File #:
Award of Bid - Construction Contract – Redgwick Construction – Parker Elementary Turf Field Project
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Enactment #:
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0170,- Award of Bid and Construction Contract between the District and Redgwick Construction, Oakland, CA., for the latter to demolish portable classroom buildings, site work to include new multi-use synthetic turf field, children's play structure with resilient surface, raised concrete seal walls, landscaping, bioswale, basketball courts, asphalt concrete paying, signage, erosion; Building-Girl's restroom remodel for accessibility upgrades in conjunction with the Parker Elementary Turf Field Project, more specifically delineated in the scope of services in Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, in the amount of $1,345,600.00, as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, with the work being conducted in one (1) phase, to be completed within sixty (60) consecutive calendar days from the date specified in the District's Notice to Proceed, commencing June 22, 2016 and concluding no later than Augu...
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0170,- Award of Bid and Construction Contract between the District and Redgwick Construction, Oakland, CA., for the latter to demolish portable classroom buildings, site work to include new multi-use synthetic turf field, children’s play structure with resilient surface, raised concrete seal walls, landscaping, bioswale, basketball courts, asphalt concrete paying, signage, erosion; Building-Girl’s restroom remodel for accessibility upgrades in conjunction with the Parker Elementary Turf Field Project, more specifically delineated in the scope of services in Exhibit “A”, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, in the amount of $1,345,600.00, as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, with the work being conducted in one (1) phase, to be completed within sixty (60) consecutive calendar days from the date specified in the District’s Notice to Proceed, commencing June 22, 2016 and concluding no later than August 8, 2016.