Oakland Unified School District  
Board of Education  
1011 Union Street, #940  
Oakland, CA 94607  
(510) 879-1944  
boe@ousd.org E-Mail  
Agenda and agenda materials are accessible at http://www.ousd.org or from any computer terminal in the Offices of the  
Board of Education and Superintendent, 1000 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-4099  
Individuals requiring interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in meetings  
should notify the Office of the Board of Education seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at either  
(510)879-8199(VM); or boe@ousd.org (E-Mail); or  
(510) 879-2300 (eTTY/TDD); or (510) 879-2299 (eFax).  
Meeting Agenda Long - Final  
Wednesday, August 14, 2024  
4:00 PM  
Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA  
((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.); Internet Streamed - Zoom & Granicus;  
Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)  
Board of Education  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Directors: Jennifer Brouhard, VanCedric Williams, Jorge Lerma, Valarie Bachelor,  
Clifford Thompson  
Student Directors: Maximus Simmons, Michele Vasquez  
Staff: Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent & Secretary  
Public Comment, at the meeting, will be taken individually  
on Agenda Items indicated by.  
You may register to speak in advance on the Agenda Item  
whether attending the meeting by teleconference, e.g., Zoom,  
or in person.  
On line Speaker Card Registration (Sign In To Speak) opens  
at minimum 72 hours in advance for a Regular Meeting or  
at minimum 24 hours in advance for a Special Meeting. Use  
the eComment Link to Sign In (Register) to Speak up to one  
hour before the beginning of the meeting. Manual (Paper)  
Speaker Cards also will be available at the meeting for  
Sign In to Speak, on an eligible Agenda Item, as a matter of  
equity, is first registered, first called, in order of  
Registration whether participation is in person or virtually,  
e.g. Zoom, or by audio, e.g., telephone.  
For advanced pre-meeting Registration, You must establish  
a one time OUSD eComment - Sign In (Register) To Speak  
Account providing your First Name and Last Name and your  
email address. Your First Name and Last Name, as  
Registered, must also show as the Participant or Profile  
Name on a teleconference system (i.e., Zoom, webex, other).  
You will be requested to Register the first time you use  
eComment - Sign In To Speak.  
The Sign In To Speak System, after the one time registration,  
will remember you by first name and last name  
associated with your email address (profile), making it  
easier for you to electronically Register or Sign In to Speak  
on an Agenda Item at a future OUSD legislative meeting,  
e.g., Board, committee, commission.  
Early pre-meeting Sign In To Speak (Registration) is urged  
for all - whether you plan to attend meeting in person or  
view meeting via teleconference or listen to the meeting by  
telephone. Names will be called in Sign In To Speak order  
Members of the media and the public may attend and  
participate in the Board meeting in-person in The Great  
Room, La Escuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue,  
Oakland, CA 94606-2291 (entrance located at or near 286  
East 10th St.) or virtually as described herein.  
The following information is for those members of the media  
and public interested in viewing or listening to the Board  
meeting virtually.  
• Zoom: To view by Zoom, please click  
meeting time. Instructions on how to join a meeting by video  
conference are available at:  
• Phone: To listen by phone (via Zoom), please do the  
following at or after the Noticed meeting time: call (669)  
900-9128, then enter Webinar ID 880 9902 3588, then press  
“#”. If asked for a participant id or code, press #.  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are  
available at:  
• To view the Board meeting from the District’s Home  
Page - Upcoming Events & Live Meeting Video, please  
select the meeting name and click on the “In Progress” link  
under Video or go to the Legislative Information Center  
(under Board of Education on Home Page)>Calendar  
Tab>Calendar>Today>Board of Education>”In Progress”  
link under Video.  
Public comment in-person is permitted within the times  
allotted for public comment on the Agenda. Virtual comment  
will also be permitted within the times allotted for public  
comment on the Agenda in the following two ways:  
• To comment virtually by Zoom, if you have made a  
pre-meeting Request to Speak, when your name is called,  
click the “Raise Your Hand” button. You will be unmuted  
and allowed to make public comment. After the allotted  
time,you will then be re-muted. Instructions on how to  
“Raise Your Hand” is available at::  
• To comment by phone (via Zoom), if you have made a  
pre-meeting Request to Speak, when your name is called,  
press “*9” to “Raise Your Hand." You will be unmuted and  
allowed to make public comment. You will then be  
remuted.Instructions of how to raise your hand by phone are  
available at::  
In addition, members of the public may submit written  
comments for a posted Board of Education Meeting Agenda  
Item, before a meeting or while a meeting is “In Progress,”  
from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming Events & Live  
Meeting Video by selecting Board of Education Agenda  
“eComment” or from the Legislative Information Center, as  
• If before Sunday, click Calendar Tab>Next Week>Board  
of Education>eComment  
• If Sunday or thereafter up thru day before Meeting, click  
Calendar Tab>This Week>Board of Education>eComment  
• If day of Meeting, click Calendar Tab>Today>Board of  
Or “eComment” in bold on the cover page of the Agenda.  
Written comments made on an eligible Agenda item, upon  
clicking of the Submit Button, are immediately sent via email  
to all members of the legislative body and key staff  
supporting the legislative body. Each eComment is a Public  
The purpose of these protocols is to provide a basic set of  
professional standards by which the Board and the  
Superintendent are to function as a team. There is no  
intention to abridge the rights and obligations of Board  
Members to oversee the operation of the organization, nor  
to interfere with the Superintendent with her role as the  
Superintendent of OUSD.  
1. Every action by a Board Member should be directed  
toward improving the educational program for students.  
2. Every Board Member will exhibit behavior that is  
honorable, honest, and dedicated to the success of the  
students and staff of the district.  
3. Each Board Member is to be treated with dignity and  
4. Board Member Commitment will include:  
Participate fully in the discussion of issues  
Listen respectfully to all views and opinions  
Respect each individual’s opinion  
Accept the majority action of the Board  
Board Members  
5. An individual Board Member will not use the media as a  
personal forum, unless it is clearly indicated that the  
opinion is personal and not representative of the Board  
majority position.  
6. Each Board Member will make every effort to attend all  
Board meetings in person; and to start and end on time.  
7. Board Members will ensure opportunities for each to  
8. Staff is the responsibility of the Superintendent who will  
bring recommendations to the Board for action.  
9. Questions regarding Board agenda items are to be  
communicated to the Superintendent prior to the Board  
meeting and the Superintendent will respond in a timely  
10. The Superintendent is to communicate all significant  
administrative actions to the Board.  
11. Legal and personnel matters will be confidential.  
Up to Three (3) minute speaking limit for Board Members  
No mingling with the audience  
Address comments to other Board Members  
Focus on agenda items  
Don't repeat what's been said  
Always be respectful  
No interruptions  
Enforce norms  
Model desired behavior  
All Board meetings shall begin on time and shall be guided  
by an agenda prepared in accordance with Board bylaws  
and posted and distributed in accordance with the Ralph M.  
Brown Act (open meeting requirements) and other  
applicable laws.  
(cf. 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials)  
The President shall conduct Board meetings in accordance  
with law, Board Bylaws, and its parliamentary authority  
which shall enable the Board to efficiently consider issues  
and carry out the will of the majority.  
(cf. 9121 - President)  
The Board believes that late night meetings deter public  
participation, can affect the Board's decision-making  
ability, and can be a burden to staff. Regular Board  
meetings shall be adjourned not later than 11:00 p.m. unless  
the Board agrees to extend the meeting, which may only be  
done once by 45 minutes.  
(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices)  
A. Call To Order - 4:00 P.M.  
B. Roll Call  
President's Statement Disclosing Item(s) To Be Discussed In Closed  
The items are listed pursuant to law.  
C1. Public Comment on Closed Session Items  
This section provides an opportunity for members of the  
Public to address the Board on any Closed Session Item on  
the Agenda prior to the Board's recess to Closed Session for  
possible consideration of such Item.  
Public Comment On Closed Session Items - August 14, 2024.  
D. Recess to Closed Session  
Closed Session Item(s):  
Labor Matter(s)  
Conference With Labor Negotiators  
United Administrators of Oakland Schools (UAOS), Service Employees  
International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU), Oakland Education Association  
(OEA), Oakland Child Development Paraprofessional Association (OCDPA),  
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees-Local 257  
(AFSCME), Brotherhood of Teamsters, Auto Truck Drivers-Local 70 of  
Alameda County, Brotherhood of Teamsters, Warehouse, Mail Order, Retail  
Employees- Local 853 of Alameda County, American Federation of  
Teachers/CFT-Local 771 (AFT), Building and Construction Trades Council of  
Alameda County, California School Employees Association (CSEA). Principal  
District Representative(s): Jenine Lindsey, Interim General Counsel  
Legal Matter(s)  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Carter v. Oakland Unified School District, Workers’ Compensation Appeals  
Board, Case No. 221062347  
Public Employment  
Public Employment  
Superintendent of Schools  
Threat To Public Services or Facilities  
Threat to Public Services or Facilities  
Threat to Public Services or Facilities  
E. Reconvene to Public Session - 5:30 P.M.  
Second Roll Call  
President's Statement of Reportable Action Taken In Closed  
Session and the Vote or Abstention of Members Present, If Any  
H. Modification(s) To Agenda  
This section allows for any change in the printed Order of  
Business including, but not limited to, an announcement that  
an item or legislative file will be considered out of Agenda  
printed order, that consideration of an Item has been  
withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled, or taken off of a  
General Consent Report for separate discussion and/or  
possible action.  
Special Orders of the Day  
This section is primarily for ceremonial items. There shall  
be one public comment opportunity prior to all Special  
Order items, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Student Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and  
to the public by the Student Board Members regarding any  
information that they wish to share regarding past, present,  
or future personal or official activities as a representative of  
the All-City Council and students of the District. There shall  
be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed  
10 minutes.  
Student Board Members’ Report - (Verbal Only) - August 14, 2024.  
K. Parent and Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and  
to the public by the lead delegate or designee of the Parent  
and Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) regarding any  
information that they wish to share regarding past, present,  
or future activities as parent/guardian representatives of the  
Parent and Student Advisory Committee and of all parents  
and guardians in the District. There need not be separate  
public comment on this section. This report need only occur  
at the first regular Board meeting of each month.  
August 14, 2024  
Parent and Student Advisory Committee’s Report - August 14, 2024.  
L. Superintendent's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and  
to the public by the Superintendent or designee regarding  
any information that they wish to share regarding past,  
present, or future personal or official activities. There shall  
be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed  
10 minutes.  
Superintendent's Report - August 14, 2024:  
School Visits on Day One,  
Enrollment Update,  
EOY Report Highlights,  
Summer Highlights,  
New Teacher Institute, and  
Leadership Institute  
M. Comment by Collective Bargaining Units  
This section of the Agenda is an opportunity for the  
leadership of the District's recognized Collective  
Bargaining Units to address the Board on issues or matters  
of concern. Each bargaining unit shall have up to 5 minutes  
for its comment time.  
Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - August 14, 2024.  
N. Public Hearing(s)  
This section is for public hearings. There shall be public  
comment for each public hearing, with no public comment  
period exceeding 10 minutes.  
Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject  
Matter Jurisdiction of the Board  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District – August 14,  
Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the District - August 14, 2024.  
Public Comment on All Eligible Agenda Items In Sections Q  
through Y  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
In lieu of this original Section (and other Sections) of the  
Agenda, the Board, on a trial basis, is returning to it past  
practice of taking separate Public Comment on most  
individual items on the Agenda (except Consent). As a  
result, a separate Speaker Card (Request To Speak) is  
required to be filed on each Agenda Item and/or Consent  
Report (as a whole) eligible for Public Comment, indicated  
by the symbol (microphone). Please see ON-LINE SPEAKER  
CARD REGISTRATION (Above) for full details.  
Q. Unfinished Business  
Budget and Finance Committee - August 8, 2024 - Mike Hutchinson, Chair  
Unified School District - Mike Hutchinson, Vice  
President, Board of Education  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation by the Budget  
and Finance Committee, of Resolution No. 2324-0212 - Re-envision,  
Redesign, and Restructure of Oakland Unified School District In 2024-2025  
Fiscal Year, As Amended.  
Legislative History  
Board of Education  
Introduced As New Matter  
Board of Education  
Rescheduled to the Budget  
and Finance Committee  
Recommended Favorably  
to the Board of Education  
Budget and Finance  
R. New Business  
Franco, Consultant  
The Board of Education, by and among members, facilitated by Dr.  
Carmella S. Franco, Government Consultant, will hold a discussion on  
District Governance: Protocols.  
Plan - Board of Education (First Reading)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of its Work Plan for 2024-2025 School  
Plan - Superintendent of Schools (First Reading)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of the Superintendent Work Plan  
for 2024-2025 School Year.  
Materials - President, Board of Education (First  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment, Board Bylaw 9322 -  
Agenda/Meeting Materials.  
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing –  
Named Employees for School Year 2024-2025  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0052 -  
Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on  
Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2024-2025:  
April Sanna, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Emerson Elementary School;  
2. Crystal Hanson, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Lockwood STEAM Elementary School;  
3. Haylin Mujica-Herrera, 6th - 8th Grade English Teacher, Frick  
United Middle School;  
4. Miguel Birruete, K - 5th Grade PE Teacher, Esperanza  
Elementary School;  
5. Naaliyah Gayton, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Highland Community Elementary School;  
6. Karyn Lee, K - 5th Grade Special Education Extensive Support  
Needs Teacher, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School;  
7. Daniel Molyneaux, 6th - 8th Grade Mild to Moderate Support  
Needs SDC Teacher, Elmhurst United Middle School;  
8. Owen Staveland, 6th - 8th Grade Math Teacher, Edna Brewer  
Middle School;  
9. Richard Hayes, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Horace  
Mann Elementary School;  
10. Fabiola Zepeda, 9th - 12th Grade Spanish Teacher, Castlemont  
High School;  
11. Tyler Cardenas-Wagers, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Melrose Leadership Academy Elementary School;  
12. Elvis Alvarado Guerra, 6th - 8th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Montera Middle School;  
13. Joshua Beattie, 9th - 12th Grade Biology Teacher, Dewey  
Academy Continuation High School;  
14. Frida Caro, K - 5th Grade Extensive Support Needs SDC  
Teacher, Markham Elementary School;  
15. Alyssa Warrington, 6th - 8th Grade Extensive Support Needs  
SDC Teacher, Edna Brewer Middle School;  
16. Cherokee White, 6th - 8th Grade Multiple Subject, Edna Brewer  
Middle School;  
17. Breonna Henry, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Highland Community Elementary School;  
18. Sonya Shumate, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Bella  
Vista Elementary School;  
19. Enrique Sanabria, K - 5th Grade PE Teacher, Markham  
Elementary School;  
20. Natalie Phillips, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
International Community Elementary School;  
21. Soraya Berry, K - 5th Grade Extensive Support Needs Teacher,  
Bridges Academy Elementary School;  
22. Jalen Jackson, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Reach  
Academy Elementary School;  
23. Dante Marsh, 9th - 12th Grade PE Teacher, McClymonds High  
24. Rodney Jackson, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Chabot Elementary School;  
25. Racquel Payton, K - 5th Multiple Subject Teacher, Martin Luther  
King Jr Elementary School;  
26. Demareyeh Lane, 9th - 12th Grade Special Education Mild to  
Moderate Teacher, Fremont High School;  
27. Teresita McCarthy, K - 5th Grade Special Education Extensive  
Support Needs Teacher, Highland Community Elementary  
28. Maria Carmona Genchi, K - 5th Grade Social Science Teacher,  
Highland Community Elementary School;  
