Oakland Unified School District  
Board of Education  
1011 Union Street, #940  
Oakland, CA 94607  
(510) 879-1944  
boe@ousd.org E-Mail  
Agenda and agenda materials are accessible at http://www.ousd.org or from any computer terminal in the Offices of  
the Board of Education and Superintendent, 1000 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-4099  
Individuals requiring interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in meetings  
should notify the Office of the Board of Education seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at either  
(510)879-8199(VM); or boe@ousd.org (E-Mail); or  
(510) 879-2300 (eTTY/TDD); or (510) 879-2299 (eFax).  
Meeting Minutes Long - Final  
Thursday, August 3, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Special Meeting  
Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA  
((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.)  
Board of Education  
President Mike Hutchinson  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Directors: Benjamin "Sam" Davis, Jennifer Brouhard, VanCedric Williams, (Vacancy),  
Valarie Bachelor  
Student Directors: Anevay Cruz, Vida Mendoza  
Staff: Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent & Secretary  
Members of the media and the public may attend and participate in the Board  
meeting in-person at the Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050  
2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA ((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.).  
Public comment in-person is permitted within the time allotted for Public  
Comment on this meeting's single Agenda Item.  
Members of the public may submit written comments for a posted Board of  
Education Meeting Agenda Item, before a meeting or while a meeting is  
occurring from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming Events ... by selecting  
Board of Education Agenda “eComment” or from the Legislative Information  
Center, as follows:  
If before Sunday, click Calendar Tab>Next Week>Board of  
If Sunday or thereafter up thru day before Meeting, click Calendar  
Tab>This Week>Board of Education>eComment  
If day of Meeting, click Calendar Tab>Today>Board of  
Or “eComment” in bold on the cover page of the Agenda.  
Written comments made on an eligible Agenda item, upon clicking of the  
Submit Button, are immediately sent via email to all members of the  
legislative body and key staff supporting the legislative body. Each  
eComment is a Public Record.  
The purpose of these protocols is to provide a basic set of professional  
standards by which the Board and the Superintendent are to function as a  
team. There is no intention to abridge the rights and obligations of Board  
Members to oversee the operation of the organization, nor to interfere with the  
Superintendent with her role as the Superintendent of OUSD.  
1. Every action by a Board Member should be directed toward improving the  
educational program for students.  
2. Every Board Member will exhibit behavior that is honorable, honest, and  
dedicated to the success of the students and staff of the district.  
3. Each Board Member is to be treated with dignity and respect.  
4. Board Member Commitment will include:  
Participate fully in the discussion of issues  
Listen respectfully to all views and opinions  
Respect each individual’s opinion  
Accept the majority action of the Board  
Board Members  
5. An individual Board Member will not use the media as a personal forum,  
unless it is clearly indicated that the opinion is personal and not  
representative of the Board majority position.  
6. Each Board Member will make every effort to attend all Board meetings in  
person; and to start and end on time.  
7. Board Members will ensure opportunities for each to comment.  
8. Staff is the responsibility of the Superintendent who will bring  
recommendations to the Board for action.  
9. Questions regarding Board agenda items are to be communicated to the  
Superintendent prior to the Board meeting and the Superintendent will  
respond in a timely manner.  
10. The Superintendent is to communicate all significant administrative  
actions to the Board.  
11. Legal and personnel matters will be confidential.  
Up to Three (3) minute speaking limit for Board Members  
No mingling with the audience  
Address comments to other Board Members  
Focus on agenda items  
Don't repeat what's been said  
Always be respectful  
No interruptions  
Enforce norms  
Model desired behavior  
All Board meetings shall begin on time and shall be guided by an agenda  
prepared in accordance with Board bylaws and posted and distributed in  
accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (open meeting requirements) and  
other applicable laws.  
(cf. 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials)  
The President shall conduct Board meetings in accordance with law, Board  
Bylaws, and its parliamentary authority which shall enable the Board to  
efficiently consider issues and carry out the will of the majority.  
(cf. 9121 - President)  
A. Call To Order  
B. Roll Call  
President Mike Hutchinson called the Special Board Meeting (Retreat) to  
order at 9:27 A.M.  
5 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
C. Unfinished Business  
Continued discussion and determination by the Board of Education of its  
Governance Plan for the 2023-2024 School Year:  
- Board of Education Roles & Responsibilities  
- Board of Education 2023-2024 Work Plan  
Anticipated Meeting Outcomes:  
The Board builds on the positive momentum from the June retreat and  
begins the new academic year with a strong, collaborative start.  
To improve the governance and collective learning amongst the Board.  
To provide targeted feedback on the foundation of the draft Board  
Work Plan and to build Board understanding and ownership of its goals,  
actions, and deliverables.  
To continue to provide the space and structure for the Board to have  
time and opportunities to see each other and acknowledge the strengths,  
commitments, and interests of as well as identify ways to improve  
relationships between Board members.  
Dr. Carmella Franco, Board of Education Consultant, and Dr. Dexter Moore,  
Acting Chief of Staff gave recap of the June 23rd Board Retreat. President  
Hutchinson opened the floor for Board Member comments, if any, on the  
June 23rd Board Retreat.  
Dr. Franco and Dr. Moore then resumed the presentation on Board of  
Education Roles & Responsibilities and Board Protocols. Board members  
Bachelor, Williams, Brouhard, Davis, and President Hutchinson  
- discussed, in part, several aspects of the Board's Roles and  
Responsibilities; indicated that discussion of the subject matter will be an  
ongoing conversation. Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Jenine  
Lindsey, Interim General Counsel, Dr. Moore and Edgar Rakestraw,  
Parliamentarian also provided comments on the Roles and Responsibilities of  
the Board during Board discussion.  
Public Comment on Agenda Item, prior to Recess, received from Kim Davis,  
Assata Olugbala  
Board members Bachelor, Williams, Brouhard, Davis, and President  
Hutchinson, following the Recess, discussed the draft Board of Education  
2023-2024 Work Plan. President Hutchinson stated that he had taken notes  
of Board Member comments and at the September 13, 2023 Regular Board  
Meeting will present further revised draft of Plan, based on his understanding  
of Board member comments. Dr. Franco, Dr. Moore, Superintendent  
(Dr..)Johnson-Trammell, and Interim General Counsel Lindsey also provided  
comments on the Plan during Board discussion.  
Further Public Comment on the Agenda Item received from Kim Davis  
President Hutchinson recessed the Special Meeting at 12:22 P.M.  
President Hutchinson reconvened the Special Meeting at 12:57 P.M.  
Second Roll Call  
5 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director VanCedric Williams absent from the Special Meeting at 2:25 P.M.  
4 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
5 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
D. Adjournment  
President Hutchinson adjourned the Special Meeting at 2:52 P.M.  
Prepared By:  
Approved By: