Approval by the Board of Education to the Agreement for Architectural Services by and between the District and DSK Architects, San Francisco, CA, for the latter "To provide architectural services, which consist of full design services during construction and project certification with the Division of the State Architect ("DSA"). The project is intended to remove and replace the entire window wall systems at Buildings "E" and "F" due to waterproof deficiencies and the assessment of the useful life. The intent is to remove the existing window wall system and replace in-kind with a new standard commercial aluminum window wall system with project windows that meets the current California code requirements for thermal performance", for the West Oakland Middle School Window Replacement Project, in the amount of $598,000.00, which includes a not-to-exceed amount of $548,000.00, for Basic Services, and a not-to-exceed amount of $50,000.00 for Additional Services, with work scheduled to commenc...