Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1 - Professional Services Contract between District and Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide an additional 750.00 hours to assist in-class support skill building group for 6 identified girls 3rd through 5th grade receiving no less than three hours of target in classroom, 2 pro social skills group 2x per week in 8 week intervals expanding to include the 6 girls. Parent Engagement & outreach increases participation in committees, one-to-one parent and teacher interaction, at Allendale Elementary School, for the period Dcember 5. 2011 through June 14, 2012, in an additional amount of $15,000.00 increasing the not to exceeed amount of Contract from $20,000 to $35,000.00. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain in full force and effect.