| 2 | D.-1 | Facilities - Application of Project Labor Agreement to Development on Surplus District Lands - Director Bachelor | Resolution | Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 2324-0257 Application of Project Labor Agreement to Development on Surplus District Lands. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
| 3 | D.-2 | Amendment No. 3, Measure Y Spending Plan - October 2024 - Facilities Planning and Management | Discussion Item | Approval by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of Amendment No. 3, revisions to the Measure Y Spending Plan, as of October 2024, as reflected in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. | Recommended Favorably | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | D.-3 | Board Policy (New) - BP NTBD - Facilities - Climate Action and Sustainability - Phase Two of Climate Emergency Action Resolution (CEAR) - Facilities Planning and Management | Motion | Adoption by the Board of Education, of Board Policy - BP NTBD - Facilities - Climate Action and Sustainability - Phase Two of Climate Emergency Action Resolution (CEAR) (Second Reading), as delineated herein. | Recommended Favorably | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | E.-1 | Sole Source Purchasing Resolution - FloWater and Elkay Water Filters - Facilities Planning and Management | Resolution | Approval by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 2425-0127 Designating Specific Material(s), Product(s), Thing(s), or Service(s) for use on Public Works Projects pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400. | Recommended Favorably | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | E.-2 | Lease-Leaseback Contract – Swinerton Builders, Inc. - Garfield Site Renovation Project– Division of Facilities Planning and Management | Agreement or Contract | Approval by the Board of Education, of an Award of Bid to, rejection of all other bids, if any, and a Lease-Leaseback Contract by and between the District and Swinerton Builders, Inc., for the latter to provide preconstruction services for the Garfield Elementary School Modernization Project, with work scheduled to commence on March 13, 2025, and anticipated to last until December 31, 2028, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00. | Recommended Favorably | Pass |
Action details