Oakland Unified School District  
Board of Education  
1011 Union Street, #940  
Oakland, CA 94607  
(510) 879-1944  
boe@ousd.org E-Mail  
Agenda and agenda materials are accessible at http://www.ousd.org or from any computer terminal in the Offices of  
the Board of Education and Superintendent, 1000 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-4099  
Individuals requiring interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in meetings  
should notify the Office of the Board of Education seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at either  
(510)879-8199(VM); or boe@ousd.org (E-Mail); or  
(510) 879-2300 (eTTY/TDD); or (510) 879-2299 (eFax).  
Meeting Minutes Long - Final  
Wednesday, February 14, 2024  
4:00 PM  
Great Room, LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA  
((entrance at or near 286 East 10th St.); Internet Streamed - Zoom & Granicus;  
Broadcasted - KDOL-TV (Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99)  
Board of Education  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Directors: Jennifer Brouhard, VanCedric Williams, Jorge Lerma, Valarie Bachelor,  
Clifford Thompson  
Student Directors: Anevay Cruz, Vida Mendoza  
Staff: Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent & Secretary  
Public Comment, at the meeting, will be taken individually on Agenda Items  
indicated by [INSERT MIC SYMBOL].  
You may register to speak in advance on the Agenda Item whether attending  
the meeting by teleconference, e.g., Zoom, or in person.  
On line Speaker Card Registration (Sign In To Speak) opens at minimum 72  
hours in advance for a Regular Meeting or at minimum 24 hours in advance  
for a Special Meeting. Use the eComment Link to Sign In (Register) to Speak  
up to one hour before the beginning of the meeting. Manual (Paper) Speaker  
Cards also will be available at the meeting for completion.  
Sign In to Speak, on an eligible Agenda Item, as a matter of equity, is first  
registered, first called, in order of Registration whether participation is in  
person or virtually, e.g. Zoom, or by audio, e.g., telephone.  
For advanced pre-meeting Registration, You must establish a one-time  
OUSD eComment - Sign In (Register) To Speak Account providing your First  
Name and Last Name and your email address. Your First Name and Last  
Name, as Registered, must also show as the Participant or Profile Name on  
a teleconference system (i.e., Zoom, webex, other). You will be requested to  
Register the first time you use eComment - Sign In To Speak.  
The Sign In To Speak System, after the one time registration, will remember  
you by first name and last name associated with your email address (profile),  
making it easier for you to electronically Register or Sign In to Speak on an  
Agenda Item at a future OUSD legislative meeting, e.g., Board, committee,  
Early pre-meeting Sign In To Speak (Registration) is urged for all - whether  
you plan to attend meeting in person or view meeting via teleconference or  
listen to the meeting by telephone. Names will be called in Sign In To Speak  
order received.  
Members of the media and the public may attend and participate in the Board  
meeting in-person in The Great Room, La Escuelita Education Center, 1050  
2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA 94606-2291 (entrance located at or near 286 East  
10th St.) or virtually as described herein.  
The following information is for those members of the media and public  
interested in viewing or listening to the Board meeting virtually.  
Zoom: To view by Zoom, please click  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by video conference are available at:  
Phone: To listen by phone (via Zoom), please do the following at or after  
the Noticed meeting time: call (669) 900-9128, then enter Webinar ID 890  
1625 4785, then press “#”. If asked for a participant id or code, press #.  
Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are available at:  
To view the Board meeting from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming  
Events & Live Meeting Video, please select the meeting name and click on  
the “In Progress” link under Video or go to the Legislative Information Center  
(under Board of Education on Home Page)>Calendar  
Tab>Calendar>Today>Board of Education>”In Progress” link under Video.  
Public comment in-person is permitted within the times allotted for public  
comment on the Agenda. Virtual comment will also be permitted within the  
times allotted for public comment on the Agenda in the following two ways:  
To comment virtually by Zoom, if you have made a pre-meeting Request  
to Speak, when your name is called, click the “Raise Your Hand” button. You  
will be unmuted and allowed to make public comment. After the allotted time,  
you will then be re-muted. Instructions on how to “Raise Your Hand” is  
available at:  
To comment by phone (via Zoom), if you have made a pre-meeting  
Request to Speak, when your name is called, press “*9” to “Raise Your  
Hand." You will be unmuted and allowed to make public comment. You will  
then be re-muted. Instructions of how to raise your hand by phone are  
In addition, members of the public may submit written comments for a  
posted Board of Education Meeting Agenda Item, before a meeting or while a  
meeting is “In Progress,” from the District’s Home Page - Upcoming Events &  
Live Meeting Video by selecting Board of Education Agenda “eComment” or  
from the Legislative Information Center, as follows:  
If before Sunday, click Calendar Tab>Next Week>Board of  
If Sunday or thereafter up thru day before Meeting, click Calendar  
Tab>This Week>Board of Education>eComment  
If day of Meeting, click Calendar Tab>Today>Board of  
Or by clicking the“eComment” in bold link on the cover page of this Agenda.  
Written comments made on an eligible Agenda item, upon clicking of the  
Submit Button, are immediately sent via email to all members of the  
legislative body and key staff supporting the legislative body. Each  
eComment is a Public Record.  
The purpose of these protocols is to provide a basic set of professional  
standards by which the Board and the Superintendent are to function as a  
team. There is no intention to abridge the rights and obligations of Board  
Members to oversee the operation of the organization, nor to interfere with the  
Superintendent with her role as the Superintendent of OUSD.  
1. Every action by a Board Member should be directed toward improving the  
educational program for students.  
2. Every Board Member will exhibit behavior that is honorable, honest, and  
dedicated to the success of the students and staff of the district.  
3. Each Board Member is to be treated with dignity and respect.  
4. Board Member Commitment will include:  
Participate fully in the discussion of issues  
Listen respectfully to all views and opinions  
Respect each individual’s opinion  
Accept the majority action of the Board  
Board Members  
5. An individual Board Member will not use the media as a personal forum,  
unless it is clearly indicated that the opinion is personal and not  
representative of the Board majority position.  
6. Each Board Member will make every effort to attend all Board meetings in  
person; and to start and end on time.  
7. Board Members will ensure opportunities for each to comment.  
8. Staff is the responsibility of the Superintendent who will bring  
recommendations to the Board for action.  
9. Questions regarding Board agenda items are to be communicated to the  
Superintendent prior to the Board meeting and the Superintendent will  
respond in a timely manner.  
10. The Superintendent is to communicate all significant administrative  
actions to the Board.  
11. Legal and personnel matters will be confidential.  
Up to Three (3) minute speaking limit for Board Members  
No mingling with the audience  
Address comments to other Board Members  
Focus on agenda items  
Don't repeat what's been said  
Always be respectful  
No interruptions  
Enforce norms  
Model desired behavior  
All Board meetings shall begin on time and shall be guided by an agenda  
prepared in accordance with Board bylaws and posted and distributed in  
accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (open meeting requirements) and  
other applicable laws.  
(cf. 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials)  
The President shall conduct Board meetings in accordance with law, Board  
Bylaws, and its parliamentary authority which shall enable the Board to  
efficiently consider issues and carry out the will of the majority.  
(cf. 9121 - President)  
The Board believes that late night meetings deter public participation, can  
affect the Board's decision-making ability, and can be a burden to staff.  
Regular Board meetings shall be adjourned not later than 11:00 p.m. unless  
the Board agrees to extend the meeting, which may only be done once by 45  
(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices)  
A. Call To Order - 4:00 P.M.  
B. Roll Call  
4 - Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
5 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Brouhard is present at 4:03 P.M.  
5 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Brouhard is absent at 4:06 P.M.  
4 - Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
5 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Brouhard is present at 4:08 P.M.  
5 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
4 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
C. President's Statement Disclosing Item(s) To Be Discussed In Closed  
The items are listed pursuant to law.  
Closed Session Item(s):  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is present and Director Williams is absent at 4:20 P.M.  
5 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
2 - Director VanCedric Williams  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Williams is present at 4:27 P.M.  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
1 - Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Brouhard and Director Williams are absent at 4:29 P.M.  
4 - Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
3 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Williams is present at 4:30 P.M.  
