Oakland Unified School District  
Board of Education  
1011 Union Street, #940  
Oakland, CA 94607  
(510) 879-1944  
boe@ousd.org E-Mail  
Agenda and agenda materials are accessible at http://www.ousd.org or from any computer terminal in the Offices of  
the Board of Education and Superintendent, 1000 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-4099  
Individuals requiring interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in meetings  
should notify the Office of the Board of Education seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at either  
(510)879-8199(VM); or boe@ousd.org (E-Mail); or  
(510) 879-2300 (eTTY/TDD); or (510) 879-2299 (eFax).  
Meeting Minutes Long - Final  
Wednesday, May 8, 2024  
4:00 PM  
Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA  
((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.); Internet Streamed - Zoom & Granicus;  
Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)  
Board of Education  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Directors: Jennifer Brouhard, VanCedric Williams, Jorge Lerma, Valarie Bachelor,  
Clifford Thompson  
Student Directors: Anevay Cruz, Vida Mendoza  
Staff: Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent & Secretary  
Public Comment, at the meeting, will be taken individually on Agenda Items  
indicated by.  
You may register to speak in advance on the Agenda Item whether attending  
the meeting by teleconference, e.g., Zoom, or in person.  
On line Speaker Card Registration (Sign In To Speak) opens at minimum 72  
hours in advance for a Regular Meeting or at minimum 24 hours in advance  
for a Special Meeting. Use the eComment Link to Sign In (Register) to Speak  
up to one hour before the beginning of the meeting. Manual (Paper) Speaker  
Cards also will be available at the meeting for completion.  
Sign In to Speak, on an eligible Agenda Item, as a matter of equity, is first  
registered, first called, in order of  
Registration whether participation is in person or virtually, e.g. Zoom, or by  
audio, e.g., telephone.  
For advanced pre-meeting Registration, You must establish a one time  
OUSD eComment - Sign In (Register) To Speak Account providing your First  
Name and Last Name and your email address. Your First Name and Last  
Name, as Registered, must also show as the Participant or Profile Name on  
a teleconference system (i.e., Zoom, webex, other). You will be requested to  
Register the first time you use eComment - Sign In To Speak.  
The Sign In To Speak System, after the one time registration, will remember  
you by first name and last name  
associated with your email address (profile), making it easier for you to  
electronically Register or Sign In to Speak on an Agenda Item at a future  
OUSD legislative meeting, e.g., Board, committee, commission.  
Early pre-meeting Sign In To Speak (Registration) is urged for all - whether  
you plan to attend meeting in person or view meeting via teleconference or  
listen to the meeting by telephone. Names will be called in Sign In To Speak  
order received.  
Members of the media and the public may attend and participate in the Board  
meeting in-person in The Great Room, La Escuelita Education Center, 1050  
2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA 94606-2291 (entrance located at or near 286 East  
10th St.) or virtually as described herein.  
The following information is for those members of the media and public  
interested in viewing or listening to the Board meeting virtually.  
Zoom: To view by Zoom, please click  
https://ousd.zoom.us/j/84664314985 on or after the Noticed meeting time.  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by video conference are available at:  
Phone: To listen by phone (via Zoom), please do the following at or after  
the Noticed meeting time: call (669) 900-9128, then enter Webinar ID 846  
6431 4985, then press “#”. If asked for a participant id or code, press #.  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are available at:  
To view the Board meeting from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming  
Events & Live Meeting Video, please select the meeting name and click on  
the “In Progress” link under Video or go to the Legislative Information Center  
(under Board of Education on Home Page)>Calendar  
Tab>Calendar>Today>Board of Education>”In Progress” link under Video.  
Public comment in-person is permitted within the times allotted for public  
comment on the Agenda. Virtual comment will also be permitted within the  
times allotted for public comment on the Agenda in the following two ways:  
To comment virtually by Zoom, if you have made a pre-meeting Request  
to Speak, when your name is called, click the “Raise Your Hand” button. You  
will be unmuted and allowed to make public comment. After the allotted  
time,you will then be re-muted. Instructions on how to “Raise Your Hand” is  
available at: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/205566129  
To comment by phone (via Zoom), if you have made a pre-meeting  
Request to Speak, when your name is called, press “*9” to “Raise Your  
Hand." You will be unmuted and allowed to make public comment. You will  
then be remuted.Instructions of how to raise your hand by phone are  
available at: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663-Joinin  
In addition, members of the public may submit written comments for a  
posted Board of Education Meeting Agenda Item, before a meeting or while a  
meeting is “In Progress,” from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming Events &  
Live Meeting Video by selecting Board of Education Agenda “eComment” or  
from the Legislative Information Center, as follows:  
If before Sunday, click Calendar Tab>Next Week>Board of  
If Sunday or thereafter up thru day before Meeting, click Calendar  
Tab>This Week>Board of Education>eComment  
If day of Meeting, click Calendar Tab>Today>Board of  
Or “eComment” in bold on the cover page of the Agenda.  
Written comments made on an eligible Agenda item, upon clicking of the  
Submit Button, are immediately sent via email to all members of the  
legislative body and key staff supporting the legislative body. Each  
eComment is a Public Record.  
The purpose of these protocols is to provide a basic set of professional  
standards by which the Board and the Superintendent are to function as a  
team. There is no intention to abridge the rights and obligations of Board  
Members to oversee the operation of the organization, nor to interfere with the  
Superintendent with her role as the Superintendent of OUSD.  
1. Every action by a Board Member should be directed toward improving the  
educational program for students.  
2. Every Board Member will exhibit behavior that is honorable, honest, and  
dedicated to the success of the students and staff of the district.  
3. Each Board Member is to be treated with dignity and respect.  
4. Board Member Commitment will include:  
Participate fully in the discussion of issues  
Listen respectfully to all views and opinions  
Respect each individual’s opinion  
Accept the majority action of the Board  
Board Members  
5. An individual Board Member will not use the media as a personal forum,  
unless it is clearly indicated that the opinion is personal and not  
representative of the Board majority position.  
6. Each Board Member will make every effort to attend all Board meetings in  
person; and to start and end on time.  
7. Board Members will ensure opportunities for each to comment.  
8. Staff is the responsibility of the Superintendent who will bring  
recommendations to the Board for action.  
9. Questions regarding Board agenda items are to be communicated to the  
Superintendent prior to the Board meeting and the Superintendent will  
respond in a timely manner.  
10. The Superintendent is to communicate all significant administrative  
actions to the Board.  
11. Legal and personnel matters will be confidential.  
Up to Three (3) minute speaking limit for Board Members  
No mingling with the audience  
Address comments to other Board Members  
Focus on agenda items  
Don't repeat what's been said  
Always be respectful  
No interruptions  
Enforce norms  
Model desired behavior  
All Board meetings shall begin on time and shall be guided by an agenda  
prepared in accordance with Board bylaws and posted and distributed in  
accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (open meeting requirements) and  
other applicable laws.  
(cf. 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials)  
The President shall conduct Board meetings in accordance with law, Board  
Bylaws, and its parliamentary authority which shall enable the Board to  
efficiently consider issues and carry out the will of the majority.  
(cf. 9121 - President)  
The Board believes that late night meetings deter public participation, can  
affect the Board's decision-making ability, and can be a burden to staff.  
Regular Board meetings shall be adjourned not later than 11:00 p.m. unless  
the Board agrees to extend the meeting, which may only be done once by 45  
(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices)  
A. Call To Order - 4:00 P.M.  
President Benjamin Davis called the May 8, 2024, Board of Education  
Regular Meeting to order at 4:01 P.M.  
B. Roll Call  
4 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
5 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
C. President's Statement Disclosing Item(s) To Be Discussed In Closed  
The items are listed pursuant to law.  
President Davis disclosed items to be discussed in Closed Session.  
C1. Public Comment on Closed Session Items  
This section provides an opportunity for members of the Public to address  
the Board on any Closed Session Item on the Agenda prior to the Board's  
recess to Closed Session for possible consideration of such Item.  
Public Comment On Closed Session Items - May 8, 2024.  
No Public Comments  
D. Recess to Closed Session  
President Davis recessed the Meeting to Closed Session at 4:06 P.M.  
Closed Session Item(s):  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Williams is present at 4:09 P.M.  
5 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
2 - Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is present at 4:19 P.M.  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
1 - Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is present at 4:26 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Labor Matter(s)  
Conference With Labor Negotiators  
United Administrators of Oakland Schools (UAOS), Service Employees  
International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU), Oakland Education Association  
(OEA), Oakland Child Development Paraprofessional Association  
(OCDPA), American Federation of State, County and Municipal  
Employees-Local 257 (AFSCME), Brotherhood of Teamsters, Auto  
Truck Drivers-Local 70 of Alameda County, Brotherhood of Teamsters,  
Warehouse, Mail Order, Retail Employees- Local 853 of Alameda  
County, American Federation of Teachers/CFT-Local 771 (AFT),  
Building and Construction Trades Council of Alameda County, California  
School Employees Association (CSEA).  
Principal District Representative(s): Jenine Lindsey, Interim General  
Legal Matter(s)  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Public Employment  
Public Employment  
General Counsel  
Public Employee Performance Evaluation Matter(s)  
Public Employee Performance Evaluation  
Superintendent of Schools  
Pupil Matter(s)  
Expulsion - Student GG  
Expulsion - Student GG.  
Threat To Public Services or Facilities  
Threat to Public Services or Facilities  
Threat to Public Services or Facilities  
E. Reconvene to Public Session - 5:30 P.M.  
President Davis reconvened the Regular Meeting to Public Session at 6:02  
Second Roll Call  
9 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
G. President's Statement of Reportable Action Taken In Closed Session  
and the Vote or Abstention of Members Present, If Any  
Labor Matters  
D.-1 - The Board discussed this Matter.  
Legal Matters  
D.-2 - The Board Approved a Settlement on this Matter. Move by President  
Davis, Seconded by Director Bachelor; 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstentions.  
D.-3 - The Board Approved a Settlement on this Matter. Move by President  
Davis, Seconded by Director Bachelor; 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstentions.  
Public Employment  
D.-4 - The Board gave direction on this Matter.  
Public Employee Performance Evaluation  
D.-5 - The Board did not take up this Matter.  
Public Matters  
D.-6 - The Board will vote on this Matter in Public Session under S. Adoption  
of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report.  
Threat to Public Services or Facilities  
D.-7 - The Board discussed this Matter.  
H. Modification(s) To Agenda  
This section allows for any change in the printed Order of Business including,  
but not limited to, an announcement that an item or legislative file will be  
considered out of Agenda printed order, that consideration of an Item has  
been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled, or taken off of a General Consent  
Report for separate discussion and/or possible action.  
- A motion was made, during Modification(s) To Agenda, by President Davis,  
seconded by Director Brouhard, that the Q.-13 Services Agreement  
2023-2024 - Sown To Grow, Inc., be Postponed to a Date Certain, Next  
Regular Board Meeting. See file 24-0837 for results.  
U.-1 24-0915 was withdrawn, by staff, from tonight's Agenda.  
Director Brouhard pulled T.10 from the General Consent Report.  
The Superintendent's Report was taken up after U. Adoption of the General  
Consent Reprot - General Obligation Bonds - B, J, and Y. All other items  
were taken up in Agenda printed order.  
Special Orders of the Day  
This section is primarily for ceremonial items. There shall be one public  
comment opportunity prior to all Special Order items, which shall not exceed  
10 minutes.  
Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certified Teacher(s),  
School Year 2023-2024 Year  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0180 - Tribute  
to Ji-Yun Kim, Fremont High School, District's National Board for  
Professional Teaching Standards - Certified Teacher - School Year  
President Davis read Resolution No. 2324-0180 - Tribute to Ji-Yun Kim,  
Fremont High School, District's National Board for Professional Teaching  
Standards -Certified Teacher - School Year 2023-2024. Dexter Moore, Chief  
of Staff, on behalf of Tara Gard, Chief of Talent, introduced Jiyun Kim to the  
Board of Education. Jiyun Kim thanked the Board of Education. The Board  
paid compliments to Ms. Kim.  
Compliments - Directors Brouhard, Thompson, Bachelor, Williams, Lerma,  
Student Director Anevay Cruz, President Davis  
Public Comment - None  
The Board, after the Resolution was approved, gathered in front of the Dias to  
take pictures with Jiyun Kim.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that Resolution No. 2324-0180 - Tribute to Ji-Yun Kim,  
Fremont High School, District's National Board for Professional  
Teaching Standards -Certified Teacher - School Year 2023-2024, be  
Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
P Aye:  
Enactment No: 24-0857  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0209 -  
Recognizing, Appreciating, and Paying Tribute to Student Director Anevay  
Cruz [Student Board Member, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024].  
President Davis read Resolution No. 2324-0209 - Recognizing, Appreciating,  
and Paying Tribute to Student Director Anevay Cruz [Student Board Member,  
July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024]. Student Director Anevay Cruz made  
comments regarding her Resolution. The Board complimented Director Cruz  
for her service on the Board.  
Compliments - Directors Lerma, Bachelor, Brouhard, Williams, Vice  
President Hutchinson, Student Director Vida Mendoza, President Davis  
Public Comment - Natalie Gallegos  
The Board, after the Resolution was approved, gathered in front of the Dias to  
take pictures with Directors Cruz and Mendoza following Tribute to the latter.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that Resolution No. 2324-0209 - Recognizing, Appreciating,  
and Paying Tribute to Student Director Anevay Cruz [Student Board  
Member, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024], be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Vida Mendoza  
1 - Anevay Cruz  
P Aye:  
Enactment No: 24-0858  
Tribute - Vida Mendoza - Student Board Member - School Year  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0210 -  
Recognizing, Appreciating, and Paying Tribute to Student Director Vida  
Mendoza [Student Board Member, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024].  
Vice President Hutchinson read Resolution No. 2324-0210 - Recognizing,  
Appreciating, and Paying Tribute to Student Director Vida Mendoza [Student  
Board Member, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024]. Student Director Vida  
Mendoza made comments regarding her Resolution. The Board  
complimented Director Mendoza.  
Compliments - Directors Brouhard, Bachelor, Williams, Lerma, Student  
Director Anevay Cruz, Vice President Hutchinson, President Davis  
Public Comment - Amaru Mendoza-Najera, Gema Quetzal, Karina Najera,  
Natalie Gallegos  
The Board, after the Resolution was approved, gathered in front of the Dias to  
take pictures with Student Directors Vida Mendoza and Anevay Cruz.  
A motion was made by Director Brouhard, seconded by Director  
Thompson, that Resolution No. 2324-0210 - Recognizing, Appreciating,  
and Paying Tribute to Student Director Vida Mendoza [Student Board  
Member, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024], be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Anevay Cruz  
1 - Vida Mendoza  
P Aye:  
Enactment No: 24-0859  
Student Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the Student Board Members regarding any information that they wish to share  
regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities as a  
representative of the All-City Council and students of the District. There shall  
be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Student Board Members’ Report - May 8, 2024:  
ACC End of Year Report  
Overview of ACC  
Key Accomplishments 2023-24  
Overview & Updates of ACC Priorities  
Student Voice on LCAP  
How to Support All City Council  
Introducing ACC Governing Board 2024-25  
What did we learn about governance as Student Directors?  
Student Directors Anevay Cruz and Vida Mendoza gave a report along with All  
City Council Student Members. The Board discussed this Matter.  
Discussion - Directors Brouhard, Williams, Bachelor, Superintendent  
Public Comment - 1. Kim Davis, 2. Khadija Garnier, 3. Aliyah Sharif, 4. Robin  
Ruelas, 5. Natalie Gallegos, 6. Gema Quetzal, 7. Nate Landry, 8. Assata  
Olugbala, 9. Um Khadija, 10. Ismael Armendariz, 11. Vilma Derrano, 12.  
Cadji Yahya  
Director Williams, upon the completion of Public Comment on the Student  
Board Members Report, made a motion, seconded by Director Bachelor, to  
extend Public Comment on the Student Board Members Report. The motion  
was deemed moot due to there being no further Public Commenter's  
registered to speak. See file 24-1400 for results.  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
Members Report - May 8, 2024  
Adoption by Board of Education of Motion to extend time on Public  
Comment - Student Board Members Report, time not specified, for  
tonight’s meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Williams, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, that the Motion to extend time on Public Comment - Student  
Board Members Report, time not specified, for tonight’s meeting, be  
Adopted. The motion was deemed Moot due to there being no further  
Public Commenter's registered to speak.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Thompson is absent at 7:53 P.M.  
8 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Director Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Thompson is present at 7:54 P.M.  
9 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
K. Parent and Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the lead delegate or designee of the Parent and Student Advisory Committee  
(PSAC) regarding any information that they wish to share regarding past,  
present, or future activities as parent/guardian representatives of the Parent  
and Student Advisory Committee and of all parents and guardians in the  
District. There need not be separate public comment on this section. This  
report need only occur at the first regular Board meeting of each month.  
Parent and Student Advisory Committee’s Report - May 8, 2024.  
Parent Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) voluntarily waived tonight's  
presentation on Agenda in order to help the Board accommodate a large  
number of Public Speakers on other eligible Agenda Items. The PSAC  
requested to present the Report at the next Regular Meeting, May 22, 2024.  
Postponed to a Date Certain  
L. Superintendent's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the Superintendent or designee regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities. There  
shall be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Superintendent's Report - May 8, 2024:  
School Highlights  
Enrollment Update  
Attendance Update  
Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell gave the Superintendent's Report and  
responded to comments and questions from the Board.  
Discussion - Directors Bachelor, Thompson, Williams, Lerma, Brouhard, Vice  
President Hutchinson, President Davis  
Public Comment: None  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
M. Comment by Collective Bargaining Units  
This section of the Agenda is an opportunity for the leadership of the  
District's recognized Collective Bargaining Units to address the Board on  
issues or matters of concern. Each bargaining unit shall have up to 5  
minutes for its comment time.  
Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - May 8, 2024.  
1. Ismael Armendariz, President, OEA, 2. Phyllis Copes, President, Local  
1021, SEIU  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Director Vida Mendoza is absent at 8:54 P.M.  
8 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
N. Public Hearing(s)  
This section is for public hearings. There shall be public comment for each  
public hearing, with no public comment period exceeding 10 minutes.  
O. Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the Board  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Director Anevay Cruz is absent at 8:12 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is absent at 8:22 P.M.  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is present at 8:39 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Matter Jurisdiction of the District – May 8, 2024  
Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the District - May 8, 2024.  
1. Nate Landry, 2. Kim Davis, 3. Tania Kappner, 4. Tova Broland, 5. Richard  
Jan, 6. Assata Olugbala, 7. Jack Nelson, 8. Craig Gordan, 9. Student  
Speaker, 10. Kevin Sun, 11. Eric Sadd, 14. Robert Mandel, 15. Melody  
Davis, 16. Cole Margen, 17. Michael Shane, 18. Shae'Onna Muhammad 19.  
