Oakland Unified School District  
Board of Education  
1000 Broadway, Suite 440  
Oakland, CA 94607-4033  
(510) 879-8199 Voice  
(510) 879-2299 eFax  
(510) 879-2300 eTTY/TDD  
boe@ousd.org E-Mail  
Agenda and agenda materials are accessible at http://www.ousd.org or from any computer terminal in the Offices of  
the Board of Education and Superintendent, 1000 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-4099  
Individuals requiring interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in meetings  
should notify the Office of the Board of Education seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at either  
(510)879-8199(VM); or boe@ousd.org (E-Mail); or  
(510) 879-2300 (eTTY/TDD); or (510) 879-2299 (eFax).  
Meeting Agenda Long - Final  
Monday, November 14, 2022  
6:00 PM  
Community Advisory Committee-Programs for Exceptional  
Alan Pursell, Sheila Haynes, Inga Wagar, Kristen Zimmerman, Lisa Rasler, Clio  
Rasler, Patty Juergens, Carol Delton, Sayuri Valenza , Monica Wheaton-Howell, Jonah  
Zimmerman-Bloch, Ashley Demelo, Graham Harper, Lateefa Ali, Dulce Santos,  
Corvetta Kirtman, Gillian Davidson, Daisy López, Kristina Molina, Joulanda Murphy,  
Coriander Melious, Jennifer Blake  
Pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 361 and Resolution No.  
2223-0028C (Making Certain Findings Necessary To  
Permit Virtual Meetings In Specified Circumstances), this  
meeting is being held virtually. The member of the  
legislative body, as well as the attending District staff, will  
join the meeting via phone/video conference and no  
teleconference locations need be posted.  
• Zoom: To view by Zoom, please click  
pwd=WmpjQStLY29LN29TMXVkRTM4MnluQT09 on or  
after the Noticed meeting time. Instructions on how to join a  
meeting by video conference are available at:  
• Phone: To listen by phone (via Zoom), please do the  
following on or after the Noticed meeting time: call (669)  
900-9128, then enter Webinar ID 8863-315-5732, then  
press “#”. If asked for a participant id or code, press #.  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are  
available at:  
In addition, members of the public may submit written  
comments for a posted Community Advisory Committee  
Agenda Item, before a meeting or while a meeting is “In  
Progress,” from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming  
Events & Live Meeting Video by selecting Community  
Advisory Committee Agenda “eComment” or from the  
Legislative Information Center, as follows:  
• If before Sunday, click Calendar Tab>Next  
Week>Community Advisory Committee>eComment  
• If Sunday or thereafter up to day before Meeting, click  
Calendar Tab>This Week>Community Advisory  
• If day of Meeting, click Calendar  
Tab>Today>Community Advisory Committee>eComment  
Or “eComment” in bold on the cover page of the Agenda.  
Written comments made on an eligible Agenda item, upon  
clicking of the Submit Button, are immediately sent via  
email to all members of the legislative body and key staff  
supporting the legislative body. Each eComment is a public  
A. Call to Order  
B. Roll Call  
C. Speaker Request Cards/Modification(s) To Agenda  
Submission of Speaker Cards in the traditional manner is  
N/A, given this meeting is Virtual, during the COVID-19  
Public Health Emergency. See the above NOTICE -  
EXCLUSIVELY VIRTUAL MEETING - for instructions on  
how to request to speak during this meeting.  
Modification(s) to the Agenda, by the Community Advisory  
Committee, allows for any change in the printed Order of  
Business including, but not limited to, an announcement  
that an Item or Legislative File will be considered out of  
Agenda printed order, that consideration of an Item has  
been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled or "pulled" or  
taken off of the General Consent Report for separate  
discussion and/or possible action.  
D. Adoption of Committee Minutes  
E. Adoption of the Committee General Consent Report  
"Adoption of the Committee General Consent Report"  
"means that all items appearing under this topic are  
approved in one motion unless a Member of the Committee  
requests that an item be removed and voted on separately or  
otherwise acted upon. Generally, these items are routine in  
nature, and are acted upon in one motion to conserve time  
and permit focus on other-than-routine legislative items on  
the agenda.  
Unfinished Business  
G. New Business  
Introductions - Goals - Agreements.  
Community Advisory Committee - Welcome - Introductions  
- Goals - Agreements.  
Day of Advocacy At The Capital - Partnering - CACs In  
State Level Advocacy  
Presentation to and discussion by Community Advisory  
Committee of Updates regarding:  
- Preparing for the Day of Advocacy at the Capital;  
Partnering with other CACs in State Level Advocacy  
Updates - Special Education Department  
Presentation to and discussion by the Community Advisory  
Committee of Announcements and Updates from the Special  
Education Department regarding:  
- Preparing for School Enrollment (launch of Enrollwise),  
Touring Special Education Programs as part of School Tours  
- Additional Student Enrollment and Program Data-Changes  
after Census Day  
- Hiring and Staffing Update, Provision of 1-1 Aide  
- Questions from the Last Meeting  
H. Break  
Roll Call  
K. New Business (Continued)  
Students With IEPs Facing School Closures - Families  
Presentation to and discussion by Community Advisory  
Committee of Support for Disabled Students with IEPs  
Facing School Closures and their Families:  
Brookfield, Carl Munck, Grass Valley, Horace Mann,  
Questions from CAC Members (15)  
Questions from Impacted Families, Students, and Staff  
Questions from all Participants (15)  
Ongoing Initiatives  
Presentation to and discussion by Community Advisory  
Committee of Updates regarding of Ongoing CAC Initiatives.  
L. Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject  
Matter Jurisdiction of the Committee  
This section of the agenda provides an opportunity for a  
member of the Public, for three minutes per person, or less,  
depending on the number of speakers, to directly address  
the Committee on any item of interest to a member of the  
Public that is not on the current agenda, but is within the  
subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee. Minutes are  
not transferrable from speaker to speaker. This item is  
limited to a total of thirty (30) minutes. The Committee may  
not discuss or take any action on a non-agenda item not  
appearing on the posted agenda for this meeting, except the  
Committee or staff may briefly respond to a statement made  
or questions posed by a member of the public, as authorized  
by law. In addition, on their own initiative or in response to  
questions posed by the public, a member of the Committee  
or its staff may ask a question for clarification, make a brief  
announcement, or make a brief report of his or her own  
Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Community Advisory  
Committee –Up to 30 Minutes - November 14, 2022  
Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the  
Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Community Advisory  
Committee -Up to 30 Minutes - November 14, 2022.  
M. Introduction of New Legislative Matter  
This section of the Agenda is devoted to the introduction of  
new legislative matter within the subject matter jurisdiction  
of the committee by a Committee member or Members of the  
N. Adjournment