Meeting date/time:
4:00 PM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA ((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.); Internet Streamed - Zoom & Granicus; Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)
| 1 | C1.-1 | Public Comment On Closed Session Items | Board, Public Comment - Closed Session Items | Public Comment On Closed Session Items - November 8, 2023. | Presentation/Acknowledgment Made | |
Action details
| 1 | J.-1 | Student Board Members’ Report – November 8, 2023 | Student Directors' Report | Student Board Members’ Report - (Verbal Only) - November 8, 2023. | Presentation/Acknowledgment Made | |
Action details
| 1 | K.-1 | Parent and Student Advisory Committee’ Report – November 8, 2023 | PSAC Report | Parent and Student Advisory Committee’s Report - November 8, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | L.-1 | Superintendent's Report - November 8, 2023 | Report | Superintendent's Report - November 8, 2023:
· School & District Highlights,
· The Center: Central Kitchen, Education Center and Instructional Garden and Farm,
· Enrollment Update, and
· Attendance Update. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | M.-1 | Comments By Collective Bargaining Units – November 8, 2023 | Report | Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - November 8, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | O.-1 | Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District – November 8, 2023 | Board, Public Comment - Non-Agenda Items | Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - November 8, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | Q.-1 | Amendment, Board Policy - Students - BP 5111 Admission (Second Reading) | Board Policy | Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment, Board Policy 5111 - Students - Admission. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | Q.-2 | Amendment, Board Policy - Students - BP 5116.1 - Open Enrollment and Inter District Transfer (Second Reading) | Board Policy | Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment, Board Policy 5116.1 - Students - Open Enrollment and Interdistrict Enrollment | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | Q.-3 | Amendment, Board Policy - Instruction - BP 6170 - Transitional Kindergarten (Second Reading) | Board Policy | Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment, Board Policy 6170 - Instruction - Transitional Kindergarten. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | R.-1 | Prioritizing the Disposition and Use of Unutilized District Properties - Facilities Committee | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 2324-0155 Prioritizing the Disposition and Use of Unutilized District Properties. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-1 | Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - ER Plumbing & Construction - Lockwood STEAM Elementary School Site Improvements Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and ER Plumbing & Construction, Alameda, CA, for the latter to provide trenching infrastructure to house the electrical lines for powering the light poles for the soccer mini pitches for the Lockwood STEAM Elementary School Site Improvements Project, further described in the Proposal dated, August 1, 2023, attached as Exhibit A, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, in the not-to-exceed amount of $59,730.00. with work scheduled to commence on October 26, 2023 and scheduled to end December 31, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-2 | Construction Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - ER Plumbing & Construction - Allendale Elementary School Site Improvements Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Construction Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and ER Plumbing & Construction, Alameda, CA, for the latter to build electrical infrastructure from library to outside soccer mini pitch courts further described in the Proposal dated, September 7, 2023, attached as Exhibit A, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the Allendale Elementary School Site Improvements Project, in the lump sum amount of $18,000.00, with work commenced on September 14, 2023 and scheduled to end December 30, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-3 | Agreement Between Owner and Contractor – G & G Builders, Inc. – Esperanza at Stonehurst Elementary Site Improvements Project – Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and G & G Builders, Inc., Livermore, CA, for the latter to provide installation of tiles, demolition to existing play structure, Playmatting, tetherball poles, and basketball hoops, more specifically described in Bid Form Document 00 31 01, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the Esperanza at Stonehurst Elementary School Site Improvements Project, in the amount of $176,134.00, which includes a general contingency allowance of $21,500.00, as the lowest responsive bidder, with the work performed on September 14, 2023, and completed within thirty days (30), with an end date of October 13, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-4 | Services Agreement 2022-2023 - Oakland Public Education Fund - Student Enrollment Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide additional guidance and support to the Student Assignment Center during peak enrollment times, in order to ensure smooth operations for staff and community; help mainstream enrollment and placement for families and staff; and support and advise Student Enrollment Department according to enrollment needs, via the Student Assignment Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $22,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-5 | General Services Agreement [for Professional Services] - Various Sites - Professional Service Industries, Inc., (PSI) - Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement by and between the District and Professional Service Industries, Inc., (PSI), Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide environmental services which consists of asbestos, and hazard management services including environmental consulting, building envelope consulting and testing services, as further described in the June 13, 2023 proposal, which is attached as Exhibit A to Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the Various Sites Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $248,689.30, with the work scheduled to commence on November 9, 2023, and scheduled to last until June 30, 2024. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-6 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Jones Environmental Services - Risk Management Department | Motion | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Jones Environmental Services, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide environmental related services to reduce risk at the school sites, including but not limited to environmental clean-up and collecting environmental samples, via Risk Management Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-7 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - SCA Environmental Inc. - Risk Management Department | Motion | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and SCA Environmental Inc., San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide environmental related services to reduce risk at the school sites, including but not limited to … collecting environmental samples, via Risk Management Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-8 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Compsych Corporation - Risk Management Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and ComPsych Corporation, Chicago, IL, for the latter to provide counselors needed for employees due to an after-school shooting where their co-worker was murdered, and some colleagues were shot, via Risk Management Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-9 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Sylint - Risk Management Department | Motion | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Sylint, Sarasota, FL, for the latter utilizing various sources and tools to search darknet sites and forums, typically not accessible through browsers and other open sources, in an effort to identify any postings, commentary or data related to OUSD and Site Principal and related activities, described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Risk Management Department, for the period of September 22, 2023 through March 22, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $13,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-10 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Bayview Environmental Services - Risk Management Department | Motion | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Bayview Environmental Services, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide environmental related services to reduce risk at the school sites, including but not limited to environmental abatement of asbestos, mold and lead-based paint, via Risk Management Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $99,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-11 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Hope Reimagined - Emerson Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Hope Reimagined, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide clinical services, supervision and staff training in the Neurosequential Model, a framework for understanding children and adults in a developmentally sensitive, neurobiologically informed way, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, at Emerson Elementary School, for the period of August 22, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-12 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Children Rising - Brookfield Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Children Rising, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide 400 hours of tutoring, intensive sessions for literacy development at Brookfield Elementary School, for the period of August 7, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-13 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Instruction Partners - Middle School Network | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Instruction Partners, Nashville, TN, for the latter to provide English Language Arts (ELA), math, and/or science instructional support across three middle schools: Elmhurst United, Bret Harte and Urban Promise, via the Middle School Network, for the period of September 7, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-14 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - ANTS Sports - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and ANTS [America’s Next Talented Stars] Sports, San Leandro, CA, for the latter to provide ten 9-hour Saturday sessions of safe and fun sports explorer program in many different sports including tennis, basketball, flag football and soccer, with students learning the fundamentals of each sport in a non-competitive environment that promotes athletic improvement, healthier habit development and social-emotional learning, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $49,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-15 | Services Agreement-2023-2024-No Cost - Health Initiatives For Youth (HIFY) - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement - 2023-2024 - No-Cost by and between the District and Health Initiatives For Youth (HIFY), San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide its 12 session program, for 13-18 teens, to learn about how their choices and habits about food and nutrition affect their mood and wellbeing, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of August 17, 2023 through July 1, 2026, at no cost to the District. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-16 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Girls Leading Goals - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Girls Leading Goals, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide leadership and life skills training through soccer for boys and girls youth, for ten Saturday sessions supporting 80-100 students per session, as described in Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Elmhurst United Middle School, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $49,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-17 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Rob Skate Academy - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Rob Skate Academy, San Leandro, CA, for the latter to provide a safe and fun environment for youth to learn and grow through the art of skateboarding, through 10 week Saturdays to support 80-100 students for 9 hours program, at Burckhalter Elementary School, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $49,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-18 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - 2COACHU - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and 2COACHU, El Cerrito, CA, for the latter to provide its Math Hoops, a comprehensive community program, digital and physical board game, mobile app, and curriculum that allow students to learn fundamental mathematics and social-emotional skills through the game of basketball at Redwood Heights, Prescott, Markham, Madison Park Primary, Komatsu Discovery, Esperanza, Thornhill, Lockwood, Grass Valley, Oakland, Brookfield Schools, with an end of season event on December 2, 2023, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $49,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-19 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Hatchuel Tabernik & Associates, Inc. - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Hatchuel Tabernik & Associates, Inc., Berkeley, CA, for the latter to support in the preparation of 21st Century ASSETS Grant applications for McClymonds High School, Coliseum College Preparatory Academy, and Skyline High School, including grant narrative for each application, a project timeline, a budget for each grant application, draft letters of agreements for each grant application, and assistance with submission of the proposals to the California Department of Education, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 25, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $32,960.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-20 | Services Agreement-2023-2024 - No Cost - Adventus Education LLC dba HarperRand - Adult and Career Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement - 2023-2024 - No-Cost by and between the District and Adventus Education LLC dba HarperRand, Fairfield, CA, for the latter to assist District in the development and administration of one or more of the following Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs: Phlebotomy Technician (CPT1), Pharmacy Technician (PT), Clinical Medical Assistant (CMA), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Electrocardiography Technician (EKG) and Online Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS), via the Adult and Career Education Department, for the period of October 2, 2023 through June 30, 2026, at no cost to the District. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-21 | Services Agreement-2023-2024-No-Cost - Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc. - Early Childhood Development Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement - 2023-2024 - No-Cost by and between the District and Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc, Berkeley, CA, for the latter, which trains college students, to provide a year- long supplemental early education program for pre-school aged children to develop their language, literacy and social emotional, via Early Childhood Development Department, for the period of October 2, 2023 through June 30, 2026, at no cost to the District. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-22 | Services Agreement-2023-2024 - No Cost - SFJAZZ (San Francisco Jazz Organization) - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement - 2023-2024 - No-Cost by and between the District and SFJAZZ (San Francisco Jazz Organization), San Francisco, CA, for the latter to bring world-class jazz artists out of the concert hall and into the community, connecting youth and adults, students and professionals, and musicians and non-musicians with a diverse array of interactive programs and events, through its Jazz in Session (JIS), Jazz in the Middle (JIM) and School Day Concerts (SDC), each as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference a though fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 6, 2023 through June 30, 2026, at no cost to the District. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-23 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Touchmath Acquisition, LLC - Special Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Touchmath Acquisition, LLC, Colorado Springs, CO, for the latter to provide one Custom Train-the-Trainer Program to certify up to 5 internal trainers for the district, four 3-hours of custom virtual training via Zoom for up to 40 teachers per session, and two full days of custom in-person training for up to 40 teachers per session, via Special Education Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-24 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - West Shield Adolescent Services - Special Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and West Shield Adolescent Services, Huntington Beach, CA, for the latter to provide support for students to be safely and compliantly transported for placements based on Individual Education Program (IEP) placements that are legally mandated, via Special Education Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-25 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Rocio Elisabeth Cordova - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Rocio Elisabeth Cordova, Oakland, CA, for the latter to develop Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) intervention protocols and programming, in partnership with We Lead Ours; create and provide professional development and coaching for TUPE coaches; assist with identifying student Cessation programs; assist with creation of drug and alcohol prevention education curriculum and resources for students and families; design prevention program for targeted disparity population of LGBTQ, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of September 11, 2023 through October 15, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-26 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Moving Forward Education - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Moving Forward Education, Emeryville, CA, for the latter to provide supports to OUSD’s Expanded Learning Office by delivering in-person, on-site professional development sessions for expanded learning staff, leaders, and interns around best practices for integrating social/ emotional learning and literacy using the Reading with Relevance Program, as described in Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of December 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $20,384.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-27 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Chaiquis Stephens - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Chaiquis Stephens, Stockton, CA, for the latter to provide administrative support for youth sports programs with the Expanded Learning Office: Project Manage America Sports at International Community School supporting 250 to 300 students during Saturday games; Soccer Without Borders at Frick United Academy of Language supporting 200-250 students during Saturday game days; and related or other activities specified in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of October 3, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-29 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Destiny Arts Center - Garfield Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Destiny Arts Center, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide over 210 hours of Capoeira and Creative Youth Development for students over the course of the 2023-24 school year, as described in Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Garfield Elementary School, for the period of October 3, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $24,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-30 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Lincoln - Grass Valley Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Lincoln, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide integrated mental health support services for students, families, and schools to develop tools and learning environments for social emotional success, with services including team having a clinician and Intervention specialist that can have a caseload of 20 students at Grass Valley Elementary School, for the period of August 7, 2023 through May 17, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $16,250.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-31 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - AlciDesigns & Consulting - Linked Learning Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and AlciDesigns & Consulting, El Sobrante, CA, for the latter to plan and facilitate logistics for High School Linked Learning events, including program and invitation creation, registration, guest lists, venue preparation, presentation materials, catering, equipment, decor, and marketing materials; oversee events from conception through post-event; managing on-site preparations, production, and event breakdown, ensuring consistent, high-level service throughout all phases; book venues appropriate for the event as needed; be responsible for hiring all of the vendors necessary to work the event with the client having final approval over all vendors hired; be responsible for booking all catering necessary at the event with the client having final approval over all food and beverages to be served at the event; arrive at the venue at an agreed upon time to set up event and meet any vendors at least 3 hours prior to the start of event; work a reasonable number of hours sufficient to fulfill … obligations to the client …, via High School Linked Learning Department, for the period of September 30, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $10,200.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-32 | County of Alameda Standard Services Agreement - Alameda County Health Care Services Agency - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a County of Alameda Standard Services Agreement by and between the District and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, San Leandro, CA, for the District to provide Mental Health Student Services Act (MHSSA) Partnership Program services to expand mental health services to students at school sites, in foster care and who have been expelled or suspended from school, pursuant to General Terms and Conditions hereinafter specified in the Agreement, the Additional Provisions attached hereto, and Exhibits A through F, all of which are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, with the District to receiving an amount not to exceed $150,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-33 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 – Connections Ed Consulting, Inc. – Special Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Connections Ed Consulting, Inc., Garden Valley, CA, for the latter to provide for Student X, a special needs student, an Independent Education Evaluation, as stated in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Special Education Department, for the period of July 27, 2023 through December 31, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $11,175.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-34 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Braintrust Tutors, Inc. - Special Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Braintrust Tutors, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, for the latter, working with central office leadership to coordinate synchronous interventions at relevant school sites, and then collaborate on a daily basis with site leadership to implement programs, to service 15-20 student at one pilot site, providing: 1) a Certified tutor assigned to each participating small-group cohort, 2) 2-4 times per week tutoring sessions throughout school year, 3) single point of contact and dedicated support provided to each site coordinator, and 4) consistent attendance including progress data shared with schools, teachers, and parents, via Special Education Department, for the period of August 7, 2023 through July 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-35 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Reading Partners - Laurel Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Reading Partners, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide a tutoring program for a minimum of 40 students who will receive one-on-one 45 minute tutoring sessions twice a week at Laurel Elementary School, for the period of August 7, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-36 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Children Rising - Laurel Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Children Rising, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide interventional literacy tutoring through its Succeeding by Reading (SbR) initiative, for elementary school students who are struggling with foundational literacy skills, often scoring 2+ grade levels below their age group, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as if though fully set forth, at Laurel Elementary School, for the period of September 18, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-37 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Safe Passages - Laurel Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide 350 hours of targeted intervention to students designated as "Newcomers", students who speak English as a second language and have been in the country for less than one year, with a focus on developing basic conversational and academic English and including help with phonics, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing; and additionally, providing translation support for families or newcomers at Laurel Elementary School, for the period of August 7, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-38 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Safe Passages - Laurel Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide case management interns and social services work for students and families at Laurel Elementary School, for the period of September 4, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-39 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Earthplay LLC - Early Childhood Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Earthplay LLC, Ithaca, NY, for the latter to provide natural playscape master plans specifically tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of preschool children, including elements like age-appropriate equipment, sensory-rich landscaping, and imaginative play spaces, all designed to foster early childhood development, via Early Childhood Education Department, for the period of October 9, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $19,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-40 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Zullo Educational Consulting - High School Linked Learning Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Zullo Educational Consulting, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide two projects: Project 1: Measure H Permissible Expenses Guidance 2024-25. Deliverables for this project will be a revised guidance document that incorporates language from Measures N and H, Linked Learning Standards, and feedback from stakeholders collected during the Measure N Listening Campaign conducted by Board Directors and in Fall 2023 via Google Survey; and Project 2: Conditionally Approved Sites - Refresh Process and Materials to support site visits and report compilation, via High School Linked Learning Department, for the period of September 30, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-41 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - John Watkins - High School Linked Learning Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and John Watkins, Oakland, CA, for the latter to project manage and staff agendas, topics, related duties for Measure N/H Commission meetings, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference, via High School Linked Learning Department, for the period of September 30, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $41,250.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-42 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Cantare Con Vivo - Lincoln Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Cantare Con Vivo, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide teaching artists to provide music instruction for 26 weekly in-school session for 16 K-2 classrooms teaching a sequential curriculum, designed to teach fundamental music concepts specific to each grade level and to build community and cooperation among students, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Lincoln Elementary School, for the period of August 14, 2023 through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $41,880.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
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Not available
| 1 | T.-43 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Partners in School Innovation - Reach Academy | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Partners in School Innovation, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide Instructional Leadership Team ( ILT) Support and Monthly Professional Development Team Meetings, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Reach Academy, for the period of August 7, 2023 through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-44 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - We Lead Ours - Roosevelt Middle School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and We Lead Ours (WELO), Oakland, CA, for the latter to serve as coordinator of the WELO reset room, providing emotional regulation, strength-based assessments, restorative justice, and anger management for the students referred to, on the WELO caseload at Roosevelt Middle School, for the period of August 7, 2023, through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-45 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Lonnie Morris - Oakland Technical High School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Lonnie Morris, Vallejo, CA, for the latter to create, design, and facilitate the agenda for customized Teachers’ workshops, focusing practices that improve the teacher-student relationship, in service of a stronger classroom experience for student achievement, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at Oakland Technical High School, for the period of October 16, 2023 through March 29, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-46 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Oakland Public Education Fund - Acorn Woodland Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to communicate with parents and teachers regarding second language literacy acquisition, provide support needed for success, and facilitate supportive interventions at Acorn Woodland Elementary School, for the period of October 16, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $23,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-47 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Oakland Public Education Fund - Think College Now Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide weekly workshops with the student council to help the facilitation of student voice on campus; weekly workshops with Peer Restorative Justice leaders, support classroom community circle presentations, and participate in culture and climate leadership teams that execute action plans to address the CLT yearly goal around reduction of office referrals at Think College Now Elementary School, for the period of August 7, 2023 through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $43,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-48 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Children Rising - Garfield Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Children Rising, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide its Succeeding by Reading (SbR) Program, that provides interventional literacy tutoring for elementary school students who are struggling with foundational literacy skills, often scoring 2+ grade levels below their age group, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference, at Garfield Elementary School, for the period of October 2, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $11,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-49 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - AlciDesigns & Consulting - Linked Learning Department | Agreement or Contract | Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and AlciDesigns & Consulting, El Sobrante, CA, for the latter to provide Charter & Street Academy reimbursements for Measures N and H, including the set-up of appropriate files and related documents, communication with Charter and Street fiscal contacts, and the design and delivery of a training for those contacts; and work with Measures N and H staff to support with the preparation of key documents for the Measures N/H Commission, via High School Linked Learning Department, for the period of September 30, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $7,800.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-50 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Reading Partners - Highland Community School | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-24 by and between District and Reading Partners, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide small group and individualized reading tutoring to students reading below grade level; Implement best practices aligned to the science of reading; and monitor student progress through the frequent administration of assessments at Highland Community School, for the period of October 16, 2023 through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
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Not available
| 1 | T.-51 | Grant - Philanthropic Ventures Foundation - Agency by Design - Oakland Fund - Grass Valley Elementary School | Agreement or Contract | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a Grant in the amount of $125,000.00, on behalf of Grass Valley Elementary School, from the Philanthropic Ventures Foundation, its Agency by Design Oakland Fund, Oakland, CA, in support of the salary of Paula Mitchell for the 2023-2024 school year, covering .8 FTE of salary with use of funds permitted (at minimum): salary, professional development and supplies, via Grass Valley Elementary School, for the period August 22, 2023 through June 30, 2024. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-52 | 2023 -2025 Assurance of Compliance - Significant Disproportionality Compliance for Improvement Monitoring (CIM) for Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) - Special Education Department | Agreement or Contract | Adoption by the Board of Education of the Assurance of Compliance, Significant Disproportionality Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM) for Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS), Individual with Disabilities Education Act of 2004, Part B. Grant, via the Special Education Department, and authorizing submittal of same to the California Department of Education, for the period of July 1, 2023, through September 30, 2025. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-53 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Mills College at Northeastern University TRIO Programs (Mills at NU) - High School Linked Learning Office | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 - No Cost by and between the District and Mills College at Northeastern University (Mills at NU), Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Mills at NU TRIO Programs (METS and Upward Bound) serving students in the District with pre-college services including: Academic Advising, College Planning, Tutorial Services, Academic Courses, College Tours, at named schools, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the High School Linked Learning Office, for the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, at no cost to the District. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-54 | Grant Award - California Department of Education - Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act - High School Linked Learning Office | Agreement or Contract | Acceptance by the Board of Education of a Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act Grant Award from the California Department of Education, for High School Students, Grant Number: 23-14894-61259-00, in the amount of $623,409.00, for the purpose described in the attachment, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, via the High School Link Learning Department, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-55 | Services Agreement 2023-2024 - The Spanish Speaking Unity Council of Alameda County, Inc. dba The Unity Council - Early Childhood Education | Agreement or Contract | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0009 - Authorizing Subcontract to The Spanish Speaking Unity Council of Alameda County, Inc, dba The Unity Council, A Portion of the District’s Fiscal Year 2023-24 Child Development Funding, for the provision of child development services, in an amount not to exceed $790,043.00, with no administrative fee, for the term of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, subject to the Council complying with any and all applicable terms and conditions of the State Contract. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-56 | Grant Award - United States Department of Health and Human Services - Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Program - Community Schools and Student Services Department | Agreement or Contract | Acceptance by the Board of Education of Grant Award# 90TV0060-01-00 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, in the amount of $500,000.00 in Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Program funding to support human trafficking prevention education for staff, students, and caregivers, as well as supporting implementation of the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period September 30, 2023 through September 29, 2028, subject to the terms and conditions thereof. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | T.-57 | Minutes - Board of Education - Regular Meeting – October 25, 2023 | Minutes, Board of Education | Ratification by the Board of Education of its Regular Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2023, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
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Not available
| 1 | T.-58 | Measure G1 Funding Allocation - Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School Improvement Act Oversight Commission | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0158 Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School Improvement Act Oversight Commission Recommendation Approving 2023-2024 Measure G1 Grant Proposals for Named Schools. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | U.-1 | Amendment No. 2, Agreement for Inspector of Record Services for Construction– King Construction Inspection, Inc. – East Oakland Pride Elementary School Fire Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Agreement for Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the District and King Construction Inspection, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide additional Department of State Architect (DSA) Inspector of Record Services for the East Oakland Pride Elementary School Fire Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project, in an additional not-to-exceed amount of $21,414.80, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $49,052.00 to $70,446.80 and extending the term of the Agreement from May 26, 2023 through June 30, 2023 to November 30, 2023, an additional 153 days. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | U.-2 | Amendment No. 2, Agreement for Inspector of Record Services for Construction– King Construction Inspection, Inc. – Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Fire Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Agreement for Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the District and King Construction Inspection, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to continue to provide Inspector of Record Services for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Fire Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project, in an additional not-to-exceed amount of $23,359.60, increasing the Agreement’s not to exceed amount from $47,748.00 to $71,107.60, and extending the term of Agreement from May 26, 2022 through June 30, 2023 to November 30, 2023. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | U.-3 | Engineering Services Agreement – Terraphase Engineering, Inc. – Roosevelt Middle School- Modernization Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of Geneal Services Agreement by and between the District and Terraphase Engineering, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) consulting services, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the Roosevelt Middle School Modernization Project, in the amount of $50,914.00, which includes a contingency fee of $4,629.00 for Additional Services, if any, with work scheduled to commence on November 9, 2023 and scheduled to last until November 9, 2027. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | U.-4 | Agreement for Engineering Services - EDesign-C, Inc.- Elmhurst United Middle School and Manzanita Community Elementary School - Electrical Upgrade Design Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement for Engineering Services by and between the District and EDesign-C, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to evaluate the existing electrical system and complete a feasibility report for upgrading to solar equipment at the Elmhurst United Middle School and Manzanita Community Elementary School - Electrical Upgrade Design Project, in the amount of $35,607.00, with a contingency of $3,237.00 for Additional Services, if any, with work scheduled to commence on November 9, 2023 and scheduled to last until November 9, 2024. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
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Not available
| 1 | V.-1 | President's Report | President's Report | President’s Report - November 8, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | W.-1 | Regular Board Member's Report – November 8, 2023 | Regular Board Members Report | Regular Board Member's Report - November 8, 2023. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | X.-1 | Standing Up for Palestinian and Israeli Kids - Calling for a Ceasefire and Release of Hostages in Israel and Palestine - Director Valarie Bachelor and Director Jennifer Brouhard | Introduction of New Legislative Matter | Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0159 - Standing Up for Palestinian and Israeli Kids by Calling for a Permanent Ceasefire and Release of All Hostages. | Not Discussed and/or Taken Up | |
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Not available