Meeting date/time:
6:30 PM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
KDOL TV Studio, B-237, Met West High School Entrance, 314 East 10th Street, Oakland, CA 94606-2291
| 1 | | Nomination(s), Secretary, Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - 2016 Term | Nomination | Acceptance of Nomination(s) from the membership for the position of Secretary of the Measures “A, B, and J” Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee for the 2016 term. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | Election of Secretary, Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - 2016 Term | Election | Shall Farrah Wilder be elected Secretary of the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee for the 2016 term? | Elected | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - Minutes - May 17, 2016 | Minutes, Committee | Approval by the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee of its Meeting Minutes of May 17, 2016. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - Minutes - June 21, 2016 | Minutes, Committee | Approval by the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee of its Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2016. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Measures A, B, & J Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee - 2014/2015 Annual Report | Report | Discussion and approval by the Committee of the Measures “A, B & J” Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee 2014/2015 Annual Report. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Report - Construction Management Firm - Request For Proposals | Report | A Report to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee from the Deputy Chief, Facilities, Planning and Management, on the status of District’s Request for Proposals for Construction and Facilities Program Management. | Discussed | |
Action details
| 1 | | Report - Dr. Marcus Foster Education Leadership Campus Project | Report | Presentation of a Report from staff to the Measures A, B, and J Independent Citizens’ School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee on: 1) The status of the Dr. Marcus Foster Education Leadership Campus Project and 2) Whether any Bond funds - Measures A, B or J, - have been used or are projected or scheduled for use, if any, in the construction of the proposed Dr. Marcus Foster Education Leadership Campus. | Discussed | |
Action details