Approval by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Agreement 2020-2021 between the District and Leading Educators, Inc., New Orleans, LA, for the latter to provide the following key components: Strengthening OUSD's existing curricula-adoption process for selecting high quality instructional materials (HQIM); Establishing district conditions necessary for effective professional learning, including stakeholder engagement, resource alignment, and processes for continuous improvement; Building capacity within district staff to design curricula-based content cycles (ccs) that align to principles of adult learning; Co-constructing a sustainable, scalable PL system that can carry the work forward without the help of an external partner and Confronting issues of educational equity head-on with an approach aligned to District's values and specific cultural context, via the Academics and Instructional Innovation Department, for the period of October 1, 2020 through September 29, 2023,...