Inc. Belmont, CA, for the latter, as the lowest responsible
and responsive bidder, to provide Various Sites Elevator
Wheelchair Lift Repairs & Maintenance Services, more
specifically described in Exhibit A of Agreement, for the
Various Sites Elevator Wheelchair Repairs and Maintenance
Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $824,380.00, with
work anticipated to commence on March 13, 2025, and
anticipated ending date of June 30, 2028.
Vendor No.: 004058
Requisition No.: PO25-009188
Resource Code-Site No.: 8150 988
Funding Source: Fund 010 Routine Restricted Maintenance Account
Construction, Inc. - Nutrition Services Department
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services
Agreement 2024-2025 by and between the District and ER
Plumbing & Construction Inc, Oakland, CA, for the latter to
demolish and prep kitchen flooring; open kitchen walls to
replace all lead-based pipes and fittings, shut-off valves;
remove concrete and excavate as needed to remove and
replace grease trap, install three floor sinks; install new
grease trap underneath 3-compartment sink and connect all
floor sinks with new two-inch drains, vents and trap primers,
as per code; install two new commercial grade, lead-free,
two-handled ADA compliant faucets at 3-compartment sink;
install one new commercial grade, lead-free, single-handle,
ADA compliant faucet at single compartment sink; install
new gas stove with heat proof drain and copper vent to new
floor sink; replacement and installation for concrete, as
needed; inspection and test existing range hood fire
suppression unit by certified specialist, at Allendale
Elementary School, via the Nutrition Services Department,
for the period of December 13, 2024 through March 31,
2025, in an amount not to exceed $127,665.00.
Vendor No.: 006328
Requisition No.: VR25-07589
Resource Code-Site No.: 7032-991
Funding Source: 7032 - 2022 Kitchen Infrastructure & Training