29. Julian Harris, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Fred T.  
Korematsu Elementary School;  
30. Ashleigh Granados, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Garfield Elementary School; and  
31. Jaime Orduno, 9th - 12th Grade Social Science Teacher,  
Coliseum College Prep High School.  
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing –  
Named Employee for the School Year 2024- 2025  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0051 - Local  
Assignment Option Permit - California Commission on Teacher  
Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2024-2025:  
1. Shira Bannerman, 6th - 8th Grade Special Education Teacher, Urban  
Promise Academy.  
Adoption of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
This section is required by state law. For each individual  
pupil case from Closed Session, the Board determines  
whether to expel, grant a suspended expulsion, revoke a  
suspended expulsion order, reinstate,  
readmit, admit a pupil, or take other appropriate  
disciplinary action. Other than was is printed in the public  
agenda, all information regarding an individual pupil case  
cannot be disclosed pursuant to federal and state law.  
T. Adoption of the General Consent Report  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the  
General Consent Report(s)" means that all items appearing  
on the agenda under this topic are approved in one motion  
per consent report unless a Board member requests that an  
item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted  
upon. Items so removed from a General Consent Report  
shall be considered separately in the agenda immediately  
after that General Consent Report (unless otherwise moved  
with other items by a Board member) and there shall be no  
additional or separate public comment on those items.  
Generally, these items are routine in nature, and are acted  
upon in one motion to conserve time and permit focus on  
otherthanroutine items on the agenda. An  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has  
requested be removed, shall be removed, without debate for  
separate consideration and vote or other disposition. All  
items remaining on the General Consent Report(s),  
thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent  
Chief, Systems and Services Officer  
Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement,  
including Schedule A, by and between the District and Be a Mentor,  
Inc., Hayward, CA, for the latter to host the Vendor Management  
System (VMS), along with background clearances and subsequent  
arrest notifications for up to 120 District vendors, as described in the  
Agreement, for the period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, via the  
Technology Services Department, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 000648  
Requisition No.: VR25-00657  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-986  
Funding Source: 0000 General Purpose  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Service Order by and  
between the District and Gartner, Inc., Stamford, CT, for the latter to  
provide information technology research and advisory services - IT  
Leaders Individual Access Advisor - as described in Order including  
Exhibit A, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth,  
for the Technology Services Department, for the term July 1, 2024  
through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $48,387.00.  
Vendor No.: 001803  
Requisition No.: VR25-00656  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-986  
Funding Source: 0000 - General Purpose  
LLC - Nutrition Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2024-2025 by and between the District and Alma Advisory Group,  
LLC, Chicago, IL, for the latter to conduct an executive search for the  
Senior Executive Director of Nutrition Services, which, includes  
conducting stakeholder engagement on organizational priorities and  
establishing key competencies for the role; developing and executing a  
recruitment strategy; designing a screening process; monitoring the  
talent pool and conducting initial screening of top candidates;  
coordinating and conducting finalist interviews and background  
checks; liaising between the candidate(s) and the District on offer  
negotiations; and engaging in a post-search debrief session to advise on  
best practices, via the Nutrition Services Department, for the period of  
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 005487  
Requisition No.: VR25-00308  
Resource Code-Site No.: 5310-991  
Funding Source: 5310 Child Nutrition School Program  
Staffing - Chief Systems and Services Officer  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2024-2025 by and between the District and Amergis Healthcare  
Staffing, Chicago, IL, for the latter to function in both in-person and  
remote capacities as necessary to rigorously uphold Cal/OSHA  
workplace regulations pertaining to COVID-19, as described in Exhibit  
A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully  
set forth, via Office of the Chief of Systems and Services, for the  
period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to  
exceed $323,040.00.  
Vendor No.: 002767  
Requisition No.: VR25-00492  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6762-913  
Funding Source: 6762 - Arts. Music, IM Block Grant  
Elementary School - Buildings and Grounds Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement  
by and between the District and Jensen Hughes, Concord, CA, for the  
latter to provide intrusion alarm design services, as described in  
proposal dated April 19, 2024, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, for Emerson Elementary School in the  
not-to-exceed amount of $99,200.00 with work scheduled to  
commence on August 15, 2024, and scheduled to last until December  
31, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 002281  
Requisition No.: PO24-10800  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9914/115  
Funding Source: 140 Deferred Maintenance Fund  
Life Academy - Field Turf Replacement & Assessment  
Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a General Services  
Agreement by and between the District and Cupples| Keller Designs,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide:  
Field assessment at Life Academy on the Calvin Simmons  
Campus, 2101 35th Ave, Oakland, CA 94601  
Assessment of overall condition of the turf fields, G-Max  
testing, path of travel, and drainage review  
Recommendations for field replacement options  
for the Life Academy -Field Turf Replacement & Assessment  
Project, in the total lump sum amount of $14,021.00  
commencing on June 05, 2024, and with a completion  
deadline of June 30, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 008404  
Requisition No.: VR24-12598  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600/235  
Funding Source: Fund 2600 Expanded Learning Opportunities  
McClymonds High School - Field Turf Replacement &  
Assessment Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a General Services  
Agreement by and between the District and Cupples|Keller Designs,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide:  
Field assessments at McClymonds High School, 2607 Myrtle  
St, Oakland, CA 94607  
Assessment of overall condition of the turf fields, G-Max  
testing, path of travel, and drainage review  
Recommendations for field replacement options  
for the McClymonds High School Field Turf Replacement &  
Assessment Project, in the total lump sum amount of  
$14,777.00 commencing on June 05, 2024, and with a  
completion deadline of June 30, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 008408  
Requisition No.: VR24-11380  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600/303  
Funding Source: Fund 2600 - Expanded Learning Opportunities  
High School - Field Turf Replacement & Assessment  
Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a General Services  
Agreement by and between the District and Verde Design, Santa Clara,  
CA, for the latter to provide the identified synthetic turf field  
assessment and recommendations for the Oakland High School  
Multi-Use Field Turf Replacement & Assessment Project, in the total  
lump sum amount of $33,740.00 commencing on June 05, 2024, and a  
completion deadline of June 30, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 004498  
Requisition No.: VR24-12592  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600/304  
Funding Source: Fund 1 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
at Coliseum College Preparatory Academy - Field Turf  
Replacement & Assessment Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a General Services  
Agreement by and between the District and Verde Design, Santa Clara,  
CA, for the latter to provide the identified synthetic turf field  
assessment and recommendation for the Coliseum College Preparatory  
Academy-Field Turf Replacement & Assessment Project, in the total  
lump sum amount of $47,720.00 commencing on June 05, 2024, and  
with a completion deadline of June 30, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 004498  
Requisition No.: VR24-11379  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600/232  
Funding Source: Fund 1 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
School - Field Turf Replacement & Assessment Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a General Services  
Agreement by and between the District and Verde Design, Santa Clara,  
CA, for the latter to provide field turf replacement and assessment  
services for the International Community School Field Turf  
Replacement & Assessment Project, in the total lump sum amount of  
$30,880.00 commencing on June 05, 2024, and a completion deadline  
of June 30, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 004498  
Requisition No.: VR24-12596  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600/186  
Funding Source: Fund 1 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program  
Construction - Anthonio, Inc. - Hintil Kuu Child  
Development Center Fire Intrusion Alarm Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement for Inspector of Record  
Services for Construction by and between the District and Anthonio, Inc.,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Inspector of Record Services for the  
Hintil Kuu Child Development Center Fire Intrusion Alarm Project, as set  
forth in the Proposal for Inspection Services, dated June 10, 2024,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, in the  
not-to-exceed amount of $53,130.00, which includes a not-to-exceed  
amount for Additional Services of $4,830.00, with work scheduled to  
commence on August 15, 2024, and scheduled to last until June 30, 2025.  
