Ratification by the Board of Education of a Collaboration Agreement and a Data Sharing Agreement 2021-2022 (Exhibit C) by and between Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS), Seattle, WA, for the latter to facilitate District students of color and low-income students in having equitable access to America's most academically intense high school programs and succeed at the highest levels with a focus on Advanced Placement ("AP"), International Baccalaureate ("IB") courses, and Advanced International Certificate of Education ("AICE) courses (sometimes referred to as "college-ready courses"), as described in former Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, and for the protection and confidentiality of shared District student data, pursuant to legal requirements set forth in the latter Agreement, for District pupils, at Skyline High School and Life Academy of Health and Biosciences, via the Research, Assessment and Data (RAD) Department, each Agreement for the term of J...