Approval by the Board of Education of Construction Work - CUPCAA Less Than $45,000, Contract No. 15106, between the District and Rook Electric, Pittsburg, CA, for the latter to:
1. Install 17 new weatherproof IP dome cameras in the designated locations;
2. Connect the new cameras to the closest IDF switch;
3. Provide 17 Cisco camera licenses for 3rd party cameras;
4. Provide all conduit, wire, wiremold and connectors as required;
5. Provide programming; and
6. Provide one year warranty;
in conjunction with the McClymonds High School Intensive Support Site Project, more specifically delineated in the Scope of services in Exhibit “A”, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, commencing September 15, 2016 and concluding no later than December 30, 2016, in an amount not-to exceed $35,000.00.