Vendor No.: 000453  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/840  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund  
Contractors - Bella Vista Elementary School Cafeteria  
Flooring Replacement Project - Division of Buildings and  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of  
all other Bids, if any, and of an Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and R. F. Contractors, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to demolish and install new flooring in the cafeteria,  
teachers' staff room, and adjacent entries and hallways for the Bella  
Vista Elementary School Cafeteria Flooring Replacement Project, in  
the total amount of $175,509.95, which includes a contingency  
allowance of $15,000.00, as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder,  
with the work anticipated to commence on August 15, 2024, and  
required to be completed within sixty days (60), with an anticipated  
ending date of October 14, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 009021  
Requisition No.: PO25-00077  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9914/102  
Funding Source: 140 Deferred Maintenance  
Contractor - Pinguelo Construction, Inc. - Havenscourt  
Middle School Campus Building M (CCPA) and  
Lockwood STEAM Academy Window Replacement  
Project - Buildings and Grounds Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 1,  
Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District  
and Pinguelo Construction Inc., Fairfield, CA, for an additional 18  
window replacements for classrooms 110, 111, and 206 which includes  
PCO 1 Construction of replacing windows for the Havenscourt Middle  
School Campus Building M (CCPA) and Lockwood STEAM Academy  
Window Replacement Project, in the additional amount of  
$167,465.00, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement  
from $3,045,000.00 to $3,212,465.00.  
Vendor No.: 008194  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9914 232  
Funding Source: Fund 140 Deferred Maintenance  
Systems - 955 High Street VOIP Cabling Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement Between Owner  
and Contractor by and between the District and DecoTech Systems,  
Walnut Creek, CA, for the latter to provide construction services,  
which consists of the installation of new data cables to various  
locations within the 955 High Street Facilities and Buildings and  
Warehouse locations’ installation of data and electrical cabling,  
replacement of existing IDF cabinets, and re-termination of existing  
fiber and data cabling for the 955 High Street VOIP Cabling Project,  
more specifically described in the Proposal dated May 31, 2024,  
Number E24-24226, in the total amount of $96,060.37, including a  
general contingency allowance of $8,534.70, with the work scheduled  
to commence on August 15, 2024, and scheduled to last until  
November 13, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 001325  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9650/900  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund  
Services for Construction - King Construction  
Inspection, Inc. - Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary  
School Fire Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 3, Agreement  
for Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the  
District and King Construction Inspection, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to continue to provide DSA Inspector of Record Services for the  
Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Fire Intrusion Alarm  
Replacement Project, in an additional not-to-exceed amount of  
$33,704.40, increasing the Agreement’s total not-to-exceed amount  
from $71,107.60 to $104,812.00, and extending the term of the  
Agreement from May 26, 2022 through November 30, 2023 to June 30,  
2024, (an additional 213 days). All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 007828  
Requisition No.: VR25-00685  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9021 182  
Funding Source: Fund 25 Facilities Capital Fund  
Services for Construction– King Construction  
Inspection, Inc. – East Oakland Pride Elementary School  
Fire Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 3, Agreement  
for Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the  
District and King Construction Inspection, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to continue to provide DSA Inspector of Record Services for the  
East Oakland Pride Elementary School Fire Intrusion Alarm  
Replacement Project, in an additional not-to-exceed amount of  
$10,344.40, increasing the Agreement’s not-to-exceed amount from  
$70,466.80 to $80,811.20, and extending the term of the Agreement  
from May 26, 2022 through November 30, 2023 to June 30, 2024 (an  
additional 213 days). All other terms and conditions of the Agreement  
remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 007828  
Requisition No.: VR25-00682  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9021 107  
Funding Source: Fund 25 Facilities Capital Fund  
Hughes – East Oakland Pride Elementary School Fire &  
Intrusion Alarm Project - Division of Facilities Planning  
and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 3, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and Jensen Hughes,  
Concord, CA, for the latter to provide an additional 11-month intrusion  
alarm warranty testing, which covers retesting 100% of the new  
intrusion alarm system for corrections or modifications for the East  
Oakland Pride Elementary School Fire & Intrusion Alarm Project, in an  
additional amount of $5,000.00, increasing the not-to-exceed contract  
price from $88,690.00 to $93,690.00, and extending the term of the  
Agreement from June 3, 2023 through April 30, 2024 to June 30, 2025.  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force  
and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002281  
Requisition No.: VR25-00581  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9021 107  
Funding Source: Fund 25 Capital Facilities Fund  
Protection, LP – Fire and Burglar Monitoring Project -  
Buildings and Grounds Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement  
by and between the District and Johnson Controls Fire Protection, LP,  
Livermore, CA, for the latter to provide continuous surveillance of fire  
detection systems and burglar alarm monitoring, more specifically  
detailed in the proposal dated April 30, 2024, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, for the Fire and Burglar Monitoring  
Project in the not to exceed amount of $106,300.00, with work  
commenced on June 1, 2024, and is scheduled to last until April 31,  
2025, due to the previous provider's inability to continue services,  
necessitating a new vendor.  
