Oakland Unified School District  
Board of Education  
1011 Union Street, #940  
Oakland, CA 94607  
(510) 879-1944  
boe@ousd.org E-Mail  
Agenda and agenda materials are accessible at http://www.ousd.org or from any computer terminal in the Offices of  
the Board of Education and Superintendent, 1000 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-4099  
Individuals requiring interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in meetings  
should notify the Office of the Board of Education seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at either  
(510)879-8199(VM); or boe@ousd.org (E-Mail); or  
(510) 879-2300 (eTTY/TDD); or (510) 879-2299 (eFax).  
Meeting Minutes Long - Final  
Wednesday, January 24, 2024  
4:00 PM  
Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA  
((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.); Internet Streamed - Zoom & Granicus;  
Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)  
Board of Education  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Directors: Jennifer Brouhard, VanCedric Williams, Jorge Lerma, Valarie Bachelor,  
Clifford Thompson  
Student Directors: Anevay Cruz, Vida Mendoza  
Staff: Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent & Secretary  
Public Comment, at the meeting, will be taken individually on Agenda Items  
indicated by  
You may register to speak in advance on the Agenda Item whether attending  
the meeting by teleconference, e.g., Zoom, or in person.  
On line Speaker Card Registration (Sign In To Speak) opens at minimum 72  
hours in advance for a Regular Meeting or at minimum 24 hours in advance  
for a Special Meeting. Use the eComment Link to Sign In (Register) to Speak  
up to one hour before the beginning of the meeting. Manual (Paper) Speaker  
Cards also will be available at the meeting for completion.  
Sign In to Speak, on an eligible Agenda Item, as a matter of equity, is first  
registered, first called, in order of Registration whether participation is in  
person or virtually, e.g. Zoom, or by audio, e.g., telephone.  
For advanced pre-meeting Registration, You must establish a one time  
OUSD eComment - Sign In (Register) To Speak Account providing your First  
Name and Last Name and your email address. Your First Name and Last  
Name, as Registered, must also show as the Participant or Profile Name on  
a teleconference system (i.e., Zoom, webex, other). You will be requested to  
Register the first time you use eComment - Sign In To Speak.  
The Sign In To Speak System, after the one time registration, will remember  
you by first name and last name associated with your email address (profile),  
making it easier for you to electronically Register or Sign In to Speak on an  
Agenda Item at a future OUSD legislative meeting, e.g., Board, committee,  
Early pre-meeting Sign In To Speak (Registration) is urged for all - whether  
you plan to attend meeting in person or view meeting via teleconference or  
listen to the meeting by telephone. Names will be called in Sign In To Speak  
order received.  
Members of the media and the public may attend and participate in the Board  
meeting in-person in The Great Room, La Escuelita Education Center, 1050  
2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA 94606-2291 (entrance located at or near 286 East  
10th St.) or virtually as described herein.  
The following information is for those members of the media and public  
interested in viewing or listening to the Board meeting virtually.  
Zoom: To view by Zoom, please click 870 1129 7335 on or after the  
Noticed meeting time. Instructions on how to join a meeting by video  
conference are available at:  
Phone: To listen by phone (via Zoom), please do the following at or after  
the Noticed meeting time: call (669) 900-9128, then enter Webinar ID 870  
1129 7335, then press “#”. If asked for a participant id or code, press #.  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are available at:  
To view the Board meeting from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming  
Events & Live Meeting Video, please select the meeting name and click on  
the “In Progress” link under Video or go to the Legislative Information Center  
(under Board of Education on Home Page)>Calendar  
Tab>Calendar>Today>Board of Education>”In Progress” link under Video.  
Public comment in-person is permitted within the times allotted for public  
comment on the Agenda. Virtual comment will also be permitted within the  
times allotted for public comment on the Agenda in the following two ways:  
To comment virtually by Zoom, if you have made a pre-meeting Request  
to Speak, when your name is called, click the “Raise Your Hand” button. You  
will be unmuted and allowed to make public comment. After the allotted  
time,you will then be re-muted. Instructions on how to “Raise Your Hand” is  
available at:: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/205566129  
To comment by phone (via Zoom), if you have made a pre-meeting  
Request to Speak, when your name is called, press “*9” to “Raise Your  
Hand." You will be unmuted and allowed to make public comment. You will  
then be remuted.Instructions of how to raise your hand by phone are  
available at:: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663-Joinin  
In addition, members of the public may submit written comments for a  
posted Board of Education Meeting Agenda Item, before a meeting or while a  
meeting is “In Progress,” from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming Events &  
Live Meeting Video by selecting Board of Education Agenda “eComment” or  
from the Legislative Information Center, as follows:  
If before Sunday, click Calendar Tab>Next Week>Board of  
If Sunday or thereafter up thru day before Meeting, click Calendar  
Tab>This Week>Board of Education>eComment  
If day of Meeting, click Calendar Tab>Today>Board of  
Or “eComment” in bold on the cover page of the Agenda.  
Written comments made on an eligible Agenda item, upon clicking of the  
Submit Button, are immediately sent via email to all members of the  
legislative body and key staff supporting the legislative body. Each  
eComment is a Public Record.  
The purpose of these protocols is to provide a basic set of professional  
standards by which the Board and the Superintendent are to function as a  
team. There is no intention to abridge the rights and obligations of Board  
Members to oversee the operation of the organization, nor to interfere with the  
Superintendent with her role as the Superintendent of OUSD.  
1. Every action by a Board Member should be directed toward improving the  
educational program for students.  
2. Every Board Member will exhibit behavior that is honorable, honest, and  
dedicated to the success of the students and staff of the district.  
3. Each Board Member is to be treated with dignity and respect.  
4. Board Member Commitment will include:  
Participate fully in the discussion of issues  
Listen respectfully to all views and opinions  
Respect each individual’s opinion  
Accept the majority action of the Board  
Board Members  
5. An individual Board Member will not use the media as a personal forum,  
unless it is clearly indicated that the opinion is personal and not  
representative of the Board majority position.  
6. Each Board Member will make every effort to attend all Board meetings in  
person; and to start and end on time.  
7. Board Members will ensure opportunities for each to comment.  
8. Staff is the responsibility of the Superintendent who will bring  
recommendations to the Board for action.  
9. Questions regarding Board agenda items are to be communicated to the  
Superintendent prior to the Board meeting and the Superintendent will  
respond in a timely manner.  
10. The Superintendent is to communicate all significant administrative  
actions to the Board.  
11. Legal and personnel matters will be confidential.  
Up to Three (3) minute speaking limit for Board Members  
No mingling with the audience  
Address comments to other Board Members  
Focus on agenda items  
Don't repeat what's been said  
Always be respectful  
No interruptions  
Enforce norms  
Model desired behavior  
All Board meetings shall begin on time and shall be guided by an agenda  
prepared in accordance with Board bylaws and posted and distributed in  
accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (open meeting requirements) and  
other applicable laws.  
(cf. 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials)  
The President shall conduct Board meetings in accordance with law, Board  
Bylaws, and its parliamentary authority which shall enable the Board to  
efficiently consider issues and carry out the will of the majority.  
(cf. 9121 - President)  
The Board believes that late night meetings deter public participation, can  
affect the Board's decision-making ability, and can be a burden to staff.  
Regular Board meetings shall be adjourned not later than 11:00 p.m. unless  
the Board agrees to extend the meeting, which may only be done once by 45  
(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices)  
A. Call To Order - 4:00 P.M.  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis called the meeting to order at 4:09 P.M.  
B. Roll Call  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson present at 4:10 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
C. President's Statement Disclosing Item(s) To Be Discussed In Closed  
The items are listed pursuant to law.  
President Davis stated items to be considered in Closed Session today (as  
printed in the Agenda).  
Closed Session Item(s):  
Legal Matter(s)  
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Public Employee Performance Evaluation Matter(s)  
Public Employee Performance Evaluation  
Superintendent of Schools  
Pupil Matter(s)  
Expulsion - Student N  
Expulsion - Student N.  
Expulsion - Student O  
Expulsion - Student O.  
Readmission - Student GG  
Readmission - Student GG.  
Real Property Matter(s)  
Conference With Real Property Negotiators  
Property: 1025 2nd Avenue  
Negotiator(s): Jenine Lindsey, Interim General Counsel  
Negotiating parties: District and TBD  
Under negotiation: Instructions to Negotiator(s) will concern price and  
C1. Public Comment on Closed Session Items  
This section provides an opportunity for members of the Public to address  
the Board on any Closed Session Item on the Agenda prior to the Board's  
recess to Closed Session for possible consideration of such Item.  
- January 24, 2024  
Public Comment On Closed Session Items - January 24, 2024.  
No Comments  
D. Recess to Closed Session  
President Davis recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 4:18 P.M.  
E. Reconvene to Public Session - 6:00 P.M.  
President Davis reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 6:21 P.M.  
Second Roll Call  
9 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
G. President's Statement of Reportable Action Taken In Closed Session  
and the Vote or Abstention of Members Present, If Any  
President Davis made a Statement of Reportable Action taken in Closed  
C.-1 The Board gave direction on this matter  
C.-2 The Board gave direction on this matter  
C.-5 The Board did not take up this item  
C.-6 through C.-8 The Board heard these matters and will vote on the matters  
in public in Section S on the agenda.  
C.-9 The Board gave direction on this matter  
H. Modification(s) To Agenda  
This section allows for any change in the printed Order of Business including,  
but not limited to, an announcement that an item or legislative file will be  
considered out of Agenda printed order, that consideration of an Item has  
been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled, or taken off of a General Consent  
Report for separate discussion and/or possible action.  
Vice President Hutchinson pulled Legislative file 24-0227 - T.-131 - Academic  
Calendar - 2024-2025 School Year - K-12 Program - General Counsel - for  
separate discussion and vote.  
Director Williams pulled Legislative file 24-0068 - T.-68 - School Year  
2024-2025 Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - McClymonds High  
School - for separate discussion and vote.  
Special Orders of the Day  
This section is primarily for ceremonial items. There shall be one public  
comment opportunity prior to all Special Order items, which shall not exceed  
10 minutes.  
Student Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the Student Board Members regarding any information that they wish to share  
regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities as a  
representative of the All-City Council and students of the District. There shall  
be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Student Board Members' Report - (Verbal Only) - January 24, 2024.  
Student Directors Cruz and Mendoza presented Student's Board Members'  
Report to the Public and Board.  
Public Speakers:  
Joele Rurifer  
Jordan Smith  
Zyla Cribbs  
Sara Shepich  
Assata Olugbala  
Cory Jong  
Raghad Aldafari  
Prince Amani  
Ebony Johnson  
Wally Scott  
Amelah Elamin  
Ginale Harris  
Halaria Barajas  
Jabari Shaw  
Ra'Mauri Cash-Hamilton  
Pecolia Madigo  
Kampala Taiz  
Kim Davis  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
K. Parent and Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the lead delegate or designee of the Parent and Student Advisory Committee  
(PSAC) regarding any information that they wish to share regarding past,  
present, or future activities as parent/guardian representatives of the Parent  
and Student Advisory Committee and of all parents and guardians in the  
District. There need not be separate public comment on this section. This  
report need only occur at the first regular Board meeting of each month.  
[No Report - First Regular Meeting Only]  
L. Superintendent's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the Superintendent or designee regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities. There  
shall be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Superintendent's Report - January 24, 2024:  
School Highlights  
Attendance Update  
Safety & Discipline Update  
Enrollment Update  
Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent, presented the Report as stated in  
the Agenda to the Board and Public.  
Public Speakers:  
Kim Davis  
Assata Olugbala  
Ginale Harris  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
M. Comment by Collective Bargaining Units  
This section of the Agenda is an opportunity for the leadership of the  
District's recognized Collective Bargaining Units to address the Board on  
issues or matters of concern. Each bargaining unit shall have up to 5  
minutes for its comment time.  
Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - January 24, 2024.  
Ismael Armendariz, OEA President  
Ms. Sarrano, OEA Treasurer  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
N. Public Hearing(s)  
This section is for public hearings. There shall be public comment for each  
public hearing, with no public comment period exceeding 10 minutes.  
(OEA) Initial Proposals to Oakland Unified School District (OUSD)  
- Reopener Collective Bargaining - School Year 2023-2024 -  
General Counsel  
Public Hearing by the Board of Education "Sunshining" - Oakland  
Education Association (OEA) Initial Proposals to Oakland Unified School  
District (OUSD) -Reopener Collective Bargaining - School Year 2023-2024.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-942  
Funding Source: General Purpose  
President Davis opened the Public Hearing at 8:04 P.M.  
Ismael Armendariz, OEA President, presented the "Sunshining" Oakland  
Education Association (OEA) Initial Proposals to Oakland Unified School  
District (OUSD) - Collective Bargaining Successor Agreement - School Year  
Public Speakers:  
Assata Olugbala  
Ginale Harris  
President Davis closed the Public Hearing at 8:10 P.M.  
Hearing Held and Closed  
O. Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the Board  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
Matter Jurisdiction of the Board – January 24, 2024  
Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the Board - January 24, 2024.  
Public Speakers:  
Deena Alarqaban  
Abrar Munsar  
Fozyah Alarqaban  
Adarene Hoag  
Tania Kappner  
Student Speaker  
Kim Davis  
Mark Airgood  
Assata Olugbala  
Ginale Harris  
Yolanda Williams  
Cory Jong  
Emmanuel Meratalla  
Gavi Kahn  
Gabiel Khan  
Gerardo Limon  
Nida Kalil  
Louise Hernandez  
Juan Flores Cortes  
Benjamin Ceja Rios  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Public Comment on All Eligible Agenda Items In Sections Q through  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
n lieu of this original Section (and other Sections) of the Agenda, the Board,  
on a trial basis, is returning to it past practice of taking separate Public  
Comment on most individual items on the Agenda (except Consent). As a  
result, a separate Speaker Card (Request To Speak) is required to be filed  
on each Agenda Item and/or Consent Report (as a whole) eligible for Public  
Comment, indicated by the symbol (microphone). Please see TRIAL  
ON-LINE SPEAKER CARD REGISTRATION (Above) for full details.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis absent at 8:44 P.M.  
8 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
1 - President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Vice President Assumes Chair  
Vice President Hutchinson assumes Chair at 8:44 P.M.  
Q. Unfinished Business  
Improvement Framework - Chief Academic Officer  
Presentation by the Superintendent of Schools or designee, and  
continued discussion with the Board of Education, of the draft of the  
Sustainable Community Schools Redesign Process.  
Sondra Aguilera, Chief Academic Officer, and team presented the  
Sustainable Community Schools Redesign Process - A School Improvement  
Framework to the Board and Public:  
- Provided an update on the feedback provided by Board Directors during the  
May 24, 2023 Board Meeting;  
-An Overview of the proposed School Improvement Process;  
-An Overview of the proposed School Improvement Domains; and  
-An Overview of the proposed way to identify schools for improvement.  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis present at 9:01 P.M.  
9 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
President Assumes Chair  
President Davis assumes Chair at 9:22 P.M.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Directors Cruz and Mendoza absent at 9:23 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
- Facilities Committee  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 2324-0155 Prioritizing the  
Disposition and Use of Unutilized District Properties.  
Public Speakers:  
Assata Olugbala  
Ginale Harris  
Kim Davis  
A motion was made by President Davis, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that Resolution No. 2324-0155 be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - VanCedric Williams  
Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0100  
Development Process, Review and Communications Regarding  
Budget Development Options Coming February 2024  
Discussion and direction by, with the Superintendent of Schools or  
designee, and/or other staff, the Board of Education of procedural  
actions (taken), options that may be considered/further taken regarding  
2024-25 Budget Development including but not limited to Community  
Engagement*, arrangements, definition of issues to be discussed,  
resolved, timelines therefor, explanation of AB 1912 and its  
applicability, if any, to 2024-25 Budget Development or years thereafter,  
and related issues to be considered during Budget Development.  
*”..working with identified groups of people, whether they are  
connected by geographic location, special interest, or affiliation to  
identify and address issues affecting their well-being.”  
Board Directors shared their communications including planned Community  
engagement meetings, if any, regarding Budget Development Options coming  
in February.  
R. New Business  
Platform - Board of Education (Second Reading)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of its 2024 CA Legislative Platform  
in the Areas of School Finance; Ensuring Strong Readers By the Third  
Grade; Supporting Empowered Graduates; Creating Joyful Schools; and  
Growing A Diverse and Stable Staff.  
Dexter Moore Jr., Chief of Staff, presented the proposed 2024 CA Legislative  
Platform to the Board and Public.  
Arntz Builders, Inc. - Cole Campus Central Administration Center  
Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 4, Agreement  
Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and Arntz  
Builders, Inc., Petaluma, CA, for additional construction services which  
includes PCO's 15 and 47- 56, request for approval of various contract  
changes, as delineated in Change Order, incorporated herein by reference  
as though fully set forth, for the Cole Campus Central Administration  
Center Project, in the additional amount of $2,315,466.06, increasing the  
Agreement amount from $40,025,863.82 to $42,341,329.88. and  
extending the contract term by 431 calendar days, ending April 15, 2024.  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Vendor No.: 000493  
Requisition No.: po24-01809  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/9805  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure Y  
Public Speakers:  
Ginale Harris  
Assata Olugbala  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, that this Agreement or Contract be Adopted. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - VanCedric Williams  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0101  
Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Named Employees for  
School Year 2023-2024  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0110 -  
Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on  
Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024:  
1. Brenda Berumen, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Glenview Elementary School;  
2. Alfred Aguayo, 6th - 8th Grade Social Science Teacher, United for  
Success Middle School;  
3. Belen Torres Gutierrez, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Greenleaf Academy Elementary School;  
4. Maya Mercer, 6th - 8th Grade Social Science Teacher, Elmhurst  
United Middle School;  
5. Emily Kline, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Support Needs SDC  
Teacher, Grass Valley Elementary School; and  
6. Lisa Woodruff, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Support Needs SDC  
Teacher, East Oakland Pride Elementary School.  
No Public Speaker.  
A motion was made by Director Brouhard, seconded by Director  
Thompson, that Resolution No. 2324-0110 be Adopted . The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0102  
BCLAD – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing –  
Named Employee for School Year 2023-2024  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0111 -  
Application for Variable Term Program Waiver - CBEST and BCLAD -  
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for  
School Year 2023-2024:  
1. Belen Torres Gutierrez, K - 5th Grade Bilingual Multiple Subject  
Teacher, Greenleaf Academy Elementary School;  
2. Tyler Newell, 9th - 12th Mild/Moderate Support Needs Teacher,  
Fremont High School; and  
3. Soraya Berry, K - 5th Grade Extensive Support Needs Teacher,  
Bridges Academy Elementary School.  
No Public Speaker.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that Resolution No. 2324-0111 be Adopted . The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0103  
Adoption of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
This section is required by state law. For each individual pupil case from  
Closed Session, the Board determines whether to expel, grant a suspended  
expulsion, revoke a suspended expulsion order, reinstate,  
readmit, admit a pupil, or take other appropriate disciplinary action. Other  
than was is printed in the public agenda, all information regarding an  
individual pupil case cannot be disclosed pursuant to federal and state law.  
Expulsion - Student N  
Expulsion - Student N.  
Expulsion - Student O  
Expulsion - Student O.  
Readmission - Student GG  
Readmission - Student GG.  
Adoption of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the Pupil Discipline Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
T. Adoption of the General Consent Report  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Public Speakers:  
Ginale Harris  
Assata Olugbala  
Chief, Systems and Services Officer  
Project - Chief Systems and Services Officer  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Memorandum of Understanding  
by and between the District and The Watershed Project, Richmond, CA,  
to allow The Watershed Project to install, at no cost to the District, at  
Coliseum College Preparatory Academy a rainwater harvesting cistern to  
capture stormwater from one bungalow roof on the playground; create  
6-10 asphalt cut-outs to plant 6-10 new California native trees south and  
east of bungalow near cistern; install irrigation for new trees; build  
redwood benches around 2-4 of the new trees; build 1 raised redwood  
planter with integrated seating near rainwater harvesting system; and paint  
a mural on the bungalow next to the rainwater harvesting system, with  
District agreeing to maintain the plantings and all other installations for the  
term of the Agreement and The Watershed Project will ensure the  
rainwater harvesting system remains in good condition, for the term of the  
Agreement with annual campus check-ups for the term, December 1,  
2023 through December 31, 2034.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0107  
Assignment Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Blenderbox, Inc., New York, NY, for the  
latter to provide configurations to the EnrollWise platform by Blenderbox  
(currently used by the Student Assignment Center) to serve as an  
application intake and offer tool for OUSD Summer Learning Programs  
enrollment; additional configurations and one-time upgrades to the Early  
Childhood Development, and the Student Assignment Center admission  
process following District guidelines; update of student eligibility and  
priority rules to follow new policies and perform other tasks, as described  
in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though  
fully set forth, via Student Assignment Department. for the period of  
December 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 007853  
Requisition No.: VR24-04337  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-907, 2600-907, 6105-907  
Funding Source: 6105-ECE Child Dev Programs; 2600-Expanded  
Learning Opp Programs; 0000-General Purpose  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0108  
Design Communications - Lincoln Elementary School Water  
Intrusion Repairs & Window Replacement Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Construction Agreement Between  
Owner and Contractor by and between Digital Design Communications,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide testing of fire and intrusion alarm  
devices on the 2nd floor building of the Lincoln Elementary School Site,  
225 11th Street, Oakland, CA, including reviewing and investigating to  
identify areas and devices affected by the demolition work;  
troubleshooting additional devices not working, as described in the  
Proposal, dated November 22, 2023, attached to this Agreement as  
Exhibit A, for the Lincoln Elementary School Water Intrusion Repairs &  
Window Replacement Project, in the amount of $12,180.00, with the  
work scheduled to commence on January 25, 2024, and scheduled to last  
until March 15, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 001380  
Resource Code-Site No.: 7710 133  
Funding Source: Fund 35 County School Facilities Fund  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0109  
Inc. - Various Sites Door Entry Systems Group 6 Project - Division  
of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and Data Media Services, Inc.,  
Stockton, CA, for the latter to provide installation of AIPhone door entry  
intercom systems at named sites: Thornhill Elementary School, Oakland  
Academy of Knowledge, Lockwood Steam Academy, Lockwood CDC,  
& Kaiser Early Childhood Center, for the Various Sites Door Entry  
Systems Group 6 Project, in the amount of $119,000.00, which includes a  
contingency of $14,000.00, as the lowest responsive, responsive bidder,  
with the work anticipated to commence on January 25, 2024, and  
required to be completed within ninety (90) days, with an anticipated  
ending of April 23, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 006952  
Requisition No.: VR24-05697  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3213 918  
Funding Source: Fund 01 ESSER III  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0110  
Services, Inc. – Various Sites Door Entry Systems Group 5 Project-  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and Data Media Services,  
Stockton, CA, for the latter to provide installation of AIPhone door entry  
intercom systems at named sites: Oakland Tech Upper Campus, Montera  
Middle School, Jefferson CDC, Hillcrest Elementary School, & Bella  
Vista CDC for the Various Sites Door Entry Systems Group 5 Project, in  
the amount of $123,000.00, which includes a contingency of $15,000.00,  
as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, with the work anticipated to  
commence on January 25, 2024, and required to be completed within  
ninety (90) days, with an anticipated ending of April 23, 2024.  
Vendor No.: oo6952  
Requisition No.: VR24-05713  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3213 918  
Funding Source: Fund 01 ESSER III  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0111  
Services Medical Therapy Unit - Santa Fe Campus - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement by  
and between the District and Jensen Hughes, Concord, CA, for the latter  
to provide consulting services for the fire alarm design project and to verify  
compliance with the California Building and Fire Codes (CBC and CFC)  
and District design standards, participate in meetings and witness testing of  
the fire and intrusion alarm systems for the Child Care Services Medical  
Therapy Unit at Santa Fe Campus in the not-to-exceed amount of  
$33,880.00 which includes a not-to-exceed amount of $3,080.00 for  
Additional Services, with work scheduled to commence on January 25,  
2024, and scheduled to last until December 31, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 002281  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9940/150  
Funding Source: Fund 40 Special REserve Fund for Capital Outlay  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0112  
Construction, Inc. - Manzanita Elementary School Site  
Improvement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and KM 106 Construction, Inc.,  
San Francisco CA, for the latter to demolish existing play structures, PIP  
matting, and asphalt, followed by the installation of play matting tiles and  
nature exploration areas, more specifically described in Bid Document 00  
61 01, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, at the  
Manzanita Elementary School Site Improvement Project, in the amount of  
$462,000.00, which includes a contingency of $29,000.00, as the lowest  
responsive, responsible bidder, with the work anticipated to commence on  
January 25, 2024, and required to be completed within ninety (90) days,  
with an anticipated ending of April 23, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 008444  
Requisition No.: VR24-06099  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3213 175  
Funding Source: Fund 01, ESSER III  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0113  
Construction Company – Bella Vista Elementary School Site  
Improvements Project – Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and  
Contractor by and between the District and Redgwick Construction  
Company, Oakland, CA, for the latter to perform the Scope of Work  
consisting of: demolition of existing play structures and play matting at  
various areas approx. 4,000 sq. ft.; demolition of existing asphalt layer.  
Approx. 3,000 sq. ft. for New Nature Exploration Area; relocation of  
seating area (assume 2 crews of 2 for 2 days). Installation of new nature  
exploration area (approx. 3,000 sq. ft.); and other tasks, more specifically  
described in Bid Document 00 11 11, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, for the Bella Vista Elementary School Site  
Improvements Project, in the amount of $463,100.00, which includes a  
contingency allowance of $35,000.00, as the lowest responsive,  
responsible bidder, with the work anticipated to commence on January  
25, 2024, and required to be completed within ninety days (90), with an  
anticipated ending of April 23, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 003557  
Requisition No.: VR24-06138  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3213 102  
Funding Source: Fund 01 ESSER III  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0114  
Chief Business Officer  
31, 2023  
Approval by the Board of Education of Accounts Payable Warrants - i.e.,  
11,230 Accounts Payable Consolidated Checks printed - Fiscal Year  
2022-2023, in the cumulative Amount of $342,551,495.01 from July 1,  
2022 through May 31, 2022, as reflected in Exhibit 1.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0115  
As of June 30, 2023  
Approval by the Board of Education of Payroll Warrants and Direct Deposits -  
i.e., 11,898 Payroll Consolidated Checks printed and 105,018 Direct Deposits  
made - Fiscal Year 2022 -2023, in the cumulative Amount of $265,273,422.92  
from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, as reflected in Exhibit 1.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0116  
As of June 30, 2022  
Approval by the Board of Education of Payroll Warrants and Direct  
Deposits - i.e., 959 Payroll Consolidated Checks printed and 8,558 Direct  
Deposits made - Fiscal Year 2021 -2022, in the cumulative Amount of  
$22,048,883.10 from May 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022, as reflected in  
Exhibit 1  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0117  
30, 2022  
Approval by the Board of Education of Accounts Payable Warrants - i.e.,  
2,573 Accounts Payable Consolidated Checks printed - Fiscal Year  
2022-2023, in the cumulative Amount of $70,199,761.71 from May 1,  
2022 through June 30, 2022, as reflected in Exhibit 1.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0118  
and Fiscal Year 2023-2024 - As of December 31, 2023  
Approval by the Board of Education of Accounts Payable Warrants - i.e.,  
7,521 Accounts Payable Consolidated Checks printed - Fiscal Year  
2022-2023 - June 2023 and Fiscal Year 2023-2024 - As of December 31,  
2023, in the cumulative Amount of $281,369,616.93 from June 1, 2023  
through December 31, 2023, as reflected in Exhibit 1.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0119  
30, 2022  
Approval by the Board of Education of Accounts Payable Warrants - i.e.,  
1,391 Accounts Payable Consolidated Checks printed - Fiscal Year  
2022-2023, in the cumulative Amount of $39,115,840.55 from April 1, 2022  
through April 30, 2022, as reflected in Exhibit 1.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0120  
of December 31, 2023  
Approval by the Board of Education of Payroll Warrants and Direct  
Deposits - i.e., 5,508 Payroll Consolidated Checks printed and 47,621  
Direct Deposits made - Fiscal Year 2023-2024, in the cumulative Amount  
of $142,135,514.49 from July 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, as  
reflected in Exhibit 1  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0121  
Chief Business Officer  
Adoption by Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0137 -  
Temporary Borrowing Between Funds for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0122  
Chief, Talent  
Berkeley Campus - Talent / Human Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of an Agreement (A) by and between  
the District and Regents of the University of California on behalf of  
Berkeley Campus, Berkeley, CA, for the latter to provide: A qualitative  
research proposal; conduct qualitative research with the OTR Residents,  
graduates and those who have left, for the period of February 22, 2023  
through June 30, 2023 in an amount not to exceed $55,000.00. and a Data  
Sharing Agreement, (DSA), between Parties, delineating, the terms and  
conditions of District's transmission of or sharing of student data with  
the University and the protection by the University, of such data, for the  
same term as A, via the Office of the Chief of Talent.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0123  
Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement by and  
between the District and Teach for America, Inc., San Francisco, CA, for  
the latter to utilize its reasonable efforts to recruit, select for  
participation in the Teach for America Program, and present to OUSD  
for employment teachers from a broad range of academic majors  
and career fields and instructional coaching for selected new hires  
as outlined in Exhibits A and B, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, via the Talent Department, for the term July 1,  
2024 to June 30, 2026, at a cost not to exceed $250,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 005673  
Resource Code-Site No.: 4035-9030  
Funding Source: Title II  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0124  
Chief Academic Officer  
Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Sown To Grow, Inc.,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to assist with the District implementation of its  
Comprehensive Program for Fall 2023, which includes core modules  
(emotional check-in, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and academic),  
SEL screener, SEL curriculum, software licenses for teachers, students,  
and admin, PD/training, ongoing coaching, and administrator data reports  
to measure growth in student well-being, SEL skills, and technical support,  
via the Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the  
period of August 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $109,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 004010  
Requisition No.: VR24-05875  
Resource Code-Site No.: 7085-922  
Funding Source: Prop 47 - LCSSP  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0125  
Bella Vista Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Bella Vista Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0126  
Allendale Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of the School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Allendale Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0127  
Bret Harte Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Bret Harte Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0128  
Bridges Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Bridges Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0129  
Brookfield Village Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Brookfield Village Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0130  
Burckhalter Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Burckhalter Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0131  
Ralph Bunche Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Ralph Bunche Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0132  
Carl Munck Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Carl Munck Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0133  
Castlemont High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Castlemont High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0134  
Chabot Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Chabot Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0135  
Claremont Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Claremont Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0136  
Cleveland Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Cleveland Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0137  
Coliseum College Preparatory Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Coliseum College Preparatory  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0138  
Crocker Highlands Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Crocker Highlands Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0139  
Dewey Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Dewey Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0140  
East Oakland Pride Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - East Oakland Pride Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0141  
Edna Brewer Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Edna Brewer Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0142  
Elmhurst United Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Elmhurst United Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0143  
Emerson Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Emerson Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0144  
Encompass Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Encompass Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0145  
Esperanza Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Esperanza Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0146  
Franklin Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Franklin Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0147  
Fremont High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Fremont High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0148  
Frick United Academy of Language School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Frick United Academy of Language  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0149  
Fruitvale Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Fruitvale Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0150  
Garfield Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Garfield Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0151  
Glenview Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Glenview Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0152  
Global Family Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Global Family Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0153  
Grass Valley Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Grass Valley Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0154  
Greenleaf Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Greenleaf Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0155  
Highland Community School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Highland Community School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0156  
Hillcrest Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Hillcrest Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0157  
Hoover Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Hoover Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0158  
Horace Mann Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Horace Mann Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0159  
International Community School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - International Community School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0160  
Joaquin Miller Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Joaquin Miller Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0161  
Fred T. Korematsu Discovery Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Fred T. Korematsu Discovery  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0162  
La Escuelita Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - La Escuelita Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0163  
Laurel Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Laurel Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0164  
Life Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Life Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0165  
Lincoln Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Lincoln Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0166  
Lockwood STEAM School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Lockwood STEAM School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0167  
Madison Park Academy-Lower  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Madison Park Academy-Lower.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0168  
Madison Park Academy-Upper  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Madison Park Academy-Upper.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0169  
Manzanita Community School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Manzanita Community School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0170  
Manzanita SEED School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Manzanita SEED School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0171  
Markham Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Markham Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0172  
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0173  
McClymonds High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - McClymonds High School.  
Postponed to a Date Certain  
January 24, 2024  
Adoption by Board of Education of Motion to extend tonight’s meeting  
time to 11:45 P.M.  
A motion was made by Director Bachelor, seconded by Director  
Brouhard,that this Motion be Adopted . The motion carried by the  
following vote.  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0266  
Melrose Leadership Academy at Sherman (TK-2)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Melrose Leadership Academy at  
Sherman (TK-2).  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0174  
Melrose Leadership Academy at Maxwell Park (3-8)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Melrose Leadership Academy at  
Maxwell Park (3-8).  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0175  
MetWest High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - MetWest High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0176  
MetWest High School - Huggins Campus  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Metwest HS-Huggins Campus  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0177  
Montclair Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Montclair Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0178  
Montera Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Montera Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0179  
Oakland Academy of Knowledge (OAK) Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Oakland Academy of Knowledge  
(OAK) Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0180  
Oakland High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Oakland High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0181  
Oakland International High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Oakland International High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0182  
Oakland Technical High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Oakland Technical High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0183  
Peralta Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Peralta Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0184  
Piedmont Avenue Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Piedmont Avenue Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0185  
Prescott Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Prescott Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0186  
REACH Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - REACH Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0187  
Redwood Heights Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Redwood Heights Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0188  
Roosevelt Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Roosevelt Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0189  
Rusdale Continuation School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Rusdale Continuation School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0190  
Sankofa United School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Sankofa United School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0191  
Sequoia Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Sequoia Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0192  
Skyline High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Skyline High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0193  
Sojourner Truth Independent Study School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Sojourner Truth Independent Study  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0194  
Emiliano Zapata Academy (Street Academy)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Emiliano Zapata Academy (Street  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0195  
Think College Now Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Think College Now Elementary  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0196  
Thornhill Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Thornhill Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0197  
United for Success Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - United for Success Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0198  
Urban Promise Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Urban Promise Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0199  
West Oakland Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - West Oakland Middle School  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0200  
Westlake Middle School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Westlake Middle School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0201  
Acorn Woodland Elementary School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - Acorn Woodland Elementary School  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0202  
Strategic Resource Planning Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and SEE Change Consulting,  
Brisbane, CA, for the latter to provide qualitative assessment of school  
climate and culture; communication skills training for all employees; coaching  
sessions for the leadership team and facilitated dialogue for adults in  
unproductive conflict, via Strategic Resource Planning Department, for the  
period of December 18, 2023 through June 28, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $31,757.00.  
Vendor No.: 008536  
Requisition No.: VR24-05833  
Resource Code-Site No.: 4035-950  
Funding Source: Title 2-a Teacher Quality  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0203  
Highlands Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Wellness Together, Roseville,  
CA, for the latter to provide consulting and advisory services in a safe,  
encouraging, and supportive manner, relevant and specific to the needs of  
the participating students, in person or on line, as applicable, including but  
not limited to: School-based services; Individual counseling sessions;  
General psychosocial interventions; Group counseling sessions;  
Community referrals; and upon the discontinuation of School-based  
services, the student and/or family may be offered three referrals to  
alternative community mental health providers at Crocker Highlands  
Elementary School, for the period of August 14, 2023 through May 29,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $19,003.80.  
Vendor No.: 007308  
Requisition No.: VR24-05193  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9337-111  
Funding Source: PTA LOCAL SCHOOLS  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0204  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and N2Y LLC, Huron, OH, for the  
latter to provide onsite and targeted webinar professional development  
Quote No. Q-127908 - Onsite Professional Learning, Targeted Live  
Webinars (6-hours) - as specified, via Special Education Department, for  
the period of July 10, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $6,688.50.  
Vendor No.: 005213  
Requisition No.: VR24-01352  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0205  
Horace Mann Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Seneca Family of Agencies,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide a Student Support Assistant for  
direct care services, five days a week during the After School Program  
hours throughout the school year, including instructional, therapeutic  
and behavioral support, behavior management, behavior modification,  
coaching, training, and skill building to students and school staff at  
Horace Mann Elementary School, for the period of January 8, 2024  
through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003865  
Requisition No.: VR24-03289  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-136  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opp Programs  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0206  
Heights Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and HeartStart CPR, San Ramon,  
CA, for the latter to teach a three-hour CPR and First Aid class to thirty  
teachers at Redwood Heights Elementary School, for the period of  
December 12, 2023 through May 24, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 008787  
Requisition No.: VR24-05409  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9011-148  
Funding Source: Donations  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0207  
Linked Learning Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Quattrocchi Kwok Architects, Santa  
Rosa, CA, for the latter to provide professional design services such as  
electrical, plumbing, architectural and mechanical infrastructure drawings  
across the following high school sites: Oakland High School, Skyline High  
School, Madison Park Academy, Castlemont High School, Oakland  
Technical High School and Fremont High School; create construction  
documentation that may be used for bidding; and provide construction  
administration oversight through the implementation phase; with design plans  
reviewed by High School Linked Learning in partnership with Facilities  
Planning and Management, via Linked Learning Department, for the  
period of September 7, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $101,490.00.  
Vendor No.: 008619  
Requisition No.: VR24-03902  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6387-912  
Funding Source: CTE Incentive Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0208  
(KCG) - Office of Equity  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Khepera Curriculum Group  
(KCG), Vallejo, CA, for the latter to support the Office of Equity’s African  
American Male Achievement (AAMA) leadership to retain, support, and  
develop knowledge and skills of site based Manhood Development  
Program (MDP) OEA instructors across 15-20 elementary, middle, and  
high school sites; work with staff to provide training preparation,  
co-facilitation, and implementation of the AAMA MDP instructors’  
Professional Learning Community (PLC); provide unlimited access for  
15-20 AAMA secondary sites and elementary sites to the Khepera  
curriculum outline, for the period of December 15, 2023 through May 31,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008627  
Requisition No.: VR24-05635  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9225-929  
Funding Source: Kaiser Health & Wellness W/ebcf  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0209  
Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Flourish Agenda, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to attend and facilitate monthly Family Council Meetings  
raising awareness and outreach; Introduce Four Pivots Parent Leadership  
framework to enhance community tools and strategies for parent and  
guardian leadership; Support Hoover Family Council in identifying primary  
goals and objectives for family engagement for the 2023-24 academic  
school year; Prepare a report to submit to Hoover Administration with  
next step recommendations for following academic year at Hoover  
Elementary School, for the period of September 1, 2023 through May 31,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 006267  
Requisition No.: VR24-01373  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-170  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0210  
and Instruction Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement -  
2023-2024 - No-Cost by and between the District and Living Jazz,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide Living Jazz Teaching Artists from its  
Children’s Project to lead united choir of 2nd and 3rd grade students  
who have been participating in choral program from Glenview,  
Cleveland, Carl B Munck and La Escuelita Schools rehearsal, on January  
11, 2024, in preparation for the MLK Tribute concert at the Paramount  
Theater on Saturday, January 13, 2024 and as further described in Exhibit  
A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference, via Academics  
and Instruction Department, for the period of January 11, 2024 through  
January 13, 2024, at no cost to the District.  
Vendor No.: 008016  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0211  
Oakland International High School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and The SIFE Equity Project,  
Barrytown, NY, for the latter to partner with teacher Aly Kronik to review  
how the reading program is strategically supporting student growth; meet  
twice a month to look at data, develop entrance and exit criteria and reflect on  
the effectiveness of instructional practices at Oakland International High  
School, for the period of December 1, 2023 through May 15, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $3,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 007801  
Requisition No.: VR24-05201  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0002-353  
Funding Source: Unrestricted Supplemental  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0212  
Ralph J. Bunche Academy  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Bureau of Education  
Research, Bellevue, WA, for the latter to present strategies to educators  
and teachers to increase student success by improving educators' knowledge  
of mental and emotional tools that strengthen learning outcomes through  
replenishing scholars, staff, and school culture's well-being ….  
for Ralph J. Bunche Academy, for the period of November 17, 2023  
through November 17, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $4,966.00.  
Vendor No.: 002200  
Requisition No.: VR24-04841  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0002-309  
Funding Source: Unrestricted Supplemental  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0213  
Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Yeah, Art!,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to continue to provide high quality music  
programing which may include but is not limited to music production,  
vocal and instrumentation classes at Roosevelt Middle School, and  
adding, same at Melrose Leadership Academy for up to 30 students per  
class, 2 days a week for the 2023-2024 school year, for the unchanged  
term of July 26, 2023 through May 23, 2024, in the additional amount of  
$19,030.00, increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from  
$28,000.00 to $47,030.00. All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 008195  
Requisition No.: VR24-05058  
Resource Code-Site No.: 2600-922  
Funding Source: Expanded Learning Opp Programs  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0214  
- Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Services  
Agreement 2023-2024 by and between the District and Kathy Bennett, El  
Sobrante, CA, for the latter, by an additional thirty-eight hours, “to serve  
as supervisor of participants of and to create an internship program to fill  
gaps in Mental Health Services, using graduate Master Social Worker  
(MSW) / Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) students from graduate  
schools and university as interns …”, in the additional amount of  
$5,000.00, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement from  
$9,360.00 to $14,360.00, for the unchanged term of September 1, 2023  
through May 31, 2024. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement  
remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 007983  
Requisition No.: VR24-04940  
Resource Code-Site No.: 5844-922  
Funding Source: Healthy Oakland Teens  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0215  
and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and NCAOSA, Redwood City, CA,  
for the latter to provide a professional learning program for 26-30  
District music and dance teachers that will significantly support the  
Visual and Performing Arts initiative to provide arts to every single  
OUSD elementary student, with Music and dance teachers receiving and  
participating in 60+ hours of hands-on professional learning and  
curriculum design with presenters from the American Orff-Schulwerk  
Association, via Community Schools and Student Services Department,  
for the period of August 1, 2023 through June 28, 2024, in an amount not  
to exceed $5,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003028  
Requisition No.: VR24-01271  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9334-922  
Funding Source: Measure G, Parcel Tax  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0216  
STEAM Academy  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Reading Partners, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide approximately forty students identified by  
staff a one-one reading intervention program, twice a week, with the  
goal of participating students showing improvement of reading rate  
between 70% and 90% in the final evaluation, and related activities as  
described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, at Lockwood STEAM Academy, for  
the period of August 7, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $12,500.00.  
Vendor No.: 003539  
Requisition No.: VR24-05211  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-160  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0217  
Corporation - Special Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Kimochis/Plushy Feely  
Corporation, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide an interactive  
Professional Development at Burbank Preschool on January 8th from  
8:30 AM through 3:30 PM for all Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)  
teachers and Kindergarten through second grade Mild-Moderate Self  
Contained Class (SCC) teachers in Oakland Unified School District  
(OUSD), approximately 50 teachers, giving an overview of the Kimochi's  
social-emotional curriculum and how to adapt the curriculum for  
students with special needs, via Special Education Department, for the  
period of December 11, 2023 through January 19, 2024, in an amount not  
to exceed $3,700.00.  
Vendor No.: 002402  
Requisition No.: VR24-05844  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-975  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0218  
- Mills College Campus, Lead by Learning - Academics and  
Instruction Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement -  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Northeastern University -  
Mills College Campus, Lead by Learning, Boston, MA, for the latter to  
provide Library Leadership Team with: Beginning-of-year visioning and  
goal-setting convening to develop leadership around shared goals;  
monthly library leader inquiry meetings to align around vision, evaluate  
impact, build vertical partnerships, and cultivate internal capacity to  
design and lead adult learning for the OUSD Library staff; monthly lead  
partner meeting to plan for library leader inquiry meetings, resulting in  
Library Leadership Team plan monthly staff development for library staff  
around building inclusive library spaces as evaluated by Library Agendas;  
Library Staff feeling supported in their work and professional growth as  
measured by post-meeting surveys; Library Leadership Team members will  
feel increased efficacy in their leadership roles and will grow as leaders, as  
measured by the end of year survey, via Academics and Instruction  
Department, for the period of August 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, at  
no cost to the District.  
Vendor No.: 002865  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0219  
Northern California - Hoover Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a No Cost Services Agreement -  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Young Audiences of Northern  
California, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to provide a performance  
with AXIS Company for the students at Hoover Elementary School, on  
March 15, 2024, at no cost to the District.  
Vendor No.: 004728  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0220  
Middle School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Destiny Arts Center, Oakland, CA, for  
the latter to provide Movement and Performing Arts programming for the  
Spring 2024 school semester that aligns with the vision, mission, youth  
development model, principles and goals of Destiny and school; provide  
supervision and administrative infrastructure for Destiny Arts Center and  
Westlake; maintain communication between Destiny Arts Center and  
Westlake; provide designated Destiny Arts teaching artists with training,  
supervision, and program development to ensure optimum operation of the  
classes, via Westlake Middle School, for the period of January 9, 2024  
through May 23, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $16,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001363  
Requisition No.: VR24-05725  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9332-213  
Funding Source: Measure G1 Parcel Tx  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0221  
Network 2  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Evolve Coaching &  
Consulting, Alameda, CA, for the latter to provide One-On-One  
Leadership Coaching around goals set by CLIENT [District] including the  
60 minute sessions via Zoom or phone schedule by CLIENT via  
calendar link  
Two sessions per month for six months  
60 minute supervisor alignment session (optional)  
60 minute supervisor close-out session (optional)  
Email coordination in between sessions  
via Network 2, for the period of January 8, 2024 through June 30,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $5,200.00.  
Vendor No.: 008819  
Requisition No.: VR24-06001  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-962  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0222  
Oakland Athletic League  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Fam 1st Family Foundation,  
San Francisco, CA, for the latter to coordinate all OAL media team  
coverage for Middle and High Schools Athletic Programs; provide  
professional training twice a week at 2 hours per day on Media, Graphic  
Design, Journalism, Photography, Video Editing, and other related duties;  
provide support with Game Statistics, and event management  
coordination; provide internship opportunities for high school students  
committed to enhancing their interest in careers in sports at 12-20 hours  
per week; and support with coordinating transportation schedules for the  
OAL Media team to attend scheduled athletic events, via Oakland Athletic  
League (OAL), for the period of January 1, 2024 through December 30,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008764  
Requisition No.: VR24-05807  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-933  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0223  
Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Lead Liberated, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to support with leadership coaching, with two (2)  
components, each with its own set of outcomes, designed to support the  
Alumni Principal and a member of their ILT to identify and interrupt racism  
in their personal leadership and collective practices, by key activities and  
timeline, stated in Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by  
reference as though fully set forth, at Hoover Elementary School, for the  
period of September 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in an amount not to  
exceed $13,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008712  
Requisition No.: VR24-06072  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0002-170  
Funding Source: Unrestricted Supplemental  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0224  
University of San Francisco - Upward Bound Project - HS Linked  
Learning Office  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Service Agreement (SA) and  
Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) by and between the District and the  
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, for the latter to through  
the SA to provide its Upward Bound Project advisors to assist OUSD staff  
to support students in postsecondary planning; view-only access to  
Aeries and other student data enables advisors to provide more  
effective services to students, as described in Exhibit A of the SA,  
incorporated herein by reference as through fully set forth, at no cost to  
the District, for the period of July 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024, and  
under the DSA, the terms and conditions of District's transmission of or  
sharing of pupil data with the University of San Francisco and the  
protection by the University of San Francisco, of such data, for the same  
term as SA, via the High School Linked Learning Department.  
Funding Source: No Fiscal Impact  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0225  
Department of Education - California State Preschool Program  
(CSPP) and Pre-Kindergarten & Family Literacy Program (CPKS) -  
Early Childhood Education Department  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0010 -  
Approving Fiscal Year 2024-25 Continued Funding Application for  
California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and Pre-Kindergarten &  
Family Literacy Program (CPKS), operated by the Early Childhood  
Education Department, for automatic renewal, in an amount to be  
determined by the California Department of Education, pursuant to  
funding terms and conditions, and authorizing signatories therefor.  
Funding Source: California Department of Education  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0226  
General Counsel (Interim)  
High Charter School - Office of Charter Schools  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and AIMS High  
Charter School for partial use of the Lakeview Campus, as specified in  
the Agreement, for a three-year term, for the period July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2027:  
For 26,951 square feet, including utilities: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per  
square foot rate of $6.58 during the 2024-25 fiscal year*; 1.05 times the  
2025-26 Proposition 39 per square foot rate during the 2025-26 fiscal  
year; and 1.10 times the 2026-27 Proposition 39 per square foot rate  
during the 2026-27 fiscal year.  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $177,338 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0227  
ASCEND Charter School - Office of Charter Schools  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and ASCEND  
Charter School for use of the Campus located at 3709 E 12th St,  
Oakland, CA 94601, as specified in the Agreement, for a one-year term,  
for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025:  
For 44,407 square feet: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per square foot rate of  
$4.56 during the 2024-25 fiscal year.  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $202,496 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0228  
Community School for Creative Education Charter School - Office  
of Charter Schools  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and Community  
School for Creative Education Charter School for use of the 2111  
International Blvd Campus, as specified in the Agreement, for a three-year  
term, for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027:  
For 25,141 square feet: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per square foot rate of  
$4.56 during the 2024-25 fiscal year; 1.05 times the 2025-26 Proposition  
39 per square foot rate during the 2025-26 fiscal year; and 1.10 times the  
2026-27 Proposition 39 per square foot rate during the 2026-27 fiscal  
year; and  
For 1,369 square feet, including utilities: two (2) times the 2024-25  
Proposition 39 per square foot rate of $4.56 during the 2024-25 fiscal  
year; and two (2) times the 2025-26 Proposition 39 per square foot rate  
during the 2025-26 fiscal year; and two (2) times the 2026-27 Proposition  
39 per square foot rate during the 2026-27 fiscal year.  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $139,057 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0229  
Francophone Charter School - Office of Charter Schools  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and Francophone  
Charter School for use of the Toler Heights Campus, as specified in the  
Agreement, for a four-year term, for the period July 1, 2024 through June  
30, 2028:  
For 7,422 square feet: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per square foot rate of  
$4.56 during the 2024-25 fiscal year*; 1.05 times the 2025-26  
Proposition 39 per square foot rate during the 2025-26 fiscal year; 1.10  
times the 2026-27 Proposition 39 per square foot rate during the 2026-27  
fiscal year; and 1.15 times the 2027-28 Proposition 39 per square foot  
rate during the 2027-28 fiscal year.  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $33,845 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0230  
Learning Without Limits Charter School - Office of Charter  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and Learning  
Without Limits Charter School for partial use of the Jefferson Campus, as  
specified in the Agreement, for a three-year term, for the period July 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2025:  
For 33,693 square feet, including utilities: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per  
square foot rate of $6.58 during the 2024-25 fiscal year. *  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $211,720 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0231  
Middle Charter School -Office of Charter Schools  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and Unity Middle  
Charter School for use of the Campus located at 1180 70th Avenue, as  
specified in the Agreement, for a three-year term, for the period July 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2027:  
For 11,939 square feet, including utilities: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per  
square foot rate of $4.56 during the 2024-25 fiscal year*; 1.05 times the  
2025-26 Proposition 39 per square foot rate during the 2025-26 fiscal  
year; and 1.10 times the 2026-27 Proposition 39 per square foot rate  
during the 2026-27 fiscal year.  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $54,442 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0232  
Montessori Charter School - Office of Charter Schools  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and Urban  
Montessori Charter School for use of the Tilden Campus, as specified in  
the Agreement, for a two-year term, for the period July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2026:  
For 32,527 square feet: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per square foot rate of  
$4.56 during the 2024-25 fiscal year*; and 1.05 times the 2025-26  
Proposition 39 per square foot rate during the 2025-26 fiscal year.  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $148,323 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0233  
Tech Charter School - Office of Charter Schools  
Approval by the Board of Education of the In Lieu of Proposition 39  
Facilities Use Agreement by and between the District and Bay Technology  
Charter School for partial use of the King Estates Campus, as specified in  
the Agreement, for a one-year term, for the period July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025:  
For 28,862 square feet, including utilities: 2024-25 Proposition 39 per  
square foot rate of $6.58 during the 2024-25 fiscal year. *  
*Anticipated revenue to the District of $189,912 in 2024-25.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0234  
Corporation - Westlake Middle School - Division of Facilities  
Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a License and Right of Entry  
Agreement by and between the District and Masri Investment  
Corporation, Discovery Bay, CA, granting a license and right of entry to  
the latter allowing corporation, as requested by the San Francisco Bay  
Regional Water Quality Control Board, to temporarily enter certain areas  
of Westlake Middle School, to investigate soil, soil gas and groundwater  
as indicated in Exhibit A, in accordance with the terms and conditions set  
forth herein, through September 30, 2024 unless the work is completed  
before September 30, 2024, at no cost to the District.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0235  
General Counsel  
Approval by the Board of Education of draft District 2024-2025  
Academic Calendar TK-12 as District 2024-2025 Academic Calendar  
Postponed to a Date Certain  
Adoption by the Board of Education to Postponed to Date Certain of  
Legislative File ID 24-0227 - T.-131 - Academic Calendar - 2024-2025  
School Year - K-12 Program - General Counsel - to February 14,  
A motion was made by Vice President Hutchinson, seconded by  
Director Brouhard,that this be Adopted . The motion carried by the  
following vote.  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0270  
Superintendent of Schools  
Chief of Staff  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Moira De Nike, San Francisco,  
CA, for the latter to provide Project Management District and City wide  
Safety Planning, as described in the Agreement’s Scope of Work - City  
Safety Planning: Project Management, Charter & Labor Working Group,  
Monthly Safety Communications and Alignment of District Safety  
Planning Efforts; Working Timeline of Key Deliverables, as described,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Office  
of the Chief of Staff, for the period of December 11, 2023 through June  
30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 001318  
Requisition No.: VR24-05712  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-901  
Funding Source: GP  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0236  
Board of Education  
January 8, 2024  
Ratification by the Board of Education of its Annual Organizational  
Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0237  
Ratification by the Board of Education of its Special Meeting Minutes of  
January 8, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0238  
Ratification by the Board of Education of its Regular Meeting Minutes of  
January 10, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0239  
President, Board of Education  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment, Bylaw 9131 - Advisory  
and Oversight Committees, reducing Audit Committees membership from  
seven (7) to five (5) members effective February 1, 2024.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0240  
Committee - President, Board of Education  
Ratification by the Board of Education of President of Board’s  
reappointment of Caroline Lee (3rd Term) and Bessie Weiss (2nd Term),  
each, having rendered satisfactory service to date, to the Audit  
Committee, for a term effective February 1, 2024, through January 31,  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0241  
Technical Education Advisory Committee - Board of Education  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0170 -  
Career Technical Education Advisory Committee: Naming Members (In  
Part) To Vacancies/Term Thereof.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0242  
Commission - President, Board of Education  
Ratification by the Board of Education of President of the Board’s  
appointment of Gary Yee (1st Term), as Member, and reappointment of  
Katharina Nunez-Adler (3rd Term), as Member, and David Kakishiba (2nd  
Term), as Member and as Chair, of the Measures N and H - College and  
Career Readiness Commission, effective February 1, 2024, for term ending  
January 31, 2026, respectively.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0243  
Measure G1 Commission - December 12, 2023 - Shivani Grover, Chairperson  
Middle School Improvement Act Oversight Commission - Measure  
G1 Funding Allocation - Named Schools  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0169 -  
Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School  
Improvement Act Oversight Commission Recommendation Approving  
2023-2024 Measure G1 Amended Grant Proposal for Frick United  
Academy of Language, and 2022-2023 Carryover/Expenditure Funding  
Requests for Named Schools: Frick United Academy of Language and  
Oakland Charter Academy.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0244  
Adoption of the General Consent Report  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President  
Davis, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
U. Adoption of General Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Public Speakers:  
Ginale Harris  
Assata Olugbala  
Construction – KDI Group, Inc. – Claremont Middle School  
Multi-Purpose Room Project – Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Agreement  
for Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the  
District and KDI Group, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to continue to  
provide Inspector of Record Services for Claremont Middle School  
Multi-Purpose Room Project, in a not-to-exceed additional amount of  
$25,080.00, increasing the Agreement’s not to exceed amount from  
$487,550.00 to $512,630.00, and extending the term of the  
Agreement from December 2, 2021 through October 31, 2023, to  
June 30, 2024, an additional 243 calendar days. All other terms and  
conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002377  
Requisition No.: PO24-01095  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/ 201  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, to Approve the General Consent Report - General  
Obligation Bonds Measures B, J and Y. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0245  
Technical Consultants, LLC – Claremont Middle School  
Multi-Purpose Building and Kitchen Project - Division of Facilities  
Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Agreement for  
Engineering Services by and between the District and Atlas Technical  
Consultants, LLC, Oakland, CA, extending the term of Agreement from  
December 16, 2021 through October 31, 2023 to June 30, 2024, an additional  
243 calendar days, [for the latter to provide geotechnical engineer of  
record (GEOR) and soil testing observation services to include, but  
limited to earthwork observation and testing; submittal of all required  
DSA forms; reviews and response to geotechnical -related RFIs; attend  
project manager meetings and site visits for geotechnical consultations;  
sampling and laboratory testing of subgrade and fill; observation and  
moisture/density testing; coordination and engineer’s review of daily  
field reports (DFRs),] for the Claremont Middle School Multi-Purpose  
Building and Kitchen Project, at unchanged cost of $46,176.90. All other  
terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 007113  
Requisition No.: po24-01487  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/210  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, to Approve the General Consent Report - General  
Obligation Bonds Measures B, J and Y. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0246  
Engineering, Inc. – Claremont Middle School MPR & Kitchen  
Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No.2, Agreement for  
Engineering Services by and between the District and KW Engineering,  
Inc., Oakland, CA, extending the term of Agreement from July 1, 2021  
through October 31, 2023 to June 30, 2024, an additional 243 calendar  
days, for the latter to provide Building Envelope and Enclosure  
Commissioning Services, and other remaining contracted services, if any,  
in the additional amount of $3,745.84, increasing the not to exceed  
amount of the Agreement from $78,188.00 to $81,933.84. All other  
terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002451  
Requisition No.: PO24-01488  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655 201  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Funds Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, to Approve the General Consent Report - General  
Obligation Bonds Measures B, J and Y. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0247  
Environmental, Inc., - Claremont Middle School Multipurpose  
Room and Kitchen Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and HERTZ  
Environmental, Inc., San Francisco, CA, extending the term of Agreement  
from March 24, 2022 through December 31, 2023 to June 28, 2024, an  
additional 180 calendar days, for the latter to continue to provide closeout  
of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the Claremont Middle  
School Multipurpose Room and Kitchen Project, in the additional amount  
of $7,150.00, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement from  
$23,500.00 to $30,650.00. All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002056  
Requisition No.: po24-01812  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/201  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, to Approve the General Consent Report - General  
Obligation Bonds Measures B, J and Y. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0248  
Environmental Consultants, Inc. – Roosevelt Middle School  
Modernization Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and ACC Environmental  
Consultants, Inc., Oakland, CA, extending the term of the Agreement  
from October 27, 2022 through November 10, 2023 to December 30,  
2027, an additional 1,511 calendar days, in the additional amount of  
$61,162.40, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement from  
$76,598.50 to $137,760.90. All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 000230  
Requisition No.: PO24-02338  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/212  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, to Approve the General Consent Report - General  
Obligation Bonds Measures B, J and Y. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0249  
Adoption of General Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, to Approve the General Consent Report - General  
Obligation Bonds Measures B, J and Y. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
V. President's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the President regarding any information that they wish to share regarding  
past, present, or future personal or official activities.  
President's Report - January 24, 2024.  
Not Discussed and/or Taken Up  
W. Regular Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report, consistent with Brown Act  
requirements, to Board and to the public by each Board member (excluding  
the Student Board members) regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities,  
celebrations, and recognitions.  
Regular Board Member's Report - January 24, 2024.  
Not Discussed and/or Taken Up  
X. Introduction of New Legislative Matter(s)  
Every Regular Meeting agenda shall provide for the Introduction of New  
Matter(s). Board members, except a Student Director, desiring to have a  
motion, resolution, order, or other subject matter scheduled for action by the  
Board shall announce the subject nature of the intended matter during this  
item, provide written language of the specific legislative proposal and  
supporting documentation for such item and file it with the Superintendent. Or  
alternatively, the member may file his or her request in the same manner as a  
member of the public. The President, without objection of the majority, shall  
assign the subject matter to the appropriate standing or special committee, if  
appropriate, for consideration of its programmatic, financial and/or other  
impact or consideration; otherwise, the President, without objection of the  
majority, shall determine when the subject matter shall be taken up by the  
Recess To Closed Session  
President Davis stated that the Board is returning to Closed Session to take  
up C.-3 - 24-0163 Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation and  
C.-4 - 24-0164 Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation, then  
recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 11:01 P.M.  
Reconvened to Public Session  
President Davis reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 11:41 P.M.  
Roll Call  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
President's Statement of Reportable Action Taken In Closed Session  
and the Vote or Abstention of Members Present, If Any  
President Davis made a Statement of Reportable Action taken in Closed  
C.-3 The Board gave direction on this matter.  
C.-4 The Board gave direction on this matter.  
Y. Adjournment  
President Davis adjourned the meeting at 11:42 P.M.  
Prepared By:  
Approved By: