Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Measures N and H Commission, of a 2022-2023 Education Improvement Plan/Budget modification for MetWest High School reducing $15,000 Transportation Costs: Charter Bus rentals for students to attend college visits, career exploration visits, field trips and integrated learning opportunities by $10,200 to $4,800 and reducing $2,800.00 Textbooks for the Dual Enrollment & Peralta courses by $2,800.00 to $0 and reducing $13,962.65 Conference Expenses by $8,000.00 to $5,962.65, and creating a new expenditure of $21,000.00 Consultant Contracts: Contract with East bay Consortium (EBC) to support our post-secondary educational opportunities, August through December 14, 2023,as stated in the justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of the Budget Modification Form.