Approval by the Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School Improvement Act Oversight Commission of Urban Promise Academy Amended Grant Proposal, as delineated in Summary of 2023 - 24 Proposed Expenditure sections 1 - 13 as listed therein:
Summary of 2023-24 Proposed Expenditures
All Proposed Expenditures (from sections below)
Budget Amount|1010|1.0 FTE Music Teacher
$122,000|1010|0.8 FTE Student Advisor
$103,530|1010|Extended Contract Hours for Band
$3,000|1010|Music and Art Supplies
$10,458.14|1010|Warriors for Justice Leadership Student Group- Facilitator Contract
$6,000|1010|Noon Supervisor Position to Support Recess
$28,000|1010|Contract with CURYJ for Boys Mental Health and Violence Prevention Group
$20,000|1010|Contract with Mam Language Teacher to provide Language Instruction during After School Program
$15,000|10 10|Mural Project during After School Program (Contract and Supplies)
"Jag Bucks" Incentive Store Supplies