Vendor No.: 004981  
Requisition No.: vr25-00302  
Resource Code-Site No.: 8150/988  
Funding Source: Fund 010 Routine Restricted Maintenance Account  
Contractor - Bay Construction, Inc. - East Oakland  
Pride Elementary School Fire and Intrusion Alarm  
Replacement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 4,  
Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District  
and Bay Construction, Inc., Oakland, CA, for additional construction  
services which includes PCO’s 6,8,9,10,13,15,16,17,18,19 & 21, for  
the project to be closed, for the East Oakland Pride Elementary School  
Fire and Intrusion Alarm Replacement Project, in the amount of  
$24,966.60, increasing the contract price from $1,298,626.38 to  
1,323,592.98. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain  
in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 000642  
Requisition No.: PO24-11318  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9021 107  
Funding Source: Fund 25 Capital Facilities Funds  
Alarm Company - Response & Patrol Services Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 3, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and Bay Alarm  
Company, Concord, CA, for the latter to continue to provide outside  
patrol services, and twenty-four (24) hour-per-day, seven (7) days  
per-week burglary alarm response & patrol services to the District, as  
stated in Section 1, Amendment 3, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, in an additional not-to-exceed amount of  
$217,436.52, increasing the Agreement’s not-to-exceed amount from  
$587,880.00 to $805,316.52, and extending the term of the Agreement  
from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 to June 30, 2025, (an  
additional 365 calendar days). All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 006555  
Requisition No.: PO24-00905  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000 988  
Funding Source: Fund 010 General Fund  
Chief, Talent  
Talent/Human Resources Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2024-2025 by and between the District and Vik Staffing, Union City,  
CA, for the latter to assist with meal service and buffet management for  
200 attendees at the New Teacher Institute, as described in Exhibit A of  
the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set  
forth, from July 29, 2024, to August 2, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $6,750.00.  
Vendor No.: 009099  
Requisition No.: VR25-00332  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-944  
Funding Source: General Purpose  
Agreement - University of Massachusetts -Talent/Human  
Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of Understanding and  
Interagency Agreement (MOU or Agreement) for an Internship and Practica  
Partnership Program-applying to credentials in TK-12 Teaching, including  
Multiple Subjects, Single Subjects, Designated Subjects, and Special  
Education Categories, including Added or Supplementary Authorizations and  
Early Completion Option; and including Pupil Personnel Services in  
Communicative Sciences & Disorders, Mental Health & Wellness Sciences,  
Counseling & Guidance, Educational Therapy, Administration, and other  
Pupil Personnel Services credentials and certifications, as may be specified;  
and including Fieldwork Experience for Master of Arts or Science and other  
Graduate- Level Degrees or Certifications with Emphasis in Pupil Personnel  
Services; and including Fieldwork Experience for Pre-Credential Candidate  
Undergraduate Students-is entered into by and between Oakland Unified  
School District (District or OUSD), a public school district in the State of  
California, County of Alameda, and University of Massachusetts (University  
or UMG), a private, nonprofit affiliate of University of Massachusetts for the  
term July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029, at no cost to the District other  
than for Teacher Interns who are deemed District employees and are  
paid from District funds associated with said employment.  
Agreement - University of the Pacific - Talent/Human  
Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding and  
Interagency Agreement (MOU or Agreement) for an Intern Partnership  
Program and Practica Program-applying to credentials in TK-12 Teaching,  
including Multiple Subjects, Single Subjects, Designated Subjects, and  
Special Education Categories, including Added or Supplementary  
Authorizations; including Pupil Personnel Services in Communicative  
Sciences & Disorders, Mental Health & Wellness, Counseling & Guidance,  
Educational Therapy, Administration, and other Pupil Personnel Services  
credentials and certifications, as may be specified; including Fieldwork  
Experience for Master of Arts or Science and other Graduate-Level Degrees  
or Certifications with Emphasis in Pupil Personnel Services; including  
Fieldwork Experience for Pre-Credential Candidate Undergraduate Students -  
is entered into by and between Oakland Unified School District (District or  
OUSD), a public school district in the State of California, County of  
Alameda, and University of the Pacific (University or UOP), a California  
nonprofit, private University - for the term July 1, 2024 through June 30,  
2029, at no cost to the District other than for Teacher Interns who are  
deemed District employees and are paid from District funds associated  
with said employment.  
Agreement - California State University Teach -  
Talent/Human Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Memorandum of  
Understanding and Interagency Agreement (MOU or Agreement) for  
an Intern Partnership Program and Practica Program-applying to TK-12  
Teaching, Multiple Subjects, and other credentials and certifications, as  
may be specified-is entered into by and between Oakland Unified  
School District (OUSD or District), a public school district in the State  
of California, County of Alameda, and CalStateTEACH (CST,  
University Program or University), a Teaching Credential Preparation  
Program, on authority of the Trustees of the California State University  
(CSU or University), a California State University for the term July 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2029, at no cost to the District other than for  
Teacher Interns who are deemed District employees and are paid from  
District funds associated with said employment.  
Chief Academic Officer  
Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025  
by and between the District and LCS-Training, Perris, CA, for the latter to  
provide twenty-one hours of consultant services that will be structured as  
five months at one and a half hours with Special Education personnel to  
monitor data on a report card, and provide guided support; followed by 5  
months at one and a half hours each to teach how to pull the report card  
data from Special Education Information System (SEIS) and California  
Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and interpret it  
fully; the final six hours to be scheduled as needed, via the Special Education  
Department, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027, in an  
amount not to exceed $44,925.00.  
Vendor No.: 008836  
Requisition No.: VR25-00719  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education Funding  
- Sutter Bay Hospitals dba Alta Bates Summit Medical  
Center - Community Schools and Student Services  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding  
Regarding Grant Funds by and between the District and Sutter Bay Hospitals  
dba Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, Emeryville, CA, to support expansion  
of the District’s Violence Prevention Program, as described in the Program  
Summary, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the  
period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, with the District  
receiving an amount not to exceed $75,000.00.  
Contract 2024-25 – Anova Center for Education - Special  
Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/  
Agency Services Master Contract 2024-25 by and between the District and  
Anova Center for Education, Santa Rosa, CA, for the latter to provide Special  
Education services, stated in Agreement, required by a student’s  
Individualized Education Program, for the period of July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025, via the Special Education Department, in an amount not to  
exceed $500,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
Contract 2024-25 – Premier Healthcare dba Aveanna -  
Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/  
Agency Services Master Contract 2024-25 by and between the District and  
Premier Healthcare dba Aveanna, Atlanta, GA, for the latter to provide  
Special Education services, stated in Agreement, required by a student’s  
Individualized Education Program, for the period of July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025, via the Special Education Department, in an amount not to  
exceed $200,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
Contract 2024-25 – Seneca Family of Agencies - Special  
Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/  
Agency Services Master Contract 2024-25 by and between the District and  
Seneca Family of Agencies, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Special  
Education services, stated in Agreement, required by a student’s  
Individualized Education Program, for the period of July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025, via the Special Education Department, in an amount not to  
exceed $2,000,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
Contract 2024-25 – Creating Language - Special  
Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/  
Agency Services Master Contract 2024-25 by and between the District and  
Creating Language, Nevada City, CA, for the latter to provide Special  
Education services, stated in Agreement, required by a student’s  
Individualized Education Program, for the period of July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025, via the Special Education Department, in an amount not to  
exceed $250,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
Contract 2024-25 – Easy Speech Pathology dba  
Ensemble Therapy - Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/  
Agency Services Master Contract 2024-25 by and between the District and  
Easy Speech Pathology dba Ensemble Therapy, Palm Desert, CA, for the  
latter to provide Special Education services, stated in Agreement, required  
by a student’s Individualized Education Program, for the period of July 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2025, via the Special Education Department, in an  
amount not to exceed $800,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
Contract 2024-25 – Wellspring Educational Services -  
Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian  
School/ Agency Services Master Contract 2024-25 by and between the  
District and Wellspring Educational Services, Walnut Creek, CA, for  
the latter to provide Special Education services, stated in Agreement,  
required by a student’s Individualized Education Program, for the  
period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, via the Special Education  
Department, in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
Education – Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Award of RFP #24-147PEC,  
and of a Services Agreement by and between the District and TutorMe  
Education, Los Angeles, CA, for the latter to provide Tutoring and  
Supplemental Academic Support for Students With Disabilities, as  
described in Exhibit A of the Services Agreement, incorporated herein  
by reference as though fully set forth, via the Special Education  
Department, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027, in an  
amount not to exceed $540,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008549  
Requisition No.: VR25-00528  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-5825  
Funding Source: Special Education Funding  
Learning – Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Award of RFP #24-147PEC,  
and of a Services Agreement by and between the District and Sylvan  
Learning, Piedmont, CA, for the latter to provide Tutoring and  
Supplemental Academic Support for Students With Disabilities, as  
described in Exhibit A of the Services Agreement, incorporated herein  
by reference as though fully set forth, via the Special Education  
Department, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027, in an  
amount not to exceed $240,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 004162  
Requisition No.: VR25-00534  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-5825  
Funding Source: Special Education Funding  
Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Award of RFP #24-147PEC,  
and of a Services Agreement by and between the District and Middle  
Tree, Sacramento, CA, for the latter to provide Tutoring and  
Supplemental Academic Support for Students With Disabilities, as  
described in Exhibit A of the Services Agreement, incorporated herein  
by reference as though fully set forth, via the Special Education  
Department, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027, in an  
amount not to exceed $240,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008564  
Requisition No.: VR25-00710  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-5825  
Funding Source: Special Education Funding  
Markham Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Markham Elementary School.  
- WorkAbility I Grant 2024-2025 - District's SELPA  
Approval by the Board of Education of 2024-2025 Grant Funding Application  
WorkAbility 1 Grant Proposal (Project No. 088-03), pursuant to terms and  
conditions thereof, to the California Department of Education, seeking  
$318,420.00, to provide instructional services and support for employment  
and post- secondary education for students of the District's SELPA for Fiscal  
Year 2024-25.  
Services, LLC dba Cascade Training Center – Special  
Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Cascade Healthcare Services, LLC dba Cascade  
Training Center, Roseville, CA, for the latter to provide a licensed and trained  
professional to facilitate a minimum of 6 BLS CPR training sessions  
throughout the school year - dates to be determined (TBD) - resulting in  
paraeducators performing non-licensed medical procedures, and school  
nurses having certified and active compliant CPR certifications, via the Special  
Education Department, for the period of August 14, 2024 through June 30,  
2025, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008540  
Requisition No.: VR25-00712  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-5825  
Funding Source: Special Education Funding  
Bay Community Foundation - Grant #G-2330 - Life  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement, Grant #G-2330,  
by and between The Helzel Family Foundation Fund at The East Bay  
Community Foundation, Oakland, CA, and the District, on behalf of Life  
Academy, with the latter accepting $100,000.00, for Literacy Instruction, at  
site, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.  
Funding Source: The Helzel Foundation at the East Bay Community  
Agreement - University of San Francisco Upward Bound  
Project - High School Linked Learning  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement  
(NCSA) and a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA), each, by and between the  
District and the University of San Francisco Upward Bound Project (USFUBP),  
San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide by the NCSA, workshops;  
individual advising/transcript evaluation; connections to high-quality  
academic tutoring services; advice and assistance in secondary and initial  
postsecondary course selection; assistance in preparing for college entrance  
exams and completing college admission applications; assistance in  
completing financial aid applications, and other services, if any, as described  
in NCSA, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth at  
Fremont, Castlemont, and Oakland High Schools, for the period of July 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2025, at no cost to the District, and under the DSA,  
the terms and conditions of the District’s transmission of or sharing of pupil  
data with USFUBP, and the protection by USFUBP, of such data, for the term  
July 1, 2024 through June 31, 2025, via the Academics and Instruction  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
California Partnership Academies (CPA)  
Program Grant - Renewable Energy Academy - Skyline  
High School  
Acceptance by the Board of Education of a California Partnership Academies  
(CPA) Program: Career Technical Education Initiative Grant Award from the  
California Department of Education, for the Skyline High School Renewable  
Energy Academy (C018), CDE Grant Number: 2023-25168-61259-02, in the  
amount of $150,000.00, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30,  
2025, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.  
Funding Source: California Department of Education  
Agreement - East Bay Solano County Consortium -  
Academics and Instruction Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement  
(NCSA) and a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA), each, by and between the  
District and the East Bay Consortium (EBC), Oakland, CA, for the latter to  
provide by through the SA, academic and college advising support to middle  
and high school students, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the period of  
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, at no cost to the District, and under the  
DSA, the terms and conditions of the District’s transmission of or sharing of  
pupil data with EBC, and the protection by EBC, of such data, for the same  
term as NCSA, via the Academics and Instruction Department.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
Career Technical Education Incentive  
Acceptance by the Board of Education of a Career Technical Education  
Incentive Grant (CTEIG) from the California Department of Education, to  
support Career Technical Education programming through Linked Learning  
Pathways across high schools, CDE Grant Number: 23-25437-61259-00, in  
the amount of $1,467,114.00, for the period of July 1, 2023 through  
December 31, 2025, pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof, if any.  
Funding Source: California Department of Education, College and  
Career Transition Division  
Certification - California Department of Education –  
Emiliano Zapata Street Academy - High School Network  
Approval by the Board of Education of the California Department of  
Education (CDE) Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Eligibility  
Certification for Emiliano Zapata Street Academy, for the period of  
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
Certification - California Department of Education -  
Oakland International High School - High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the California Department of Education  
(CDE) Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Eligibility Certification for  
Oakland International High School, for the period of July 1, 2024, through June  
30, 2027.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
Certification - California Department of Education -  
Gateway to College at Laney College - High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the California Department of Education  
(CDE) Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Eligibility Certification for  
Gateway to College High at Laney College, for the period of July 1, 2024,  
through June 30, 2027.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
Claremont Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Claremont Middle School.  
West Oakland Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for West Oakland Middle School.  
Bret Harte Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bret Harte Middle School.  
Edna Brewer Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Edna Brewer Middle School.  
Montera Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Montera Middle School.  
Roosevelt Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Roosevelt Middle School.  
Westlake Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Westlake Middle School.  
Frick United Academy of Language  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Frick United Academy of Language.  
United for Success Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for United for Success Academy.  
Elmhurst Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Elmhurst United Middle School.  
Urban Promise Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Urban Promise Academy.  
Madison Park Academy Upper  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Madison Park Academy Upper Campus.  
Coliseum College Preparatory Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Coliseum College Prep Academy.  
Fremont High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Fremont High School.  
McClymonds High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for McClymonds High School.  
Oakland High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland High School.  
Oakland Technology High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland Technical High School.  
Skyline High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Skyline High School.  
Ralph J. Bunche Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Ralph J. Bunche Academy.  
Castlemont High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Castlemont High School.  
Dewey Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Dewey Academy.  
Gateway to College at Laney College  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Gateway to College at Laney College.  
Emiliano Zapata Street Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Emiliano Zapata Street Academy.  
Sojourner Truth Independent Study  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Sojourner Truth Independent Study.  
Life Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Life Academy.  
MetWest High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for MetWest High School.  
Rudsdale Continuation High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Rudsdale Continuation High School.  
Oakland International High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland International High School.  
Allendale Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Allendale Elementary School.  
Bella Vista Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bella Vista Elementary School.  
Brookfield Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Brookfield Elementary School.  
Burckhalter Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) - Burckhalter Elementary School.  
Chabot Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Chabot Elementary School.  
East Oakland PRIDE Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for East Oakland PRIDE Elementary School.  
Cleveland Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Cleveland Elementary School.  
Crocker Highlands Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Crocker Highlands Elementary School.  
Greenleaf Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Greenleaf Elementary School.  
Global Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Global Family Elementary School.  
Emerson Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Emerson Elementary School.  
Franklin Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Franklin Elementary School.  
Fruitvale Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Fruitvale Elementary School.  
Garfield Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Garfield Elementary School.  
Glenview Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Glenview Elementary School.  
La Escuelita Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for La Escuelita Elementary School.  
Grass Valley Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Grass Valley Elementary School.  
Highland Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Highland Elementary School.  
Hillcrest Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Hillcrest Elementary School.  
Laurel Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Laurel Elementary School.  
Lincoln Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Lincoln Elementary School.  
Horace Mann Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Horace Mann Elementary School.  
Joaquin Miller Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Joaquin Miller Elementary School.  
Montclair Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Montclair Elementary School.  
Peralta Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Peralta Elementary School.  
T.-100 24-1820  
T.-101 24-1821  
T.-102 24-1822  
Piedmont Avenue Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Piedmont Avenue Elementary School.  
Redwood Heights Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Redwood Heights Elementary School.  
Sequoia Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Sequoia Elementary School.  
T.-103 24-1823  
T.-104 24-1824  
T.-105 24-1825  
T.-106 24-1826  
T.-107 24-1827  
T.-108 24-1828  
Madison Park Academy Primary  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Madison Park Academy Primary.  
Thornhill Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Thornhill Elementary School.  
Lockwood STEAM Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Lockwood STEAM Academy.  
ACORN Woodland Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for ACORN Woodland Elementary School.  
Carl B. Munck Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Carl B. Munck Elementary School.  
Oakland Academy of Knowledge  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Oakland Academy of Knowledge.  
T.-109 24-1829  
T.-110 24-1830  
T.-111 24-1831  
T.-112 24-1832  
T.-113 24-1833  
T.-114 24-1834  
Hoover Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Hoover Elementary School.  
Fred T. Korematsu Discovery Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Fred T. Korematsu Discovery Academy.  
Manzanita SEED Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Manzanita SEED Elementary School.  
Esperanza Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Esperanza Elementary School.  
Bridges Academy at Melrose  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Bridges Academy at Melrose.  
Manzanita Community School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Manzanita Community School.  
T.-115 24-1835  
T.-116 24-1836  
T.-117 24-1837  
T.-118 24-1838  
T.-119 24-1839  
T.-120 24-1840  
EnCompass Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for EnCompass Academy.  
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School.  
Prescott Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Prescott Elementary School.  
International Community School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for International Community School.  
Think College Now Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Think College Now.  
Reach Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Reach Academy.  
T.-121 24-1841  
Sankofa United Elementary School  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Sankofa United Elementary School.  
T.-122 24-1842  
Melrose Leadership Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of the 2024-2025 School Plan for  
Student Achievement (SPSA) for Melrose Leadership Academy.  
General Counsel  
T.-123 24-1750  
Continuation Education  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment, Board Policy  
6184 - Instruction - Continuation Education.  
T.-124 24-1851  
Suspension and Expulsion Due Process  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment to Board Policy 5144.1 -  
Students - Suspension and Expulsion Due Process, as delineated.  
T.-125 24-1857  
Engagement Policy - Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP -  
General Counsel  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Memorandum  
of Understanding and Engagement Policy by and between the District and  
Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP, for the latter to provide more of the same  
legal services to the District for charter school matters and other legal  
services on an as needed basis, extending the term from term July 1, 2022  
to June 30, 2024, to June 30, 2025 with no change to the not to exceed  
amount. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full  
force and effect.  
T.-126 24-1961  
Innovation - General Counsel  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2024-2025  
by and between the District and Partners in School Innovation, San  
Francisco, CA, for the latter to collaborate with District staff to support the  
Board’s strategic initiative per Board Resolution No. 2324-0020; research  
the measures used by school districts undertaking similar efforts across  
California and other large urban communities; and design and lead sessions  
engaging with critical community groups to ensure that the District has  
coherent evidence to lay before the Ad Hoc Committee, and ultimately to  
the Board around potential additional measures, as described in Exhibit A of  
the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth,  
via the Office of the General Counsel, for the period of July 26, 2024 through  
September 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $114,000.00.  
Board of Education  
T.-127 24-1932  
Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee -  
President, Board of Education  
Ratification by the Board of Education of President of Board’s reappointment  
of Andrea Dawson (2nd Term), Andrew Butler (2nd Term), and John Jones  
III (2nd Term), each, having rendered satisfactory service to date, to the  
Measures B, J, and Y Independent Citizens' School Facilities Bond Oversight  
Committee, for the term July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, respectively.  
Adoption of General Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the  
General Consent Report(s)" means that all items appearing  
on the agenda under this topic are approved in one motion  
per consent report unless a Board member requests that an  
item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted  
upon. Items so removed from a General Consent Report  
shall be considered separately in the agenda immediately  
after that General Consent Report (unless otherwise moved  
with other items by a Board member) and there shall be no  
additional or separate public comment on those items.  
Generally, these items are routine in nature, and are acted  
upon in one motion to conserve time and permit focus on  
otherthanroutine items on the agenda. An  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has  
requested be removed, shall be removed, without debate for  
separate consideration and vote or other disposition. All  
items remaining on the General Consent Report(s),  
thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent  
Services - Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical &  
Environmental Sciences Consultants - Castlemont High  
School - Solar Storage Plant Initiative Project - Division  
of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement for Materials  
Testing and Special Inspection Services by and between the District  
and Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences  
Consultants, Alameda, CA, for the latter to provide materials testing  
and special inspection services for the Castlemont High School - Solar  
Storage Plant Initiative Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of  
$4,554.00, which includes a not-to-exceed amount of $284.00 for  
Additional Services, with the work scheduled to commence on August  
15, 2024, and scheduled to last until December 31, 2025.  
Vendor No.: 003087  
Requisition No.: VR24-12473  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/301  
Funding Source: fund 21 Building Fund Measure Y  
Construction – Anthonio, Inc. – Bella Vista Child  
Development Center Fire Intrusion Alarm Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement for Inspector of  
Record Services for Construction by and between the District and  
Anthonio, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Inspector of  
Record Services for the Bella Vista Child Development Center Fire  
Intrusion Alarm Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $53,130.00,  
which includes a not-to-exceed amount of $4,830.00 for Additional  
Services, with work scheduled to commence on August 15, 2024, and  
scheduled to last until June 30, 2025.  
Vendor No.: 000453  
Requisition No.: VR25-00760  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/805  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure Y  
Services - Applied Materials & Engineering Inc. -  
Roosevelt Middle School Modernization Project  
Modular Science Increment Number 2 - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement for Materials  
Testing and Special Inspection Services by and between the District  
and Applied Materials & Engineering Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter  
to provide material testing and construction inspection services;  
Concrete Sampling/Testing, Shop and Field Welding, for the Roosevelt  
Middle School Modernization Project Modular Science Increment  
Number 2, in the not-to-exceed amount of $21,490.00, which includes  
a contingency fee of $5,000.00 for any additional services, with work  
scheduled to commence on August 15, 2024, and scheduled to last until  
December 30, 2025.  
Vendor No.: 000468  
Requisition No.: VR25-00790  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/212  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure Y  
Services - Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical &  
Environmental Sciences Consultants - McClymonds  
High School Modernization Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement for Material  
Testing and Special Inspection Services by and between the District  
and Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences  
Consultants, Alameda, CA, for the latter to provide materials testing  
and special inspection services for the McClymonds High School  
Modernization Project in the not-to-exceed amount of $44,572.00,  
which includes a not-to-exceed amount of $4,052.00 for Additional  
Services, with the work scheduled to commence on August 15, 2024,  
and scheduled to last until December 31, 2027.  
Vendor No.: 003087  
Requisition No.: VR25-00781  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/303  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure Y  
Services for Construction - The KDI Group, Inc. -  
Claremont Middle School Multi-Purpose Room Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 3, Agreement  
for Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the  
District and The KDI Group, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to  
continue to provide Inspector of Record Services for Claremont Middle  
School Multi-Purpose Room Project, in a not-to-exceed amount of  
$16,200.00, increasing the Agreement’s not to exceed amount from  
$512,630.00 to $528,830.00, and extending the term of the Agreement  
from December 2, 2021 through June 30, 2024 to December 30, 2024,  
(an additional 183 calendar days). All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002377  
Requisition No.: PO24-01095  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 201  
Funding Source: Fund 21, Building Funds Measure Y  
Kilowatt Engineering, Inc. – Claremont Middle School  
MPR & Kitchen Project - Division of Facilities Planning  
and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.3, Engineering  
Services Agreement by and between the District and Kilowatt  
Engineering, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to continue to provide  
building enclosure commissioning services in the additional amount of  
$5,000.00, increasing Agreement not-to-exceed amount from  
$81,933.84 to $86,833.84, and extending the term of the Agreement  
from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 to April 30, 2025 (an  
additional 304 calendar days). All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002451  
Requisition No.: PO24-01488  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 201  
Funding Source: Fund 21, Building Funds Measure Y  
Systems, Inc. - Madison Park Academy Security  
Improvement Project - Division of Facilities Planning  
and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of  
all other Bids, if any, and of an Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and DecoTech Systems, Inc.,  
Walnut Creek, CA, for the latter to provide installation of 22 new  
cameras, replacement of 14 existing cameras, and replace the existing  
Aiphone door entry at the health center with an Aiphone LX-DVF for  
the Madison Park Academy Security Improvement Project, in the  
amount of $173,500.00, which includes a contingency allowance  
totaling $15,500.00, as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, with  
the work anticipated to commence on August 15, 2024, and scheduled  
to last for ninety days (90), with an anticipated ending of November 13,  
Vendor No.: 001325  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9657/215  
Funding Source: Building Fund 1 Measure Y  
Systems, Inc. - Urban Promise Academy Security  
Improvement Project - Division of Facilities Planning  
and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of  
all other Bids, if any, and of an Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and DecoTech Systems, Inc.,  
Walnut Creek, CA, for the latter to provide installation of 32 new  
cameras, replacement of 10 existing cameras, upgrading the existing  
security camera system for the Urban Promise Academy Security  
Improvement Project, in the amount of $180,000.00, which includes  
contingency allowance totaling $14,000.00, as the lowest responsive,  
responsible bidder, with the work anticipated to commence on August  
15, 2024, and scheduled to last for ninety days (90), with an anticipated  
ending of November 13, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 001325  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9657/2236  
Funding Source: Building 21 Measure Y  
Various Sites Security Camera Maintenance Project –  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of  
all other Bids, if any, and of an Agreement for Maintenance by and  
between the District and Deco Tech Systems, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA.,  
for the latter to provide ongoing general maintenance services of  
security camera systems and door entry systems on an as-needed basis,  
which include troubleshooting, repair of system defects, remote  
assistance, configuration updates, onsite maintenance, cleaning and  
refocusing of the cameras for the Various Sites Security Camera  
Maintenance Project, in the amount not-to-exceed $473,500.00, as the  
lowest responsive, responsible bidder, with work anticipated to  
commence on August 15, 2024, and scheduled to last for seven  
hundred thirty days (730), with an anticipated ending of August 15,  
Vendor No.: 001325  
Requisition No.: VR25-00684  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9799 918  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Fund Measure B  
Systems, Inc.- Montera Middle School Security  
Improvement Project - Division of Facilities Planning  
and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Award of Bid to, rejection of  
all other Bids, if any, and of an Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and DecoTech Systems, Inc.,  
Walnut Creek, CA, for the latter to provide installation of 29 new  
cameras; replacement of 3 existing cameras, needed to upgrade the  
existing security camera system for the Montera Middle School  
Security Improvement Project, in the amount of $140,500.00, which  
includes a contingency allowance totaling $12,500.00, as the lowest  
responsive, responsible bidder, with the work anticipated to commence  
on August 15, 2024, and scheduled to last for ninety days (90), with an  
anticipated ending of November 13, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 001325  
Requisition No.: VR25-00645  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9657/211  
Funding Source: Building Fund 31 Measure Y  
V. President's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and  
to the public by the President regarding any information  
that they wish to share regarding past, present, or future  
personal or official activities.  
President’s Report - August 14, 2024.  
W. Regular Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report, consistent with  
Brown Act requirements, to Board and to the public by each  
Board member (excluding the Student Board members)  
regarding any information that they wish to share regarding  
past, present, or future personal or official activities,  
celebrations, and recognitions.  
Regular Board Member's Report - August 14, 2024.  
X. Introduction of New Legislative Matter(s)  
Every Regular Meeting agenda shall provide for the  
Introduction of New Matter(s). Board members, except a  
Student Director, desiring to have a motion, resolution,  
order, or other subject matter scheduled for action by the  
Board shall announce the subject nature of the intended  
matter during this item, provide written language of the  
specific legislative proposal and supporting documentation  
for such item and file it with the Superintendent. Or  
alternatively, the member may file his or her request in the  
same manner as a member of the public. The President,  
without objection of the majority, shall assign the subject  
matter to the appropriate standing or special committee, if  
appropriate, for consideration of its programmatic,  
financial and/or other impact or consideration; otherwise,  
the President, without objection of the majority, shall  
determine when the subject matter shall be taken up by the  
OUSD Administration Buildings - 1025 2nd Avenue -  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2425-0176 - Intent to  
Consider Joint Occupancy Development Proposals for the Former OUSD  
Administration Buildings at 1025 Second Avenue.  
Without Limits Charter School - Petition and Charter  
(Renewal) – Grades TK-5  
Submission to the Board of Education of Education for Change - Learning  
Without Limits Charter School - Petition and Charter (Renewal) - Grades  
K-5 - Ju1y 1, 2025 - June 30, 2030, with initial Public Hearing set for 6:00  
P.M., August 28, 2024, pursuant to Education Code Section 47605.  
Legislative History  
7/1/24 Office of Charter  
Received and Referred for  
Consideration to the Board  
of Education  
Preparatory Academy - Petition and Charter (Renewal) -  
Grades 6-12  
Submission to the Board of Education of Aspire Public Schools - Lionel  
Wilson College Preparatory Academy - Petition and Charter (Renewal) - Grades 6-12  
- Ju1y 1, 2025 - June 30, 2010, with initial Public Hearing set for 6:15 P.M.,  
August 28, 2024, pursuant to Education Code Section 47605.  
Legislative History  
7/1/24 Office of Charter  
Received and Referred for  
Consideration to the Board  
of Education  
Y. Adjournment