Oversight Committee - Report - 1025 2nd Avenue and Central
Administrative Center at Cole Campus - Facilities Planning and
A Verbal Report to the Measures B, J, and Y Independent Citizens’
School Facilities Bond Oversight Committee by the Chief Systems and
Services, or Designee, on the status of the following District Sites:
1025 2nd Avenue, and
Central Administrative Center at Cole Campus
Pranita Ranbhise, Director, Facilities Planning and Management, and David
Colbert, Director, Facilities Planning and Management gave Verbal Reports
on 1025 2nd Avenue, and Central Administrative Center at Cole Campus
- 1025 2nd Avenue: Director Ranbhise stated that OUSD had issued a
Request for Quote (RFQ) to examine 10 properties. Phase 1 is looking at
three properties which includes1025 Second Avenue. The intent is to look for
potential of leasing or other development, and evaluating fiscal impacts to the
district in a series of meetings, which include with the Board - first 2 by 2’s
and then open session with community as well as a study session; all
beginning in March 2025. Director Ranbhise suggested that we look for
progress. Facilities Staff will present its proposals on these properties to the
Board in the first week in April 2025.
- Central Administrative Center at Cole Campus. Director Colbert, provided an
overview of the status of the facility. Director Colbert agreed to come back
and respond if time was limited and/or he was unable to complete his
responses before we adjourned.
Directors, Colber, Ranbhise and Kenya Chatman, Executive Director,
Facilities Planning and Management, and Ellen Clements, Consultant,
Facilities Planning and Management responded to BJY Committee Members
comments and questions.
Discussion - Members Dawson, Vice Chairperson Park, Chairperson Butler,
To the questions: “Why was a two-story building built when we are only going
to use one floor and what factors went into that decision?” Executive Director
Chatman, responded by laying out the Board’s rationale on only building out
the second floor with the idea that it would leave room to build out board
meeting space at a later time on the first floor. Member Dawson elaborated
saying that it is much easier to go ahead and build a two-story building than
going back and getting approval for a one-story; therefore, the compromise
meant continued interim use of space at La Escuelita for the board.
BJY Committee Member question: Given that the 1st floor space is a
brand-new space that is now also vacant, will this space be added to the
Asset Management Study that currently includes 10 vacant District
properties?Facilities Staff Response - No, but the scope of the work could be
expanded to include it in the Asset Management Study, as well.
Additionally, Facilities Staff explained that the removal of basketball courts,
an extra cost proposed, was not approved by the board.