Meeting Name: Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/16/2024 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room, KDOL TV Studio, B-237, Met West High School Entrance, 314 East 10th Street, Oakland, CA 94606-2291, Internet - Zoom & Granicus; Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0166 1D.-1Minutes - Measures N and H Commission - Regular Meeting - December 5, 2023Minutes, CommitteeApproval by the Measures N and H Commission of its Regular Meeting Minutes December 5, 2023.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
24-0167 1D.-2Minutes - Measures N and H Commission - Special Meeting - December 19, 2023Minutes, CommitteeApproval by the Measures N and H Commission of its Special Meeting Minutes December 19, 2023.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
24-0100 1E.-1High School Network Superintendent's Report - Work-Based Learning HighlightsReportPresentation to the Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission by the High School Network Superintendent Report on Work-Based Learning Highlights.Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  Action details Video Video
23-2456 2F.-1Measures N and H Commission – College and Career Readiness Commission - 2022-2023 Measure N Annual Report - David Kakishiba, ChairpersonReportPresentation to the Board of Education by the Measures N and H Commission of its 2022-2023 Annual Report to the Board and the Public.Discussed  Action details Video Video
23-2818 2F.-2Measures N and H Commission - Independent Auditor’s Compliance Report and District’s Management Representation Letter (MRL) - Measure N Parcel Tax Funds - Year Ended June 30, 2023ReportReview by the Board of Education of the Measures N and H Commission Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance … Measures N and H Parcel Tax Funds For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023, prepared by Edie Bailly, LLP, Independent Auditors, and from staff the District’s Management Representation Letter (MRL) Letter, referred by the Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission.Recommended FavorablyPass Action details Video Video
23-2092 4F.-3Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission - 2024-2025 Permissible ExpensesMotionAdoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Measures N and H Commission, of the Measure N/H Permissible Expenses for 2024-2025.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
23-2727 2F.-4Measures N and H Commission – College and Career Readiness Commission - 2024-2025 Education Improvement Plan TemplateMotionAdoption by the Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission of proposed 2024-2025 Education Improvement Plan Template.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
24-0101 1G.-1Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission - 2024-2025 OUSD and Charter High Schools AllocationsAppropriationAdoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Measures N and H Commission, of 2024-2025 OUSD and Charter High Schools Measure H and Measure N Strategic Carryover allocations.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
24-0126 1G.-2Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission - April 2024-2025 - Education Improvement Plans (EIP) Presentation TemplateDiscussion ItemPresentation to and discussion by the Measures N and H Commission of the April 2024-2025 Education Improvement Plan (EIP) Presentation Template.Discussed  Action details Video Video
24-0103 1H.-1Measures N and H Commission - 2023-2024 Education Improvement Plan/ Budget Modification - Skyline High SchoolAppropriationAdoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Measures N and H Commission, of a 2023-2024 Education Improvement Plan/Budget modification for Skyline High School reducing from $10,309.47 by $3,999.47 to $6,310.00, Teacher Salaries Stipends: Extended Contracts for the Visual & Performing Arts Academy Teachers/Certified Staff to attend Collaboration & Professional Development Time, and establishing a new expenditure in the amount of $3,999.47 for Professional Contracted Bus Services, as stated in the justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of the Budget Modification Form.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0104 1H.-2Measures N and H Commission - 2023-2024 Education Improvement Plan/ Budget Modification - Dewey AcademyAppropriationAdoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Measures N and H Commission, of a 2023-2024 Education Improvement Plan/Budget modification for Dewey Academy reducing from $8,212.58 to $5,212.58, Supplies & Materials: for the Health Medical Lab and Pathway, and establishing a new expenditure in the amount of $3,000.00 for Consultant Contract with Paxton/Patterson to provide onsite training for their new Health and Fitness Pathway Teacher, as stated in the justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of the Budget Modification Form.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0105 1H.-3Measures N and H Commission - 2023-2024 Education Improvement Plan/ Budget Modification - Castlemont High SchoolAppropriationAdoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Measures N and H Commission, of a 2023-2024 Education Improvement Plan/Budget modification for Castlemont High School reducing from $133,773.00 by $18,000.00 to $115,773.00, Teacher Salaries: Hire a 9th Grade CHEA Teacher at 1.0 FTE, and establishing a new expenditure in the amount of $18,000.00 for Consultant Contract with Destination College Advising Corps (DCAC) through June 30, 2024, as stated in the justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of the Budget Modification Form.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0147 1I.-1Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission - Recognition and Appreciation -Chairperson, Louise WatersDiscussion ItemMeasures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission - Recognition and Appreciation - Chairperson, Louise Waters.Discussed and Closed  Action details Video Video