5 - Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
2 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Brouhard is present at 4:36 P.M.  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
1 - Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is present at 4:39 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Labor Matter(s)  
Conference With Labor Negotiators  
United Administrators of Oakland Schools (UAOS), Service Employees  
International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU), Oakland Education Association  
(OEA), Oakland Child Development Paraprofessional Association  
(OCDPA), American Federation of State, County and Municipal  
Employees-Local 257 (AFSCME), Brotherhood of Teamsters, Auto  
Truck Drivers-Local 70 of Alameda County, Brotherhood of Teamsters,  
Warehouse, Mail Order, Retail Employees- Local 853 of Alameda  
County, American Federation of Teachers/CFT-Local 771 (AFT),  
Building and Construction Trades Council of Alameda County, California  
School Employees Association (CSEA).  
Principal District Representative(s): Jenine Lindsey, Interim General  
Legal Matter(s)  
Jane Doe vs. Oakland Unified School District, et al., Alameda County  
Superior Court Case No. RF21087567  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of  
Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of  
Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Salter vs. Oakland Unified School District, Alameda County Superior  
Court, Case No. 22CV008567  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
HG v. Oakland Unified School District, OAH Case No. 2023100190  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Gordon v. Oakland Unified School District, Public Employee Relations  
Board Unfair Practice Charge, Case No. SF-CE-3506-E  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation  
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of  
subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case.  
Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation  
Johnson v. Oakland Unified School District, Workers’ Compensation  
Appeals Board, Case No. 007000861  
Public Employee Discipline / Dismissal / Release  
Public Employee Discipline / Dismissal / Release  
Pupil Matter(s)  
Readmission - Student BB  
Readmission - Student BB.  
Expulsion - Student P  
Expulsion - Student P.  
Expulsion - Student Q  
Expulsion - Student Q.  
Admission - Student R  
Admission - Student R.  
Threat to Public Safety and/or Facilities  
Threat to Public Services or Facilities  
Threat to Public Services or Facilities  
C1. Public Comment on Closed Session Items  
This section provides an opportunity for members of the Public to address  
the Board on any Closed Session Item on the Agenda prior to the Board's  
recess to Closed Session for possible consideration of such Item.  
Public Comment On Closed Session Items - February 14, 2024.  
1. Assata Olugbala, 2. Mirella Ramirez  
D. Recess to Closed Session  
President Davis recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 4:17 P.M.  
E. Reconvene to Public Session - 5:30 P.M.  
President Davis reconvened the Meeting to Public Session at 5:46 P.M.  
Second Roll Call  
9 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
G. President's Statement of Reportable Action Taken In Closed Session  
and the Vote or Abstention of Members Present, If Any  
Labor Matters  
C.-1 - The Board did not take up this Matter.  
Legal Matters  
C.-2 - The Board did not take up this Matter.  
C.-3 - The Board gave direction in this Matter.  
C.-4 - The Board approve a settlement in this Matter. Move by Director  
Thompson, Seconded by Director Lerma; 7 Ayes: Directors Brouhard,  
Williams, Lerma, Bachelor, Thompson, Vice President Hutchinson, President  
C.-5 - The Board gave direction in this Matter.  
C.-6 - The Board approved a settlement in this Matter. Move by President  
Davis, Seconded by Director Thompson; 7 Ayes: Directors Brouhard,  
Williams, Lerma, Bachelor, Thompson, Vice President Hutchinson, President  
C.-7 - The Board approved a settlement in this Matter. Move by Director  
Thompson, Seconded by President Davis; 5 Ayes: Directors Williams,  
Lerma, Bachelor, Thompson, President Davis; 1 Nay: Vice President  
Hutchinson; 1 Abstention: Director Brouhard.  
C.-8 - The Board gave direction in this Matter.  
C.-9 - The Board approved a settlement in this Matter. Move by Director  
Brouhard, Seconded by Director Bachelor; 7 Ayes: Directors Brouhard,  
Williams, Lerma, Bachelor, Thompson, Vice President Hutchinson, President  
Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release  
C.-10 - The Board gave direction in this Matter.  
Pupil Matter(s)  
C.-11 - The Board will vote in Public Session on this matter at S. Adoption of  
the Pupil Discipline Consent Report.  
C.-12 - The Board will vote in Public Session on this matter at S. Adoption of  
the Pupil Discipline Consent Report.  
C.-13 - The Board will vote in Public Session on this matter at S. Adoption of  
the Pupil Discipline Consent Report.  
C.-14 - The Board will vote in Public Session on this matter atS. Adoption of  
the Pupil Discipline Consent Report.  
Threat to Public Safety and/or Facilities  
C.-15 - The Board gave direction on this Matter.  
H. Modification(s) To Agenda  
This section allows for any change in the printed Order of Business including,  
but not limited to, an announcement that an item or legislative file will be  
considered out of Agenda printed order, that consideration of an Item has  
been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled, or taken off of a General Consent  
Report for separate discussion and/or possible action.  
Vice President Hutchinson pulled item T.-15 from the General Consent  
Report. T-15 24-0121 Services Agreement 2023-2024 - Empower Schools -  
Continuous School Improvement Department. This item, in the absence of  
Vice President Hutchison, to speak to the matter, upon consideration, was  
restored to the General Consent Report for consideration and acted upon.  
President Davis, due to the Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and  
Middle School Improvement Oversight Commission Meeting, February 13,  
2024, being cancelled and not able to review the Audit Report, withdrew item  
R.-4 from the Agenda.  
Current Meeting  
Adoption by Board of Education of Motion “Not to Limit Staff  
Presentation to 10 Minutes” Current Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Bachelor, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that this Motion be Adopted. The motion failed by the  
following vote:  
3 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
P Aye:  
Special Orders of the Day  
This section is primarily for ceremonial items. There shall be one public  
comment opportunity prior to all Special Order items, which shall not exceed  
10 minutes.  
Student Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the Student Board Members regarding any information that they wish to share  
regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities as a  
representative of the All-City Council and students of the District. There shall  
be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is absent at 6:20 P.M.  
8 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Director Valarie Bachelor  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is present at 6:22 P.M.  
Student Board Members’ Report - February 14, 2024:  
Summary of Events/Updates  
High School Engagement  
Middle School Meeting  
ICS Engagement  
Student Leadership & Events  
ACC Annual Peer Resource and Ethnic Conference  
Youth Action Summit  
George Floyd Youth Taskforce  
Honoring Student Voices  
George Floyd Youth Taskforce Engagements  
Student Directors Anevay Cruz and Vida Mendoza presented the Student  
Board Members' Report. The Board discussed this report.  
Discussion - Directors Brouhard, Bachelor, Thompson, Williams, President  
Public Comment - 1. Kim Davis, 2. Assata Olugbala, 3. Ginale Harris, 4.  
Maha Nusrat, 5. Olivia Udovic, 6. Ebony Johnson, 7. Gabriel Kahn, 8. Ben  
Tapscott, Unidentified Speaker - Student  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
K. Parent and Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) Report  
2024 (10 Minutes)  
Parent and Student Advisory Committee’s Report - February 14, 2024.  
Melissa Ramirez-Medina, Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and  
Student Advisory Committee, District 4, and Alan Pursell, Community  
Advisory Committee, presented the PSAC report. The Board discussed this  
matter. Cintya Molina, LCAP Engagement Program Manager, provided  
additional comments in response to Board Members comments and  
Discussion - Directors Brouhard, Bachelor, Williams  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
L. Superintendent's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the Superintendent or designee regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities. There  
shall be public comment on this section, which shall not exceed 10 minutes.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Director Anevay Cruz is absent at 7:07 P.M.  
8 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis is absent at 7:08 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
Assumption of the Chair  
Vice President Hutchinson assumed the Chair at 7:08 P.M.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
President Davis is present at 7:15 P.M.  
8 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Assumption of the Chair  
President Davis assumed the Chair at 7:15 P.M.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is absent at 7:17 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is present and Student Director Mendoza is absent at 7:20  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Student Director Mendoza is present at 7:25 P.M.  
8 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Superintendent's Report - February 14, 2024:  
School Highlights  
Community Schools Update  
Attendance Update  
Enrollment Update  
Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell presented the Superintendent's  
Report. The Board discussed this Report.  
Discussion - Directors Bachelor, Williams, Student Director Mendoza, Vice  
President Hutchinson  
Public Comment - 1. Johnathon Mates-Muchin, 2. Kim Davis, 3. Ginale  
Harris, 4. Maha Nusrat, 5. Adareae Hoag, 6. Ben Tapscott, 7. Assata  
Olugbala, 8. Unidentified Speaker  
Presentation Made; Discussed  
M. Comment by Collective Bargaining Units  
This section of the Agenda is an opportunity for the leadership of the  
District's recognized Collective Bargaining Units to address the Board on  
issues or matters of concern. Each bargaining unit shall have up to 5  
minutes for its comment time.  
Comments By Collective Bargaining Units - February 14, 2024.  
No Comments By Collective Bargaining Units  
N. Public Hearing(s)  
This section is for public hearings. There shall be public comment for each  
public hearing, with no public comment period exceeding 10 minutes.  
O. Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the Board  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is absent at 7:47 P.M.  
7 - Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is present at 8:02 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Bachelor is absent at 8:26 P.M.  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Matter Jurisdiction of the District – February 14, 2024  
Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter  
Jurisdiction of the District - February 14, 2024.  
1. Gabriel Kahn, 2. Paloma Salazar, 3. Johnathon Mates-Muchin, 4. Yahya  
Cadji, 5. Lara Kiswani, 6. Kim Davis, 7. Assata Olugbala, 8. Ginale Harris, 9.  
Olivia Udovic, 10. Alan Pursell, 11. Jackie Brooks, 12. Susan Singleton, 13.  
Cintya Molina, 14. Ben Tapscott, 15. Lean Deleon, 16. Mani 17. Tarea 18.  
Shaniah Ritzie-Hernandez - Student, 19. Eman Algarmi, 20. Fatima Ashutt,  
21. Sonia Hijab, 22. Unidentified Speaker, 23. Unidentified Speaker  
Presentation/Acknowledgment Made  
Items - Regular Meeting - February 14, 2024  
Adoption by Board of Education of Motion to extend O. Public Comment  
on All Non-Agenda Items, current meeting, February 14, 2024, to allow  
four (4) public speakers to make public comments virtually on Zoom.  
Public Comment - 1. Robert Mandel, 2. Miranda, 3. Naomi Smoller, 4.  
Azlinah Tambu  
A motion was made by Director Bachelor, seconded by Director  
Brouhard, that this Motion to extend O. Public Comment on All  
Non-Agenda Items to allow four (4) public speakers to make public  
comments virtually on Zoom, be Adopted. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
2 - Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Anevay Cruz  
1 - Vida Mendoza  
P Aye:  
Enactment No: 24-0349  
Public Comment on All Eligible Agenda Items In Sections Q through  
This section shall not exceed 30 minutes.  
In lieu of this original Section (and other Sections) of the Agenda, the Board,  
on a trial basis, is returning to it past practice of taking separate Public  
Comment on most individual items on the Agenda (except Consent). As a  
result, a separate Speaker Card (Request To Speak) is required to be filed  
on each Agenda Item and/or Consent Report (as a whole) eligible for Public  
Comment, indicated by the symbol (microphone). Please see ON-LINE  
SPEAKER CARD REGISTRATION (Above) for full details.  
Q. Unfinished Business  
Restructure – Attachment B (First Reading)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of $13.5M of reductions and  
adjustments balancing the 2024-2025 District Budget, upon  
consideration, choices among twelve (12) Superintendent of Schools or  
designee(s) recommended budget balancing solutions, delineated  
herein, and/or other considerations, including further direction to the  
Superintendent or designee(s). (First Reading)  
President Davis gave a brief summary on Budget Adjustment Attachment B.  
President Davis, after his brief summary, recessed the Meeting due to a  
public disturbance at 8:36 P.M.  
President Davis reconvened the Meeting at 9:20 P.M.  
Chief Business Officer Lisa Grant-Dawson responded to Board Members  
comments and questions on this item.  
1st round of Discussion - Directors Brouhard, Bachelor, Thompson, Williams,  
Vice President Hutchinson, President Davis  
2nd round of Discussion - Directors Williams, Brouhard  
President Davis made a motion, seconded by Director Bachelor to Permit a  
3rd Round of Discussion on 2024-25 Budget Balancing Options, Increases,  
Reductions, and Restructure - Attachment B (First Reading). The motion  
failed, see File I.D. 24-0482 for results  
Enactment No: 24-0364  
Recess - Public Session  
President Davis recessed the Meeting at 8:36 P.M., due to a Public  
disruption of the Meeting.  
Reconvene - Public Session  
President Davis reconvened the Meeting at 9:20 P.M.  
Third Roll Call  
6 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Director Williams is present at 9:23 P.M.  
7 - Director Jennifer Brouhard  
Director VanCedric Williams  
Director Jorge Lerma  
Director Valarie Bachelor  
Director Clifford Thompson  
Vice President Mike Hutchinson  
President Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Student Director Anevay Cruz  
Student Director Vida Mendoza  
23-2308D - 2024-25 Budget Balancing Options, Increases,  
Reductions, and Restructure – Attachment B (First Reading)  
Adoption by Board of Education of Motion to Permit a 3rd Round of  
Discussion - Legislative File No. - 23-2308D - 2024-25 Budget  
Balancing Options, Increases, Reductions, and Restructure - Attachment  
B (First Reading).  
A motion was made by President Davis, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Permit a 3rd Round of Discussion on Legislative File No. -  
23-2308D - 2024-25 Budget Balancing Options, Increases, Reductions,  
and Restructure – Attachment B (First Reading), be Adopted. The  
motion failed by the following vote:  
3 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Valarie Bachelor  
4 - Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Platform - Board of Education (Second Reading)  
Adoption by the Board of Education of its 2024 CA Legislative Platform  
in the Areas of School Finance; Ensuring Strong Readers By the Third  
Grade; Supporting Empowered Graduates; Creating Joyful Schools; and  
Growing A Diverse and Stable Staff.  
Dr. Dexter Moore Jr., Chief of Staff, was present to respond to Board  
Members comments and questions, if any, on the 2024 OUSD California  
Legislative Platform (Second Reading).  
Discussion - Directors Bachelor, Brouhard, Vice President Hutchinson  
Public Comment - None  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, that the 2024 Board Legislative Platform, be Adopted. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0281  
R. New Business  
Response to the County Trustee, Alameda County Office of  
Review, acceptance, approval by the Governing Board of written  
response, submitted December 13, 2023, on behalf of the Governing  
Board, by the Chief Business Officer, to County Trustee, Alameda County  
Office of Education, pursuant to Education Code Section 41321.  
Chief Business Officer Lisa Grant-Dawson gave a brief summary on the  
Response to the Alameda County Trustee, Alameda County Office of  
Discussion - None  
Public Comment - None  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Vice  
President Hutchinson, to approve the Oakland Unified School District -  
Education Code § 41321 - Response to the County Trustee, Alameda  
County Office of Education, be Adopted. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Mike Hutchinson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
2 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Enactment No: 24-0282  
Audit Committee - February 5, 2024 - Elizabeth Ross, Chair  
Roll Call (Secretary's Observation)  
Vice President Hutchinson is absent at 10:38 P.M.  
Bailly, LLP, Independent Auditors  
Review by the Board of Education, pursuant to Education Code Section  
41020.3, of District’s Financial Statements (Audit Report) for Fiscal Year  
Ending June 30, 2023, prepared by Eide Bailly, LLP, Independent  
Chief Business Officer Lisa Grant-Dawson presented items R.-2 and R.-3  
simultaneously, and responded to comments and questions from the Board.  
Discussion - President Davis  
Received and Filed  
Measures N and H College and Career Readiness Commission - January 16, 2024 - Louise  
Waters, Chairperson  
Compliance Report and District’s Management Representation  
Letter (MRL) - Measure N Parcel Tax Funds - Year Ended June  
30, 2023  
Review by the Board of Education of the Measures N and H Commission  
Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance … Measures N and H  
Parcel Tax Funds For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023, prepared  
by Edie Bailly, LLP, Independent Auditors, and from staff the District’s  
Management Representation Letter (MRL) Letter, referred by the  
Measures N and H - College and Career Readiness Commission.  
Chief Business Officer Lisa Grant-Dawson presented items R.-2 and R.-3  
simultaneously, and responded to comments and questions from the Board.  
Discussion - President Davis  
Received and Filed  
Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School Improvement Act  
Commission - February 13, 2024 - Shivani Grover, Chairperson  
Report - Measure G1 Parcel Tax Funds - Year Ended June 30,  
Review by the Board of Education of the Measure G1 Independent  
Auditor’s Report on Compliance … Measure G1 Parcel Tax Funds For  
the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023, prepared by Edie Bailly, LLP,  
Independent Auditors, referred by the Measure G1- Districtwide Teacher  
Retention and Middle School Improvement Act Oversight Commission*.  
*Referral pending from Measure G1 Commission, scheduled February 13,  
2024, Meeting.  
Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Named Employees for  
School Year 2023-2024  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0112 -  
Application for Provisional Internship Permit - California Commission on  
Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024:  
1. Shirley Guan, Extensive Support Needs SDC Teacher, Programs  
for Exceptional Children;  
2. Liliana Barajas, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Highland  
Academy Elementary School;  
3. Eric Younger, K - 5th Grade Business Teacher, OAK Elementary  
4. Ashwini Vasudeva Murthy, K - 5th Grade Business Teacher,  
Reach Academy Elementary School;  
5. Mayera Lechuga, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Support Needs  
SDC Teacher, Madison Park Academy Elementary School;  
6. Cecile-Claire Mosi, K - 5th Grade Extensive Support Needs  
Teacher, Esperanza Academy Elementary School;  
7. Joclyn Ware, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Support Needs SDC  
Teacher, East Oakland Pride Elementary School;  
8. Amanda Mosola, K - 5th Grade Mild/Moderate Support Needs  
SDC Teacher, Global Family Elementary School;  
9. Camila Morales-Jimenez, 9th - 12th Grade Mild/Moderate Support  
Needs SDC Teacher, Life Academy High School; and  
10. Fate Hagood, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Sankofa  
United Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Brouhard, seconded by Director  
Thompson, that Resolution No. 2324-0112 - Application for Provisional  
Internship Permit - California Commission on Teacher Credentialing -  
Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024, be Adopted. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0283  
BCLAD – California Commission on Teacher Credentialing –  
Named Employee for School Year 2023-2024  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0113 -  
Application for Variable Term Program Waiver - CBEST and BCLAD -  
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for  
School Year 2023-2024:  
1. Genisis Pantoja, K - 5th Grade Bilingual Multiple Subject  
Teacher, International Community Elementary School;  
2. Neftali Diaz Ordaz Reyes, Kindergarten Bilingual Spanish  
Teacher, ICS Elementary;  
3. Angelita Williams, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher, Carl  
B Munck Elementary School;  
4. Norma Pablo Calmo, Social Science Teacher, Fremont High  
5. Enrique Sanabria, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Markham Elementary School;  
6. Avon Manning, K - 5th Grade Multiple Subject Teacher,  
Highland Community Elementary School; and  
7. Isiah Jakab, K - 5th Grade Bilingual Multiple Subject Spanish  
Teacher, Melrose Leadership Academy Elementary School.  
A motion was made by Director Brouhard, seconded by Director  
Thompson, that Resolution No. 2324-0113 - Application for Variable  
Term Program Waiver - CBEST and BCLAD - California Commission on  
Teacher Credentialing - Named Employees for School Year 2023-2024,  
be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0284  
Adoption of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
This section is required by state law. For each individual pupil case from  
Closed Session, the Board determines whether to expel, grant a suspended  
expulsion, revoke a suspended expulsion order, reinstate,  
readmit, admit a pupil, or take other appropriate disciplinary action. Other  
than was is printed in the public agenda, all information regarding an  
individual pupil case cannot be disclosed pursuant to federal and state law.  
Readmission - Student BB  
Readmission - Student BB.  
Expulsion - Student P  
Expulsion - Student P.  
Expulsion - Student Q  
Expulsion - Student Q.  
Admission - Student R  
Admission - Student R.  
Approval of the Pupil Discipline Consent Report  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve Pupil Discipline Consent Report. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
T. Adoption of the General Consent Report  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Chief, Systems and Services Officer  
Group, Inc. dba Specified Play Equipment Co. - Esperanza at  
Stonehurst Elementary School Site Improvements Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Construction Agreement  
Between Owner and Contractor by and between District and the Yosso  
Group, Inc., dba Specified Play Equipment Co., Belmont, CA, for the  
latter to supply and install Corkeen surfacing in the Special Day Class area  
for the Esperanza at Stonehurst Elementary School Site Improvements  
Project, in the not to exceed amount of $50,870.57, for the term February  
15, 2024 through May 31, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 008795  
Requisition No.: PO24-04892  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006/9930  
Funding Source: 0006/9930  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0285  
– East Oakland Pride Elementary School Fire & Intrusion Alarm  
Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and Jensen Hughes,  
Concord, CA, for the latter to continue to provide fire and intrusion alarm  
design and construction administration services for the East Oakland Pride  
Elementary School Fire & Intrusion Alarm Project, in an additional amount  
of $8,500.00, increasing the not-to-exceed amount of the Agreement from  
$80,190.00 to $88,690.00, and extending the term of the Agreement from  
June 3, 2021 through November 9, 2023 to April 30, 2024. All other  
terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002281  
Requisition No.: PO24-02153  
Resource Code-Site No.: 107 9021  
Funding Source: Fund 25 Capital Facilities Fund  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0286  
Agreement Between Owner and Contractor – KM 106  
Construction, Inc. – Carl Munck Elementary School Asphalt  
Replacement Project – Buildings & Grounds Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No 2324-0168 -  
Declaring the Futility of Public Bidding for the Additional Paving and  
Demolition Work At Carl Munck Elementary School, And Approving A  
Change Order [No. 1] For That Work [By and Between the District and  
KM 106 Construction, San Francisco, CA, for the additional paving and  
demolition work to existing asphalt, excavation of extra driveway &  
garbage, place & compact class 2 AB, and extra paving at driveway of  
the entry access PCO 1, attached, for the Carl Munck Elementary School  
Asphalt Replacement Project, in the additional amount of $149,468.62,  
increasing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $395,899.00 to  
$545,367.62. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in  
full force and effect.]  
Vendor No.: 08444  
Requisition No.: PO23-09166  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9914 168  
Funding Source: Fund 140 Deferred Maintenance  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0287  
Agreement Between Owner and Contractor – KM 106  
Construction, Inc. – Horace Mann Elementary School Asphalt  
Replacement Project – Buildings & Grounds Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0167 -  
Declaring the Futility of Public Bidding for the Additional Paving and  
Demolition Work At Horace Mann Elementary School and Approving A  
Change Order [No. 1] for That Work [By and Between the District and  
KM 106 Construction, Inc., San Francisco, CA, for additional paving and  
demolition work to existing asphalt, demolition and excavation of extra  
driveway & garbage, place & compact class 2AB, extra paving at  
driveway of the entry access PCO 1, attached, for the Horace Mann  
Elementary School Asphalt Replacement Project, in the additional amount  
of $153,764.55, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement  
from $326,679.00 to $480,443.55. All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remaining in full force and effect.]  
Vendor No.: 008444  
Requisition No.: PO23-09164  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9914 136  
Funding Source: Fund 140 Deferred Maintenance  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0288  
Chief, Talent  
Approval by the Board of Education of Personnel Report No. 2324-0005 -  
Talent/Human Resources Department.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0325  
Resources Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024 by  
and between the District and Robert Half, Los Angeles, CA, for the latter to  
assign Individuals to perform Administrative and data entry tasks for Talent  
Department remotely or on campus, via Talent / Human Resources  
Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $70,700.00.  
Vendor No.: 003638  
Requisition No.: VR24-06049  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0000-944  
Funding Source: General Purpose - Unrestricted  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0289  
Chief Academic Officer  
2023-24 - Therapy Travelers dba Epic Special Education Staffing -  
Special Education Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian  
School/ Agency Services Master Contract 2023-24 by and between the  
District and Therapy Travelers dba Epic Special Education Staffing, El  
Segundo, CA, for the latter to provide Special Education services, stated  
in Agreement, required by a student’s Individualized Education  
Program, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, via the  
Special Education Department, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0290  
Department of Social Services - Opportunities for Youth Program -  
English Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement Office  
Approval by the Board of Education of the First Amendment  
(OFY2020-OUSD A-1), by and between District and the State of  
California - Health and Human Services Agency - California Department  
of Social Services - Standard Agreement, accepting grant for a maximum  
of $1,100,000.00, for the term 10/15/2020 through 12/31/2023, to  
provide postplacement services to Unaccompanied Alien Children (youth)  
as defined in Section 279(g)(2) of Title 6 of the United States Code and  
under the care of a sponsor residing in the State of California, as set forth  
in this Grant Agreement (Agreement) (Community Justice Alliance, Inc.),  
known as the Opportunities for Youth (OFY) Project; and  
Second Amendment (OFY2020-OUSD A-2), by and between District  
and the State of California - Health and Human Services Agency -  
California Department of Social Services - Standard Agreement,  
accepting grant for a maximum of $1,099,877.00, for the term 1/01/2024  
through 06/30/2024, to provide services and actions as described in  
Exhibit A - Scope of Work -of the Second Amendment, such as case  
management, program navigation, mental health and wellness, and youth  
mentoring and coaching services, outreach, financial assistance, and  
communication supports, according to the framework for services set forth  
in the Program, Guidelines, as amended, with full Scope being  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, known as the  
Opportunities for Youth (OFY) Project; and  
All others terms and conditions of Agreement (OFY2020-OUSD), by and  
between District and the State of California - Health and Human Services  
Agency - California Department of Social Services - Standard Agreement,  
[accepting grant for a maximum of $500,000.00, for the term 10/15/2020  
through 12/31/2022, to provide post-placement services to  
Unaccompanied Alien Children (youth) as defined in Section 279(g)(2) of  
Title 6 of the United States Code and under the care of a sponsor residing  
in the State of California, as set forth in this Grant Agreement  
(Agreement). Pursuant to its authority, the CDSS enters into this  
Agreement with Oakland Unified School District (Grantee) for the sole  
purpose to provide postplacement services to youth and sponsors, known  
as the Opportunities for Youth (OFY) Project. (Legislative File No.  
20-2377; Enactment No. 20-1783, 12/9/20)], except as changed by  
Amendments A-1 and A-2, respectively, remain in full force and effect.  
Funding Source: California Department of Social Services  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0291  
McClymonds High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education of School Year 2024-2025  
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan - McClymonds High School.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0292  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Welligent, LLC, Tampa, FL, for  
the latter to provide ongoing maintenance and support of electronic  
health records (EHR) system and to ensure HIPPA compliance in the  
storage and accessibility of personally-identifiable health information,  
for the Health Services Department, for the period of August 1, 2023  
through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $64,196.10.  
Funding Source: General Purpose-unrestricted  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0293  
Instruction Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Diablo Ballet, Walnut Creek,  
CA, for the latter to provide dance programming to include learning and  
creating choreographed movement based on feelings; teach students  
how to work with others in a creative capacity, via Academics and  
Instruction Department, for the period of August 1, 2023 through May 31,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 007621  
Requisition No.: VR24-01269  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9334-909  
Funding Source: Measure G, Parcel Tax  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0294  
Elementary School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and WildCare, San Rafael, CA, for  
the latter to provide an interactive presentation to students viewing  
animals they wouldn't otherwise be able to experience, for Bella Vista  
Elementary School, on December 22, 2023, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 004627  
Requisition No.: VR24-05837  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-102  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0295  
Korematsu Discovery Academy  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Ignite Reading, San Francisco,  
CA, for the latter to provide virtual one on one tutoring sessions  
targeted precisely to the skills each child’s needs, to solidify the Word  
Recognition strands of Scarborough’s Reading Rope in service of  
automatic word recognition and fluency at Fred T. Korematsu Discovery  
Academy, for the period of September 5, 2023 through May 16, 2024, in  
an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008703  
Requisition No.: VR24-03534  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-172  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0296  
Prevention - Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of the First Amendment, Grant  
Agreement by and between the District and the City of Oakland,  
Oakland, CA, with the former accepting an additional $21,500.00 in City  
of Oakland Measure Z (2014 Oakland Public Safety and Services Violence  
Prevention Act) funding, [for the placement of students exiting the  
Juvenile Justice Transition Center (JJTC) into an Oakland Unified School  
District (OUSD) educational site or other educational institution and  
refer eligible youth to life coaching services, including the staffing of  
one Enrollment Coordinator], increasing the Grant not-to-exceed  
amount from $85,000.00 to $106,250.00, extending the term of the Grant  
from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 to September 30, 2023; revising  
Scope of Work, and Notices Sections, and other terms, as delineated, in  
Amendment, via the Community Schools and Student Services  
Department. All other terms and condition of the Grant Agreement  
remain in full force and effect.  
Funding Source: City of Oakland, Measure Z  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0297  
School Improvement Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Empower Schools, Boston,  
MA, for the latter to provide technical assistance and implementation  
planning support for OUSD to develop the infrastructure and systems to  
support innovative school models including possible merger of an existing  
Oakland charter school, including development of a project plan, stakeholder  
engagement strategy, and organizational infrastructure, via Continuous  
School Improvement Department, for the period of July 1, 2023 through  
September 29, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008626  
Requisition No.: VR24-04203  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-956  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0298  
and Instruction Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Master Services Agreement by  
and between the District and Seesaw Learning, Inc., San Francisco, CA,  
for the latter to provide online access to its Seesaw for Schools Learning  
Management System (LMS), which allow teachers to provide online  
activities and assignments to students; allow students to use writing and  
multimedia tools to send work to their teacher; enable online rostering  
and single-sign-on access for OUSD teachers, students and staff, through  
Clever or any other portal website typically offered by the vendor to  
school districts; support resources through its helpdesk to support  
teachers and staff with technical issues and troubleshooting; and assign  
a Customer Success Manager (CSM) as the point person to support the  
OUSD Instructional Technology team with regular check-ins, via the  
Academics and Instruction Department, for the period of August 1, 2023  
through July 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $14,400.00.  
Vendor No.: 005819  
Requisition No.: VR24-06373  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-909  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover Fund  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0299  
Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Servies Agreement 2023-24 by  
and between the District and Imagine Learning LLC, Scottsdale, AZ, for  
the latter to provide educators one Professional Development  
Foundational Webinar Package, Edgenuity or MyPath [LEGACY], for up to  
40 educators which consists of 4 sessions of customer's choice delivered  
virtually, via the Special Education Department, in an amount not to  
exceed $3,000.00, for the term August 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 002177  
Requisition No.: VR24-02132  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-903  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0300  
and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Leah Meza, Covina, CA, for  
the latter to facilitate a one-day training workshop [DTBD] in January  
2024 to provide an understanding of the theoretical basis, content,  
instructional techniques, and objectives of the Project EX tobacco  
cessation program, and build the skills that implementers need to deliver the  
program lessons with fidelity, via Community Schools and Student Services  
Department, for the period of January 1, 2024 through January 31, 2024,  
in an amount not to exceed $2,300.00.  
Vendor No.: 008811  
Requisition No.: VR24-05849  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9225-922  
Funding Source: Kaiser Health&wellness W/ebcf  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0301  
Community Schools and Student Services Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to support health and wellness at school sites by  
providing stipends to Liaisons providing safe spaces and programming for  
students; utilize vendor to track and provide stipends for key partners at  
school sites and for a student Diversity and Inclusive student conference, via  
Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of  
January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-06223  
Resource Code-Site No.: 5844-922  
Funding Source: Healthy Oakland Teens  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0302  
Inc. - Special Education Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Sonja Biggs Education  
Services, Inc., Gilroy, CA, for the latter to provide a Teacher of the  
Visually Impaired (TVI) to complete legally mandated assessments and  
deliver services for students who have documented or suspected visual  
impairments, through participation in Individual Education Program  
(IEP) meetings, complete progress reports, maintain service logs, serve  
students, and communicate with families, staff, and students, via  
Special Education Department, for the period of December 7, 2023  
through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 007411  
Requisition No.: VR24-05780  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0303  
Schools and Student Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Wellness Together, Roseville,  
CA, for the latter to perform consulting and advisory services on behalf of  
School with respect to all matters relating to or affecting the integration and  
implementation of supplementary counseling and clinical support services for  
School students in a safe, encouraging, and supportive manner in an  
individual and/or group setting, relevant and specific to the needs of the  
participating students, on line or in person, as described in Exhibit A of  
Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the  
Community Schools and Student Services Department, for the period of  
December 4, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in an amount not to exceed  
Vendor No.: 007308  
Requisition No.: VR24-05329  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9213-922, 9283-922  
Funding Source: Salesforce.org, Alameda Alliance for Health  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0304  
2023-24 – American Health Staffing - Special Education  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Nonpublic, Nonsectarian  
School/ Agency Services Master Contract 2023-24 by and between the  
District and American Health Staffing, Edmond, OK, for the latter to  
provide Special Education services, stated in Agreement, required by a  
student’s Individualized Education Program, for the period of July 1,  
2023 through June 30, 2024, via the Special Education Department, in an  
amount not to exceed $100,000.00.  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6500-975  
Funding Source: Special Education  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0305  
Academy @ Oakland Technical High School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and SmoothSynsations, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to employee the services, expertise, and mentorship of a  
“Fashion Industry Mentor” (Consultant)” to assist in Career Technical  
Education for Introduction to Fashion Design, Fashion Design History and  
Fashion Marketing courses by developing the piloting for a business  
incubator or Student Based Enterprise (SBE) and developing projects for  
students, with high-speed electronic and technological fashion industry  
equipment (Epson Sure color Dye Sublimation Printer, Brother Scan and  
Cutter, Juki 8 Needle Computerized Embroidery, Autograph Wall and  
Canvas Reproduction Projector, Schacht Textile Floor Loom) mixed  
medium production and more, at Fashion Academy @ Oakland Technical  
High School, for the period of September 18, 2023 through June 30,  
2024, in an amount not to exceed $21,600.00.  
Vendor No.: 007633  
Requisition No.: VR24-01620  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6385-305  
Funding Source: Riverside Community College  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0306  
Classroom - Academics and Instruction Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Center for the Collaborative Classroom,  
Alameda, CA, for the latter to provide on-site coaching for 16 Early  
Literacy Tutors in 6-8 programs, increasing tutor capacity to plan and  
deliver Systematic Instruction in Phoneme Awareness, Phonics, and Sight  
Words (SIPPS) instruction, collect student data, and engage in  
instructional decision making; and provide monthly virtual Professional  
Development (PD) for Early Literacy Tutors and site-based coaches  
around best practices for SIPPS instruction and asynchronous,  
video-based coaching for site-based coaches who work with SIPPS, via  
Academics and Instruction Department, for the period of January 9, 2024  
through May 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $109,150.00.  
Vendor No.: 001014  
Requisition No.: VR24-05753  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0006-909  
Funding Source: S&C Carryover  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0307  
Middle School  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Emma Donnelly, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide qualified services of English instruction for  
non native English speaking parents of students focusing on enhancing  
English Language fluency for life skills relevant to communicating with  
school faculty and staff, and helping parents develop the skills needed for  
guiding their children on a path to academic success at Elmhurst United  
Middle School, for the period of January 9, 2024 through June 30, 2024,  
in an amount not to exceed $3,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 004937  
Requisition No.: VR24-04860  
Resource Code-Site No.: 3010-229  
Funding Source: Title I-Basic Grant Low Income  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0308  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Sergio Arroyo, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to provide Anti Racist Learning Professional  
Development; Community of Practice sessions for Latino Educators,  
District wide sessions for teachers and staff, Resource List and agendas  
that can be used for future Professional Development, via Office of Equity,  
for the period of December 22, 2023 through March 22, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $9,600.00.  
Vendor No.: 008778  
Requisition No.: VR24-06348  
Resource Code-Site No.: 0004-929  
Funding Source: Central Concentration  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0309  
Academics and Instruction Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement  
2023-2024 by and between the District and Woodbury Education  
Consulting Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to support high school math  
teams through: planning meetings with PLC leads, co-facilitation of  
Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, and coaching of 1:1  
teachers (including observation/debrief), with PLC cycles focused  
around an inquiry question that helps teachers explore how to leverage  
Math Language Routines to support student to student talk in service of  
grade-level understanding, via Academics and Instruction Department,  
for the period of November 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024, in an amount  
not to exceed $45,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 008694  
Requisition No.: VR24-06167  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9062-909  
Funding Source: ConnectED  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0310  
Urban Promise Academy  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and Oakland Public Education Fund,  
Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide a Mam Language enrichment teacher  
to provide Mam language development and culturally restorative practices  
during after school programming; provide support to facilitate a weekly boys  
mental health group focused on violence prevention at Urban Promise  
Academy, for the period of January 30, 2024 through May 30, 2024, in an  
amount not to exceed $35,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 003143  
Requisition No.: VR24-06059  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9332-236  
Funding Source: Measure G1 Parcel Tx  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0311  
Red Cross – Training Services – Health Services Department  
Ratification by the Board of Education of a Licensed Training Provider  
(LTP) Agreement by and between the District and The American National  
Red Cross, Washington, DC, for the purpose of licensing Red Cross  
training materials and curriculum to District in order to permit District to  
deliver instruction in the Red Cross training courses that are included  
within the product package(s) listed in Appendix B of Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the  
District’s Health Services Department, for the period of January 18, 2024  
through January 17, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $3,000.00.  
Funding Source: General Purpose Fund  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0312  
Family Foundation - Regrant #23-10-05815419 - Oakland  
International High School  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Grant Agreement by and  
between the District and the Oakland Public Education Fund, Oakland,  
CA, accepting $150,000.00 from the Sobrato Family Foundation, for staff  
leadership for Oakland International HS learning lab, contributing to  
policy advocacy, providing technical assistance, and supporting  
innovative practices within Oakland International High School, for the  
period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed  
Funding Source: Oakland Public Education Fund  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0313  
International High School  
Acceptance by the Board of Education of a Grant Award to the District  
from the Association for Continuing Education (ACE), subject to District’s  
draw down and receipt of funds, in the amount of $502,000.00, for the  
Work-Based Learning Continuation Education Opportunities for  
Immigrant Students for the ACE Learning Center at Oakland International  
High School, for the period of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, pursuant to  
the terms and conditions thereof for the grant years, if any.  
Funding Source: Association for Continuing Education  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0314  
County Probation Department - High School Network  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 4, Memorandum  
of Understanding (MOU) by and between District and Alameda County  
Probation Department, a division of the County of Alameda, to continue  
support of the Cross-Age Mentoring Program (CAMP) and SPATT  
Program as follows:  
1. Section III of the MOU term is extended from June 1, 2019 to  
September 30, 2024;  
2. Section IV is amended awarding District an amount not to exceed  
$715,784.00: A total of Six Hundred Forty-Three Thousand and  
Four Hundred Fifty dollars $643,450) to fund CAMP and  
Seventy-Two Thousand and Three Hundred Thirty-Four dollars  
($72,334) to fund the SPAAT Extended Day Program at  
McClymonds High School;  
3. Section V is amended, first and second sentence to read:  
“DISTRICT will implement the CAMP at Oakland High School,  
Westlake Middle School, and Roosevelt Middle School during the  
2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021- 2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-  
2024 school years. The District will also implement the CAMP at  
McClymonds High School and West Oakland Middle School  
during the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years.”  
4. Section V is amended, to read: “Submit final report regarding  
CAMP evaluation to PROBATION by September 30, 2024.”  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Funding Source: Alameda County Probation  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0315  
Thereof - Career Technical Education Advisory Committee - Board  
of Education  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0170A - Career  
Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee - Naming Members (In  
Part) To Vacancies/Term Thereof - Correction of Designation of a  
Member’s Term.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0316  
Approval of Board Resolution No. 2324-0016 - Authorizing student travel  
by school site Skyline High School to the Broadway Student Summit,  
New York, New York, for two students, 11th and 12th Grades, and one (1)  
adult, for the period of February 15, 2024 through February 19, 2024.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0317  
Approval by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2023-2024  
by and between the District and HERO, Oakland, CA, for the latter to  
implement organized recess games and physical activity sessions, for  
upper grade students five days a week; in interactive cooperative activities  
that will include conflict management, safety, inclusion, responsibility and fair  
play; and provide additional support at recess while leading safe organized  
games at Oakland Academy of Knowledge, for the period of January 9,  
2024 through February 29, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $9,000.00.  
Vendor No.: 002055  
Requisition No.: VR24-05542  
Resource Code-Site No.: 6332-169  
Funding Source: CCSPP Implementation Grant  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0318  
Justice - Dewey Academy  
Ratification by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1 of a Services  
Agreement by and between the District and Planting Justice, Oakland,  
CA, for the latter to deliver a nutrition education program to students;  
program will consist of one class per week for a period of three days; the  
aim of the program is to provide students with practical knowledge and  
skills to navigate real-life nutritional situations; provide additional  
services to enhance the existing garden by introducing a wider variety of  
fruits and vegetables. This garden expansion will serve as a hands-on  
learning experience for students, teaching them how to cultivate and  
sustain a healthy garden. The program serves 90 students each of our 6  
hexmesters, 135 students in total, at Dewey Academy, in the amount of  
$65,000.00, increasing the Agreement from $15,000.00 to an amount not  
to exceed $80,000.00, and extending the term from October 09, 2023  
through June 28, 2024 to June 30, 2024. All other terms and conditions of  
the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 005237  
Requisition No.: VR24-06105  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9333-310  
Funding Source: Measure N  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0319  
General Counsel (Interim)  
Program - General Counsel  
Approval by the Board of Education of draft District 2024-2025  
Academic Calendar TK-12 as District 2024-2025 Academic Calendar  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0320  
Management Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Services Agreement by and  
between the District and ENGEO Incorporated, Oakland, CA, for the  
latter to provide environmental services associated with Phase One of  
the District’s Vapor Intrusion Initiative, being implemented to identify  
potential human health risks at District facilities to vapor intrusion, by  
screening facilities in the Northwest and Northeast Regions of the  
District, as described in the Scope of Work of Work, “Vapor Intrusion  
Initiative Project #: 23125 Oakland Unified School District Region:  
Northeast” and “Vapor Intrusion Initiative Project #: 23125 Oakland  
Unified School District Region Northwest”, respectively, incorporated  
herein by reference as though fully set forth, for an amount not to  
exceed not-to-exceed $251,100.00, which includes:  
Budget Item  
Basic Cost  
Lump Sum  
Contingency: Public Participation  
Contingency: Verification Monitoring & Sampling  
Contingency: Interim Mitigation Measures  
with work scheduled to commence on January 1, 2024 and scheduled to  
last until December 31, 2024.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0321  
Services - Risk Management Department  
Approval by the Board of Education of Services Agreement by and  
between District and Catalyst Environmental Solutions, Oakland, CA, for  
the latter to provide environmental services associated with Phase One  
of the District’s Vapor Intrusion Initiative, being implemented to  
identify potential human health risks at District facilities to vapor  
intrusion, by screening facilities in the Central Region of the District, as  
described in the Scope of Work of Work, “OUSD Region - CENTRAL  
Statement of Qualifications and Proposal for Subsurface Contamination  
Consulting Services - Vapor Encroachment Condition Screening  
Evaluation OUSD Project 23125”, incorporated herein by reference as  
though fully set forth, for an amount not to exceed not-to-exceed  
$343,162.00, which includes:  
Budget Item  
Basic Cost  
Lump Sum  
Contingency: Public Participation  
Contingency: Verification Monitoring & Sampling  
Contingency: Interim Mitigation Measures  
with work scheduled to commence on January 1, 2024 and scheduled to  
last until December 31, 2024.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0322  
Board of Education  
Ratification by the Board of Education of its Regular Meeting Minutes of  
January 24, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0323  
Ratification by the Board of Education of its Special Meeting Minutes of  
January 31, 2024, prepared by Staff shortly after said Meeting.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0324  
Measure N and H College and Career Readiness Commission - January 16, 2024 - Louise  
Waters, Chairperson  
2024-2025 Permissible Expenses  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Measures N and H Commission, of the Measure N/H Permissible  
Expenses for 2024-2025.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0260  
2024-2025 OUSD and Charter High Schools Allocations  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Measures N and H Commission, of 2024-2025 OUSD and Charter High  
Schools Measure H and Measure N Strategic Carryover allocations.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0262  
Improvement Plan/ Budget Modification - Skyline High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Measures N and H Commission, of a 2023-2024 Education Improvement  
Plan/Budget modification for Skyline High School reducing from  
$10,309.47 by $3,999.47 to $6,310.00, Teacher Salaries Stipends: Extended  
Contracts for the Visual & Performing Arts Academy Teachers/Certified  
Staff to attend Collaboration & Professional Development Time, and  
establishing a new expenditure in the amount of $3,999.47 for  
Professional Contracted Bus Services, as stated in the justification  
section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of the Budget  
Modification Form.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0263  
Improvement Plan/ Budget Modification - Dewey Academy  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Measures N and H Commission, of a 2023-2024 Education Improvement  
Plan/Budget modification for Dewey Academy reducing from $8,212.58  
to $5,212.58, Supplies & Materials: for the Health Medical Lab and  
Pathway, and establishing a new expenditure in the amount of $3,000.00  
for Consultant Contract with Paxton/Patterson to provide onsite training  
for their new Health and Fitness Pathway Teacher, as stated in the  
justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of  
the Budget Modification Form.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0264  
Improvement Plan/ Budget Modification - Castlemont High School  
Adoption by the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the  
Measures N and H Commission, of a 2023-2024 Education Improvement  
Plan/Budget modification for Castlemont High School reducing from  
$133,773.00 by $18,000.00 to $115,773.00, Teacher Salaries: Hire a 9th  
Grade CHEA Teacher at 1.0 FTE, and establishing a new expenditure in  
the amount of $18,000.00 for Consultant Contract with Destination  
College Advising Corps (DCAC) through June 30, 2024, as stated in the  
justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of  
the Budget Modification Form.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0265  
Measure G1 Commission - January 30, 2024 - Shivani Grover, Chairperson  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0172 -  
Measure G1 - Districtwide Teacher Retention and Middle School  
Improvement Act Oversight Commission, 2024 - 2025 Measure G1  
Allocations for Named Schools and for OUSD and Charter Schools’  
Teacher Salaries (Revised), in an amount not to exceed $12,151,862.08.  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma,that this Motion be Adopted on the General Consent Report .  
The motion carried by the following vote.  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0326  
Approval of the General Consent Report  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Lerma, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried by  
the following vote  
5 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
1 - Valarie Bachelor  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
U. Adoption of General Consent Report - General Obligation Bonds  
Measures B, J and Y  
All items appearing on the agenda under "Adoption of the General Consent  
Report(s)" means that all items appearing on the agenda under this topic are  
approved in one motion per consent report unless a Board member requests  
that an item be removed and voted on separately or otherwise acted upon.  
Items so removed from a General Consent Report shall be considered  
separately in the agenda immediately after that General Consent Report  
(unless otherwise moved with other items by a Board member) and there  
shall be no additional or separate public comment on those items. Generally,  
these items are routine in nature, and are acted upon in one motion to  
conserve time and permit focus on other than routine items on the agenda.  
item on a General Consent Report which a member has requested be  
removed, shall be removed, without debate for separate consideration and  
vote or other disposition. All items remaining on the General Consent  
Report(s), thereafter, shall be adopted in a single motion per consent report.  
Agreement Between Owner and Contractor – MarCon Builders,  
Inc. – Community Day Campus Building Modification Project -  
Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No 2324-0166 -  
Declaring the Futility of Public Bidding for the Additional Fire Alarm and  
Electrical Panel Relocation and Testing Work at Community Day School  
and Approving A Change Order [No. 2] for That Work [By and  
Between the District and MarCon Builders, Inc., Oakland, CA - PCO  
1;7; 8; 14, attached, for the Community Day Campus Building  
Modification Project, in the additional amount of $39,658.00, increasing  
the Agreement not to exceed amount from $287,771.00 to $327,429.00.  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Vendor No.: 002712  
Requisition No.: PO24-01486  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/333  
Funding Source: Fund 21/measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0327  
Environmental, Inc. – Laurel Child Development Center  
Replacement Project - Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and HERTZ  
Environmental, Inc., San Francisco, CA, for the latter, pursuant to its  
proposal of December 8, 2023, to perform the following services - (1)  
pre-bid coordination to assist Oakland Unified School District ("District")  
with preparation of contract specifications; (2) to prepare a Storm Water  
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and (3) to act as the Qualified  
SWPPP Practitioner for the referenced project in compliance with the  
Construction General Permit, Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ (as amended  
by Order Nos. 2010-0014-DWQ and 2012-0006-DWQ), hereinafter  
referred to as "Permit", for the Laurel Child Development Center  
Replacement Project, in an additional amount not-to-exceed $4,500.00,  
which includes a not-to-exceed contingency fee of $1,500.00, for  
additional services, increasing the not to exceed amount of the Agreement  
from $27,500.00 to $32,000.00, with an unchanged time period of April  
14, 2022, through April 14, 2025. All other terms and conditions of the  
Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 002056  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9650/131  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure J  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0328  
Construction – Anthonio, Inc. – Kaiser Child Development Center  
(CDC) Outdoor Learning Environment Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 1, Agreement for  
Inspector of Record Services for Construction by and between the District  
and Anthonio, Inc., Oakland, CA, for the latter to continue to provide  
Inspector of Record Services needed for Division of Architect (DSA)  
Certified Project Inspector (IOR) Services, for the Kaiser Child  
Development Center (CDC) Outdoor Learning Environment Project, in  
the not-to-exceed additional amount of $106,180.00, which includes an  
$8,180.00 contingency for additional services, increasing the not to  
exceed amount of the Agreement from $36,960.00 to $143,140.00, and  
extending the term of the Agreement from January 26, 2023 through  
December 31, 2023 to June 30, 2024. All other terms and conditions of  
the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  
Vendor No.: 00453  
Requisition No.: po24-01483  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9450/9858  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure J  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0329  
(formerly Gould Evans) – Laurel Child Development Center  
Replacement Project – Division of Facilities Planning and  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 3, Architectural  
Services Agreement by and between the District and Multistudio (formerly  
Gould Evans), San Francisco, CA, for the latter to continue to provide  
construction administrative services, for the Laurel Child Development  
Center Replacement Project, in an additional not-to-exceed amount of  
$102,560.00, increasing the Agreement’s not-to-exceed amount from  
$902,876.00 to $1,005,436.00, and extending the term of the Agreement  
from December 10, 2020, through December 9, 2023 to May 30, 2024.  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Vendor No.: 001901  
Requisition No.: po24-01962  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9650/131  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Measure J  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0330  
– Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School Fire & Intrusion  
Alarm Project - Division of Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, General  
Services Agreement by and between the District and Jensen Hughes,  
Concord, CA, for the latter to continue to provide fire and intrusion alarm  
design and construction administration services for the Martin Luther King  
Jr. Elementary School Fire & Intrusion Alarm Project, in an additional  
amount of $6,150.00, increasing the not-to-exceed amount of the  
Agreement from $80,190.00 to $86,340.00, and extending the term of the  
Agreement from June 3, 2021 through June 29, 2023 to April 30, 2024.  
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and  
Vendor No.: 002281  
Requisition No.: PO24-02801  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9180 182  
Funding Source: Fund 21 Building Funds Measure B  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0331  
Garfield Elementary School Modernization Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement by  
and between the District and ACC Environmental Consultants, Alameda  
CA, for the latter to provide environmental services, which consist of the  
following Tasks: Asbestos and Lead Survey, PCP Sampling and Report,  
Work Plan, Construction Phase and Closeout, as described in the Scope  
of Services, Exhibit A of the Agreement, incorporated herein by reference  
as though fully set forth, for the Garfield Elementary School Modernization  
Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $44,214.50, with the work  
scheduled to commence on February 15, 2024, and scheduled to last until  
December 31, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 000230  
Requisition No.: po24-05644  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9655/9867  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure Y  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0332  
Freemont High School Modernization Project - Division of  
Facilities Planning and Management  
Approval by the Board of Education of a General Services Agreement by  
and between the District and ACC Environmental Consultants, Alameda,  
CA, for the latter to provide HAZMAT material testing consulting, as  
described in the Scope of Services, Exhibit A of the Agreement,  
incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, for the Fremont  
High School Modernization Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of  
$39,458.10, which includes a contingency fee of $3,587.10 for additional  
services, with the work scheduled to commence on February 15, 2024,  
and scheduled to last until December 31, 2024.  
Vendor No.: 000230  
Resource Code-Site No.: 9650/302  
Funding Source: Fund 21/Measure J  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
Enactment No: 24-0333  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director  
Bachelor, to Approve the General Consent Report. The motion carried  
by the following vote  
6 - Jennifer Brouhard  
VanCedric Williams  
Jorge Lerma  
Valarie Bachelor  
Clifford Thompson  
Benjamin "Sam" Davis  
3 - Anevay Cruz  
Vida Mendoza  
Mike Hutchinson  
V. President's Report  
This section is for an oral or written report to the Board and to the public by  
the President regarding any information that they wish to share regarding  
past, present, or future personal or official activities.  
President’s Report - February 14, 2024.  
January 12, 2024 Letter from Alysse Castro, Alameda County  
Superintendent of Schools, regarding adopted District’s 2023-24 First  
Interim Budget Report.  
Not Discussed and/or Taken Up  
W. Regular Board Members' Report  
This section is for an oral or written report, consistent with Brown Act  
requirements, to Board and to the public by each Board member (excluding  
the Student Board members) regarding any information that they wish to  
share regarding past, present, or future personal or official activities,  
celebrations, and recognitions.  
Regular Board Member's Report - February 14, 2024.  
No Report from any Board Member  
Enactment No:  
X. Introduction of New Legislative Matter(s)  
Every Regular Meeting agenda shall provide for the Introduction of New  
Matter(s). Board members, except a Student Director, desiring to have a  
motion, resolution, order, or other subject matter scheduled for action by the  
Board shall announce the subject nature of the intended matter during this  
item, provide written language of the specific legislative proposal and  
supporting documentation for such item and file it with the Superintendent. Or  
alternatively, the member may file his or her request in the same manner as a  
member of the public. The President, without objection of the majority, shall  
assign the subject matter to the appropriate standing or special committee, if  
appropriate, for consideration of its programmatic, financial and/or other  
impact or consideration; otherwise, the President, without objection of the  
majority, shall determine when the subject matter shall be taken up by the  
Vaccination Clinics - Children of Oakland - President Benjamin  
"Sam" Davis and Director Clifford Thompson  
Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2324-0171 -  
Requesting Increased Investment From Alameda County In Vaccination  
Clinics for the Children of Oakland.  
Davis and Thompson  
President Davis and Director Thompson introduced Resolution No. 2324-0171  
- Requesting Increased Investment From Alameda County In Vaccination  
Clinics for the Children of Oakland.  
Introduced As New Matter  
- June 30, 2027 - Request for Material Revision - Increase to  
Maximum Authorized Enrollment  
Submission to the Board of Education of the Lighthouse Community  
Charter School Material Revision - Increase to Maximum Authorized  
Enrollment - for Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2027 - pursuant to  
Education Code Section 47605.  
President Davis announced the receipt of the Lighthouse Community Charter  
School Material Revision - Increase to Maximum Authorized Enrollment - for  
Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2027 - pursuant to Education Code  
Section 47605.  
Introduced As New Matter  
Y. Adjournment  
President Davis adjourned the Meeting at 10:53 P.M.  
Prepared By:  
Approved By: