Oakland Unified School District  
Board of Education  
1011 Union Street, #940  
Oakland, CA 94607  
(510) 879-1944  
boe@ousd.org E-Mail  
Agenda and agenda materials are accessible at http://www.ousd.org or from any computer terminal in the Offices of  
the Board of Education and Superintendent, 1000 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-4099  
Individuals requiring interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in meetings  
should notify the Office of the Board of Education seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at either  
(510)879-8199(VM); or boe@ousd.org (E-Mail); or  
(510) 879-2300 (eTTY/TDD); or (510) 879-2299 (eFax).  
Meeting Minutes Long - Final  
Wednesday, August 9, 2023  
4:00 PM  
Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA  
((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.); Internet Streamed - Zoom & Granicus;  
Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)  
Board of Education  
President Mike Hutchinson  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Directors: Benjamin "Sam" Davis, Jennifer Brouhard, VanCedric Williams, (Vacancy),  
Valarie Bachelor  
Student Directors: Anevay Cruz, Vida Mendoza  
Staff: Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent & Secretary  
Members of the media and the public may attend and participate in the Board  
meeting in-person in The Great Room, La Escuelita Education Center, 1050  
2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA 94606-2291 (entrance located at or near 286 East  
10th St.) or virtually as described herein.  
The following information is for those members of the media and public  
interested in viewing or listening to the Board meeting virtually.  
Zoom: To view by Zoom, please click  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by video conference are available at:  
Phone: To listen by phone (via Zoom), please do the following at or after  
the Noticed meeting time: call (669) 900-9128, then enter Webinar ID 829  
2445 0031, then press “#”. If asked for a participant id or code, press #.  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are available at:  
To view the Board meeting from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming  
Events & Live Meeting Video, please select the meeting name and click on  
the “In Progress” link under Video or go to the Legislative Information Center  
(under Board of Education on Home Page)>Calendar  
Tab>Calendar>Today>Board of Education>”In Progress” link under Video.  
Public comment in-person is permitted within the times allotted for public  
comment on the Agenda. Virtual comment will also be permitted within the  
times allotted for public comment on the Agenda in the following two ways:  
To comment by Zoom, click the “Raise Your Hand” button to request to  
speak when Public Comment is being taken on the eligible Agenda item.  
You will be called on (by the name you logged in with), unmuted and allowed  
to make public comment. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted.  
Instructions on how to “Raise Your Hand” is available at:  
To comment by phone (via Zoom), press “*9” to “Raise Your Hand” to  
request to speak when Public Comment is being taken on the eligible  
Agenda Item. You will be called on (by the Area Code and the last three  
digits of your phone number), unmuted and allowed to make public comment.  
After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted. Instructions of how to raise  
your hand by phone are available at:  
In addition, members of the public may submit written comments for a  
posted Board of Education Meeting Agenda Item, before a meeting or while a  
meeting is “In Progress,” from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming Events &  
Live Meeting Video by selecting Board of Education Agenda “eComment” or  
from the Legislative Information Center, as follows:  
If before Sunday, click Calendar Tab>Next Week>Board of  
If Sunday or thereafter up thru day before Meeting, click Calendar  
Tab>This Week>Board of Education>eComment  
If day of Meeting, click Calendar Tab>Today>Board of  
Or “eComment” in bold on the cover page of the Agenda.  
Written comments made on an eligible Agenda item, upon clicking of the  
Submit Button, are immediately sent via email to all members of the  
legislative body and key staff supporting the legislative body. Each  
eComment is a Public Record.  
The purpose of these protocols is to provide a basic set of professional  
standards by which the Board and the Superintendent are to function as a  
team. There is no intention to abridge the rights and obligations of Board  
Members to oversee the operation of the organization, nor to interfere with the  
Superintendent with her role as the Superintendent of OUSD.  
1. Every action by a Board Member should be directed toward improving the  
educational program for students.  
2. Every Board Member will exhibit behavior that is honorable, honest, and  
dedicated to the success of the students and staff of the district.  
3. Each Board Member is to be treated with dignity and respect.  
4. Board Member Commitment will include:  
Participate fully in the discussion of issues  
Listen respectfully to all views and opinions  
Respect each individual’s opinion  
Accept the majority action of the Board  
Board Members  
5. An individual Board Member will not use the media as a personal forum,  
unless it is clearly indicated that the opinion is personal and not  
representative of the Board majority position.  
6. Each Board Member will make every effort to attend all Board meetings in  
person; and to start and end on time.  
7. Board Members will ensure opportunities for each to comment.  
8. Staff is the responsibility of the Superintendent who will bring  
recommendations to the Board for action.  
9. Questions regarding Board agenda items are to be communicated to the  
Superintendent prior to the Board meeting and the Superintendent will  
respond in a timely manner.  
10. The Superintendent is to communicate all significant administrative  
actions to the Board.  
11. Legal and personnel matters will be confidential.  
Up to Three (3) minute speaking limit for Board Members  
No mingling with the audience  
Address comments to other Board Members  
Focus on agenda items  
Don't repeat what's been said  
Always be respectful  
No interruptions  
Enforce norms  
Model desired behavior  
All Board meetings shall begin on time and shall be guided by an agenda  
prepared in accordance with Board bylaws and posted and distributed in  
accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (open meeting requirements) and  
other applicable laws.  
(cf. 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials)  
The President shall conduct Board meetings in accordance with law, Board  
Bylaws, and its parliamentary authority which shall enable the Board to  
efficiently consider issues and carry out the will of the majority.  
(cf. 9121 - President)  
The Board believes that late night meetings deter public participation, can  
affect the Board's decision-making ability, and can be a burden to staff.  
Regular Board meetings shall be adjourned not later than 11:00 p.m. unless  
the Board agrees to extend the meeting, which may only be done once by 45  
(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices)  
A. Call To Order - 4:00 P.M.  
President Mike Hutchinson called the August 9, 2023, Regular Board of  
Education Meeting to order at 4:09 P.M.  
B. Roll Call  
5 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
President Mike Hutchinson  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
C. President's Statement Disclosing Item(s) To Be Discussed In Closed  
The items are listed pursuant to law.  
President Hutchinson stated the items to be considered in Closed Session.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is present in Closed Session at 4:49 P.M.  
5 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
2 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Closed Session Item(s):  
Labor Matter(s)  
Conference With Labor Negotiators  
United Administrators of Oakland Schools (UAOS), Service Employees  
International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU), Oakland Education Association  
(OEA), Oakland Child Development Paraprofessional Association  
(OCDPA), American Federation of State, County and Municipal  
Employees-Local 257 (AFSCME), Brotherhood of Teamsters, Auto  
Truck Drivers-Local 70 of Alameda County, Brotherhood of Teamsters,  
Warehouse, Mail Order, Retail Employees- Local 853 of Alameda  
County, American Federation of Teachers/CFT-Local 771 (AFT),  
Building and Construction Trades Council of Alameda County, California  
School Employees Association (CSEA).  
Principal District Representative(s): Jenine Lindsey, Executive Director of  
Labor Relations & ADR  
Legal Matter(s)  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Sunstate Equipment Co., LLC v. Local Edition Marketing, LLC  
[Cross-action: Local Edition Marketing, LLC v. the Oakland Unified School  
District], Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. MSL20-05854  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Sherman v. Oakland Unified School District, Workers’ Compensation  
Appeals Board, Case No. 007000357  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Ford v. Oakland Unified School District, Workers’ Compensation Appeals  
Board, Case No. ADJ8236255  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Sakurai v. Oakland Unified School District, Workers’ Compensation  
Appeals Board, Case No. 221061393  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Pupil Matter(s)  
Readmission - Student R  
Readmission - Student R.  
C1. Public Comment on Closed Session Items  
This section provides an opportunity for members of the Public to address  
the Board on any Closed Session Item on the Agenda prior to the Board's  
recess to Closed Session for possible consideration of such Item.  
Public Comment On Closed Session Items - August 9, 2023.  
In Person - Aurther R. Boone  
Presentation/Acknowledgements Made  
D. Recess to Closed Session  
President Hutchinson recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 4:17 P.M.  
Director Bachelor present as noted herein.  
E. Reconvene to Public Session - 5:30 P.M.  
President Hutchinson reconvened the Meeting to Open Session at 5:49 P.M.  
Second Roll Call  
8 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
1 - Vice President Clifford Thompson  
G. President's Statement of Reportable Action Taken In Closed Session  
and the Vote or Abstention of Members Present, If Any  
Labor Matters  
C.-1 - The Board received a report.  
Legal Matters  
C.-2 - The Board did not take up this matter.  
C.-3 - The Board received a report on this matter, the Board discussed this  
C.-4 - The Board received a report on this matter, the Board discussed this  
matter, the Board gave direction on this matter.  
C.-5 - The Board approved a settlement on this matter: Moved by Director  
Davis, Seconded by President Hutchinson, 4 Ayes; Davis, Brouhard,  
Williams, President Hutchinson, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains, 0 recuse, 2 absent;  
Bachelor and Vice President Thompson.  
C.-6 - The Board approved a settlement on this matter: Moved by Director  
Davis, Seconded by President Hutchinson, 4 Ayes; Davis, Brouhard,  
Williams, President Hutchinson, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains, 0 recuse, 2 absent;  
Bachelor, Vice President Thompson.  
C.-7 - The Board approved a settlement on this matter: Moved by Director  
Brouhard, Seconded by President Hutchinson, 5 Ayes; Davis, Brouhard,  
Williams, Bachelor, President Hutchinson, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains, 0 recuse, 1  
absent; Vice President Thompson.  
C.-8 - The Board approved a settlement on this matter: Moved by Director  
Davis, Seconded by Director Brouhard, 4 Ayes; Davis, Brouhard, Williams,  
President Hutchinson, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains, 0 recuse, 2 absent; Bachelor,  
Vice President Thompson.  
C.-9 - The Board approved a settlement on this matter: Moved by Director  
Davis, Seconded by Director Brouhard, 4 Ayes; Davis, Brouhard, Williams,  
President Hutchinson, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains, 0 recuse, 2 absent; Bachelor,  
Vice President Thompson.  
C.-10 - The Board approved a settlement on this matter: Moved by Director  
Davis, Seconded by Director Brouhard, 4 Ayes; Davis, Brouhard, Williams,  
President Hutchinson, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains, 0 recuse, 2 absent; Bachelor,  
Vice President Thompson.  
C.-11 - The Board received a report on this matter, the Board discussed this  
Pupil Matters  
C.-12 - The Board will vote on this matter on the Pupil Discipline Consent  
H. Modification(s) To Agenda  
This section allows for any change in the printed Order of Business including,  
but not limited to, an announcement that an item or legislative file will be  
considered out of Agenda printed order, that consideration of an Item has  
been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled, or taken off of a General Consent  
Report for separate discussion and/or possible action.  
President Hutchinson, with no objection from Board Members, stated that  
Board Members' Report will be the first item taken up after H. Modification to  
the agenda. All other items were taken up in agenda printed order.  
Director Brouhard pulled T.-98 from the General Consent Report.  
Director Davis pulled T.-13 from the General Consent Report to recuse  
himself from consideration of the item due to his periodic employment by the  
University of California, Office of the President.  
Special Orders of the Day  
This section is primarily for ceremonial items. There shall be one public  
comment opportunity prior to all Special Order items, which shall not exceed  
10 minutes.  
Student Board Members' Report  
Student Board Members’ Report - August 9, 2023:  
Student Voices  
Introducing 2023-24 Student Directors  
Summary of Events/Updates  
Student Leadership Camp July 22-25  
2023 Making A-G Real  
Scholarship Awardees  
Student Leadership & Events  
ACC Special Elections  
Upcoming Events  
Student Directors Anevay Cruz and Vida Mendoza gave their Student Board  
Members report and responded to comments and questions from the Board.  
Discussion - Directors Williams, Brouhard, Bachelor, Davis, President  
Public Comment:  
In person - 1. Jima Casal, 2. Ginale Harris, 3. Melissa, 4. Assata Olugbala,  
5. Cintya Molina, 6. Kim Davis, 7. Ben Tapscott, 8. Catalina  
On Zoom - None  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
K. Parent and Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the lead delegate or designee of the Parent and Student Advisory Committee  
(PSAC) regarding any information that they wish to share regarding past,  
present, or future activities as parent/guardian representatives of the Parent  
and Student Advisory Committee and of all parents and guardians in the  
District. There need not be separate public comment on this section. This  
report need only occur at the first regular Board meeting of each month.  
Parent and Student Advisory Committee’s Report - August 9, 2023.  
[No Report Submitted]  
Shelly Gonzalez, District 4, PSAC, Michelle Leonce Coker, District 1, PSAC,  
Melissa Ramirez-Medina, District 4, PSAC, Ginale Harris, Community  
Advisory Committee, verbally presented the PSAC Report and passed out the  
above attachment. Cintya Molina provided additional comments.  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
L. Superintendent's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the Superintendent or designee regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities. There  
shall be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Superintendent's Report - August 9, 2023:  
Summer Learning Highlights  
New Teacher Institute  
Leadership Institute Highlights  
First Week of School Visits  
Remote/Hybrid Work Update  
Vacancy Updates  
Enrollment Projections  
Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell gave the Superintendent's Report and  
responded to comments and questions from the Board.  
Discussion - Student Directors Vida Mendoza, Anevay Cruz, Directors  
Bachelor, Brouhard, Davis, President Hutchinson  
Public Comment:  
In person - 1. Setala Scott, 2. Ginale Harris, 3. Unidentified Public Speaker,  
4. Unidentified Public Speaker, 5. Kim Davis, 6. Stephisha Waton, 7. Assata  
Olugbala, 8. Ben Tapscott  
On Zoom - 1. Carol Delton, 2. Emiliano Sanchez, 3. Unidentified Public  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Hutchinson is absent at 7:28 P.M.  
6 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
President Mike Hutchinson  
Assumption of the Chair  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis, pursuant to Board Bylaw 9121, assumed the  
Chair, as Acting President, at 7:28 P.M.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Hutchinson is present at 7:54 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Director Vida Mendoza is absent at 8:02 P.M.  
6 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is absent from the Meeting at 8:03 P.M.  
6 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
President Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is present at 8:05 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Director Vida Mendoza is present at 8:06 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Assumption of the Chair  
President Hutchinson assumed the Chair of the Meeting at 8:14 P.M.  
M. Comment by Collective Bargaining Units  
This section of the Agenda is an opportunity for the leadership of the  
District's recognized Collective Bargaining Units to address the Board on  
issues or matters of concern. Each bargaining unit shall have up to 5  
minutes for its comment time.  
Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - August 9, 2023.  
Ismael Armendariz, President, Oakland Education Association  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Davis is absent at 8:34 P.M.  
6 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Davis is present at 8:38 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Williams is absent at 8:39 P.M.  
6 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Director VanCedric Williams  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Williams is present at 8:41 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Directors Vida Mendoza and Anevay Cruz are absent at 8:41 P.M.  
5 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
N. Public Hearing(s)  
This section is for public hearings. There shall be public comment for each  
public hearing, with no public comment period exceeding 10 minutes.  
O. Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the Board  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
Matter Jurisdiction of the District – August 9, 2023  
Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the District - August 9, 2023.  
In person - 1. Ginale Harris, 2. Assata Olugbala, 3. Stephisha Waton, 4.  
Unidentified Student Speaker, 5. Susan, 6. Unidentified Spanish Speaker, 7.  
Ben Tapscott, 8. Kim Davis, 9. Emily Nunez  
On Zoom - 1. Carol Delton, 2. Sara Shepich  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Public Comment on All Agenda Items In Sections Q through Y  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
August 9, 2023  
Public Comment On All Agenda Items in Sections Q through Y - August  
9, 2023.  
In person - 1. Assata Olugbala, 2. Ginale Harris, 3. Kim Davis  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Q. Unfinished Business  
R. New Business  
Adoption of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
This section is required by state law. For each individual pupil case from  
Closed Session, the Board determines whether to expel, grant a suspended  
expulsion, revoke a suspended expulsion order, reinstate,  
readmit, admit a pupil, or take other appropriate disciplinary action. Other  
than was is printed in the public agenda, all information regarding an  
individual pupil case cannot be disclosed pursuant to federal and state law.  
Readmission - Student R  
Readmission - Student R.  
Approval of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by Director Brouhard,  
to Approve the Pupil Discipline Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
T. Adoption of the General Consent Report  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Deputy Chief, Facilities Planning and Management  
Order Contract – Sof Surfaces, Inc. – Allendale Elementary School  
Site Improvements Project – Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2223-0216 -  
Declaring The Futility Of Public Bidding For The Purchase Of Playmatting  
Tiles For The Site Improvement Project At Allendale Elementary School,  
And Approving A Purchase Order Contract For That Equipment [by and  
between the District and Sof Surfaces, Inc., Palatine, IL, for the latter to  
sell and deliver rubber tiles to cover asphalt and facilitate the build of the  
new play structure for the Allendale Elementary School Site Improvements  
Project, in the total amount of $66,878.22, with delivery to the District not  
later than August 30, 2023].  
Funding Source: Fund 01 ESSER III  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1350  
Owner and Contractor - Musco Sports Lighting, LLC – Allendale  
Elementary School Mini-Pitch Purchase and Installation Project –  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2223-0224  
Declaring The Futility of Public Bidding for the Purchase and Installation of  
A Mini-Pitch System at Allendale Elementary School, and Approving a  
Contract [Agreement Between Owner and Contractor] for That Work [by  
and between the District and Musco Sports Lighting, Oakaloosa, IA, for  
the latter to provide its Musco Mini-Pitch System Modular Sports  
Solution and installation of a modular soccer sports system complete with  
lighting, fencing, goals, benches, ADA-compliant access, lockable storage,  
and sports tile play surfacing to ensure student safety for the Allendale  
Elementary School Mini-Pitch Purchase and Installation Project, in the  
amount of $123,480.00, with work scheduled to commence on August  
10, 2023 and scheduled to last until February 6, 2024].  
Vendor No.: 0008458  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600 160  
Funding Source: ELOP Facilities  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1351  
– Lockwood STEAM Elementary School Site Improvements  
Project – Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement Between Owner  
and Contractor by and between the District and G & G Builders, Inc.,  
Livermore, CA, for the latter to provide installation of tiles, demolition  
to existing play structure, matting, tetherball poles, and basketball  
hoops, and other tasks, more specifically described in Bid Form  
Document 00 31 01, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set  
forth, for the Lockwood STEAM Elementary School Site Improvements  
Project, in the amount of $212,077.00, which includes a contingency of  
$25,300.00, as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, with the work  
anticipated to commence on August 10, 2023, and required to be  
completed within forty-five days (45), with an anticipated ending of  
September 23, 2023.  
Vendor No.: 001772  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006 160  
Funding Source: Fund 01 General Fund  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1352  
School - Roots Community Health Clinic - Division of Facilities  
Planning Management  
Adoption by the Board of Education of an Addendum to the Facilities  
Use Agreement (for a Portion of Former Parker School) by and between  
District and the Roots Community Health Clinic, for a term of July 1, 2023,  
through June 30, 2028, setting the annual payment at $69,380 for  
2024-25, with annual increases of 5% thereafter as set forth in the  
Agreement. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in  
full force and effect.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1353  
Chief, Talent  
Talent/Human Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Black Educators Initiative (BEI)  
Contractor Agreement by and between the National Center for Teacher  
Residencies (NCTR), Chicago, IL, and the District, with the latter accepting  
a $102,300.00 BEI Grant Award, for the provision of a living stipend to  
augment support of Black educators through the Oakland Teacher  
Residency Program, more specifically delineated in Sections I and II of the  
Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via  
the Talent/Human Resources Department, for the period July 1, 2023  
through June 30, 2024.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1354  
Chief Academic Officer  
Literacy Tool - Academics and Instruction Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2022-2023  
by and between the District and Amplify Education, Inc., New York, NY,  
for the latter to provide 8,562 licenses for K-2 mClass DIBELS and Lectura  
Assessments; technical support to District staff and professional  
development for teachers, school administrators and central staff to  
support implementation of mClass, via the Academics and Instruction  
Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, in an  
amount not to exceed $179,802.00.  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover Fund  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1355  
Special Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2022-2023 by and between the District and Expert Advisors Group LLC,  
Malibu, CA, for the latter to deliver and lead trainings around Advance  
Conflict Resolution as described in invoice #23 to Oakland Unified School  
members and staff, via the Special Education Department, for the period  
of April 19, 2023 through September 30, 2023, in an amount not to  
exceed $48,800.00.  
Vendor No.: 008476  
Requisition No.: VR23-11596  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6536-975  
Funding Source: Dispute Prevention and Resolution  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1356  
Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) District 16 - Adult  
and Career Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2022-2023 - No Cost by and between the District and the  
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), District  
16, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide the basic construction  
and pre apprenticeship skills training program for individuals  
seeking to join the finishing trades unions including Drywall  
Finishers, Floor Coverings, Glaziers, Painters and Specialty,  
more specifically described in Exhibit A of the Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the  
Adult and Career Education Department, for the period of July 1,  
2023 through June 30, 2026, at no cost to the District.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1357  
Academics and Instruction Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2022-2023 - No Cost by and between the District and Illustrative Math,  
Oro Valley, AZ, for the latter to provide high-quality videos of  
instructional routines to be used in OUSD professional learning and to  
create a video bank of classroom videos, film and edit the videos …, for  
the period of June 20, 2023 through June 30, 2024, at no cost to the  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1358  
School Linked Learning Office  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2022-2023 by and between the District and AlciDesigns & Consulting, El  
Sobrante, CA, for the latter to plan and facilitate logistics for High School  
Linked Learning events, including program and invitation creation,  
registration, guest lists, venue preparation, presentation materials, catering,  
equipment, decor, and marketing materials; oversee events from  
conception through post-event; managing on-site preparations, production,  
and event breakdown, ensuring consistent, high-level service throughout all  
phases; book venues appropriate for the event as needed; be responsible  
for hiring all of the vendors necessary to work the event with the client  
having final approval over all vendors hired; be responsible for booking all  
catering necessary at the event with the client [District] having final  
approval over all food and beverages to be served at the event; arrive at  
the venue at an agreed upon time to set up event and meet any vendors at  
least 3 hours prior to the start of event; and work a reasonable number of  
hours sufficient to fulfill … obligations to the client …, for multiple OUSD  
College and Career Pathways events, via Linked Learning Department,  
for the term February 23, 2023 through June 30, 2023, in an amount not  
to exceed $13,600.00.  
Vendor No.: 008264  
Requisition No.: VR23-08663  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9067-912  
Funding Source: Walter & Elise Haas Fund  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1359  
Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to employ a Speech Language Pathologist  
(SLP) to screen at-risk students, provide Speech and Language services,  
provide consultation to school staff and parents, and to train schools to  
use culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate practices with  
students, via the Special Education Department, for the period of July 1,  
2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $49,900.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education Funding  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1360  
Family Foundation Fund @ The East Bay Community Foundation -  
Grant #20232626 - Life Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Donor Advised Grant Program  
Grant Agreement, Grant #20232626, by and between The Helzel Family  
Foundation Fund at The East Bay Community Foundation, Oakland, CA,  
and the District, on behalf of Life Academy, with the latter accepting  
$100,000.00, for High School Literacy Instruction at Life Academy, for the  
period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.  
Funding Source: The Helzel Family Foundation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1361  
Work/Subscriber Agreement - Transcript Evaluation Service  
(TES) - University of California - High School Linked Learning  
Approval by the Board of Education of a No-Cost Terms of Service  
Agreement and Statement of Work/Subscriber Agreement by and  
between the District and the University of California, Office of the  
President, for the latter to provide Transcript Evaluation Services, as  
described in the Statement of Work, incorporated herein by reference  
as though fully set forth, via the High School Linked Learning Office, for  
the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
Director Davis recused himself from consideration of this item due to his  
periodic employment by the University of California, Office of the President.  
A motion was made by Director Brouhard, seconded by Director  
Williams, that this Agreement or Contract be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
4 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
1 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1448  
Project No. 01-6125-00-3 - CA Pre-Kindergarten and Family  
Literacy Program - Early Childhood Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0003 -  
Approving Grant Contract No. CPKS-3001, Project No. 01-6125-00-3,  
by and between the California Department of Education and District, with  
the latter accepting grant award for the California Pre- Kindergarten and  
Family Literacy Program, operated by the Early Childhood Education  
Department, in the amount of $7,500.00, effective July 1, 2023, through  
June 30, 2024.  
Funding Source: California Department of Education (CPKS)  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1362  
Project No. 01-6125-00-3 – CA Preschool Program – Early  
Childhood Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0004 -  
Approving Grant Contract No. CSPP-3021, Project No. 01-6125-00-3 - by  
and between the California Department of Education and District, with  
latter accepting grant award for the California State Preschool Program,  
operated by the Early Childhood Education Department, in the amount  
of $25,590,700.00, effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.  
Funding Source: California Department of Education (CSPP)  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1363  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Chabot Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1364  
Highlands Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Crocker Highlands Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1365  
Family Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Global Family Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1366  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Emerson Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1367  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Hillcrest School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1368  
Montclair Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Montclair Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1369  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Peralta Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1370  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Thornhill Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1371  
Korematsu Discovery Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Fred T. Korematsu Discovery Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1372  
Manzanita SEED Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Manzanita SEED Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1373  
Esperanza Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Esperanza Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1374  
Academy @ Melrose  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bridges Academy at Melrose.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1375  
Manzanita Community School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Manzanita Community School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1376  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Prescott School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1377  
International Community School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for International Community School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1378  
College Now Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Think College Now Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1379  
United Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Sankofa United Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1380  
Leadership Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Melrose Leadership Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1381  
Vista Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bella Vista Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1382  
Brookfield Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Brookfield Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1383  
Burckhalter Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Burckhalter Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1384  
Oakland PRIDE Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for East Oakland PRIDE Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1385  
Cleveland Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Cleveland Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1386  
Greenleaf Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Greenleaf Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1387  
Valley Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Grass Valley Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1388  
Community School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Highland Community School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1389  
Mann Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Horace Mann Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1390  
Park Academy Primary  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Madison Park Academy Primary.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1391  
Woodland Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Acorn Woodland Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1392  
Munck Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Carl B. Munck Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1393  
Academy of Knowledge  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland Academy of Knowledge.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1394  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Hoover Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1395  
EnCompass Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for EnCompass Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1396  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Franklin Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1397  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Fruitvale Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1398  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Garfield Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1399  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Glenview Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1400  
Escuelita Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for La Escuelita Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1401  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Laurel Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1402  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Lincoln Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1403  
Markham Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Markham Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1404  
Miller Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Joaquin Miller Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1405  
Avenue Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Piedmont Avenue Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1406  
Heights Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Redwood Heights Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1407  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Sequoia Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1408  
Lockwood STEAM Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Lockwood STEAM Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1409  
Luther King Jr. Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1410  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for REACH Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1411  
Claremont Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Claremont Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1412  
Oakland Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for West Oakland Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1413  
Harte Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bret Harte Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1414  
Brewer Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Edna Brewer Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1415  
Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Montera Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1416  
Roosevelt Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Roosevelt Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1417  
Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Westlake Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1418  
United Academy of Language  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Frick United Academy of Language.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1419  
for Success Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for United for Success Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1420  
United Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Elmhurst United Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1421  
Promise Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Urban Promise Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1422  
Park Academy Upper Campus  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Madison Park Academy Upper Campus.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1423  
College Preparatory Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Coliseum College Preparatory  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 23-1424  
Castlemont High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Castlemont High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1425  
High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Fremont High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1426  
McClymonds High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for McClymonds High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1427  
High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1428  
Technical High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland Technical High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1429  
High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Skyline High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1430  
Bunche Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Ralph J. Bunche Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1431  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Dewey Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1432  
Zapata Street Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Emiliano Zapata Street Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1433  
Sojourner Truth Independent Study  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Sojourner Truth Independent Study.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1434  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Life Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1435  
Continuation High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Rudsdale Continuation High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1436  
International High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland International High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1437  
Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Allendale Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1438  
High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2023-2024 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for MetWest High School.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1439  
Chief Governance Officer  
Underwood - Chief Governance Officer  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Services  
Agreement 2021-2022 by and between the District and Ross  
Underwood, Lincoln, CA, for the latter to support the District with  
implementation of Measure QQ, including the District's efforts to work  
with the Alameda County Registrar of Voters or other entities involved,  
including subcontracting as may be approved by the District, via Office of  
the General Counsel, in an additional amount of $15,000.00, increasing  
the not to exceed amount of Agreement from $25,000.00 to $40,000.00,  
extending the term of the Agreement from October 1, 2021 through June  
20, 2023 to June 30, 2024. All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1440  
- Chief Governance Officer  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Services  
Agreement 2021-2022 by and between the District and Deborah Seiler,  
Sacramento, CA, for the latter support the District with implementation of  
Measure QQ, including but not limited to, supporting the District's efforts  
to work with the Alameda County Registrar of Voters or other entities  
involved in determining implementation details, including subcontracting as  
may be approved by the District, via Office of the General Counsel,  
extending term of the Agreement, from October 1, 2021 through June 20,  
2023 to June 30, 2024, at no additional cost. All other terms and  
conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson,that this Agreement or Contract be Adopted on the General  
Consent Report . The motion carried by the following vote.  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
4 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
(Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Clifford Thompson  
Enactment No: 23-1459  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2022-2023 by  
and between the District and Epicenter, Mt. Pleasant, MI, for the latter to  
provide its platform that will allow for the Charter School’s Office (OCS) to  
efficiently assess and track data and documents related to charter  
governance, equitable admissions and enrollment processes, fiscal health  
and management, enrollment and attendance reports, teacher credentialing,  
charter board management, and dozens of other compliance-related  
documents that OCS collects and reviews annually, via Charter Schools  
Office, for the period of June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in a amount not  
to exceed $34,500.00.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1441  
Alameda - Collection of District Bond and Parcel Taxes - Fiscal  
Year 2023-2024  
Approval by the Board of Education of the Certification and Mutual  
Indemnification Agreement by and between District and the County of  
Alameda, authorizing the latter to collect 2023-24 taxes, assessments and  
fees on secured property tax bills on behalf of the District, specifically, bond  
and parcel taxes.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1442  
Department of Environmental Health - Glenview Elementary  
Ratification by the Board of Education of the Voluntarily Remedial  
Action Agreement (No. RO0003572-2022-12-19) by and between the  
District and the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health  
for remediation, including soil vapor and groundwater sampling, as  
described in the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, regarding an uncovered old underground  
storage tank at Glenview Elementary School at an estimated cost to  
the District not to exceed $10,000.00.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1443  
Academy - Marshall School Site Campus - School Years 2024-2025  
and 2025-2026  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Facilities Use Agreement by and  
between the District and East Bay Innovation Academy (EBIA), a Charter  
School, for the latter’s use of 27,428 square feet of the Marshall School  
Site Premises, as delineated in Agreement, and for the rate stated in the  
Agreement Sections:  
3.1.1. For the 2024-25 fiscal year: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per  
square foot rate  
(excluding utilizes and custodial); and  
3.1.2. For the 2025-26 fiscal year: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per  
square foot rate  
(excluding utilizes and custodial) times 1.05,  
for the term July 1, 2024, (“Commencement Date”), and, unless sooner  
terminated under any provision of the Agreement, the Agreement shall end  
on June 30, 2026 (“End Date”).  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1444  
Faith, All Material Revisions - East Bay Innovation Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0062 -  
Expressing The Intent To Consider, In Good Faith, All Material Revisions  
[East Bay Innovation Academy … particularly material revisions that  
solely involve a change in location of a charter school.]  
President Hutchinson made a motion, seconded by Director Davis to adopt  
Resolution No. 2324-0062.  
President Hutchinson opened the floor for discussion of this matter.  
Discussion: Director Brouhard, Bachelor, Williams  
Director Williams moved, seconded by Director Bachelor to amend  
Resolution No. 2324-0062 (see file 23-1746A)  
President Hutchinson opened the floor for discussion of this motion.  
Discussion: Director Davis, Bachelor, Williams, Brouhard  
President Hutchinson recess the Meeting at 9:45 P.M.  
President Hutchinson reconvened the Meeting at 9:49 P.M.  
Director Williams withdrew the motion to amend Resolution No. 2324-0062  
(see file 23-1746A)  
The Board adopted Resolution No. 2324-0062.  
A motion was made by President Hutchinson, seconded by Director  
Davis, that this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1445  
Faith, All Material Revisions - East Bay Innovation Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of the Amendment to Resolution No.  
2324-0062 - Expressing The Intent To Consider, In Good Faith, All  
Material Revisions [East Bay Innovation Academy … particularly material  
revisions that solely involve a change in location of a charter school.]  
See file 23-1746.  
President Hutchinson recess the Meeting at 9:45 P.M.  
President Hutchinson reconvened the Meeting at 9:49 P.M.  
Third Roll Call  
5 - Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Board of Education  
Ratification by the Board of Education of its Regular Meeting Minutes of  
June 28, 2023, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1446  
Ratification by the Board of Education of its Special Meeting Minutes of  
August 3, 2023, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1447  
Approval of the General Consent Report  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by President  
Hutchinson, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
U. Adoption of General Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Efficiency and Safety Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0002  
Oakland High School Battery Service Energy Efficiency and Safety  
[Battery Services Agreement By and Between the District and  
SolarStorage Fund D, LLC ("SolarStorage") Richmond, CA, an entity,  
associated with Total Energies, for the latter to install and maintain Battery  
System, for the Oakland High School Energy Efficiency and Safety  
Project, for a term of August 10, 2023 through September 16, 2034, with  
the District paying no upfront costs [or if the System obtains less than 40%  
Investment Tax Credit, then pursuant to Section 2.a and Exhibit 1, District  
agrees to pay SolarStorage Two Hundred Thousand Dollars No/100  
($200,000.00) as Battery Service Fees for the period from the  
Commercial Operation Date through the Expiration Date.]  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 305  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by Director Bachelor,  
to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1449  
– Roosevelt Middle School Modernization Project – Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Agreement for  
Engineering Services by and between the District and AGS, Inc.,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide additional services to include plan  
review to complete design reviews for the main building and Science  
Modular, as described in the Proposal dated May 22, 2023, attached to  
the Amendment at Exhibit A, for the Roosevelt Middle School  
Modernization Project, in an additional amount of $86,116.00, which  
includes a not-to-exceed contingency fee of $5,000.00, increasing the  
Agreement’s not-to-exceed amount from $17,071.00 to $103,187.60. All  
other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 006491  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 212  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Funds Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by Director Bachelor,  
to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1450  
Environmental, Inc., - Claremont Middle School Multipurpose  
Room and Kitchen Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and HERTZ  
Environmental, Inc., San Francisco, CA, providing additional funding and  
extending the time for closeout of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, as  
described in the Proposal dated May 12, 2023, attached to the Amendment as  
Exhibit A, for the Claremont Middle School Multipurpose Room and  
Kitchen Project, in an additional amount of $2,000.00, increasing the  
not-to-exceed amount of Agreement from $21,500.00 to $23,500.00, and  
extending the term of the Agreement from March 24, 2022 through  
October 31, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (an additional 60 calendar days).  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Vendor No.: 002056  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 201  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Funds Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by Director Bachelor,  
to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1451  
Bay Construction Company – East Oakland Pride Elementary  
School Fire and Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 2, Agreement  
Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and Bay  
Construction, Inc., Oakland, CA, with the latter providing credit for PCO  
No. 7 Deleted Heat Detectors per CCD #1, with the cost of $ 17,402.81  
deducted from the Agreement, reducing the not to exceed amount of  
the Agreement from $1,291,382.76 to $1,273,979.95, for the East Oakland  
Pride Elementary School Fire and Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project.  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Vendor No.: 000642  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9599-107  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund, Measure B  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by Director Bachelor,  
to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1452  
Environmental, Inc., - Cole Administration Center Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.1, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and HERTZ  
Environmental, Inc., San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide  
additional services needed for Phase II which consist of monitoring,  
preparing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and State reporting  
during construction, as described in the Proposal dated February 9, 2023,  
attached to the Amendment as Exhibit A, for Claremont Middle School  
Multipurpose Room and Kitchen Project, in an additional amount of  
$21,250.00, increasing the to not to exceed amount of Agreement from  
$23,500.00 to $46,750.00, extending the term of the Agreement from  
August 13, 2020 through December 31, 2023 to August 15, 2024 (an  
additional 227 calendar days). All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002056  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 109  
Funding Source: Fund 21 General Funds Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by Director Bachelor,  
to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 23-1453  
Approval of theGeneral Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
A motion was made by Director Davis, seconded by Director Bachelor,  
to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Clifford Thompson  
1 - (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
V. President's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the President regarding any information that they wish to share regarding  
past, present, or future personal or official activities.  
President’s Report - August 9, 2023.  
No Report  
Enactment No:  
W. Regular Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report, consistent with Brown Act  
requirements, to Board and to the public by each Board member (excluding  
the Student Board members) regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities,  
celebrations, and recognitions.  
Regular Board Member's Report - August 9, 2023.  
This agenda item was taken up after H. Modification to the Agenda.  
Director Davis:  
- Announced Facilities Committee Meeting on August 17, 2023.  
Director Brouhard:  
- Recognized Bella Vista Elementary School Summer Programs.  
Director Williams:  
- Recognized Eat, Play, Learn, Foundation.  
- Recognized McClymonds High School's highest percentage of student going  
to college in 2022 - 2023 School Year.  
- Recognized Prescott Elementary School.  
Director Bachelor:  
- Recognized Homies Empowerment, Roots Community Health Center and  
Oakland Public Libraries for hosting events for OUSD students and their  
families this summer.  
- Recognized the Lend a Hand Foundation that had volunteers pack  
thousands of backpacks to give away at OUSD school sites.  
- Recognized the New Teachers Institute who supported new teachers in  
OUSD with professional development and networking.  
- Recognized Adult Education Program for their Professional Development  
meeting at Parker Elementary in August 2023.  
- Made a comment to the District 5 community to vote in the November  
election for the District 5 seat and, meantime, invited District 5 community  
members to reach out to her if they have any issues or questions regarding  
their District at valarie.bachelor@ousd.org.  
[Vice President Thompson - Absent]  
President Hutchinson:  
- Recognized Allendale Elementary School new Playground structure.  
- Recognized Josh Daniels, Chief Governance Officer's last day of work with  
Oakland Unified School District.  
- Reported on the Board of Education Retreats on June 23, 2023 and August  
3, 2023.  
- Reported on Committee and Commission vacancies.  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is absent at 6:11 P.M.  
6 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
President Mike Hutchinson  
3 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is present at 6:16 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Director (Vacancy) (Vacancy)  
Vice President Clifford Thompson  
X. Introduction of New Legislative Matter(s)  
Every Regular Meeting agenda shall provide for the Introduction of New  
Matter(s). Board members, except a Student Director, desiring to have a  
motion, resolution, order, or other subject matter scheduled for action by the  
Board shall announce the subject nature of the intended matter during this  
item, provide written language of the specific legislative proposal and  
supporting documentation for such item and file it with the Superintendent. Or  
alternatively, the member may file his or her request in the same manner as a  
member of the public. The President, without objection of the majority, shall  
assign the subject matter to the appropriate standing or special committee, if  
appropriate, for consideration of its programmatic, financial and/or other  
impact or consideration; otherwise, the President, without objection of the  
majority, shall determine when the subject matter shall be taken up by the  
Directors Benjamin "Sam" Davis and Valarie Bachelor  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0091 -  
Supporting Net Energy Metering for School Solar Projects.  
Davis and Bachelor  
Director Davis introduced the entitle matter herein.  
Y. Adjournment  
President Hutchinson adjourned the Meeting at 9:56 P.M.  
Prepared By:  
Approved By: