| 1 | | Minutes - Audit Committee Meeting - April 3, 2017 | Minutes, Committee | Approval by the Audit Committee of its Regular Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2017 | Adopted | Pass |
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Not available
| 2 | | Progress Report - Fund 76 - Payroll Warrant Pass Through Fund - Controller | Report | A Progress Report to the Audit Committee by the Controller or designee regarding the reconciliation of Fund 76 - Payroll Warrant Pass Through Fund. | Discussed | |
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| 2 | | Update - District's 2017-2018 Budget Development Process - Chief Financial Officer | Report | An update to the Audit Committee by the Chief Financial Officer or designee on proposed reductions (mid-year cuts) to the 2017-2018 Budget. | Discussed | |
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| 1 | | Report - Financial Status of District for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 - Senior Business Officer | Report | Report to the Audit Committee by the Senior Business Officer or designee on Adopted District’s Third Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (Legislative File 17-1046, Enactment No. 17-0667) Certification of said Report to the Alameda County Superintendent of Schools, and other parties specified, as “Qualified.” Update to include an explanation for the Qualified status for the Third Interim Report submitted to Alameda County Office of Education; new increases and reductions; use of the Reserve Fund; status of the spending freeze; Special Education Funding; and Measure G1 update. | | |
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| 1 | | Audit Report - State and Federal Funds Audit Findings FY 2015/2016 - Chief Financial Officer | Report | A Report to the Audit Committee by the Chief Financial Officer or designee regarding the District’s State and Federal Audit for FY 2015/2016 and the purported findings. | Discussed | |
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| 1 | | Report - District Student Body Funds - Controller | Report | A Report to the Audit Committee by the Controller or designee regarding the progress on the District’s Student Body Funds site training and audit preparation. | Discussed | |
Action details
| 1 | | Report - Financial Services - Staffing of Key Positions - Chief Financial Officer | Report | A Report to the Audit Committee by the Chief Financial Officer or designee regarding filling of key vacant positions in the Financial Services Department - Chief Financial Officer, Controller and other financial and audit related positions. | Discussed | |
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