Meeting Name: Board of Education Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/12/2025 4:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA ((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.); Internet Streamed - Zoom & Granicus; Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0448 1C1.-1Public Comment On Closed Session ItemsBoard, Public Comment - Closed Session ItemsPublic Comment On Closed Session Items - March 12, 2025.   Action details Video Video
25-0449 1J.-1Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District – March 12, 2025Board, Public Comment - Non-Agenda ItemsPublic Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - March 12, 2025.   Action details Video Video
25-0249 1L.-1Agreement for Maintenance – Competitively Bid - Star Elevator, Inc. – Various Sites Elevator Wheelchair Repairs and Maintenance Project – Buildings and Grounds DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of all other bids, if any, and a Maintenance Agreement by and between the District and Star Elevator, Inc. Belmont, CA, for the latter, as the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, to provide Various Sites Elevator Wheelchair Lift Repairs & Maintenance Services, more specifically described in Exhibit A of Agreement, for the Various Sites Elevator Wheelchair Repairs and Maintenance Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $824,380.00, with work anticipated to commence on March 13, 2025, and anticipated ending date of June 30, 2028.   Action details Not available
25-0358 1L.-2Services Agreement 2024-2025 - ER Plumbing & Construction, Inc. - Nutrition Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and ER Plumbing & Construction Inc, Oakland, CA, for the latter to demolish and prep kitchen flooring; open kitchen walls to replace all lead-based pipes and fittings, shut-off valves; remove concrete and excavate as needed to remove and replace grease trap, install three floor sinks; install new grease trap underneath 3-compartment sink and connect all floor sinks with new two-inch drains, vents and trap primers, as per code; install two new commercial grade, lead-free, two-handled ADA compliant faucets at 3-compartment sink; install one new commercial grade, lead-free, single-handle, ADA compliant faucet at single compartment sink; install new gas stove with heat proof drain and copper vent to new floor sink; replacement and installation for concrete, as needed; inspection and test existing range hood fire suppression unit by certified specialist, at Allendale Elementary School, via the Nutrition Services Department, for the period of December 13, 2024 through March 31, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $127,665.00.   Action details Not available
25-0368 1L.-3Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Redgwick Co. - Madison Primary School Site Improvements Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of all other bids, if any, and an Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and Redgwick Construction Co., Oakland, CA, for the latter, as the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, to demolish existing play structures, safety surfacing, basketball hoop poles, and chain-link fencing, and enhance the garden with new planter boxes, mulch, and an upgraded drip irrigation system; install Safety surfacing tiles and drainage systems; perform additional work including installing privacy screens, preparing walls for murals, tree planting with irrigation and drainage, and upgrades to the nature area with a decomposed granite pathway, and pavement replacement and turf field upgrades, for the Madison Primary School Site Improvements Project, in the amount of $1,347,100.00, which includes a contingency allowance of $180,000.00, with the work anticipated to commence on March 13, 2025, and required to be completed within fifty-eight (58) days, with an anticipated ending of May 9, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0379 1L.-4Dark Fiber Lease Agreement - Sonic - Technology Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Dark Fiber Lease Agreement by and between District and Sonic, Santa Rosa, CA, for a Single Dark Fiber Link-5 Year IRU - 1011 Union Street, Oakland, CA and 955 High Street, Oakland, CA, for the term July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2030, in an amount not-to-exceed $6,000, subject to the award of E-Rate funding, with Five, 1-year Renewal options.   Action details Not available
25-0380 1L.-5Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2021-2022 - Sonic - Technology Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2021-2022 by and between the District and Sonic, Santa Rosa, CA, for internet services, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, extending the Agreement term of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025 to June 30, 2027, for an additional $163,200.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $244,800.00 to $408,000.00 (District share), via Technology Services Department. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Not available
25-0382 1L.-6Amendment No. 1, Sonic Service Agreement - Oakland Unified School District Wide-Area Network - Technology Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Sonic Service Agreement - Oakland Unified School District Wide-Area Network (WAN), by and between the District and Sonic, Santa Rosa, CA, for Wide Area Network (WAN) services, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, extending the Agreement term of April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2025, to June 30, 2027, for an additional $2,993,148.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $5,718,000.00 to $8,711.148.00 (District Share), via Technology Services Department. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Not available
25-0397 1L.-7Declaration of Best Interest of the District and Piggyback Agreement - T-Mobile USA, Inc. - Technology Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0153 - Declaring It Is In The Best Interest Of The District To Piggyback On And Enter Into A Contract With T-Mobile Properly Entered Into Through the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint Program and approval of a School and Libraries Funding Program (E-Rate) Agreement and Addendum by and between T-Mobile USA, Inc. and District, for an up to a fiscal year not-to-exceed amount of $2,671,704.00 from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028 for lines of service and $520,800.00 from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028 for hotspot devices.   Action details Not available
25-0424 1L.-8Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Hope Reimagined - Hillcrest Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Hope Reimagined, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide clinical supervision, staff training, and support in mediating social emotional, behavioral and academic problems at Hillcrest Elementary School, for the period of February 1, 2025 through May 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $12,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0434 1L.-9Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Brigaid LLC - Nutrition Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Brigaid LLC, Middletown, CT, for the latter to assist the Menu Planner with the continuation of recipe development and testing, including the creation of the summer and School Year 2025-2026 menus, including printing recipes for site-based staff; support the continuation of all scratch production and training of staff at the Central Kitchen, with specific focus on supporting the Central Kitchen Production Supervisor so they are empowered to assume oversight of the Central Kitchen Cooks; and also continue to coordinate with and update Nutrition Services leadership and staff throughout their work, via the Nutrition Services Department, for the period of January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $114,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0438 1L.-10Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Devinder Kumar - Nutrition Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Devinder Kumar, Bakersfield, CA, for the latter to assist with preparation for the spring administrative review and audit of key operations areas, including a review of staffing and operational plans, second chance breakfast, central kitchen operations, Standard Operating Procedures and school site procedures, more specifically described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, via the Nutrition Services Department, for the period of February 8, 2025 through March 5, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0476 1L.-11Declaring District Personal Property Obsolete, Surplus, and Authorizing Disposition Thereof – VehiclesAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0134 - Declaring District Personal Property Obsolete, Surplus and Authorizing Disposition thereof - Vehicles.   Action details Not available
25-0441 1L.-12Memorandum of Understanding and Interagency Agreement - Academy of Art University - Talent/Human Resources DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding and Interagency Agreement (MOU or Agreement) for an Intern Partnership Program and Practica Program-applying to credentials in K-12 Teaching, Single Subject and Designated Subject, Art Education, including Added or Supplementary Authorizations; and including Fieldwork Experience for Pre-Credential Candidate Undergraduate and Graduate Students-is entered into by and between Oakland Unified School District (District or OUSD), a public school district in the State of California, County of Alameda, and Academy of Art University (University, or ArtU), a California Private University-for the term July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2030, at no cost to the District other than for Teacher Interns, who are employees of the District, who therefore are paid with District funds associated with their employment. [See Fiscal Impact]   Action details Not available
25-0443 1L.-13Memorandum of Understanding and Interagency Agreement - University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences - Talent/Human Resources DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding and Interagency Agreement (MOU or Agreement) for a Fieldwork Learning Experience Program-applying to District placements of University students, regarding course work for Advanced Degrees and Certifications, including covered categories in the fields of Health Sciences, as specified (Article 1/F), and including Master of Arts or Science and other Graduate-Level Degrees or Certifications with Emphasis in Pupil Personnel Services, and other Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credentials and certifications, as may be specified (Article 2/E)-is entered into by and between Oakland Unified School District (District or OUSD), a public school district in the State of California, County of Alameda, and the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (University, or USA), a private, for-profit, health sciences university in San Marcos, California, with campuses in St. Augustine, Florida, Miami, Florida, Austin, Texas, and Dallas, Texas-for the term January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2029, at no cost to the District other than for certain Non-Teaching Interns in PPS categories (Article 4/#2), who are not employees of the District but may be allocated stipends (Article 4/#3) drawn from non-profit organizational grants to the District (e.g. Ed Fund), administered by the relevant departments of the District. [See Fiscal Impact]   Action details Not available
25-0076 1L.-14Grant Agreement - California Department of Food and Agriculture - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement (Agreement Number 24-0743-000-SG) by and between the District and the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA, with the District accepting an amount not to exceed $508,305.00 to be used to support the “Growing EFG (Environment, Food, and Garden) Programming for Oakland Unified School District” which will provide opportunities for students to develop a relationship to healthy, local food in the cafeteria, gardens and classrooms, while also addressing food security, healthy eating habits and aligned standards-based curriculum in the Oakland community while also expanding local procurement of produce and proteins from socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, increase field trip opportunities for students, and enhancing student engagement to directly impact cafeteria options for the period January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026, subject to the terms and conditions thereof.   Action details Not available
25-0210 1L.-15Services Agreement and Data Sharing Agreement - Curacubby, Inc. - Expanded Learning Programs - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement (SA) and a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) by and between the District and Curacubby, Inc., Berkeley, CA, for the latter, through the SA, to implement its Attendly software for the District’s YES Sports Saturday events to allow participating families to more easily enroll students in events and to electronically check students in and out of events in a manner that is compliant with funding requirements, in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00, for the period February 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025, and under the DSA, the terms and conditions of the District’s transmission of or sharing of pupil data with Curacubby, Inc. and the protection by Curacubby, Inc., of such data, for the same term as the SA, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department.   Action details Not available
25-0253 1L.-16Services Agreement 2024-2025 – HTF Staffing LLC – Special Education DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and HTF Staffing LLC, Summit, IL, for the latter to provide Special Education Teacher services to support and cover unexpected emergent leaves and vacancies, via the Special Education Department, for the period of February 10, 2025 through May 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $114,500.00.   Action details Not available
25-0384 1L.-17No Cost Services Agreement - The Regents of the University of California on behalf of its UC Cooperative Extension Office for Alameda County - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement by and between the District and the Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its UC Cooperative Extension Office for Alameda County, Hayward, CA, for the latter, through the UCCE Alameda Master Gardener Program (MGP), mentor food corps service members and EFG Champions (OUSD teachers and staff) through the academic year, including initial garden assessment at school site and ongoing garden questions; deliver four Saturday monthly educational talks on garden topics mutually agreed upon by OUSD team at The Center and MGP volunteers; Provide team leaders for requested school garden community work days; Assist growing and providing school garden seedlings through The Center Greenhouse Wednesday Seed and Start program; Explore future use of The Center community garden spaces for community plant sales as agreed upon by The OUSD Center staff and OUSD Facilitron reservation system (Contact for Master Gardener Program: Allyson Greenlon) and provide other services, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference, as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027, at no cost to the District.   Action details Not available
25-0412 1L.-18Services Agreement 2024-2025 - KH Design - Special Education DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and KH Design, Pittsburgh, PA, for the latter to provide student, community, and staff engagement in the production of 3 murals (at 3 school sites to be determined), as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Special Education Department, for the period of March 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0413 1L.-19Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Omega Brooks - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Omega Brooks, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide arts based youth development program support and consultation specific to the Arts Enrichment Initiative (AEI), as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of February 3, 2025 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $32,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0414 1L.-20Services Agreement - Servio Consulting, LLC - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and between the District and Servio Consulting, LLC, Frankfort, IL, for the latter to convert after school program planning and budget development processes currently held in the Quip tool to Salesforce screen flow processes to increase efficiency and reduce manual entry of data, as described in the Statement of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period March 13, 2025 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $65,625.00.   Action details Not available
25-0420 1L.-21Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Oakland Public Education Fund - Allendale Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter, via Dennis Chaconas, to provide instructional leadership coaching, as described in Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by reference, to Ronald Towns to support his role and development as Principal, Allendale Elementary School, for the period of February 3, 2025 through May 16, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0421 1L.-22Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Kendall Hunt Publishers - Academics and Instruction DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Kendall Hunt Publishers, Dubuque, IA, to provide a two-day foundational curriculum training for the adopted math curriculum, Illustrative Mathematics (IM), via Academics and Instruction Department, for the period of August 1, 2024, through August 2, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $11,050.00.   Action details Not available
25-0423 1L.-23Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Woodbury Education Consulting Inc. - High School NetworkAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Woodbury Education Consulting Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to support high school math team leads through planning meetings with PLC leads, co-facilitation of Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, and coaching of one to one teachers (including observation/debriefing) and (PLC) cycles focused around an inquiry question that helps teachers explore how to leverage Math Language Routines to support student to student talk in service of grade-level understanding, via High School Network, for the period of February 3, 2025 through May 23, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0425 1L.-24Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Bay Area Community Resources - Hillcrest Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, El Cerrito, CA, for the latter to provide lunchtime supervision support; assigned staff will conduct group activities and support students in learning conflict resolution skills at Hillcrest Elementary School, for the period of August 12, 2024 through May 28, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $8,538.75.   Action details Not available
25-0427 1L.-25Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Lend A Hand Foundation - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Lend A Hand Foundation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide the Mckinney-Vento Program necessary school supplies, hygiene kits, clothing, snacks, and other resources needed for students’ academic success, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of December 2, 2024 through May 30, 2025 in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0453 1L.-26Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Elevate Oakland - Montclair Elementary SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Elevate Oakland, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide an edutainment performance for Disability Awareness month, as part of the Cultural Celebration and arts integration project, including student attendance at a specially created puppet show to learn the history of disability rights and learn the process of puppet making. at Montclair Elementary School, for the period of January 27, 2025 through January 28, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0454 1L.-27Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Swanson & Cosgrave Consulting LLC - Linked Learning DepartmentAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Swanson & Cosgrave Consulting LLC, Eugene, OR, for the latter to provide technical assistance and capacity building for ten Charter Schools that receive Measure N and H funding; support the alignment of Charter High School pathways to the 2023-26 Linked Learning Quality Standards, more specifically described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Linked Learning Department, for the period of January 27, 2025 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $10,500.00.   Action details Not available
25-0455 1L.-28No Cost Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Oakland Symphony - United for Success AcademyAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement - 2024-2025 by and between the District and Oakland Symphony, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide instrumental lessons with a small group of students during their regularly scheduled music class and with their music teacher that will work closely with Oakland Symphony musicians to support student learning on a string or band instrument from primary skills to advanced technique at United for Success Academy, for the period of January 27, 2025 through June 30, 2025, at no cost to the District.   Action details Not available
25-0457 1L.-29Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Emma Donnelly - Elmhurst United Middle SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Emma Donnelly, Oakland, CA, for the latter to continue to develop units and lessons for English language acquisition; teach weekly English classes to families of students, for the unchanged term of January 21, 2025 through May 22, 2025, in the additional amount of $6,000.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $6,000.00 to $12,000.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Not available
25-0458 1L.-30Grant Award - University of California, Berkeley - Bay Area K-16 Collaborative, College & Career - Castlemont High SchoolAgreement or ContractAcceptance by the Board of Education of a Grant Award from the Bay Area K-16 Collaborative College & Career Exploration Fund, Berkeley, CA, a Fiscal Agent of the University of California Berkeley, in the amount of $7,500.00, to be used during the 2024-2025 academic year to support students/educators in the Education, Health Care, and Engineering/STEM Pathways by hosting field trips with pathway-specific activities at Castlemont High School, for the period of October 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025, pursuant to terms and conditions thereof, if any.   Action details Not available
25-0459 1L.-31Grant Award - University of California, Berkeley - Bay Area K-16 Collaborative, College & Career - McClymonds High SchoolAgreement or ContractAcceptance by the Board of Education of a Grant Award from the Bay Area K-16 Collaborative College & Career Exploration Fund, Berkeley, CA, a Fiscal Agent of the University of California Berkeley, in the amount of $7,500.00 to be used during the 2024-2025 academic year to support students/educators in the Education, Health Care, and Engineering/STEM pathways by hosting the 4-year University (CSU/UC) field trips with pathway-specific activities at McClymonds High School, for the period of October 1, 2024, through May 31, 2025, pursuant to terms and conditions thereof, if any.   Action details Not available
25-0460 1L.-32Amendment No. 3, Data Sharing Agreement - Oakland Promise - High School Linked Learning OfficeAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 3, Data Sharing Agreement by and between Oakland Promise, Oakland, CA, for the District to provide additional Socio Economic Disadvantaged (SED) data at the student level, to be included with current at student level data, including National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), via the High School Linked Learning Office, for the unchanged term of January 28, 2021, through October 31, 2026. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Not available
25-0461 1L.-33Continued Funding Application - Fiscal Year 2025-26 - California Department of Social Services - California General Child Care Program (CCTR) - Early Childhood EducationAgreement or ContractAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0040 - Approving Continued Funding Application for Fiscal Year 2025-26 for CCTR General Child Care and Child Development Program operated by the Early Childhood Education Department in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, pursuant to fund terms and conditions, for the period July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.   Action details Not available
25-0463 2L.-34Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Civic Productions LLC - Oakland High SchoolAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Civic Productions LLC, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide assistance with the Autumn Lights Festival event and support building and installation; give tenth-grade Visual Arts & Academics Magnet Program (VAAMP) students the opportunity to hear from Civic Productions about their work as professionals and introduce students to internship opportunities offered throughout the summer; showcase completed Oakland High School student artwork at Clinton Park, Oakland; start at the end of the 2024-25 the initial phase of introducing student mural design, to be showcased around campus in the future at Oakland High School, for the term August 12, 2024, through May 22, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00.   Action details Not available
25-0464 2L.-35Services Agreement 2024-2025 - Soccer Without Borders - Oakland High SchoolAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and Soccer Without Borders, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide learning circles for students that are facilitated to encourage social and emotional learning as well as one-on-one check-ins for Newcomer students at Oakland High School for the term August 12, 2024, through May 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $13,860.00.   Action details Not available
25-0564 1L.-36Student Travel - Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Historical Landmarks, Atlanta, Georgia - Skyline High SchoolResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0047 - Authorizing student travel by school site Skyline High School for three (3) 12th grade students and one (1) adult to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Historical Landmarks in Atlanta, GA, for the period of April 7, 2025 through April 13, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0595 1L.-37Student Travel - Black Student Union - Washington DC - Fremont High SchoolResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0049 - Authorizing student travel by school site Fremont High School for twenty-one (21) 9th-12th grade students and four (4) adults to visit Washington, DC, for the period of March 23, 2025 through March 27, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0596 1L.-38Student Travel - Pacific Bridge Club - Jakarta, Indonesia - Castlemont High SchoolResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0050 - Authorizing student travel by school site Castlemont High School for sixteen (16) 9th-12th grade students of the Pacific Bridge Club and four (4) adults to visit Jakarta, Indonesia, for the period of March 20, 2025 through April 3, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0537 1L.-39Re-appointment – Philip Patrick – Amy Spade – Apri Medina – Joseph Manekin - Members, Measure G Committee - President, Board of EducationAppointmentRatification by the Board of Education of President of Board’s reappointment of Philip Patrick (2nd Term), Amy Spade (2nd Term), Apri Medina (2nd Term), and Joseph Manekin (2nd Term), each having satisfactorily served first term, to the Measure G Parcel Tax Independent Citizens Oversight Committee, for a term effective February 1, 2025 through January 31, 2027.   Action details Not available
25-0223 1M.-1Agreement for Inspector of Record Services for Construction - King Construction Inspection, Inc - Castlemont High School -Solar Battery Plant Storage Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Agreement for Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the District and King Construction Inspection, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Inspector of Record Services for the Melrose Leadership Academy at Maxwell Park Living Schoolyard Project, in the amount of $8,740.00, with the work scheduled to commence on March 13, 2025, and scheduled to last until June 30, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0238 1M.-2Change Order No. 1, Construction Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - Data Media Services, Inc. - Claremont Middle School Security Improvement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 1, Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and Data Media Services, Inc., Stockton, CA, for the latter to upgrade the camera server, includes approval of PCO1, for the Claremont Middle School Security Improvement Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $8,320.00, increasing the contract price from $129,000.00 to $137,320.00, and extending the term of the Agreement an additional 90 days, from August 29, 2024 to November 27, 2024 through February 25, 2025. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Not available
25-0248 1M.-3Agreement for Architectural Services – Dialog Design, LP – Melrose Leadership Academy at Maxwell Park Schoolyard Project – Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Agreement for Architectural Services by and between the District and Dialog Design, LP, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide additional structural engineering construction administration services and collaborate with the District to facilitate the Division of State Architect (DSA) closeout process, for the Melrose Leadership Academy at Maxwell Park Accessibility Project No. 22120, in the amount of $8,800.00, with the work scheduled to commence on February 27, 2025, and scheduled to last until June 30, 2025.   Action details Not available
24-2949 1M.-4Construction Agreement Between Owner and Contractor - North American Fence & Railing, Inc.- Manzanita Child Development Center Fencing Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractRatification by the Board of Education of a Construction Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and North American Fence & Railing, Inc., Oakland, CA., for the latter to provide labor and materials which includes replacement of the old existing main gate with a new fence and gate, with the new gate including a panic push bar; services include all work described in the November 8, 2024, proposal attached to the Agreement as Exhibit A, for the Manzanita Child Development Center Fencing Project, in the lump sum amount of $10,851.00, which include a $1,000.00 contingency fee, unless modified in accordance with the Agreement, with the work to commence on February 5, 2025 to be complete by February 12, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0252 1M.-5Amendment No. 8, Agreement for Engineering Services - Jensen Hughes, Inc.- Hintil Kuu Child Development Center Fire and Intrusion Alarm Project and Coliseum College Preparatory Academy Expansion Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 8, Agreement for Engineering Services by and between the District and Jensen Hughes, Inc., Concord, CA, for the latter to provide fire alarm system consulting services for the Hintil Kuu Child Development Center Fire and Intrusion Alarm Project, and for the Coliseum College Preparatory Academy Expansion Project, as further described in Exhibit A of the Amendment, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, in the additional amount of $88,442.00 (Hintil Kuu Child Development Center Fire and Intrusion Alarm Project $5,775.00, and Coliseum College Preparatory Academy Expansion Project $82,667.00), increasing the Agreement’s not- to-exceed amount from $348,520.00. to $436,962.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Not available
25-0367 1M.-6Agreement Between Owner and Contractor – Data Sync Communications, Inc. – Hillcrest K-8 School Security Improvement Project- Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of all other bids, if any, and an Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and Data Sync Communications, Inc., Berkeley, CA, for the latter, as the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, to provide installation of 24 new security cameras, and repair/adjustment, of five existing cameras; provide four (4) attic stock cameras, replace and upgrade existing server; installation of all cameras and Milestone program upon completion, for the Hillcrest K-8 School Security Improvement Project, in the amount of $85,500.00, which includes a contingency of $8,000.00, with the work anticipated to commence on March 13, 2025, and required to be completed within ninety (90) days, with an anticipated ending of June 11, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0383 1M.-7General Services Agreement – ACC Environmental Consultants – Emerson Elementary School Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement by and between the District and ACC Environmental Consultants, Oakland, CA, for the latter to perform a pre- renovation hazardous material survey for the Emerson Elementary School Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project, in the not to exceed amount of $12,947.00 with the work scheduled to commence on March 13, 2025, and expected to last until June 30, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0395 1M.-8Declaration of Best Interest of the District and Piggyback Agreement – CDW-G – Purchase Agreement – Information Technology DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0151 - Declaring It Is In The Best Interest Of The District To Piggyback On And Enter Into A Contract With CDW Government [CDW-G], LLC. Properly Entered Into Through the School Project for Utility Rate Reduction ("SPURR") Joint Powers Authority (JPA) and approval of a Purchase Agreement by and between District and CDW-G, Vernon Hills, IL, for Network Infrastructure Equipment and Services, as specified, for the period April 1, 2025 to September 30, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $433,316.23, subject to award of E-Rate funding.   Action details Not available
25-0396 1M.-9Declaration of Best Interest of the District and Piggyback Agreement – CDW-G – Technology Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0152 - Declaring It Is In The Best Interest Of The District To Piggyback On And Enter Into A Contract With CDW Government [CDW-G] LLC Properly Entered Into Through the School Project for Utility Rate Reduction ("SPURR") Joint Powers Authority (JPA) and approval of a Purchase Agreement by and between the District and CDW-G, Vernon Hills, IL, to procure equipment, licensing, services and support, as specified, for the term April 1, 2025 to September 30, 2027, in a not-to exceed amount of $3,922,202.73, subject to award of E-Rate funding.   Action details Not available
25-0435 1M.-10Declaration of Best Interest of the District and Piggyback Agreement – CDW-Government, LLC – Purchase Agreement – Technology Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425 - Declaring It Is In The Best Interest Of The District To Piggyback On And Enter Into A Contract With CDW Government, LLC [CDW-G] Properly Entered Into Through the School Project for Utility Rate Reduction ("SPURR") Joint Powers Authority (JPA) and Purchase Agreement by and between District and CDW-G, Vernon Hills, IL, for Network Infrastructure Equipment and Services, as specified, for the term April 1, 2025 to September 30, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $2,826,490.69, subject to the award of E-Rate.   Action details Not available
25-0447 1N.-1Student Board Members’ Report – March 12, 2025Student Directors' ReportStudent Board Members’ Report - March 12, 2025: · Student Voice o Director Simmons highlighting Youth Vote on KQED · Student Leadership o Middle Ethnic Studies Conference · Student Events o Next High School Meeting - March 20 o Student Directors attending 2025 Stand Up! Speak Out! statewide conference   Action details Video Video
25-0446 1O.-1Parent and Student Advisory Committee’s Report – March 12, 2025PSAC ReportParent and Student Advisory Committee’s Report - March 12, 2025.   Action details Video Video
25-0451 1P.-1Comments By Collective Bargaining Units – March 12, 2025Board, Public Comment - Collective Bargaining UnitsComments By Collective Bargaining Units - March 12, 2025.   Action details Video Video
25-0589 1Q.-1“Sunshining” - Teamsters Local 70 Initial Proposals to Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) - Collective Bargaining - Successor Contract - Effective July 1, 2025 - General CounselAgreement or ContractPublic Hearing “Sunshining” - Teamsters Local 70 Initial Proposals to Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) - Collective Bargaining - Successor Contract - Effective July 1, 2025 - General Counsel.   Action details Video Video
24-3018 1R.-1Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2024-2025 - We Lead Ours - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and We Lead Ours, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide individual and group tier 2 interventions to reduce substance use on campuses for the unchanged period of October 01, 2024 through June 30, 2025, in the additional amount of $75,350.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $110,000.00 to $185,350.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Video Video
24-3018 1R.-1Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2024-2025 - We Lead Ours - Community Schools and Student Services DepartmentAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and We Lead Ours, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide individual and group tier 2 interventions to reduce substance use on campuses for the unchanged period of October 01, 2024 through June 30, 2025, in the additional amount of $75,350.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $110,000.00 to $185,350.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.   Action details Video Video
25-0146 2R.-22025 Oakland Unified School District - California Legislative Platform - Board of Education (Second Reading)MotionAdoption by the Board of Education of its 2025 CA Legislative Platform in the Areas of School f Finance, Ensuring Strong Readers By the Third Grade, Supporting Empowered Graduates, Creating Joyful Schools, and Growing a Diverse and Stable Staff.   Action details Video Video
25-0520 1S.-1Second Interim Financial Report - As of January 31, 2025 - Fiscal Year 2024-2025 - Chief Business OfficerResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425- 0211 - Approving District's Second Interim Financial Report As of January 31, 2025 for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and Certification of said Report to the Alameda County Superintendent of Schools as “Qualified.”AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
25-0419 1S.-2Lease-Leaseback Contract – Swinerton Builders, Inc. - Garfield Site Renovation Project– Division of Facilities Planning and ManagementAgreement or ContractApproval by the Board of Education, of an Award of Bid to, rejection of all other bids, if any, and a Lease-Leaseback Contract by and between the District and Swinerton Builders, Inc., for the latter to provide preconstruction services for the Garfield Elementary School Modernization Project, with work scheduled to commence on March 13, 2025, and anticipated to last until December 31, 2028, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00.   Action details Video Video
24-2330 3S.-3Amendment No. 3, Measure Y Spending Plan - October 2024 - Facilities Planning and ManagementDiscussion ItemApproval by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of Amendment No. 3, revisions to the Measure Y Spending Plan, as of October 2024, as reflected in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth.   Action details Video Video
25-0102 2S.-4Board Policy (New) - BP NTBD - Facilities - Climate Action and Sustainability - Phase Two of Climate Emergency Action Resolution (CEAR) - Facilities Planning and ManagementMotionAdoption by the Board of Education, of Board Policy - BP NTBD - Facilities - Climate Action and Sustainability - Phase Two of Climate Emergency Action Resolution (CEAR) (Second Reading), as delineated herein.   Action details Video Video
25-0378 1S.-5Sole Source Purchasing Resolution - FloWater and Elkay Water Filters - Facilities Planning and ManagementResolutionApproval by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 2425-0127 Designating Specific Material(s), Product(s), Thing(s), or Service(s) for use on Public Works Projects pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400.   Action details Not available
25-0492 2S.-6Board of Education - Directing Alternative Budget Adjustments - Fiscal Years 2025-2027 - President Jennifer Brouhard, Vice President Valarie BachelorResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0084 - Directing Alternative Budget Adjustments for School Years 2024-2025, 2025-2026 & 2026-2027.   Action details Not available
25-0493 2S.-7Recommending Establishment of an Ad Hoc "Control Over Outsourcing” Task Force - President Jennifer Brouhard, Director Rachel LattaResolutionAdoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0083 - Recommending Establishment of an Ad Hoc “Control Over Outsourcing” Task Force.   Action details Not available
25-0439 1S.-8Application for Provisional Internship Permit – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Named Employees for School Year 2024-2025ResolutionApproval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0080 - Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2024-2025: 1. Rodrigo Hernandez, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Emerson Elementary School; 2. Stefanye Bowles-Calloway, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Madison Park Elementary School; 3. Jasmine Davis, 6th - 8th Grade Social Science Teacher, Elmhurst United Middle School; 4. Antuanisha Wright, 6th - 8th Grade PE Teacher, Elmhurst United Middle School; 5. Vanessa Jennings, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Reach Academy Elementary School; 6. Angela McConnell, K - 5th Grade Dance Teacher, Academics & Instruction; and 7. Jonathan Hernandez, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, East Oakland Pride Elementary School.   Action details Not available
25-0445 1T.-1Superintendent's Report – March 12, 2025Superintendent's ReportSuperintendent's Report - March 12, 2025: · District Highlights · Water Quality Updates · Implementation of Transitional Kindergarten (TK) 2025-2026, and · Enrollment Update   Action details Video Video
25-0444 1U.-1President's ReportPresident's ReportPresident’s Report - March 12, 2025.   Action details Not available
25-0452 1V.-1Regular Board Member's Report – March 12, 2025Regular Board Members ReportRegular Board Member's Report - March 12, 2025.   Action details Not available