Jumoke Hinton, 20. Mohsin Sharif, 21. Ismael Harris, 22. Allison Grill, 23.  
John Murray,  
President Davis, without objection from his colleagues, extended Public  
Comment time to allow additional individuals to make Public Comment.  
24. Michael Lyon, 25. Saghib Hashim, 26. Phillip Corbins, 27. Joe Chellen  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Public Comment on All Eligible Agenda Items In Sections Q through  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
In lieu of this original Section (and other Sections) of the Agenda, the Board,  
on a trial basis, is returning to it past practice of taking separate Public  
Comment on most individual items on the Agenda (except Consent). As a  
result, a separate Speaker Card (Request To Speak) is required to be filed  
on each Agenda Item and/or Consent Report (as a whole) eligible for Public  
Comment, indicated by the symbol (microphone). Please see ON-LINE  
SPEAKER CARD REGISTRATION (Above) for full details.  
Q. Unfinished Business  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis and Director Lerma are absent at 9:00 P.M.  
5 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jorge Lerma  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Assumption of the Chair  
Vice President Hutchinson Assumed the Chair at 9:00 P.M.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis and Director Lerma are present at 9:02 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis is absent at 9:05 P.M.  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis is present at 9:06 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Assumption of the Chair  
President Davis Assumed the Chair at 9:10 P.M.  
Budget and Finance Committee - May 2, 2024 - Mike Hutchinson, Chair  
Business Officer  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Budget and Finance Committee, of the District Fiscal Sustainability Plan -  
Fiscal Years 2023-2026, As Amended.  
Vice President Hutchinson gave a brief summary on the Budget and Finance  
Committee's recommendation that the District Fiscal Sustainability Plan -  
Fiscal Years 2023-2026 be adopted. Chief Business Officer (CBO) Lisa  
Grant-Dawson provided additional comments. The Board discussed this  
Discussion - Vice President Hutchinson, President Davis  
Public Comment - Assata Olugbala  
A motion was made by Vice President Hutchinson, seconded by  
Director Thompson, that the District Fiscal Sustainability Plan - Fiscal  
Years 2023-2026, be Adopted. The motion carried by the following  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0855  
Objectives and Comprehensive Plans - Accountability - Special  
Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy 0500  
- Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans -  
Accountability, as delineated.  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 0500 - Philosophy, Goals,  
Objectives and Comprehensive Plans - Accountability, be Adopted.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0863  
Objectives and Comprehensive Plans - Comprehensive Local Plan  
for Special Education - Special Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy 0430  
- Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans -  
Comprehensive Local Plan For Special Education, as delineated.  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 0430 - Philosophy, Goals,  
Objectives and Comprehensive Plans - Comprehensive Local Plan For  
Special Education, be Adopted. The motion carried by the following  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0864  
and Selection - Special Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy 4111  
- Personnel - Recruitment and Selection, as delineated.  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 4111 - Personnel - Recruitment  
and Selection, be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0865  
and Emergencies - Special Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy  
5141.21 - Students - Health Care and Emergencies, as delineated.  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 5141.21 - Students - Health  
Care and Emergencies, be Adopted. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0866  
Education Program (IEP) - Special Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy 6159  
- Instruction - Individualized Education Program (IEP), as delineated.  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 6159 - Instruction -  
Individualized Education Program (IEP), be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0867  
Identification of Individuals for Special Education - Special  
Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy  
6164.4 - Instruction - Identification of Individuals for Special Education,  
as delineated.  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 6164.4 - Instruction -  
Identification of Individuals for Special Education, be Adopted. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0868  
- Special Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy 5125  
- Students - Student Records, as delineated.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, thatBoard Policy 5125 - Students - Student  
Records, be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0869  
Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for Special Education -  
Special Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy  
Instruction - Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for  
Special Education, as delineated.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 6159.2: Nonpublic,  
Nonsectarian School and Agency Services For Special Education, be  
Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0870  
Noninstructional Operations - Federal Grant Funds - Special  
Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy 3230  
- Business and Noninstructional Operations - Federal Grant Funds, as  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 3230 - Business and  
Noninstructional Operations - Federal Grant Funds, be Adopted. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0871  
Expulsion Due Process - Special Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy  
5144.1 - Students - Suspension and Expulsion Due Process, as delineated.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
The Board, having taken up and voted affirmative on Agenda Items Q.-2  
through Q.-11, as a group, directed the Secretary to note such but to record  
the collective vote as if individually taken on each item.  
Discussion - Directors Thompson, Brouhard, Williams, Vice President  
Hutchinson, Superintendent Johnson-Trammell  
Public Comment - 1. Alan Pursell, 2. Melody Davis, 3. Assata Olugbala, 4.  
Cintya Molina  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, that Board Policy 5144.1 - Students - Suspension  
and Expulsion Due Process, be Adopted. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0872  
Services - Chief of Staff  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Elite Security  
Services, Oakland, CA, for the latter to meet increased demand for an  
extra layer of unarmed, non-law enforcement on site security personnel  
who can monitor the perimeter, entryways, and safe passages to  
campuses, potential threat assessment and deescalate current safety  
related issues, with temporarily assigned placements determined by senior  
staff on behalf of requests from school, department and Board leadership  
and be offered as the result or anticipation of a safety-related concern, in  
the additional amount of $64,517.60, increasing the not to exceed amount  
of the Agreement from $109,000.00 to $173,517.60, for the unchanged  
term of August 8, 2023 through June 30, 2024, via the Office of the Chief  
of Staff. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full  
force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 001558  
Requisition No.: VR24-10923  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-901, 3213-901  
Funding Source: GP  
President Davis gave a brief summary on Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Elite Security  
Services. The Board discussed this Matter.  
Discussion - Vice President Hutchinson, President Davis  
Public Comment - Assata Olugbala  
A motion was made by Vice President Hutchinson, seconded by  
Director Lerma, that Amendment No. 1, Services Agreement 2023-2024  
- Elite Security Services - Chief of Staff, be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0856  
Academic Officer  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Sown to Grow, Inc., Oakland, CA, for  
the latter to provide its proprietary platform licenses and support for  
teachers, students, and Administrator staff that allows students to do a  
weekly social-emotional check-in, and pre and post survey to measure  
wellness; provide trainings for teachers and principals through-out the year  
and roll out in all schools TK-12; assist with the District implementation of  
its Comprehensive Program, which includes core modules (emotional  
check-in, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and academic), SEL screener,  
SEL curriculum, software licenses for teachers, students, and admin,  
PD/training, ongoing coaching, and administrator data reports to measure  
growth in student well-being, SEL skills, and technical support, via the  
Chief Academic Officer (Multi-Tiered Support Systems Department), for  
the period of December 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, in an amount not  
to exceed $748,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 004010  
Requisition No.: VR24-09308  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-903  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover  
A motion was made by President Davis, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that the Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Sown To Grow,  
Inc., be Postponed to a Date Certain, Next Regular Board Meeting.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
P Aye:  
R. New Business  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is absent at 9:50 P.M.  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Teaching and Learning Committee - April 16, 2024 - Jennifer Brouhard, Chair  
and Materials Adoption - Chief Academic Officer  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Teaching and Learning Committee, of Resolution No. 2324-0019 - 9th*  
-12th Grade History/Social Studies Curriculum [i.e., Teacher Curriculum  
Institute (TCI) for High School History/Social Studies courses, grades 9-12,  
which meets the standards for adoption and approves a Services  
Agreement for purchase of same by and between District and Teachers’  
Curriculum Institute (TCI), LLC, Mountain View, CA, including as more  
specifically described in Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, for the term July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $1,307,768.51**].  
*Teaching and Learning Committee recommended adoption is for  
Grades 10 -12. Chief Academic Officer is recommending that Board  
adoption also include Grade 9, inadvertently omitted.  
**Price modification, post Teaching and Learning Committee initial  
approval, renegotiated by staff with vendor to conform to the contract  
term maximum of three years as required by Education Code Section  
Director Brouhard gave a brief summary on Teaching and Learning  
Committee recommendation of Resolution No. 2324-0019: Selection and  
purchase of the following curricular materials: Teacher Curriculum Institute  
(TCI) for High School History/Social Studies courses, grades 10-12.  
Public Comment: None  
A motion was made by Director Brouhard, seconded by Director  
Thompson, that Resolution No. 2324-0019: Selection and purchase of  
the following curricular materials: Teacher Curriculum Institute (TCI)  
for High School History/Social Studies courses, grades 10-12, be  
Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0873  
Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Named Employees for  
School Year 2023-2024  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0180 -  
Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on  
Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024:  
1. Caitlyn Dunn, 6th - 8th Grade Math Teacher, Claremont Middle  
School; and  
2. Eliana Martinez, 6th - 8th Grade PE Teacher, Urban Promise  
Middle School.  
Public Comment: None  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that Resolution No. 2324-0180 - Application for Provisional  
Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing -  
Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024, be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0874  
BCLAD – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing –  
Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0181 -  
Application for Variable Term Program Waiver - CBEST and BCLAD -  
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for  
School Year 2023-2024:  
1. Elaine Barfield, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Markham  
Elementary School; and  
2. Joel Raicebe, Preschool Mild to Moderate Support Needs SDC  
Teacher, Prescott Elementary School.  
Public Comment: None  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that Resolution No. 2324-0181 - Application for Variable  
Term Program Waiver - CBEST and BCLAD - California Commission on  
Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024,  
be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0875  
Adoption of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
This section is required by state law. For each individual pupil case from  
Closed Session, the Board determines whether to expel, grant a suspended  
expulsion, revoke a suspended expulsion order, reinstate,  
readmit, admit a pupil, or take other appropriate disciplinary action. Other  
than was is printed in the public agenda, all information regarding an  
individual pupil case cannot be disclosed pursuant to federal and state law.  
Public Comment - Assata Olugbala  
Expulsion - Student GG  
Expulsion - Student GG.  
Approval of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
A motion was made by President Davis, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, to Approve the Pupil Discipline Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is present at 10:01 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
T. Adoption of the General Consent Report  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Discussion - Valarie Bachelor  
Public Comment - Assata Olugbala  
Chief, Systems and Services Officer  
Bay Construction, Inc. - East Oakland Pride Elementary School  
Fire and Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 3, Agreement  
Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and Bay  
Construction, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide additional  
construction services which includes PCO 20 - addition of a new elevator  
power shunt trip function to the fire alarm system - for the East Oakland  
Pride Elementary School Fire and Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project, in  
the not to exceed amount of $24,646.43, increasing the Agreement not to  
exceed amount from $1,273,979.95 to $1,298,626.38. All other terms  
and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 0000642  
Requisition No.: PO24-05834  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9021 107  
Funding Source: Fund 25 Capital Facilities Fund  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0769  
Service Support Program Project – Buildings & Grounds  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and Syserco, Inc.,  
Fremont, CA, for the latter to provide continued program support services  
to include preventative maintenance software and cyber security updates  
utilizing the Allerton Biding Automation System (ABAS), as described in  
the Proposal dated March 11, 2024, attached to this Amendment as  
Exhibit A, for the Service Support Program Project, in an additional total  
amount of $355,240.00, increasing Agreement’s not-to-exceed amount  
from $230,227.00 to $565,467.00, and extending the term of the  
Agreement from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 to June 30, 2027 (an  
additional 1,094 days). All other terms and condition of the Agreement  
remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 004166  
Requisition No.: PO24-00363  
Resource Code-Site No.: 8150 988  
Funding Source: Fund o1o Routine Repair Maintenance Account  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0770  
Flooring Services – Three Years Flooring Routine Maintenance  
Project – Department of Buildings and Grounds  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement for Maintenance by  
and between the District and Diversified Flooring Service, South San  
Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide to District Flooring Maintenance  
Services, including machinery/equipment fixture repairs, as described in  
Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully  
set forth, for the Three Years Flooring Routine Maintenance Project, in the  
amount not-to-exceed $593,450.00, as the lowest responsive and  
responsible bidder, with work anticipated to commence on May 9, 2024,  
and scheduled to last for one thousand ninety-four days (1094), with an  
anticipated ending of May 8, 2027.  
Vendor No.: 001369  
Requisition No.: PO24-01053  
Resource Code-Site No.: 8150 988  
Funding Source: Fund 1 General Fund Routine Repair Maintenance  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0771  
and Door Systems, Inc. – Skyline High Schoool Window  
Replacement Project – Buildings and Grounds Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement Between Owner  
and Contractor by and between the District and American Window and  
Door Systems, Inc., Napa, CA, for the latter to provide construction  
services which consist of the removal of current window blinds and  
replace with new blacked out rolling shades in every classroom for the  
Skyline High School Window Replacement Project, in the total amount of  
$198,000.00, with no general contingency, with the work anticipated to  
commence on May 9, 2024, and required to be completed within ninety  
days (90), with an anticipated ending of August 7, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 009022  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9914 306  
Funding Source: Fund 140 Deferred Maintenance Routine Repair  
Maintenance Account  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0772  
School Site Improvements Project – Division of Facilities Planning  
and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Purchase Agreement by and  
between the District and Sof Surfaces, Inc., Palatine, IL, for the latter to  
provide rubber tiles to cover asphalt and facilitate the build of the new play  
structure, described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, for the Piedmont Elementary School  
Site Improvements Project, in the total amount of $60,000.00, as the  
selected consultant, with delivery on May 9, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 003982  
Requisition No.: VR24-10003  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0007 146  
Funding Source: Fund 1 General Fund S&C Carry over  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0773  
School Site Improvements Project – Division of Facilities Planning  
and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Purchase Agreement by and  
between the District and Sof Surfaces, Inc., Palatine, IL, for the latter to  
provide rubber tiles to cover asphalt and facilitate the build of the new play  
structure for the Bella Vista Elementary School Site Improvements  
Project, in the total amount of $105,600.00, as the selected consultant,  
with delivery on May 9, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 003982  
Requisition No.: VR24-11818  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0007 146  
Funding Source: Fund 1 S&C Carry Over  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0774  
Technology Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and RDV Consulting Services,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to file the District's E-Rate forms including  
470, 471, 472, 486 and 500 to apply for funding and meet E-Rate  
deadlines to support telecommunication services across the District,  
including the collection of data, providing spreadsheets of collected data,  
updating school data in EPC and managing PIA reviews and audits, via the  
Technology Services Department, for the period of November 1, 2023  
through October 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003533  
Requisition No.: VR24-08531  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-986  
Funding Source: 0000 - General Purpose  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0775  
Child Development Center and Hintil Kuu Kau Child Development  
Center - Student Enrollment Office  
Approval by the Board of Education of and authorization for  
submission of application to the California Department of Education  
for a new County-School-District (CDS) Code for Burbank Child  
Development Center (CDC) and Hintil Kuu Ka Child Development  
Center (CDC), respectively, effective 2024-2025 School Year, so that  
each site may serve students in Transitional Kindergarten (TK)  
settings as well as Pre-Kindergarten (PreK) settings.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0776  
Chief, Talent  
Talent/Human Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Laurel Leadership, dba Diversity in Leadership  
Institute, Los Angeles, CA, for the latter to provide services by operating a  
program for the purpose of and focused on increasing the number of racially  
diverse and culturally competent educational leaders in California, including  
District, as described in Exhibit A, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, for the Human Resources/Talent Department, for the  
term April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025, at a cost not to exceed $54,000.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0777  
Resources Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0183 - Creation  
of Job Descriptions - Executive Director, Elementary Instruction -  
Continuous School Improvement Division and Executive Director,  
Secondary Instruction - Continuous School Improvement.  
Chief Academic Officer Sondra Aguilera gave a summary of Resolution No.  
2324-0183 - Creation of Job Descriptions - Executive Director, Elementary  
Instruction - Continuous School Improvement Division and Executive Director,  
Secondary Instruction - Continuous School Improvement. The Board  
discussed this Matter.  
Discussion - Directors Brouhard, Williams, Bachelor  
A motion was made by Vice President Hutchinson, seconded by  
Director Lerma, that Resolution No. 2324-0183 - Creation of Job  
Descriptions - Executive Director, Elementary Instruction - Continuous  
School Improvement Division and Executive Director, Secondary  
Instruction - Continuous School Improvement, be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
4 - Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0860  
Chief Academic Officer  
Campus, Lead by Learning - Community Schools and Student  
Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Northeastern University - Mills College  
Campus, Lead by Learning, Boston, MA, for the latter to provide 15 hours  
of planning, goal setting and content support for the 2024 Expanded  
Learning Summer Institute; support three six-hour days during the  
event; coordinate workshops and ensure the event is executed based on  
the goals and vision of the Expanded Learning Team design; and  
facilitate two 90 minute workshops for after school site coordinators  
around inquiry design and public learning, via the Community Schools  
and Student Services Department, for the period March 28, 2024 through  
July 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $25,400.00.  
Vendor No.: 002865  
Requisition No.: VR24-08512  
Resource Code-Site No.: 4124-922  
Funding Source: 21st Century After School Safety and Enrichment  
for Teens Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0778  
Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Hoot Reading, Inc., Winnipeg, MB, Canada, for  
the latter to provide 182 students participating in Summer Learning in  
OUSD 1:1 high dosage foundational reading skills online tutoring from  
June 3rd through July 5th, including up to 18 lessons of 1:1 English  
literacy tutoring over the Hoot Reading App, pre-assessment for all  
students, post assessment for eligible students, access to Hoot's  
educator-curated library of 2,000+ books and inclusive learning  
materials, program implementation and onboarding, student ID set up,  
student scheduling, ongoing account management and final impact  
reporting, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department,  
for the period June 3, 2024 through July 5, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $99,190.00.  
Vendor No.: 008972  
Requisition No.: VR24-10059  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0779  
Bank - Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement  
by and between the District and Alameda County Community Food Bank,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide donated food and other food items  
(collectively “Products”) for persons in need to the 17 named school  
sites as stated in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools and  
Student Services Department, for the period February 12, 2024 through  
January 11, 2027, at no cost to the District.  
Funding Source: No fiscal impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0780  
California, Davis - Community Schools and Student Services  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement  
by and between the District and The Regents of the University of  
California (UC), on behalf of UC, Davis, Davis, CA, (Center for Integrated  
Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM)), for the latter to provide  
programming to address the significant challenges of inclusion and  
equity for Black/African American middle school and high school girls in  
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education,  
more specifically by Ujima GIRL Project, as described in Exhibit A of the  
Agreement, incorporated herein by reference, as though fully set forth,  
via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the  
period May 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, at no cost to the District.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0781  
Oakland - Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Elevate Oakland,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to partner with the District’s Expanded  
Learning Office to provide after school music programming at Coliseum  
College Preparatory Academy (CCPA) during the after school program,  
twice per week for up to 20 students per class, for the unchanged term  
of July 26, 2023 through May 23, 2024, in the additional amount of  
$12,595.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from  
$41,000.00 to $53,595.00. All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 000196  
Requisition No.: VR24-08804  
Resource Code-Site No.: 4124-922  
Funding Source: T Iv 21st Century Com Learning  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0782  
Oakland Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Blueprint Schools Network, Needham,  
MA, for the latter to provide individualized math tutoring and intensive  
support for students at West Oakland Middle School, for the period of  
March 20, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 000725  
Requisition No.: VR24-09436  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-204  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0783  
Sankofa United Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Red Tomatoes Org, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide fingerprinting services for family and other  
volunteers at Sankofa United Elementary School, for the period of March  
26, 2024 through March 26, 2024, at no cost to the District.  
Vendor No.: 003554  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0784  
Counseling Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Niroga Institute, Alameda,  
CA, for the latter to inspire youth to take control of their own health and  
well-being through the application of Dynamic Mindfulness strategies,  
exposure to nature, and development of leadership and presentation skills  
for OUSD’s 9th/Rising 10th & 10th/ Rising 11th grade, and related  
activities, as described in Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, via Office of Post-Secondary Readiness  
(OPSR) Counseling Department, for the period of May 15, 2024 through  
June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $23,800.00.  
Vendor No.: 003088  
Requisition No.: VR24-09072  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3225-928  
Funding Source: ESSER III ASES Summer  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0785  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and The Teaching Well, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to provide executive coaching, mindful mentoring, and  
professional development (PD) workshops to school leadership and  
teaching staff, with coaching including monthly sessions with  
administration, bi-weekly one to one meetings with educators, and PD  
cycles focused on wellness strategies and activities for Markham  
Elementary School, for the period of August 7, 2023 through May 17,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $51,535.00.  
Funding Source: Early Literacy Support Block  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0786  
Oakland High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to facilitate student mentorship between Oakland High  
School students and Brewer Middle School students [at Oakland High  
School], for the period of March 25, 2024 through May 22, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $25,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001474  
Requisition No.: VR24-10248  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9019-304  
Funding Source: Cross-Age Mentoring Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0787  
Heights Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and The Teaching Well, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to provide its Summer Intro Session w/ Staff (60-90 mins) -  
Potential dates 8/2, 8/7 or 8/8, Bi-Monthly (2x monthly) Executive  
Coaching, One Cycle of Workplace Culture Landscape Analysis  
Research, 1-2 Cohort(s) of Mindful Mentoring, and Four Whole Staff  
Professional Development Workshops, as described in Exhibit A of the  
Agreement at Redwood Heights Elementary School, for the period of  
August 10, 2023 through May 29, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Requisition No.: VR24-10000  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6266-148  
Funding Source: Educator Effectiveness  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0788  
High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and East Bay Consortium (EBC), Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide two college advisors and an EBC Program  
Coordinator to assist MetWest seniors with college and career  
exploration, college applications, financial aid and other topics of higher  
education, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth at Met West High School, for  
the period of September 1, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not  
to exceed $55,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001478  
Requisition No.: VR24-06869  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9333-338  
Funding Source: Measure N  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0789  
Childhood Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Exzachly Ventures LLC,  
Walnut Creek, CA, for the latter to provide a needs analysis of the  
current state of the Early Learning facilities, both indoors and outdoors;  
work with Early Learning Principals to understand what is working and what  
needs enhancement, via Early Childhood Education Department, for the  
period of April 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 008701  
Requisition No.: VR24-09316  
Resource Code-Site No.: 7815-910  
Funding Source: State Preschool One-Time Funds and Urban  
Forestry Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0790  
Jordan Benn - OPSR Counseling Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Unconditional Word, LLC  
dba Jordan Benn, Lauderdale Lakes, FL, for the latter to equip Summer  
HAcK 2024 EAST & WEST 2024 Educators to: define mindfulness and  
speak to its benefits in a classroom context; develop a personal  
mindfulness practice; seamlessly integrate mindfulness into classroom and  
school wide routines; provide professional learning via virtual, self paced  
and on demand curriculum modules to prepare teachers and support staff  
to lead Mindful Recovery: Mindfulness for Educators & Students, and as  
described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference  
as though fully set forth, via OPSR Counseling Department, for the period  
of April 15, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 008925  
Requisition No.: VR24-09071  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3225-928  
Funding Source: ESSER III ASES Summer  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0791  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and East Bay Consortium (EBC),  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide one on one personalized support  
for 100% of Life Academy seniors to complete college applications and  
financial aid applications; 3 to 5 one on one counseling appointments  
with EBC staff in order to support them in their completion of college  
and industry applications at LIFE Academy, for the period of January 8,  
2024 through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001478  
Requisition No.: VR24-09935  
Resource Code-Site No.: 4124-335  
Funding Source: T Iv 21st Century Com Learning  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0792  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and East Bay Consortium,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide one on one personalized support for  
100% of Life Academy seniors: complete college applications and financial  
aid applications; receive 3 to 5 one on one counseling appointments with  
EBC staff in order to support them in their completion of college and industry  
applications; juniors will receive a one on one counseling meeting including a  
transcript review in preparation for their senior year so they can enter with a  
clear pathway toward graduation at LIFE Academy, for the period of August  
28, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $33,933.00.  
Vendor No.: 001478  
Requisition No.: VR24-08238  
Resource Code-Site No.: 4124-335  
Funding Source: T Iv 21st Century Com Learning  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0793  
Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Children Rising, Oakland, CA,  
for the latter to provide its Succeeding by Reading, an interventional  
literacy tutoring for elementary school students who are struggling with  
foundational literacy skills, often scoring 2+ grade levels below their age  
group, as described in Exhibit A of Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, at Prescot Elementary School, for the  
period of September 5, 2023 through May 17, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $5,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001645  
Requisition No.: VR24-09828  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3010-183  
Funding Source: Title I-Basic Grant Low Income  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0794  
- West Oakland Middle School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Tierra Knight, San  
Leandro, CA, for the latter facilitate girls' groups, hold in-house discipline,  
coordinating lunchtime activities, and assisting teachers with individual  
student behavior and classroom management, in the additional amount of  
$25,000.00, increasing the Agreement from $53,013.45 to $78,013.45, and  
extending the Agreement term from September 15, 2023 through June 1,  
2024 to June 25, 2024. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement  
remain in full force and effect.  
Funding Source: Measure G1 Parcel Tax  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0795  
Schools and Student Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to provide all necessary transition materials to the Expanded  
Learning Office (ExLO) regarding transitioning into the After School Lead  
Agency role at Oakland International High School, as described in the  
Exhibit A of the Agreement (Scope of Work), incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student  
Services Department, for the period of April 8, 2024 through June 30,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003729  
Requisition No.: VR24-09994  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opp Programs  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0796  
Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Edventure More, San Leandro, CA, for the latter  
to provide three summer cluster leaders for Summer, 2024 and ensure  
Program Implementation and Quality Assurance, each, as described in  
the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set  
forth, for the period May 20, 2024 through July 5, 2024, in an amount not  
to exceed $28,875.00.  
Vendor No.: 001534  
Requisition No.: VR24-11166  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0797  
Student Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Safe Passages, Oakland, CA, for the latter to  
provide summer cluster leaders for Summer, 2024 and ensure Program  
Implementation and Quality Assurance, each, as described in the Scope  
of Work, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for  
the period May 20, 2024 through July 5, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 003729  
Requisition No.: VR24-11170  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0798  
Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael,  
for the latter to provide four summer cluster leaders for Summer, 2024  
and to ensure Program Implementation and Quality Assurance, each, as  
described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set for the period May 20, 2024 through July 5, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $41,250.00.  
Vendor No.: 000624  
Requisition No.: VR24-11174  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0799  
School Improvement Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and New Leaders, New York, NY, for the latter  
to provide its Pathways: Strengthening Systems Level Leadership, for four  
(4) District Network Superintendents; Leadership Coaching and Three  
Communities of Practice, for 40-50 Elementary Principals; and Coaching &  
Strategic Leadership Support, for 30-35 Elementary Staff, each, as  
described in the Scope of Work, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30,  
2025, in an amount not to exceed $90,000.00.  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover Funds  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0800  
Public Education Fund - EnCompass Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Oakland Public  
Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to place a Campus Monitor to  
maintain community health, safety and wellness systems in regards to  
morning / afternoon transitions at the front gates; Morning breakfast  
support after the bell; Upkeep of a clean and functioning garden;  
Maintain garden/PE/recess equipment; Support with evolving COVID-19  
conditions and restrictions for the unchanged period of August 07, 2023  
through May 31, 2024,, in the additional amount of $3,000.00, increasing  
the Agreement from $13,000.00 to $16,000.00. All other terms and  
conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-09021  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0002-181  
Funding Source: Unrestricted Supplemental  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0801  
English Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide stipends to high school-aged  
District newcomer youth to become leaders in the Soccer Without  
Borders Program, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, via English  
Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement Department, for the  
period of April 11, 2024 through June 30, 2024 in an amount not to  
exceed $91,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11062  
Resource Code-Site No.: 5810-954, 7811-954, 7816-954  
Funding Source: CalNEW Grant CDSS; Refugee Program  
Bureau-NC; Other Federal  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0802  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement between  
the District and Lindamood-Bell, San Luis Obispo, CA, for the latter to  
provide 240 sessions of 1:1 sensory-cognitive instruction, via the Special  
Education Department, for the period of April 1, 2024 through  
September 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $42,960.00.  
Vendor No.: 007166  
Requisition No.: VR24-11105  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education Funding  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0803  
Nutrition Enrichment - Community Schools and Student Services  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Growing Together - Bay Area, Pinole, CA, for  
the latter to provide summer garden and cooking enrichments at  
Highland Community School, as described in Exhibit A, incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools  
and Student Services Department, for the period June 1, 2024 through  
July 5, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $6,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008036  
Requisition No.: VR24-10833  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0804  
Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and New Anchor Foundation,  
Covina, CA, for the latter to provide financial assistance to newcomer  
students and families in the form of a check made payable towards housing  
costs, via English Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement  
Department, for the period of April 11, 2024, through June 30, 2024, in  
an amount not to exceed $25,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 009000  
Requisition No.: VR24-10436  
Resource Code-Site No.: 7811-954  
Funding Source: Refugee Program Bureau-NC  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0805  
Agency - School-Based Health Centers and OUSD Central Family  
Resource Center - Community Schools and Student Services  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency,  
San Leandro, CA, for the latter to provide a range of health care services  
to students and their families through District’s School-Based Health  
Centers, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Community Schools  
and Student Services Department, for the period July 1, 2023 through  
June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $1,035,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 000314  
Requisition No.: VR24-01758  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9225-922  
Funding Source: Kaiser Health & Wellness  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0806  
Consulting, LLC - Community Schools and Student Services  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and G6 Consulting,  
LLC, Walnut Creek, CA, for the latter to expand the existing Scope of  
Work to include, but not be limited to, the marketing activation  
materials so that 51 OUSD Elementary schools (e.g., students, families,  
staff, and community) are aware of the District’s elementary offering to  
increase district enrollment strategies and joyful school initiatives  
through youth sports in the YES! Sports Program, as described in Exhibit  
A of Agreement, for the unchanged period of November 15, 2023  
through June 30, 2024, in the additional amount of $28,500.00, increasing  
the Agreement not to exceed amount from $86,000.00 to $114,500.00, via  
the Community Schools and Student Services Department. All other  
terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 008769  
Requisition No.: VR24-08827  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opp Programs  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0807  
- Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San  
Rafael, CA, for the latter to follow all necessary transition protocols and  
provide all necessary transition materials to the Expanded Learning  
Office (ExLO) regarding transitioning into the After School Lead Agency  
role at Acorn Woodland Elementary, as described in Exhibit A of the  
Agreement (Scope of Work), incorporated herein by reference as though  
fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student Services Department,  
for the period of April 8, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $5,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 000624  
Requisition No.: VR24-09996  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opp Programs  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0808  
Schools and Student Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA,  
for the latter to facilitate the onboarding of summer staff for the  
Oakland Fine Arts Summer School which include hiring and paying staff  
for the following roles: one circus arts & modeling instructor; two dance  
instructors; two choir instructors; three drumming instructors; one  
modeling instructor; one set designer; two social-emotional learning  
mentors; and payment of stipends for the following work:  
videographer; photographer; modeling etiquette; stage, light & sound  
and reimbursement for student field trips, for the period May 25, 2024  
through July 5, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $100,667.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11747  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0809  
Performing Arts Intensive - Community Schools and Student  
Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland, CA,  
for the latter to facilitate the onboarding of summer staff for a  
five-week Oakland Performing Arts Intensive, including the hiring and  
paying staff for the following roles: one lead theatre instructor; two  
drama instructors; two dance instructors; two media instructors; one  
vocal instructor; one visual arts instructor; one percussion instructor; and  
three high school interns, for the period June 3, 2024 through July 3,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $101,612.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11833  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0810  
High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Kids First, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to provide a farm education co-manager to maintain the  
Castlemont farm and garden as a working farm and educational space, as  
described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth at Castlemont High School, for the  
period of January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $35,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003136  
Requisition No.: VR24-07948  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9333-301  
Funding Source: Measure N  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0811  
Linked Learning Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to process the payment of expenses of the  
Demonstration of Mastery for the ECCCCO: Exploring College, Career,  
and Community Options Work-Based Learning Program, as described in  
Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though  
fully set forth, via Linked Learning Department, for the period of June 1,  
2024 through August 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $38,500.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-09590  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6388-912  
Funding Source: K12 Strong Workforce Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0812  
College Campus, Lead by Learning - Rudsdale Continuation High  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Northeastern University - Mills College  
Campus, Lead by Learning, Boston, MA, for the latter to provide  
coaching and support for principal and Instructional Leadership Team to  
develop and implement collaborative inquiry professional learning  
opportunities during weekly Wednesday meetings, as described in Exhibit  
A of Agreement, incorporated by reference though fully set forth, for  
Rudsdale Continuation High School, for the period of December 18, 2023  
through June 28, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $24,750.00.  
Vendor No.: 002865  
Requisition No.: VR24-08986  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-352  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0813  
Westlake Middle School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Dimensions Dance Theatre,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide two after school dance classes per  
week on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 5:15pm - 6:30pm, as described in  
Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though  
fully set forth, at Westlake Middle School, for the period of January 30,  
2024 through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 004778  
Requisition No.: VR24-06378  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-213  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0814  
- Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Community Education  
Partnership, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide 1:1 tutoring support  
for foster youth referred by Foster Youth Services in K-12, as described  
in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, via Community Schools and Student Services  
Department, for the period of April 8, 2024 through June 28, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $1,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 006824  
Requisition No.: VR24-10364  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3010-922  
Funding Source: Title I-Basic Grant Low Income  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0815  
Oakland High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Soccer Without Borders, Oakland, CA,  
for the latter to plan and facilitate social and emotional learning circles  
and one-on-one check-ins with Newcomer students at Oakland High  
School, for the period of March 25, 2024 through May 22, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $3,772.00.  
Vendor No.: 003978  
Requisition No.: VR24-10251  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-304  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0816  
Emiliano Zapata Street Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Street Academy Foundation, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide services to support student’s access to  
courses and experiences aligned to school’s Education, Child  
Development & Family Services Pathway, as described in Exhibit A of  
the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set  
forth, at Emiliano Zapata Street Academy, for the period of August 14,  
2023 through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $16,200.00.  
Vendor No.: 004105  
Requisition No.: VR24-08547  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9339-313  
Funding Source: Measure H  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0817  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Youth Together, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to serve as fiscal agent for Skyline High School student internship  
program for students in the Education & Community Health, Computer,  
and Visual & Performing Arts Pathways and coordinate with students,  
guardians, and Work Based Learning Coordinator to complete Internship  
guidelines at Skyline High School, for the period of March 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 004737  
Requisition No.: VR24-09513  
Resource Code-Site No.: VR24-09513  
Funding Source: Measure N  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0818  
Markham Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to issue stipends to support weekly tutoring  
program, extended contract for weekly interventions, bi-monthly  
professional development opportunities, trimester family events,  
weekly wellness activities and incentives, literacy resources/support as  
needed, monthly parent coffees and/or workshops and 1:1 student  
support at Markham Elementary School, for the period of August 9, 2023  
through May 22, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $114,500.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-09990  
Resource Code-Site No.: VR24-09990  
Funding Source: Early Literacy Support Block  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0819  
High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Kids First, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to provide opportunities for students to enroll into a paid  
internship program that provides a career exploration experience to  
support students in learning about different health and urban design  
career opportunities at Castlemont High School, for the period of  
January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 003136  
Requisition No.: VR24-08339  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9333-301  
Funding Source: Measure N  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0820  
- Rudsdale Continuation High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San  
Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide an Intensive Pathway Case Manager  
who will continue supporting students enrolled in both the Heath and  
Technology Pathways on a daily basis, as described in Exhibit A of the  
Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at  
Rudsdale Continuation High School, for the period of December 18, 2023  
through June 28, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 000624  
Requisition No.: VR24-08817  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9333-352  
Funding Source: Measure N  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0821  
Linked Learning Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter facilitate the payment of Clipper Cards  
necessary for BART travel for student interns participating in the ECCCO  
summer Work-Based Learning Program, via the Linked Learning  
Department, for the period of June 1, 2024 through August 30, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $30,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11221  
Resource Code-Site No.: VR24-11221  
Funding Source: CTE Incentive Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0822  
McClymonds High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and East Bay Consortium, Oakland, CA, for  
the latter to enhance access to higher education for the senior class by  
providing senior transcript evaluations, college application, and financial aid  
information workshops, senior one on ones, senior college knowledge  
presentations, intensive financial aid application assistance, college  
information day at UC Berkeley, college representative presentations,  
personal statement workshops, California State University and University of  
California, private college application workshops, scholarship assistance  
support, career technical and trade workshop, community college  
applications workshops, senior surveys, and post-graduation follow ups at  
McClymonds High School, for the period of January 1, 2024 through June  
30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $57,500.00.  
Vendor No.: 001478  
Requisition No.: VR24-09168  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9333-303  
Funding Source: Measure N  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0823  
Now Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Reading Partners, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide tutors for Tier 2 interventions with a series  
of one-one-one tutorial sessions for students to reach grade level  
reading standards, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth at Think  
College Now Elementary School, for the period of March 1, 2024 through  
May 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $4,009.00.  
Vendor No.: 003539  
Requisition No.: VR24-08456  
Resource Code-Site No.: 4127-190  
Funding Source: Title 4-Student Support  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0824  
Oakland International High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to manage the stipend process for student  
interns from Oakland International High School involved in the  
pathway-based summer Work-Based Learning program, “ECCCO”  
(Exploring College, Career, and Community Options, as described in  
Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though  
fully set forth, for the period of June 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $5,500.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11113  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9243-353  
Funding Source: Association For Continuing Education  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0825  
Public Education Fund - OPSR Counseling Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Oakland Public  
Education Fund, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide services to  
supplement and enhance instruction and student’s classroom  
experiences in the Summer HAcK 2024 credit recovery program, adding  
Calculus Roundtable’s STEM curriculum and Youth Beat’s Media Arts  
Curriculum, in the additional amount of $35,687.00, increasing the  
Agreement from $6,310.00 to an amount not to exceed $41,997.00, for  
the unchanged term of September 1, 2023 through June 28, 2024. All  
other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11099  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3225-928  
Funding Source: ESSER III ASES Summer  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0826  
McClymonds High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to manage the stipend process for student  
mentors from McClymonds High School and student mentees from West  
Oakland Middle School involved in the Cross Age Mentoring Program,  
“CAMP “, including setting up the mentor/mentee stipend process and  
timeline, issuing stipend payments as directed by OUSD's High School  
Network Superintendent on the agreed upon timeline, professionally  
resolving stipend issues, invoicing OUSD for the number of processed  
stipends, and issuing year-end tax documents to stipend recipients, via  
McClymonds High School, for the period of June 1, 2024 through June 30,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $29,920.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11676  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9019-303  
Funding Source: Cross-Age Mentoring Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0827  
Prevention - Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and  
between the District and the City of Oakland, with the District accepting  
City Grant for Violence Intervention Services in accordance with the 2014  
Oakland Public Safety and Services Violence Prevention Act (Measure Z)  
for period October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2025, with this Agreement  
automatically terminating on June 30, 2025, if Measure Z, or successor  
Act, is not reenacted by voters in November 2024): a not to exceed  
amount of $350,000 for gender-based violence therapeutic support  
services, plus an additional amount not to exceed $50,000 in the event that  
Measure Z passes; and a not to exceed amount of $148,750 for youth  
diversion services, plus an additional amount not to exceed $21,250 in the  
event that Measure Z passes, pursuant to terms and conditions of  
Agreement, via the Community Schools and Student Services Department.  
Funding Source: City of Oakland  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0828  
Markham Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to fund literacy interventions, school and  
community events, and professional development to improve student  
outcomes; issue stipends to support the following: monthly professional  
development focused on Project Based Learning and the pillars of  
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics (STEAM), extended  
contracts for monthly teacher intervention, monthly school events,  
family workshops, 1:1 weekly student support, and literacy resources as  
needed at Markham Elementary School, for the period of September 4,  
2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $38,262.02.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-11669  
Resource Code-Site No.: 7812-138  
Funding Source: Early Literacy Support Block  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0829  
Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and C & Y Crawford Consulting,  
Hercules, CA, for the latter to facilitate four workshops for Summer  
Learning staff during summer ready week conference, including topics  
on Positive Behavior Guidance as well as Facilitating More Equitable  
Meetings, via Community Schools and Student Services Department, for  
the period of May 27, 2024 through May 31, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $4,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 009008  
Requisition No.: VR24-10684  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opp Programs  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0830  
Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Holistically Dope, Van Nuys,  
CA, for the latter to provide facilitation of professional development  
focused on building self-care, through the use of Toolkits for Instructors  
and Learners, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Community Schools  
and Student Services Department, for the period of May 28, 2024  
through June 1, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $3,750.00.  
Vendor No.: 009025  
Requisition No.: VR24-10955  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opp Programs  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0831  
English Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Immigrant Family Defense Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide program navigation, outreach, and  
case management for Oakland Unified School District parents via English  
Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement Department, for the  
period of April 11, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $200,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 006982  
Requisition No.: VR24-11061  
Resource Code-Site No.: 7811-954  
Funding Source: Refugee Program Bureau-NC  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0832  
Athletics Community Fund - Regrant #24-03-06001823 - Office of  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and  
between the District and the Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland,  
CA, with the District accepting $250,000.00 from the Oakland Athletics  
Community Fund, to support targeted strategies work conducted in the  
District’s Office of Equity, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30,  
Funding Source: Oakland Public Education Fund  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0833  
Academy (Upper)  
Approval by the Board of Education of submission of District’s Light  
Awards - Grant Application - Cultivating Conversation: Increasing  
Student Talk in the Classroom on behalf of Madison Middle School  
(Upper Campus) to Intrepid Philanthropy Foundation, San Francisco, CA,  
seeking $30,000.00, to transform classrooms into spaces filled with the  
voices of English language learners and newcomers (rather than  
teachers), as described in Application (Brief Narrative), incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period of April 24,  
2024 through June 30, 2026.  
Funding Source: Intrepid Philanthropy Foundation  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0834  
Development Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Sandis, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to provide field work, office calculations and drafting to produce a  
topographic survey, including mapping of school property, building  
footprints of existing structures and building corner spot elevations, acquire  
the depth of all gravity utility systems and locate surface and underground  
utility manhole, vault, transformer, switchgear, cleanouts, etc., via Early  
Childhood Development Department, for the period of March 25, 2024  
through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $8,300.00.  
Vendor No.: 003768  
Requisition No.: VR24-08802  
Resource Code-Site No.: 5163-910  
Funding Source: Child Dev ARPA Funded Stipends  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0835  
STEAM Academy  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Children Rising, Oakland, CA,  
for the latter to provide individualized phonics-based literacy tutoring to  
40-50 students who need academic intervention in this area,  
one-on-one intervention two times a week at Lockwood STEAM  
Academy, for the period of August 1, 2023 through May 31, 2025, in an  
amount not to exceed $5,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001645  
Requisition No.: VR24-10164  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-160  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0836  
Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Children Rising, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide its Succeeding by Reading (SbR) and  
Path2Math (P2M) Programs, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at La Escuelita  
Elementary School, for the period of August 8, 2023 through May 31,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001645  
Requisition No.: VR24-09019  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-121  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0837  
IKUNA Crew Club - Bret Harte Middle School  
Approval of Board Resolution No. 2324-0033 - Authorization for Approval  
of Student Travel [by school site Bret Harte Middle School for two 6thth  
and 8th grade students to visit the University of Hawaii, Hilo, HI, for the  
period of July 7, 2024 through July 13, 2024].  
Funding Source: Expanded learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0838  
IKUNA Crew Club - Madison Park Academy-Upper  
Approval of Board Resolution No. 2324-0034 - Authorizing for Approval  
of Student Travel [by school site Madison Park Academy for four  
9thth-12th grade students to visit the University of Hawaii, Hilo, HI, for  
the period of July 7, 2024 through July 13, 2024].  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0839  
IKUNA Crew Club - Oakland Technical High School  
Approval of Board Resolution No. 2324-0035 - Authorization for Approval  
of Student Travel [by school site Oakland Technical High School for three  
9thth-12th grade students to visit the University of Hawaii, Hilo, HI, for  
the period of July 7, 2024 through July 13, 2024].  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0840  
Chief of Staff  
of Staff  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Safer School Solutions, Inc,  
Fort Lauderdale, FL, for the latter to perform a comprehensive security  
assessment of the OUSD Board Meeting site at La Escuelita Education  
Center, include observations of activities at two Board Meetings and  
selected committee meetings, along with interviews with staff and  
stakeholders, and as further described in Exhibit A of the Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Office of  
the Chief of Staff, for the period of March 1, 2024 through June 3, 2024,  
in an amount not to exceed $12,500.00.  
Vendor No.: 007664  
Requisition No.: VR24-09343  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-901  
Funding Source: General Purpose-unrestricted  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0841  
of Staff  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Safer School Solutions (“S3”),  
Inc, Fort Lauderdale, FL, for the latter to conduct a Comprehensive School  
Security Assessment of 25% of school and District sites including the  
following elements: security threat assessment to identify potential common  
threats from internal and external sources during operating hours and after  
school activities, identification of critical assets and pairing of most likely  
common threats to most likely scenarios on which to base the security  
program, analyze vulnerabilities, assess impacts of threat scenarios, identify  
actions to mitigate risk and analyze mitigation actions, review of security  
staffing models and staffing levels at sites, review of incident reports for the  
past two (2) years, physical evaluation of the site during operating hours  
including after school activities, and review of current main security systems  
(e.g. access control, intrusion detection, video surveillance, lock and key  
control) as identified by S3 and OUSD, as described in Exhibit A of the  
Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via  
Office of the Chief of Staff, for the period of March 1, 2024 through June  
3, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 007664  
Requisition No.: VR24-09401  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-901  
Funding Source: General Purpose-unrestricted  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0842  
Chief of Staff  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Oakland Natives Give Back,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide its Attend Learn and Succeed  
Together (ALAST) Program, employing a multi-sector collaborative  
model that encourages the examination of policies and promotes the  
sharing of culturally responsive practices to combat chronic  
absenteeism, as described in Exhibit A of The Agreement, incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth, via Office of the Chief of  
Staff, for the period of January 8, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $108,376.40.  
Vendor No.: 007529  
Requisition No.: VR24-11014  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-901  
Funding Source: GP  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0843  
General Counsel (Interim)  
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees,  
Local 257, As Delineated  
Approval by the Board of Education of Tentative Agreement, as  
Agreement between District and American Federation of State, County  
and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 257, with disclosure of all  
applicable AB 1200 requirements.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-942  
Funding Source: General Purpose  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0844  
Measure G1 Commission - April 23, 2024 - Edmund Chun, Chairperson  
Improvement Act Oversight Commission - Recommendation -  
2024-2025 Revised Measure G1 Application and 2024-2025  
Measure G1 Application -  
Named Schools  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0211  
Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School  
Improvement Act Oversight Commission Recommendation Approving  
2024-2025 Revised Measure G1 Application for Life (6-12) Academy  
and 2024-2025 G1 Application for Named Schools.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0845  
Board of Education  
Adoption by the Board of Education of its Regular Meeting Minutes of  
April 24, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0846  
Adoption by the Board of Education of its Special Meeting Minutes of  
April 29, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0847  
Approval of the General Consent Report  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
U. Adoption of General Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Discussion - Vice President Hutchinson  
Public Comment - Assata Olugbala  
Inc. – West Oakland Middle School Window Replaement Buildings  
E & F Project – Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and Mar Con Builders, Inc.,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide construction services which consist  
of the removal of 27’ Height Alum curtain wall system and replacement  
with a metal stud framed wall & alum window system at Buildings E & F,  
east and west elevations only; also includes mechanical louvers for  
furnaces & relief vents, replacement of casework & plumbing along  
exterior walls ceilings, soffits, miscellaneous electrical & data; Restroom  
Accessibility Upgrade, for the West Oakland Middle School Window  
Replacement Buildings E & F Project, in the total amount of  
$7,483,528.00, which includes a contingency allowance of $500,000.00,  
with the work anticipated to commence on May 23, 2024, and required to  
be completed within three hundred eighty-seven days (387), with an  
anticipated ending of June 14, 2025.  
Vendor No.: 002712  
Requisition No.: VR24-11066  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 204  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure Y Fund 25 Capital  
Facilities Fund  
KDI Group, Inc. - West Oakland Middle School Window  
Replacement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement for Inspector of  
Record Services for Construction by and between the District and The  
KDI Group, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Inspector of  
Record Services for the oversight of The West Oakland Middle School  
Window Replacement Project in the not-to-exceed amount of  
$122,815.00, which includes a not-to-exceed amount of $11,165.00 for  
Additional Services, and a one-time fee of $1,650.00 for Errors and  
Omissions Insurance, with the work scheduled to commence on May 9,  
2024, and schedule to last until July 31, 2025.  
Vendor No.: 002377  
Requisition No.: VR24-12248  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/204  
Funding Source: Building Fund 21 Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0848  
West Oakland Middle School Window Replacement Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement by  
and between the District and ACC Environmental Consultants, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide hazardous material abatement consulting  
services, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth, for The Window  
Replacement Project at West Oakland Middle School, in the  
not-to-exceed amount of $43,818.50, which includes a not-to-exceed  
amount of $3,983.50 for Additional Services, with the work scheduled to  
commence on May 9, 2024 and conclude on July 31, 2025.  
Vendor No.: 000230  
Requisition No.: VR24-11123  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/204  
Funding Source: Building Fund 21 Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0849  
Solar Initiative Group I – Buildings and Grounds Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement for Maintenance by and  
between the District and Digital Design Communications, Oakland, CA, for  
the latter to provide Electrical Maintenance Services, including any  
machinery/equipment fixture repairs, as described in more detain Exhibit A  
of the Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, i.e., the fire & intrusion alarm system at Woodland  
Elementary School; Lockwood Steam Academy; Frick United Academy;  
Highland Community Elementary School; Hoover Elementary School;  
Martin Luther King Elementary School during the PG&E shutdown, in an  
amount not to exceed $102,786.00, commencing on May 9, 2024, during a  
period of fifty-one (51) days, with a completion deadline of June 30, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 001380  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/165  
Funding Source: Building Fund 21 Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0850  
Energy Operations & Maintenace Project - Division of Facilities  
Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement by  
and between the District and Bay Area Community Resources, San  
Rafael, CA, for the latter to provide consulting services overseeing the  
Climate Corps Fellowship Program, focused on generating student interest  
and maintaining student engagement in OUSD’s Climate action work,  
described in Proposal attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the Energy  
Operations & Maintenance Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of  
$28,000.00, with the work scheduled to commence on May 9, 2024, and  
scheduled to last until December 31, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 000624  
Requisition No.: VR24-07151  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9650 918  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure J  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0851  
Hughes, Inc., - Fremont High School Modernization Fire Alarm,  
Intrusion Alarm, & Sprinkler Systems Engineering Services Project  
– Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Agreement for  
Engineering Services by and between the District and Jensen Hughes, Inc.,  
Concord, CA, for the latter to provide engineering design services for the  
District’s fire alarm, intrusion alarm, and fire sprinkler systems for the  
Fremont Modernization Fire Alarm, Intrusion Alarm, & Sprinkler Systems  
Engineering Services Project, in the additional amount of $26,600.00  
increasing Agreement’s not-to-exceed amount from $92,870.00 to  
$119,470.00, via the Division of Facilities Planning and Management. All  
other terms and condition of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002281  
Requisition No.: VR24-06344  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9650 302  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure J  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0852  
Approval of the General Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
V. President's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the President regarding any information that they wish to share regarding  
past, present, or future personal or official activities.  
President’s Report - May 8, 2024.  
President Davis gave a report on the following Matters:  
Study sessions and Special Meetings for the Board of Education;  
- Monday, May 20, 2024 - Study Session on Local Control and Accountability  
Plan (LCAP)  
- Special Board Meetings on Thursday, June 13, 2024 and Thursday, June  
17, 2024, for the General Counsel search.  
- Friday, June 21, 2024, Board Retreat.  
President Davis announced that Measure G Committee and Measure G1  
Commission are in need of Members.  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
W. Regular Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report, consistent with Brown Act  
requirements, to Board and to the public by each Board member (excluding  
the Student Board members) regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities,  
celebrations, and recognitions.  
Regular Board Member's Report - May 8, 2024.  
Director Brouhard:  
- Recognized Facilities Project Managers at Garfield Elementary School and  
Roosevelt Middle School at the BJY Committee Site Visits on Friday May 3,  
- Recognized ribbon cutting at Belle Vista Elementary School for their  
Kaboom! Playground.  
Director Bachelor:  
- Recognized Buildings and Ground Barbecue at their yard, and the renaming  
of the Carpenter Shop after David Zachariah.  
- Meeting with Buildings and Grounds personnel at 7:00 A.M.  
- Recognized Community Members and Educators at East Oakland Pride  
Elementary School for Sign Distribution Day.  
- Recognized the Arab American Honor Roll Celebration.  
- Recognized Reading Day at Marham Elementary School.  
- Recognized Science Class at Korematsu Discovery Academy.  
- Recognized Skyline High School Students for accompanying her to  
Sacramento for Lobby Day on Affordable Housing.  
- Announced Rudsdale Continuation School Exhibition.  
- Announced invitation from Skyline High School of their Dream School  
- Announced Honoring Our Own Celebration.  
- Announced she will give a Presentation at East Oakland Pride Elementary  
School on Bolivia and Bolivian Culture, May 17, 2024.  
Director Thompson:  
- Recognized Dr. Gathers and the Bulkharter Family who presented a Right to  
Read Session at the Oakland Alliance of Black Educators.  
- Recognized the Arab Honor Roll Celebration.  
- Announced the African American Excellence Honor Roll Celebration on May  
13, 2024.  
- Announced Korematsu Discovery Academy Talent Show on May 17, 2024.  
- Announced North Oakland Community Charter School graduation on May  
17, 2024.  
- Announced Charter Matters Committee Meeting on May 23, 2024.  
Vice President Hutchinson:  
- Recognized Adapted Playground at Kaiser Elementary School.  
- Announced Budget and Finance (B&F) Committee has changed their  
Meeting dates to the first Thursday of the Month. The Next B&F Committee  
Meeting will be held on June 6, 2024.  
- Recognized American Scores Soccer Program.  
Director Williams:  
- Recognized McClymonds High School swimming pool.  
- Recognized Monthly parent meetings at McClymonds High School.  
- Recognized Girls Flag Football at McClymonds High School.  
- Recognized Central Kitchen.  
- Announced a Mark Fest at the Central Kitchen date to be determine.  
- Recognized Prescott Elementary School Earth Gardening and Urban  
Gardening Sessions.  
President Davis:  
- Recognized Roland Burch for Scholarship Celebration.  
- Recognized Kaboom! Playground build on Piedmont Avenue Elementary  
- Announced the Pacific Islander Honor Roll Celebration at La Escuelita on  
May 9, 2024.  
- Announced Honoring Our Own Celebration May 15, 2025 at 4:00 P.M. at the  
Scottish Rite.  
- Announced City Council Rules Committee Meeting on May 16, 2024.  
- Announced Black Graduation at Oakland Technical High School on May 17,  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
May 8, 2024  
Adoption by Board of Education of Motion to extend tonight’s meeting  
time from 11:00 P.M. to 11:10 P.M.  
A motion was made by Director Brouhard, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, that this Motion to extend tonight’s meeting time from 11:00  
P.M. to 11:10 P.M., be Adopted. The motion carried by the following  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0900  
X. Introduction of New Legislative Matter(s)  
School District - Mike Hutchinson, Vice President, Board of  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0212 -  
Re-envision, Redesign, and Restructure of Oakland Unified School  
District In 2024-2025 Fiscal Year.  
Vice President Hutchinson introduced this Matter. Both President Davis and  
VP Hutchinson noted that this matter will come to Board for consideration on  
June 5, 2024.  
Introduced As New Matter  
Y. Adjournment  
President Davis adjourned the Meeting at 11:00 P.M.  
Prepared By:  
Approved By: