproval by the Board of Education of Vincent Academy - Petition and Proposed Charter - Material Revision (Grades TK-5) - granting revision of facilities section of its Charter allowing school to change the school location from 1911 Union Street, Oakland, CA 94607 to 2501 Chestnut Street, Oakland, CA 94607 " to serve students moving up to the next grade level and to expand programmatically ...."   Not available Not available
15-1807 1 LCAP/Budget Development Calendar - Fiscal Year 2016-2017MotionAdoption by Board of Education of LCAP/Budget Development Calendar - Fiscal Year 2016-2017.   Not available Video Video
15-1471 1 Education Protection Act - Proposition 30 Funds - Fiscal Year 2015-16ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0031 - Spending of Education Protection Act (EPA) Account - Proposition 30 Funds - Fiscal Year 2015-16, in the amount of $47,055,246.00.   Not available Video Video
15-1841 1 Board Policy 6143.7 - Instruction - Ethnic Studies EducationBoard PolicyAdoption by the Board of Education of Board Policy 6143.7 - Instruction - Ethnic Studies Education.   Not available Video Video
15-1809 1 Oakland Unified School Police Department - Bi-Annual Report - Public Complaints Process and Complaints Reports Policy - January 2015 - June 2015ReportPresentation to the Board of Education of the Bi-Annual Report on the Oakland Unified School District Police Department Public Complaints Process and Complaints Reports Policy, for the period January 1, 2015 through June 30 2015, as required by Chapter 11 of the Police Policy Manual adopted June 27, 2012.   Not available Video Video
15-1899 1 Amendment, In Part, Correcting Name of Party, Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - RSP Teacher K-5 Bella Vista Elementary School - School Year 2015-2016ResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0049A - Correcting Name of Party, Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - RSP Teacher K-5 Bella Vista Elementary School - School Year 2015-2016, as stated herein.   Not available Video Video
15-1884 1 Application for Variable Term Waiver, CBEST - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - in behalf of Ericka Duke, Maria Mueller, and Sara Chamberlin for School Year 2015-2016ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0056 - Application for Variable Term Waiver, CBEST - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - in behalf of Ericka Duke, Maria Mueller, and Sara Chamberlin for School Year 2015-2016.   Not available Not available
15-1885 1 Application for Provisional Internship Permits - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, for Lorena Hernandez and Stephanie Bean for School Year 2015-2016ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0075 - Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, for Lorena Hernandez and Stephanie Bean for School Year 2015-2016.   Not available Not available
15-1902 1 Amendment, In Part, Application for Variable Term Waiver, CBEST - California Commission Teacher Credentialing - Katherine Adames and Claudia Blair, Adding Emergency BCLADResolutionAdoption by Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0074A - Amendment, In Part, Application for Variable Term Waiver, CBEST - California Commission Teacher Credentialing - Katherine Adames and Claudia Blair, Adding Emergency BCLAD.   Not available Not available
15-1832 1 Accounts Payable Warrants - Fiscal Year 2015-16 - As of August 31, 2015MotionRatification by the Board of Education of Accounts Payable Warrants - i.e., Accounts Payable Consolidated Check Register Numbers 50542982 through 50607448, inclusive Fiscal Year 2015-16, in the cumulative amount of $27,181,036.75, from August 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015, as reflected in Exhibit 1.   Not available Not available
15-1833 1 Payroll Warrants - Fiscal Year 2015-16 - As of August 31, 2015MotionRatification by the Board of Education of Payroll Warrants - i.e., Payroll Consolidated Check Register Numbers 10406664 through 10414234, inclusive Fiscal Year 2014-15, in the cumulative amount of $6,354,756.74, from August 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015, as reflected in Exhibit 1.   Not available Not available
15-1605 1 Professional Services Contract - John Pleasants - Nutrition ServicesAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and John Pleasants, Oakland, CA, for the latter to complete work outlined in California Department of Food and Agriculture and United States Department of Agriculture grants to ensure compliance with work and reporting; expand and maintain Nutrition Services current efforts for Farm to School; open for the Fall 18 Oakland Fresh Produce Markets (includes training market managers and staff, opening orders), for the period August 3, 2015 through December 31, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $11,250.00.   Not available Not available
15-1606 1 Professional Services Contract - Gap Technology - Technology ServicesAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Gap Technology, San Ramon, CA, for the latter to provide the following services: 1. Assist the Technology Services team with technical decision-making and implementation related to the IFAS upgrade ….; 2. Assist the Technology Services team with project planning, technical decision-making and implementation related to post-upgrade IFAS projects .…; 3. Serve as an advisor to Technology Services with regards to ongoing IFAS-Workday integration project planning and technical decision-making including ….; and 4. Provide expertise and knowledge transfer on the IFAS system to the Technology Services team …. more specifically described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $82,800.00.   Not available Not available
15-1607 1 Professional Services Contract - Tanya Sanhu - Technology ServicesAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between District and Tanya Sandhu, Henderson, NV, for the latter to provide the following services: 1. Assist the Technology Services team with project planning and implementation of standards-based report card enhancements ….; 2. Assist the Technology Services team with the assignment and maintenance of Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) as needed ….; 3. Provide expertise and knowledge transfer in the areas of attendance, elementary master scheduling and CALPADS ….; and 4. Provide assistance with other new Aeries CALPADS projects as required, more specifically described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $33,750.00.   Not available Not available
15-1623 1 Professional Services Contract - Christina Badaracco - Nutrition ServicesAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Christina Badaracco, Berkeley, CA, for the latter to provide public health nutrition services, as described in the Scope of Work, including but not limited to interpreting food and nutrition legislation and regulations for professionals and consumers; designing, developing, and evaluating nutrition components of health services programs and projects; demonstrating effective organizational skills and the ability to communicate with and enlist the support of potential participants and stakeholders; identifying key methods for pursuing public health policy or systems change that result in improved outcomes for populations, at the local, state, federal, or international levels and providing other described services, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, in the Nutrition Services Department, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $4,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1640 1 Contract for Repairs, Maintenance or Small Construction Projects ... Under $45,000 Awarded Pursuant to CUPCCAA - Administration Building Tilden and Lakeview Administrative Move ProjectAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Contract for Repairs, Maintenance or Small Construction Projects for Repairs, Maintenance or Construction Services Under $45,000 Awarded Pursuant to CUPCCAA between District and Comack Plumbing, Oakland, CA, for the latter to reconnect bathroom trailer to water and sewer lines, in conjunction with the Administration Building Tilden and Lakeview Admin Move Project, more specifically delineated in the Scope of Services in Exhibit “A”, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period commencing on August 6, 2015 and concluding no later than August 20, 2015 in an amount not to exceed $5,346.00.   Not available Not available
15-1641 1 Contract for Repairs, Maintenance or Small Construction Projects ... Pursuant To "Informal Bidding" Procedures of the Public Contract Code Sections 22000, Et.Seq. - Modular Solutions - Bella Vista Portable ProjectAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Contract for Repairs, Maintenance or Small Construction Projects for Repairs, Maintenance or Construction Services Awarded Pursuant To "Informal Bidding" Procedures of the Public Contract Code Sections 22000, Et. Seq., between District and Modular Solutions, Atwater, CA, for the latter to furnish labor and equipment to dismantle, transport, and re-assemble eight (8) portable classrooms; fee includes skating charges, transportation permits, new foundation lumber, disposal of existing wood foundations, and skirting around the base of classrooms, in conjunction with the Bella Vista Portable Removal Project, more specifically delineated in the Scope of Services in Exhibit “A”, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period commencing June 22, 2015 and concluding no later than July 22, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $74,173.00.   Not available Not available
15-1644 1 Independent Consultant Agreement for Geotechnical Services - Ninyo & Moore - Claremont Kitchen and Cafeteria Fire Repair ProjectAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services - (Geotechnical Testing Services) between District and Ninyo & Moore, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide project management; field reports; geotechincal inspection and testing services; progress reports, and other services, in conjunction with the Claremont Kitchen and Cafeteria Fire Repair Project, more specifically delineated in the Scope of Services in Exhibit “A”, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period commencing July 17, 2015 and concluding no later than July 17, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $12,850.00.   Not available Not available
15-1648 1 Amendment No. 1, Independent Consultant Contract - HY Architects, Inc. - 1025 Educational Complex ProjectAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Independent Consultant Contract between District and HY Architects, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide conceptual designs to assist the Board and Superintendent in formulating the next steps for community engagement for the new 1025 2nd Avenue Educational Complex in conjunction with the 1025 2nd Avenue Educational Complext Project, in an additional amount not to exceed $85,000.00, increasing the Contract not to exceed amount from $85,000.00 to $170,000.00. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain in full force and effect.   Not available Not available
15-1649 1 Amendment No. 1, [Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services] Letter of Engagement - Yano Accountancy Corp. - Division of Facilities Planning and Management ProjectAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, [Independent Consultant Agreement for Professional Services] Letter of Engagement (“Engagement”) between District and Yano Accountancy Corporation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide additional work related to expenditures originally classified as Bond Measure A (Measure A) expenditures that should have been classified as Measure B expenditures, and not previously subjected to the audit requirements of Measure B during the years ended June 30, 2007-2012 … in conjunction with the Division of Facilities Planning and Management Project, in an additional amount not to exceed $10,000.00, increasing the Engagement not to exceed amount from $53,000.00 to $63,000.00 and extending the Engagement date of August 27, 2014 through April 30, 2015 to September 30, 2015. All other terms and conditions of the Engagement remain in full force and effect.   Not available Not available
15-1685 1 Professional Services Contract - Software Project Consulting, Inc. - Student Assignment CenterAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Software Project Consulting Inc. (SPCI), Piedmont, CA, for the latter to perform a series of crucial data tasks for the Student Assignment Center, including providing expertise to create data solutions for very complex work around Options, initial California English Language Development Test (CELDT), Parent Notification Letters (PNL), reporting of space and assignments to schools and principals; write and operate customized Sequel Server software that links with OUSD’s Student Information System (SIS)/Aeries to provide real time data on assignments and space availability, to meet current Local Control Federal Funding (LCFF), Projection and Contractual requirements by schools; perform other critical tasks and fixes for District’s student assignment lottery process and the execution of state mandated mailings to parents (PNL), and the eligible English Language Learners, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Student Assignment Center, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1721 1 Professional Services Contract - First Alarm Security & Patrol - Police Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and First Alarm Security & Patrol, San Jose, CA, for the latter to provide one marked security vehicle with one (1) uniformed security officer to respond to District alarms, as well as provide services specified on District holidays, as outlined in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $165,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1729 1 Grant Award - California Department of Education - Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program - Nutrition Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractAcceptance by the Board of Education of the California Department of Education Grant Award - Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program - to the District for Nutrition Education and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snacks, via District’s Nutrition Services, in the amount of $43,840.00, for the period July 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof.   Not available Not available
15-1639 1 Project Budget Increase - Turf Replacement Project - Parker Elementary SchoolResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution 1516-0045 - Authorizing and approving a Project Budget Increase for the Parker Elementary School Restroom Turf Replacement Project in the additional amount of $153,993.00, increasing the current budget amount from $1,100,000.00 to $1,253,993.00.   Not available Not available
15-1898 1 Amendment, Declaring Obsolete, Surplus and Sale of District Property - Vehicle and Motor CyclesResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1415-0145A - Authorization To Declare Property Obsolete and Surplus; Correction of Motorcycle Vehicle Identification Number, as stated therein.   Not available Not available
15-1610 1 Professional Services Contract - William Winston - Talent DivisionAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and William Winston, Oakland, CA, for the latter to negotiate and communicate with the Districts' colleges and university partners, specifically about the partnership programs and monitor, keep records, and track the Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) through the approval process, through the Talent Division, for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1775 1 Personnel Report 0015-0002 - September 24, 2015 - Talent DepartmentPersonnel ReportApproval by the Board of Education of Personnel Report 0015-0002.   Not available Not available
15-1882 1 Job Descriptions - Deputy Chief, Innovation and Director, Strategy Implementation and AccountabilityResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0053 - Approving Job Descriptions - Deputy Chief, Innovation and Director, Strategy Implementation and Accountability, in Department, as Assigned and Office of the Superintendent and/or Department of Organizational Effectiveness & Culture.    Not available Not available
15-1654 1 Professional Services Contract - HERO, Inc. - Bridges AcademyAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and HERO, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide core playground games and core sports, as well as introduce skill-building exercises and cooperative games and other services, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Bridges Academy, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $29,999.68.   Not available Not available
15-1655 1 Professional Services Contract - Sig Schnare - Chabot Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Sig Schnare, Oakland, CA, for the latter to build teacher capacity by working one to one, after school, with teachers; answering questions and modeling how to use particular software; and introduce and answer questions regarding different types of educational software so that teachers may adjust curriculum to meet the needs of all learners, at Chabot Elementary School, for the period of August 21, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $4,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1686 1 Professional Services Contract - Adam Corona - Allendale Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Adam Corona, Union City, CA, for the latter to work with teachers providing coaching and training on cooperative games and activities designed to improve the social emotional well-being of students, in particular consultant will work with teachers on implementing a variety of movement activities that allow students to develop social emotional competencies for life, at Allendale Elementary School, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $24,998.40.   Not available Not available
15-1687 1 Professional Services Contract - Christopher Lee - Madison Middle SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Christopher Lee, San Leandro, CA, for the latter to provide services to 10-12 students at one time and be the bridge to help improve behavior, study skills, and provide academic achievement support to Far Below Basic (FBB), Basic (B), English Learners (EL); provide one-hour before school small group instruction to work on study skills, and provide services to students to show how good health and nutrition helps the body and the mind, at Madison Middle School, for the period of August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $30,996.00.   Not available Not available
15-1688 1 Professional Services Contract - Philip Williams – Oakland Technical High SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Philip Williams, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide technical assistance with Windows and Apple Macintosh computers, as required by the school, to obtain the maximum instructional benefit and utility for students and staff; refine and implement upgrades to the plan for provision of printing capability in all classrooms and computer labs; provide assistance in troubleshooting implementation issues with all software packages and applications and may be involved in further research, design, development, and advice related to teaching strategies with computers, security, and account configuration, as needed by the school, at Oakland Technical High School and its Fashion, Art & Design Academy Campus, for the period August 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1696 1 Professional Services Contract - Elizabeth Greenfield - Chabot Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Elizabeth Greenfield, Oakland, CA, for the latter to train students to resolve conflicts, using different problem solving/conflict resolution strategies; train student coaches to solve problems that arise and seek an adult if necessary; make at least 15 home visits as necessary and be part of any SST's; train teachers on conflict resolution strategies; coordinate an after-school homework center and intervention program, at Chabot Elementary School, for the period of August 24, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $26,236.00.   Not available Not available
15-1699 1 Professional Services Contract – Carter-Kelly Consulting/Lifepoint - Oakland Technical High SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Carter-Kelly Consulting/Lifepoint, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide 720 hours (20 hours per week) of services to parents and students at the school to increase the involvement of parents in helping their low-achieving students to: engage more fully in the instructional and extra-curricular programs of the school; successfully achieve the state standards in core courses and electives; meet the graduation requirements; overcome behaviors that interfere with the accomplishment of these objectives; and experience both academic and socio-emotional development as described in the school’s Schoolwide Learner Outcomes and serve as the Student Success Team Coordinator, at Oakland Technical High School, for the period August 17, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $50,400.00.   Not available Not available
15-1708 1 Professional Services Contract - Hilary Jackson - Kaiser Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Hilary Jackson, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide intense, personalized tutorials for targeted students in the areas of English, Math, and Reading, in both individual and small group push-in and pull-out services; confer with classroom teachers to plan effective supplemental materials to help accelerate student achievement, at Kaiser Elementary School, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 17, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $26,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1711 1 Professional Services Contract - Matt Mercer - Chabot Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Matt Mercer, Berkeley , CA, for the latter to train students to resolve conflicts, using different problem solving/conflict resolution strategies; train student coaches to solve problems that arise and seek an adult if necessary; make at least 15 home visits as necessary and be part of any SST's; train teachers on conflict resolution strategies; coordinate an after-school homework center and intervention program, at Chabot Elementary School, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $19,215.00.   Not available Not available
15-1715 1 Profesional Services Contract - Ryan Buchholz - Chabot Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Ryan Buchholz, Oakland, CA, for the latter to support and supplement the services of the school psychologist by extending school-based therapeutic services to include somatic family therapy, at Chabot Elementary School, for the period August 31, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $10,500.00.   Not available Not available
15-1731 1 Professional Services Contract - East Bay Consortium – Fremont High SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and East Bay Consortium, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide assistance so that students can graduate college, career and Community ready: Senior Transcript evaluations; Coordinate college Rep visits; SAT and ACT Registration; make presentation and assist with FAFSA; Give Presentations on Transfer Making it Happen; Conducts surveys, in which seniors self-report college applications and Post-Graduation Follow up: June - July, at Fremont High School, for the period September 21, 2015 through May 13, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $27,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1733 1 Professional Services Contract - Maria Robles-Hernandez - Coliseum College Preparatory AcademyAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Maria Robles-Hernandez, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide 200 hours of support services in a homework support center including tutoring, assignment editing and feedback and grading and work with parents and teachers to support students, at Coliseum College Preparatory Academy, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1734 1 Professional Services Contract - Kusum Crimmel - Oakland Technical High SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Kusum Crimmel, Oakland, CA, for the latter to increase the number of students receiving support in an effort to reduce suspension, substance abuse, bullying and other forms of harassment and violence, and foster student leadership; develop a school-wide Restorative Justice Program in conjunction with Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) for students, staff, and families to reduce disproportionality in suspensions and unwarranted referrals to special education; train peer mediators to provide mediation in response to minor offenses and to resolve peer conflicts and repair harms caused, and implement restorative justice practices including community-building circles; facilitate associated family and community conferences as an alternative to suspension, and circles to support the re-entry of students returning from expulsion and incarceration and maintain documentation of students served and assist in the evaluation of outcomes related to interventions provided, at Oakland Technical High School, for the period of August 17, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $49,809.60.   Not available Not available
15-1735 1 Professional Services Contract - Ally Armijo - Coliseum Preparatory Academy @ Havenscount Middle SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Ally Armijo, Alameda, CA, for the latter to serve as a liaison between the school and teachers, the partner program(s), the student and their family; supporting students in: The application and/or enrollment in a partner program including the writing of personal statements and reflections, the gathering of letters of recommendation and necessary documentation and the fulfillment of all other forms and permission slips; discerning and negotiating the expectations of the partner program, school and family in all capacities; help everyone to communicate clearly around needs and complications that in the past have led to students leaving partner programs; keep the student's needs at the center of conversations and negotiations between partner agencies and the school; leveraging the services across the partner agency and the school to meet academic and socio emotional expectations; case-manage a group of 30-35 9th or 10th graders participating in 3-5 different partner programs, including home visits, frequent parent communication, monitoring grades, supporting interventions to success or re-evaluating the intervention plan, at Coliseum College Preparatory School @ Havenscourt Middle School, for the period of August 24, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $32,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1742 1 Professional Services Contract - Playworks - LaEscuelita Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Playworks, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide a Coach to facilitate and plan yard activities daily Monday-Friday; train 10-15 junior coaches to lead yard activities; support the junior coaches through meetings to build their capacity to be junior coaches; coach sport(s) teams for participation with other schools; coordinate a school-wide activity with families, staff, and students for fun and engaging physical activity and teach along with classroom teacher weekly game time to build relationships and engage in physical activity, at LaEscuelita Elementary School, for the period August 21, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $32,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1743 1 Professional Services Contract - Playworks - Kaiser Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Playworks, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide school partners with ongoing Playworks programming, training, evaluation and management consultation to support school in creating the infrastructure and framework for transforming school culture; empower school to build and sustain a positive school climate; provide structured recess, a junior coach leadership program, and class game time for all classrooms and provide professional development for teachers, administration, and support staff, at Kaiser Elementary School, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 17, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $17,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1747 1 Professional Services Contract - ISKME - Continous School Improvement DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and ISKME, Half Moon Bay, CA, for the latter to provide a 1-day customized Action Collab Workshop (“Action Collab”) (as described in Task 1 of ISKME’s proposal to District, dated June 11, 2015,) on July 14, 2015 at a conference facility located at 1000 Broadway 6th Floor in Oakland, California; services for the Action Collab include planning, design, support, and facilitation of an Action Collab for approximately 24-32 educators involved in the school redesign initiative, via the Continuous School Improvement Department, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $11,500.00.   Not available Not available
15-1748 1 Professional Services Contract - Strategic Cities - Continous School Improvement DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Strategic Cities, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide the following services: 1. Develop ESEA Waiver tools, resources, and written guides to support and build school and community capacity to engage in effective school improvement planning that involves all school stakeholders; 2. Develop materials and support facilitation of Priority, Focus, and Other Support school activities on the school improvement planning process; 3. Develop SPSA tools and resources to build school and community capacity to engage in cycles of inquiry and planning required under the ESEA Waiver and LCAP; and 4. Coordinate with community based organizations partnering with the District to help build parent and family capacity to engage in school improvement planning process, for the Continuous School Improvement Department, for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1753 1 Professional Services Contract - Vertical Skillz - EnCompass AcademyAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Vertical Skillz, Oakland, CA, for the latter to: Monitor student's behavior and progress during transition time; Provide students feedback and motivation through reflection and physical strategies; Model for students’ lifelong fitness and health routines to practice on their own; Build student leadership by focusing on mentees; Teach cooperation games that integrate life skills; Attend COST, IEP, and SST Meetings as relevant, and Support SST communications with families and provide other services, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at EnCompass Academy, for the period of August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $25,488.00.   Not available Not available
15-1754 1 Professional Services Contract - Give Them Wings - Chabot Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Give Them Wings, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide intervention strategies for K, 1st and 2nd grade students by teaching them conflict resolution strategies, ways to resolve issues on the playground and ways to play on the playground; be available to provide training and support to the parents of the students in the Junior Coaches Program and provide problem solving and conflict resolution strategies and home visits as necessary, at Chabot Elementary School, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $17,575.00.   Not available Not available
15-1755 1 Professional Services Contract - Playworks - Manzanita SEED Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Playworks, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide organized and structured play before school, during school, and sports opportunities for all students in grades TK-5, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Manzanita SEED Elementary School, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $32,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1777 1 Professional Services Contract - Oakland Public Education Fund - Alliance AcademyAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide: Strategic Communications to increase family-school communications about School Transformation (community engagement following Full Service Community School Family Engagement principles) via bilingual school newsletters, brochures, photography and translation services; create materials to support student recruitment and provide a host of other services, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Alliance Academy, for the period of August 3, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $106,405.00.   Not available Not available
15-1780 1 Professional Services Contract - HERO, Inc. - Global Family Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and HERO, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide a variety of counseling/mentoring services to targeted student population - Title 1, Latino and African-American students and provide professional development as needed, appropriate and support in the form of organized games and physical activities at all grade levels, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Global Family Elementary School, for the period August 24, 2015 through June 9, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1420 1 Professional Services Contract - The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco - Trauma In Schools Program - Behavioral Health Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and the Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the University of San Francisco, CA, for the latter, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, to provide ongoing professional development, consultation, and technical assistance to the Project Prevent Program Manager and staff serving the six identified high schools; professional development in Trauma Informed, Restorative Practices (TIRP) led by, Dr. Joyce Dorado, in the District’s Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma In Schools (HEARTS) Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $45,644.00.   Not available Not available
15-1447 1 Professional Services Contract - Maxim Health Systems, LLC - Health Services Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Maxim Health Systems, LLC, Columbia, MD, for the latter to develop and implement a multi-year school-located influenza vaccination (SLIV) demonstration project, for pre-K and elementary school students, starting in the 2014-2015 influenza season, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period of September 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016, at no cost to the District.   Not available Not available
15-1600 1 Professional Services Contract - Literacy Lab - Summer Learning Programs - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Literacy Lab, Oakland, CA, for the latter to design, coordinate and facilitate ten workshops across five summer learning sites: five workshops will focus on early literacy and five will focus on social-emotional development; all presentation materials, equipment and translators will be provided by Literacy Lab; each workshop will feature a survey that will be used by Literacy Lab and OUSD for program evaluation purposes, for the period of July 1, 2015 through July 16, 2015, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, in an amount not to exceed $3,750.00.   Not available Not available
15-1601 1 Professional Services Contract - Kate Wadsworth - Behavioral Health Initiatives - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Kate Wadsworth, Oakland, CA, for the latter to supervise six social work interns; provide one hour of weekly individual supervision for each of the six interns and co-lead a two hour weekly group supervision meeting with the current OUSD Interim Supervisor, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 1, 2015 through December 18, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1603 1 Amendment No. 1 - County of Alameda, Health Care Services Agency - Health and Wellness Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1 to the Standard Services Agreement between the District and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, San Leandro, CA, for the latter to continue the OUSD Health Coverage and Public Benefits Enrollment services to develop and sustain regular health coverage and public benefits outreach, enrollment, and retention services at the Central Family Resource Center on the Lakeview Campus for the Community Schools and Student Services Department, in an additional amount not to exceed $74,532.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $208,483.00 to $283,015.00, and extending the Agreement period from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015 to June 30, 2016. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Not available Not available
15-1609 1 Professional Development Contract - Dana Cilono - Summer Learning Programs - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Dana Cilono, Alameda, CA, for the latter to provide Implementation Phase/Project Closure: Program Coordination - supervise and support all teaching staff and provide day-to-day oversight of the SPK Program; coordinate with community partners providing family workshops; communicate with participating families; ensure participant attendance goals are met; provide Assessment Data Analysis - data analysis of pre- and post-assessments for SPK and performance review (with support from OUSD); Program Evaluation - ensure surveys and feedback are received from participating families, partners, and teachers; School Readiness Passport - implement school readiness passport for children and Grant Management - prepare and submit required quarterly reporting documentation, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $6,200.00.   Not available Not available
15-1622 1 Professional Services Contract - Raising A Reader - Summer Learning Programs - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Raising A Reader, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to facilitate five 60-minute workshops across five participating Summer Pre-K sites, with each workshop focusing on empowering families with targeted early literacy strategies to boost language, vocabulary and overall brain development and provide workshop materials as well as translation support, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of July 7, 2015 through July 9, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $1,250.00.   Not available Not available
15-1632 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Lafayette Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities in its capacity as a Comprehensive After School Program Lead Agency at Lafayette Elementary School for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $140,071.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1637 1 Professional Services Contract - AJBG Consulting - Community Partnerships Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and AJBG Consulting, Oakland, CA, for the latter to facilitate the implementation of Full Service Community Schools partnership systems and structures with contracted and in-kind partnerships, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools and Students Services Department, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1643 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Elliott P. Schlang, DDS PC dba Big Smiles Dental Program - Oakland Unified School DistrictAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between District and Elliot P. Schlang DDS, PC dba Big Smiles Dental Program, Phoenix, AZ, for the latter to provide dental care for District students, pursuant to terms and conditions of MOU, for pre-K through 12th grade students whose parent/guardian authorizes dental service and to teach children about the importance of oral hygiene, good nutrition, regular dental checkups, proper brushing and flossing at the dental visit, for the period of September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at no cost to the District.   Not available Not available
15-1647 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Vision To Learn - Health Services - Oakland Unified School DistrictAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between District and Vision To Learn, Los Angeles, CA, for the latter to provide a school-based mobile vision clinic program for District K-12 students with potential uncorrected vision difficulties, as described in the MOU, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period of September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at no cost to the District.   Not available Not available
15-1651 1 Professional Services Contract - Faucette Micro Systems, Inc. - Health Services - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Faucette Micro Systems, Inc., Fallon, NV, for the latter to provide ongoing maintenance for the web504 database, for the period of September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $11,209.00.   Not available Not available
15-1684 1 Professional Services Contract - Margy Salguera - Behavioral Health Initiatives Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Margy Salguera, San Pablo, CA, for the later to provide more full service community programs to foster youth in District, and perform the duties as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of August 25, 2015 through March 15, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $26,250.00.   Not available Not available
15-1697 1 Amendment No. 1 - Standard Services Agreement - Alameda County Health Care Services Agency - School Health Services Coalition - Community Partnerships Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1 to the Standard Services Agreement between the District and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, San Leandro, CA, for the latter to continue to support the development of a Full Services Community School (FSCS) District in Oakland by performing the services and activities, pursuant to terms and conditions specified in said Amendment, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, and extending the term of the Agreement for an additional two years, for the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 to June 30, 2017, in the additional amount of $165,000.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $229,000.00 to $394,000.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Not available Not available
15-1698 1 Professional Services Contract - Ugolini Consulting - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Ugolini Consulting, Berkeley, CA, for the latter to provide coordination, editing, design, production, and printing two District Guides: the Secondary Comprehensive Culture Guide and the Secondary Schools Procedures Guide via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of July 20, 2015 through October 20, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1709 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - After School Program - Greenleaf Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities for the After School Program at Greenleaf Elementary School for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $92,259.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1710 1 Breathmobile Contract - Prescott-Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc. - Health Services - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Breathmobile Contract between the District and Prescott-Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide a school-based mobile asthma treatment program for students with asthma for up to twenty-two sites, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, to be selected in conjunction with the Health Services Department for the period of September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at no cost to the District.   Not available Not available
15-1716 1 Professional Services Contract - We Lead Ours - Tobacco Use and Prevention Education - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and We Lead Ours, Oakland, CA, for the latter to work with students at 18-20 middle and high school sites to conduct classroom and assembly anti-tobacco/marijuana presentations, Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs (ATOD) awareness sessions for students violating District tobacco/drug free policies, cessation and life skills counseling and academic advocacy; partner with middle and high school site Coordination of Services Team (COST) and administrators on tobacco/marijuana use referral and interventions process; survey all program students, complete monthly reports and attend all staff meetings, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of August 25, 2015 through June 5, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $106,491.00.   Not available Not available
15-1717 1 Professional Services Contract - Youth Uprising - Tobacco Use Education and Prevention - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Youth Uprising, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide 121 hours of service to conduct Peer Education classroom and assembly anti-tobacco/marijuana presentations to District students, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of August 25, 2015 through June 6, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $4,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1724 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Glenview Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Glenview Elementary School's comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $93,779.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1725 1 Indivudual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Grass Valley Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Grass Valley Elementary School's comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $93,779.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1726 1 Memorandum of Understanding - East Bay Agency for Children - After School Program - East Oakland Pride Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 2015-2016 between the District and East Bay Agency for Children, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for East Oakland Pride Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $85,139.00.   Not available Not available
15-1727 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Urban Promise AcademyAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Urban Promise Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $97,954.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1728 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Alliance AcademyAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option B-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Alliance Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $91,993.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1730 1 Memorandum of Understanding - YMCA of the East Bay - After School Program - West Oakland Middle SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding 2015-2016 between the District and YMCA of the East Bay, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency to provide program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for West Oakland Middle School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $101,083.00.   Not available Not available
15-1736 1 Professional Services Contract - Deb Levine - Health and Wellness Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Deb Levine, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide services for the 5-year HIV/STD and Pregnancy Prevention Grant known as Healthy Oakland Teens from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent School Health, to reduce student HIV/STD rates by delivering exemplary sexual health education, creating referrals for students to seek quality health services, and to reduce bullying and increase school climate in relation to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1737 1 Professional Services Contract - Oakland Public Education Fund - Community School Partnerships - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to manage the implementation of the Communications Project including development of Community School Case Studies, Community School Site Profiles, Website Updates and print and distribution of collateral; manage the partner platform expansion including on-boarding of additional partners and orientations, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of August 17, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $53,541.40.   Not available Not available
15-1738 1 Professional Services Contract - La Clinica de La Raza, Inc. - Health and Wellness Unit - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and La Clinica de La Raza, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to connect students to medical, mental health, dental, and health education services at the Roosevelt Middle School Health Center; conduct dental screenings at Garfield Elementary Campus; coordinate referrals to the Roosevelt Middle School Health Center for dental treatment; provide immunizations; participate on Coordination of Services Team (COST) to implement referral and assessment mechanism that allow students access to services at the Roosevelt Middle School Health Center; partner with District Central Family Resource Center staff to host health insurance enrollment event; and partner with schools to identify health education needs and provide workshops for families, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1744 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Youth Together - After School Program - Skyline High SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding 2015-2016 between the District and Youth Together, Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as lead agency to provide program coordination, math intervention, homework support, student supervision and a variety of enrichment services, as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Skyline High School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $235,233.00.   Not available Not available
15-1745 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Howard Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Howard Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $93,159.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1746 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Markham Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Markham Elementary School’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $91,919.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1750 1 Professional Services Contract - Ann Wettrich - Teaching and Learning DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Ann Wettrich, Oakland, CA, for the latter to work with the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) team to plan, create and implement Strategic Arts Blueprint support structures for District schools to engage the arts to advance learning and positive outcomes for students, performing services as described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Teaching and Learning Department, for the period of October 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00.   Not available Not available
15-1752 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Emiliano Zapata Street AcademyAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option C-Lead Agency Unit, Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Emiliano Zapata Street Academy, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $119,655.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1766 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Oakland Technical High SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option C-Lead Agency Unit, Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Oakland Technical High School, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $213,853.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1767 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Ralph J. Bunche AcademyAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option C-Lead Agency Unit, Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Ralph J. Bunche Academy, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $97,617.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1768 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Esperanza AcademyAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit for Elementary School Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for Esperanza Academy’s comprehensive After School Program, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in the amount of $77,855.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1773 1 Individual Service Agreement - Master Memorandum of Understanding - Bay Area Community Resources - After School Program - Fred T. Korematsu Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Individual Service Agreement to the Master Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide its Menu Option A-Lead Agency Unit, Arts, Recreation, Leadership and Family Literary activities, as described in the Program Plan, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Fred T. Korematsu Elementary School, for the period of July 1, 2015 through August 19, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $87,779.00, pursuant to the terms and conditions as specified in the MMOU.   Not available Not available
15-1774 1 Memorandum of Understanding - First Five of Alameda County - Early Childhood EducationAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and First 5 Alameda County, Oakland, CA, establishing with the latter a partnership for providing site and service rating, assessments, potential quality improvement strategies and technical assistance through the Quality Counts Program for the Early Childhood Education Program, for the period July 7, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at no cost to the District.   Not available Not available
15-1608 1 Professional Services Contract - Naihobe Gonzalez - Research, Assessment & Data DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Contract between the District and Naihobe Gonzalez, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide quantitative/statistical analyses to establish metrics and targets for use in: 1) monitoring student and school progress; and 2) defining college and career readiness benchmarks for students from early childhood to high school; conduct analysis for District and school scorecards and supporting reports and materials; perform data analysis to evaluate targets set, progress made on these targets, and trends in school performance; design and execute a school performance framework index for schools; define and document business rules to improve and standardize data reporting practices; support the Research, Assessment and Data Department in other strategic projects including listening campaigns and research projects, for the period of July 6, 2015 through August 6, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $9,780.00.   Not available Not available
15-1621 1 Memorandum of Understanding - District and Oakland Education Association - Joint Study Committee - Performance Evaluation Pilot Teacher Growth and Development System (TGDS) - School Year 2015-16Agreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Oakland Education Association (OEA), made July 28, 2015, regarding Joint Study Committee - Performance Evaluation Pilot Teacher Growth and Development System (TGDS) for the 2015-16 School Year, at no additional cost to the District.   Not available Not available
15-1719 1 Play Structure Indemnification - Roses In Concrete Community Charter SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Play Structure Indemnification Agreement between District and Roses In Concrete Community Charter School, Oakland, CA, whereby the District, subject to approval of a play structure indemnification agreement, authorizes the Charter School housed in the former Tilden Campus, located at 4551 Steele Street, Oakland, to place a play structure procured from KaBoom, Inc., on the Tilden Campus.   Not available Not available
15-1720 2 Job Description - Staff Attorney - General CounselResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0011 - Approving Staff Attorney Job Description for the Office of the General Counsel.   Not available Not available
15-1783 1 Termination of Emergency Contracts - Removal of Portables - Bella Vista Elementary SchoolResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0013 - Terminating Enactment 15-0759 - Authorizing Emergency Contracts for the Removal of Portables at Bella Vista Elementary School, effective immediately.   Not available Not available
15-1784 1 Termination of Emergency Contracts - Abatement, Repairs and Renovation - Claremont Middle SchoolResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0012 - Terminating Enactment 15-0475 Authorizing Emergency Contracts for Abatement, Repairs and Renovation Necessary After the Claremont Middle School Cafeteria Fire, effective immediately.   Not available Not available
15-1791 1 Award of Bid and Contract - Multifunctional Copier/Scanner with Document Management - Toshiba Business Solutions - ProcurementResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0015 - Award of Bid for Multifunctional Copier / Scanner with Document Management, pursuant to Bid No. 14-15/13, issued on April 30, 2015, to Toshiba Business Solutions and granting authorization to the Superintendent to enter into Contract per the terms and conditions of the RFP.   Not available Not available
15-1812 1 Minutes - Board of Education - Regular Meeting - September 9, 2015Minutes, Board of EducationRatification by the Board of Education of Its Regular Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2015 prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.   Not available Not available
15-1905 1 Appointment - Frank Tsai - Audit CommitteeAppointmentRatification by the Board of Education of President of the Board’s appointment of Frank Tsai to the Audit Committee, effective immediately, for the unexpired term ending January 31, 2017.   Not available Not available
15-1813 1 Regular Board Members Report - September 24, 2015Regular Board Members ReportPresentation of the Regular Board Members Report - September 24, 2015.   Not available Not available
15-1550 1 Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District – Up to 30 Minutes – September 24, 2015Board, Public Comments (Summary)Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - Up to 30 Minutes - September 24, 2015.   Not available Not available