Discussion by the LCAP English Learner's Sub-Committee
of Updates regarding Protecting Immigrant & Refugee
Students in OUSD.
Next Steps - Process To Develop School And District
Budgets - Spring 2025 Focus
Discussion by the LCAP English Learner's Sub-Committee
of Updates of Next Steps in the Process to Develop School
and District Budgets and Spring 2025 Focus.
H. Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject
Matter Jurisdiction of the Committee
This section of the agenda provides an opportunity for a
member of the Public, for three minutes per person, or less,
depending on the number of speakers, to directly address
the Committee on any item of interest to a member of the
Public that is not on the current agenda, but is within the
subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee. Minutes are
not transferrable from speaker to speaker. This item is
limited to a total of thirty (30) minutes. The Committee may
not discuss or take any action on a non-agenda item not
appearing on the posted agenda for this meeting, except the
Committee or staff may briefly respond to a statement made
or questions posed by a member of the public, as authorized
by law. In addition, on their own initiative or in response to
questions posed by the public, a member of the Committee
or its staff may ask a question for clarification, make a brief
announcement, or make a brief report of his or her own