Approval by the Board of Education of Limited Assignment of and Amendment to June 1, 2016 Knowledge Delivery Systems, Inc. Master Services Agreement between Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc. (KDS) and District to Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), Sacramento, CA, and District, for PGC to assume and provide certain Online Professional Learning Platform and related implementation and project management services, pursuant to terms and conditions specified in Sections 1-13 of the Limited Assignment Agreement and Amendment including reductions of a Told Fixed Annual Cost for Year 2 for District's from $308,730.00 to $281,850.00 (Section 6a); Year 3 from $233,730.00 to $206,855.00 (Section 6b); and if District exercises the second renewal term of a fourth year, Total Fixed Annual Cost for Year 4 shall be identical as those for Year 3 (Section 6c). All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.